39.42% One Piece: Dream of Immortality / Chapter 205: It's Raining Men

章節 205: It's Raining Men

"You're really going to announce to the whole island that Shirahoshi is coming outside for the first time in ten years? That's a security nightmare!" Cherry admonished the Minister of the Left. "At least wait until she's had a chance to enjoy her freedom before telling everyone who might do her harm, including Vander Decken, that she's leaving the safety of the palace!"

"Oh, yes you are correct. I was too excited. Perhaps we should sneak her out somehow?" The Minister of the Left pondered aloud.

"You should hide her in there!" Luffy said, pointing at the princess' pet shark, Megalo, whom he had accidentally saved from Surume's stomach.

"That's absurd, Luffy!" Cherry denied.

Neptune and the three princes nodded in agreement with Cherry's words.

"She wouldn't fit in his mouth. Gotta use one of Neptune's whales instead!" Cherry supplied.

Neptune and the three princes shook their heads in vehement disagreement with Cherry's words.

"Well you can't just put a wig on her! She's the biggest, most recognisable mermaid in your entire kingdom!" Cherry argued.

The royal family casually rode the royal gondola through the crowded streets on their way to see the late Queen Otohime's grave.

The fishpeople and merpeople all happily waved at them as they passed, but there were murmurs and mutterings amongst them as well.

"It's rare to see the King and all three princes together! We're so lucky!" One said.

"Yeah, but I wonder why those humans are with them? Plus, there's that giant mermaid. I wonder who she is?" Another said.

Cherry had a scowl on her face. She cursed under her breath, "Unbelievable. How can they be so stupid and blind?! It's just a damned wig!"

As Cherry said, Princess Shirahoshi had simply donned a black wig, changed up her attire to something less revealing and less royal, and a giant pair of groucho glasses to top it off.

"She must be a catfish mermaid. Look at those whiskers!" One of the townsfolk pointed out, receiving many voices of agreement.

"Thanks for giving us a lift, old fish dude! Hahahaha!" Luffy laughed.

"We're going to the same place in any case. Us to my beloved Otohime's grave and you to meet Jinbe. Both are at the Sea Forest." King Neptune said.

"Sanji-sama, are you alright?" Princess Shirahoshi asked quietly.

Sanji kept trying to strike up a conversation with her, but as soon as she would speak he would enter some sort of blissful trance for a few minutes.

"He's fine, Miss. He just, uh, likes you." Usopp said, trying not to spoil what little respect she might have for Sanji.

"At least we don't have to worry about the nose bleeds anymore." Chopper said, heaving a sigh. It was bad enough trying to fix up the crews near mortal wounds at times, he didn't want to have to hunt down a blood donor for something so silly as a nose bleed.

Cherry felt Vander Decken's mark activate again, so she kept an eye out for projectile weapons.


"What's that sound?" Usopp asked.


"Is it getting closer?" Chopper asked.


A human man flew through the air directly towards Cherry, who deftly caught him without worsening the injuries he was already riddled with.

"Why did Vander Decken throw a man this time?" Cherry asked.

The man shook his head as if to suggest he didn't know. Cherry didn't believe him.

"His injuries are quite bad, but he doesn't seem to be in any danger!" Chopper said, checking over the man as his doctor instincts kicked in.


Hearing another distant scream, they knew there was something strange going on. Why would Vander Decken throw people? Were they meant to be assassins? If they were, then why were they so injured?

"You guys go on, Cabernet and I will deal with whatever the hell this is." Cherry said, hopping off of the gondola with Cabernet following soon behind after saying goodbye to Shirahoshi.

"I'll come with you! These men might need emergency treatment!" Chopper said, hopping off as well.

"So do you want to talk and be treated for your wounds, or are you going to tough it out whilst one of your flying-" Cherry caught the second man flying at her. "-friends gets all the benefits?"

The man looked frightened and conflicted. Several times while trying to decide what to do, he glanced towards the Ryugu Palace high above them.

'So he was meant to be in the palace, that makes sense since the intended target is Shirahoshi.' Cherry thought as she dragged the two men through the streets in search of a clinic better equipped to handle multiple patients.

The second man was also confused and frightened. He put up a weak struggle against Cherry's iron grip, but it was useless.

"There's a large clinic over here, Cherry!" Chopper called out after coming back from his search using Jumping Point to hop from rooftop to rooftop.

"Perfect timing, catch!" Cherry threw the first man at Chopper and caught the third out of the air.

Chopper caught the man, who yelped as he was tossed like a sack of potatoes, and rushed towards the clinic he found. Cherry and Cabernet followed behind.

The doctor and nurses at the clinic were willing to do emergency treatment at no cost for the men, which was fortunate for them.

"This one needs a blood transfusion, what's your blood type?" Chopper asked the third man.

"... XF…" The man said.

The fishman doctor looked relieved. "That's good, I just happen to have XF type human blood."

Chopper tilted his head in confusion. "Don't fishpeople and merpeople have the same blood types as humans?"

The doctor looked a bit startled before heaving a sigh. "It's a long story, but it's very frowned upon to give our blood to humans. It's silly, I know, but if I want to keep serving my community as a doctor, then I can't do mixed race blood transfusions or nobody will come here and I'll have to close up for good."

Chopper looked appalled at the idea, but he held his tongue. He wanted to criticize the doctor for potentially jeopardizing lives over something so foolish, but if what he said was true then he had little choice.

Cherry brought in a fourth and fifth man and laid them on beds before heading back towards the door. "They're coming in quicker now, you might run out of beds. I saw at least a dozen in the distance flying over."

"Ah, Cherry! We might need more human blood for them then, can you tell me yours and cabernet's blood types?" Chopper asked.

"Don't know, but don't bother. Our blood will kill regular people like these." Cherry said, which was true. She could regulate her vital energy to avoid overwhelming regular people when she gave some to them, but her cultivation enhanced blood would rip them apart from the inside at her current realm. "I'll send Cabernet to look for humans to donate blood."

Chopper didn't get why that would be the case, but he knew that Cherry and Cabernet weren't exactly normal so he didn't question it.

As Cherry caught more 'patients' and brought them inside, Cabernet flew around looking for humans to give donations. Thanks to her speed, she could cover a lot of ground in a short amount of time, so she did manage to find several humans willing to donate blood.

Their generosity was a bit surprising considering that pretty much every human on Fishman Island was a pirate. At least it was surprising until Cherry overheard one of them mention that Cabernet had promised to pay them. A promise that Cherry learned she had no intention to keep after asking over their mental link.

'Nami will be so proud of you.' Cherry sent to the lunarian shipwoman.

章節 206: Hachi

As the clinic's doctor raced around doing triage on the flying humans, a group of city guards entered the clinic with several injured fishmen in tow.

"Nurse Guppy, contact the other clinics in town to send help! We can't handle this patient load by ourselves!" The doctor exclaimed.

Then Brook walked inside with a familiar fishman slung over his bony shoulder.

"Oh, if it isn't Cherry, Chopper, and Cabernet!" Brook said, seeing the three of them. He turned to a pretty nurse and asked "May I see your panties?"

The nurse turned around and let out a little yelp as she saw him and slapped his skull.

"Weren't you with Zoro, Brook? Where did he go off to?" Cherry asked.

"I may have accidentally taken my eyes off of him for a moment and he wandered off. Although, I don't have any eyes! Yohoho!" Brook said, roughly tossing the fishman, Hammond, onto an empty bed.

Cherry scanned the island with Life Sense and caught Zoro quickly leaving the periphery of her range.

"Hmmm?" Cherry hummed in thought, bringing out her booklet of vivre cards.

She opened it up to Zoro's page and found that the edges had become a bit singed.

"Did you come into contact with something poisonous when you were with him?" Cherry asked.

"He fought against an octopus merman with poisoned swords. Why?" Brook asked.

"Because I'm pretty sure he has been poisoned. It's either that or he caught a really nasty disease." Cherry explained calmly.

"What?! Zoro's been poisoned?!" Chopper exclaimed. "I have to go help him!"

"Well, he was leaving the island when I checked just now. So he's probably headed towards that Sea Forest. I'm sure he'll be able to tough it out until you get to him." Cherry spoke nonchalantly.

Chopper cast one last regretful look at the multitude of people who needed tending to before turning away and rushing to find Zoro. Although he was a doctor and had the resolve to help anyone in need, he was the Straw Hat crew's doctor first and foremost. Not to mention there were already professionals here doing their best.

Cherry turned back to Brook and whispered "I haven't had a chance to interrogate most of these pirates yet. Ask them and try to find out why Vander Decken is trying to send them into the palace, would you?"

Brook gave an 'Okay!' gesture to show he understands and went to work questioning the pirates. Some of the poor sods who weren't entirely aware of their circumstances due to their injured states believed he was the personification of death, come to take their souls to the underworld or hell or wherever else. Brook used that misunderstanding to great effect and perhaps took it a little too far, but he seemed to be having fun so Cherry left him to it.

Not long after, Brook approached Cherry and whispered to her "It seems that they were captured and enslaved by someone called Hody. They were instructed to open the palace gate and let this Hody fellow inside."

"Hody again?" Cherry could see the inklings of a conspiracy happening on Fishman Island.

'Is it a coup d'etat, then?' Cherry pondered.


A loud sound was heard as another flying pirate collided with the wall of the clinic outside.

"Oops, I got distracted. I'm sure he's fine…" Cherry scratched her head with a bit of embarrassment.

Although it was annoying, she didn't bear these men any ill will. It was clear that they were forced into this even just judging by the injuries they had sustained. The testimony they gave to Brook only acted as further evidence to that conclusion.

"Guess I should try to let them know. I've never tried to do this from that far away though…" Cherry said, sitting down on the floor and focusing.

"Pururururu Pururururu!" The baby den den mushi on board the Thousand Sunny started ringing.

"Hm? Is someone calling me?" Franky asked no one in particular.

"Gacha." Franky picked up the receiver. "Hello? You've reached a pervert!"

"Franky, have you seen any of the royal family down around the Sea Forest? Big merman with a bigger orange beard and a crown, perhaps?" Cherry's voice came through.

"No, can't say that I have?" Franky rubbed his chin with a small mechanical hand poking out of his larger mechanical hand.

"Well, spread the word to any of the others that you can. Some guy called Hody is attempting a coup d'etat or something, he's a real bad dude. Try to warn the royal family since they're the most likely targets." Cherry explained.

"Sure thing! Anything for a fellow SUPER PERVERT!" Franky shouted in acknowledgement.

"I'm not a-" *Click* Franky hung up before she could finish protesting.

"Was that one of your friends calling, Franky?!" Den called out to him.

"Yeah! She said that some guy called Hody was trying to kill the royal family or something!" Franky called back nonchalantly as he came back outside.

"WHAT?!" Den shouted in horror.

"What happened to you, Hachi?" Nami asked him, helping him up.

Her feelings towards the octopus fishman were conflicted to say the least, but she couldn't deny that she was concerned for him seeing him in this sorry state. She had found him half dead on the shore of fishman island with arrows sticking out of him.

"N-Nami…! You and your friends, they need to leave fishman island quickly! H-Hody… The New Fishman Pirates are plotting something really bad… He's too strong for you guys to handle…" *cough cough* Hachi warned ominously.

"Let's get you to a doctor first!" Nami said, trying to get him to his feet. "Damn it, why don't I have one of the boys here when I need them!"

"Just l-leave me Nami, I'm done for…" Hachi said weakly.

"Get you ass up, you bastard! Why are you making me do all the work!" Nami shouted at him angrily.

Hachi, slightly terrified of the feeble human woman for some reason, did his best to push himself up to his feet. It wasn't easy with all his blood lost and his exhaustion, but he managed that much at least.

Nami for once in her life cursed her own vanity, wishing she had taken Cherry up on the offer to join her training sessions. She might have lost some of her softness by packing on some muscle, but she was paying for it now when it actually mattered.

Luckily they came across a few good samaritans who could carry him the rest of the way to the doctor. Even from that short exertion Nami was feeling the burn, though.

"You need to lose some weight, damn it!" Nami complained.

"It's all muscle, though…" Hachi muttered, feeling thoroughly body shamed.

"I'm not paying for your treatment! You got my favorite pair of jeans all bloody!" Nami kept laying into him.

Hachi decided to just keep his mouth shut and let her get it out of her system.

They passed a small pile of human pirates lying out of the closest clinic.

"What the hell is going on?! Why are there so many people getting beaten, slashed, and stabbed?!" The doctor exclaimed seeing Hachi brought in.

Nami paid no mind to the man as she noticed Cherry sitting in the corner with her eyes closed and her lips silently moving.

"What are you doing?" Nami walked over and asked her.

Cherry opened her eyes and made eye contact with her. "I was just talking to Franky."

"... Sure, whatever. Hachi got jumped by some guy called Hody." Nami said with a sigh.

"Hody Hody Hody. Getting real sick of hearing his name today." Cherry complained as she stood up. "I'll get you up to speed on everything I know so far. Things are probably going to get annoying."

Nami palmed her face. "Why does this happen everywhere we go?"

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