6.25% Madara in the Avatar World / Chapter 4: A Warm Welcome

章節 4: A Warm Welcome

Through the forest that spreads bellow the Patola Mountain Range, the mountain range where the Southern Air Temple is located, the blurr of a 9-year-old Madara can be spotted.

Jumping from tree branch to tree branch to tree branch, he is smiling from one ear to the other. 'I knew it would be fun but damn, traveling like a Shinobi is awesome!'.

After a eight-hour long travel, he finally stops by the beach, caring on his back an improvised bag made with the old ropes he found at the temple, he would never trust those to climb up and down but using them to help him carry things, especially food, was more than a good deal.

Taking a deep breath, he sits down and puts what he was carrying on his back on top of a rock.

'Running through the forest for eight hours straight is quite exhausting, that and running down the mountain's surface drained my chi like crazy! Why can't they just add a manual to these things? Learning through experience isn't always pleasant!'

Sigh. "Eight long hours and not a sign of civilization, I REALLY didn't think this through, there must be a way out of this place that isn't a flying bison or a ship, I doubt I will find either of them around these parts and I don't know if I can run on water as much as I can run down the mountain, on Naruto those two did not follow the exact same rules, I feel that water walking will drain me way more, and the closest civilization is quite far away.. I'm already very tired.."

Looking around enjoying the view of the ocean during the sunset and eating some fruits that he picked on his way here.

"Not a bad life" he grins. "At least no civilization means I don't need to worry about being robbed while sleeping outdoors…"

After eating he found himself a comfortable spot to rest and used his firebending to light up a campfire to keep himself warm, since snow is starting to fall again, after that he sat down and leaned back on a rock. 'Tomorrow, I need to find a way out of this island otherwise I will have to go all the way back to the temple, I didn't find a single lake or river down here, luckily the fruits help me a bit with my thirst as well.' And just like that everything went dark and was welcomed to the dream lands.

On the next morning..

YAWN~ waking up and rubbing his eyes after stretching himself he looks around scanning the area with his sleepy eyes, looking at the sky he notices that is dawn and get himself ready to get up, that's when he hears splash sounds on the water.

Alarmed he looks at the sound direction and see something that bring a huge grin to his face.

"Yeah .. that will work… not only that, but it will be fun as hell!"

On the sea he spots a school of fish, not just regular fish but MASSIVE bright-colored Koi fish swimming freely on the water. 'Now that I remember, Aang had a favorite spot in the island to ride Elephant Koi, Ohhhh this will be really fun!'

Grabbing his makeshift bag and tying it to his back, he rushes towards the water.

'C'mon don't let me down.. I already ruined my image with the mountain debacle.. don't let me fail here surface walking!'

Without thinking twice, he jumps from the sand towards the water and it worked! 'HA! I knew I could count on myself!'

A joyous laugh could be heard as long black-haired child ran on the water towards the school of koi fish, once he was close enough, he jumped and used firebending through his feet to propel himself even further, landing directly on the back of a massive elephant koi.

"Hello there, my newest best friend, could you take me to Earth K-"

Before he could finish his request, the elephant koi launched itself at full speed towards the ocean, young Madara instantly grabbed the huge fins and used his Chi to keep his feet stabilized on the koi's slippery back.

He tried to sit down on the back of the koi but once he did the koi splashed around almost throwing him out, it seems that standing up had no issue but they didn't like when people sat down on top of them.

"Aye Aye Captain! I apologize."

And just like that a small school of elephant koi traveled through the southern sea, young Madara didn't know but those fish were actually migrating to Kyoshi island, those koi fish were one of the top export products from there.


It was another calm afternoon on Kyoshi island, many fishing village people were already counting how much fish they managed to get for the day, the boats were already docked and everyone on the docks was already preparing to go home.

That was the plan for most of them except for the ones in Oyaji's village. By the coast many villagers were aghast while watching what I was coming towards their docks, a school of elephant koi!

Now, although they were famous all over the earth kingdom by their product, Elephant Koi was not a common catch, not at all, it was considered a luxury food all over the world, to put in perspective, that kind of fish was one of Beifong's family favorite dish, it was cheaper to buy a set of armor than buy Elephant Koi meat.

As uncommon as it was, what made it ever more shocking was the fact that there was a boy riding on the top of the koi in the lead!

As the school of fish drew closer and closer, more and more villagers arrived by the docks, old veterans that resided on the village already grabbed weapons, they were an isolationistic island, fearful of strangers and hated the fire nation to the core.

"Let me see, let me see!"

"Wooooo someone is riding the big fish! Someone is riding the big fish!!!"

"I bet I could do it better! Humph."

A bunch of kids were having fun watching the show, giggling, yelling and pointing fingers, the adults.. not so much, they were worried and prepared to strike at a moment's notice.

The crowd parted ways for a stout old man with a fluffy long beard and a … unique.. hairstyle, partially tied on a high ponytail and partially loose on the back, and a 'huge forehead'.

"Village leader, give us the order and we will strike as soon as that kid set foot in here!"

"That's probably a Fire Nation spy!"

The stout old man let out a sigh "Relax everyone, that's a kid.. spy or not we will have no problem in capturing and interrogating him"

He barely finished his sentence and other grown ups in the crowd started yell at each other



After roughly one minute they saw the school of fish stop moving towards the docks and the boy patting the big koi on the lead before he jumped towards the water, what happened next left everyone gawking with wide eyes, the boy started running on the water.. wait WHAT?!

"Wow.. he runs on the water?! That's so cool!"

"Can you do that better than him as well, Kelo?"


The kids went crazy and the adults brains stopped working.

"That's impossible…"

"Is he a waterbender or something…?"




The old village leader kept staring at the young boy running towards them on the water surface 'since when does the Fire Nation employs children from other nations? That's some scary possibility… anyone can potentially be a spy after all...'


Madara kept jumped towards the docks, he was very careful to never use his firebending knowing that anywhere in the world other than the Fire Nation itself, firebender wouldn't be welcomed at all.

He even openly used his water walking to give people the false impression that he is just a powerful waterbender and be more welcoming.

Knowing that as long as he kept his firebending secret he wouldn't have much problem socializing and meeting people from this world, very few places would be hostile towards him regardless just for being a new face around. That was the reason why he chose an isolated empty temple in the middle of nowhere, he could practice firebending away from the fire nation's watch and without being judged by the rest of the world.

"Phew that was exhausting.. at least they were quite fast.. I almost fell many times.." said Madara talking to himself while shuddering as he remembers the many times he almost fell off and was left behind, but now he is finally enjoying the feeling of stepping on land after so long, happy to have found a village! Proper food, new clothes, decent bath, and more importantly, a comfy bed to sleep!

But once he looked around and saw a massive crowd of villagers holding weapons, from swords to pitchforks, the first impression was of an angry mob hunting down a vampire or something .. 'What the fuck?' … but once he spotted the old man that look like the leader of the group and remembered who exactly that old man is, it finally clicked.

"Oh crap.."

Of all places he could've landed, of all villages and locations those damn fish could've taken him, it had to be the one place in the world that would shoot first and ask later just for being a stranger, regardless bending or anything else.

Kyoshi FUCKING Island!

"You gotta be kidding me.."

KojiSan KojiSan

Its a smaller chapter, but i prefer keep my chapters related to specific parts the journey instead of breaking the scene in half and to add to a previous or future chapter just to fill word count, next chapter will be as long as the first 2.

By the way i want to explain the difference between a reincarnator and a transmigrator in my story

Transmigrator gets 1 wish, the 5 knowledge points are just an extra help so the person does not get lost in the world without even being able to comunicate, they 'spawn' in a specific location and with a pre-determined body, they are not naturaly born in that world, the wish and knowledge are their advantages.

Reincarnator gets no wishes, they will be born naturally, will have to grow, all that they keep is their past life memories, in this case they are not even guaranteed elemental bending powers, their main advantages are the connections they start with, having a powerful family background would be an example.

章節 5: Facing an Angry Mob

"You gotta be kidding me..."

Both parties kept staring at each other in silence for a whole minute, even if Madara was only 9 years old, his 'waterbending mastery' made the villagers fearful, especially considering that they were on the docks near the ocean, in their eyes young Madara held the terrain advantage even if they had numbers on their side.

Kyoshi island was an 'island-state', they were not considered part of the Earth Kingdom, which means that they didn't get military help from anywhere. With barely a handful of earthbenders spread across all villages on the island they didn't really have enough confidence to charge Madara.

That was until a charming female voice broke the silence

"Whats going on here?"

Passing through the crowd, a group of armored females with face-painting stood between Madara and the mob... I mean villagers...

'For fuck's sake mate, even the Kyoshi warriors came? I stepped in here for like … ten seconds… you fucking wait you damn elephant koi bastard, you got demoted from my newest best friend to my newest favorite dish...'

Taking a good look at the group of ten Kyoshi warriors he couldn't help but praise their posture and fitness, even with their armor, heavy thick kimonos and katanas attached to their waist, they had a perfect combat posture. It shows how much training they endure and how proficient they were in their art, not only that each one of them looked gorgeous with their face-paintings on.

"So, you are the spy from the Fire Nation that is trying to enter our lands?" Asked the leader of the Kyoshi warriors.

Madara shakes his head in denial "I'm no spy, didn't you all see me how I arrived? Isn't that too high profile for a spy?"

Murmurs echoed through the crowd until one of the villagers yelled.


Madara let out an exasperated sigh as he turned to the crowd.

"I AM NO SPY!" he shouted.

But there's always that one asshole...


On the background he could hear a bunch of "Yeah!" and "He is right!" while the villagers nodded their heads like sages.

Facepalming himself, Madara turned to the crowd in anger and called out that one asshole by shouting towards him.

"Hey you, big ugly guy with missing teeth!"


At least five male voices could be heard replaying him.


'This will be a long day… all I wanted was a soft bed…'

Madara turned to a specific big ugly guy with missing teeth and shouted.

"I'M TALKING TO THE FUCKING IDIOT CARRYING SHACKLES!" taking a deep breath, stared at the man and continued "I'm no spy for fuck's sake! I'm 9 years old!"

But again, it was like trying to punch through a steel wall, one could try... but it would only hurt one's fist.


"Are you a spy then?" asked Madara.


"Isn't that exactly what a spy would say?" an amused grin appeared on Madara's face.

The murmurs started to getting louder and louder, Madara is managing to kick the hornet's nest and leaving them on each other's throat, he could clearly hear how many people were starting to doubt one another. 'Ah... how easy it is to pull this off when your target is a crowd of uneducated commoners…' he couldn't help to praise himself.

That was until the leader of the Kyoshi warrior let out an irritated shout.


And just like that the whole mob got silenced, not a single sound. 'God damn... those girls run this place with an iron fist…'

"You are coming with us, spy or not. We can't risk having you around without interrogating you first." She spoke.

"I refuse to be shackled or tied up, I'm no criminal and if you try to force me, I will fight back." Madara replied.

"I don't think you understand your situation, we outnumber you 10 to 1 and that's not counting the whole village behind us, they might not charge you on their own, but if we charge you first, they will follow."

Shaking his head he spoke with a deeper tone "Its you who don't understand your situation, I'm by the sea... I have terrain advantage here and worst case I can just run on the water and escape from here... you can't follow." Subtly doubling down on his 'waterbending mastery' while staring at each one of the Kyoshi Warriors with a serious gaze he continued "And even if you by some miracle prevent me from escaping, I will fight to the death... you may be able to take me down by relying on numbers... but I will take an arm and a leg of every single one of you with me, I wonder how long this village can survive without you girls to protect them in the future..." Said Madara while crossing his arms in front of his chest imposingly and narrowing his eyes, even the air around him seemed to get heavier and they all felt it.

It was a bluff, although he could do exactly what he said, he wasn't willing to put his life on the line to fight the Kyoshi Warriors, he had nothing to gain from it. He could win if he used his firebending but he wasn't willing to do that around these people unless needed, those warriors and the island itself was a Key point for the Avatar's journey.

Aang would awake that's for sure, and he would come here even if it was just to play with the elephant koi just like he first intended on the series, there's no doubt in that, but if he attacked to kill, he would stain his name permanently with the Avatar, he doesn't want to have the whole world against him, there's nothing to earn from that outcome!

Just imagine the Avatar arriving and learning the stories of the 'Firebender demon that burned a whole village to ashes along with its inhabitants' he would never be able to befriend Aang or anyone on his team after that.

Not only that, it would be incredibly difficult to best those girls relying only on his Taijutsu, they have been training for a decade or more, they were masters on their own right and although he has real Madara's knowledge and experience, not only he only trained only for a single year, but his body is also not optimal for his fighting style yet due to his age, a half-step makes a whole world of difference in a real fight, he might be able to do it, but at what cost? Can he survive the wounds on his own?

The Staring contest lasted for about thirty seconds, both side trying to scan one another for openings and possible weaknesses.

"If you agree to come with us, we won't tie you down or shackle you." The Kyoshi leader said.

The mob behind them didn't like that one bit, they started shouting and yelling demanding the 'spy' to be captured regardless of the cost.

Even the Kyoshi Warriors themselves got pissed with the angry mob at this point, one of them in particular had her eye twitching in annoyance. 'Those fucking idiots can't even see five inches ahead of their own nose, the kid is not wrong, an all-out battle in this situation is not optimal for us at all, if he manages to cripple two or three of us before we take him out, we will be terribly weakened for the forceable future...' looking around she shakes her head 'that's not even considering the collateral damage... I can see that this kid is not simple, not only his gaze but his confidence and posture... he is a little monster...'

At this point Madara couldn't help but cheer internally, but kept his poker face and replied "You can't expect me to believe that when the whole village is shouting demanding for my head regardless the cost, right?"

Exasperated, the Kyoshi leader spoke. "How can we compromise then?"

"That's simple, give me your word as an honorable Kyoshi Warrior that you will guarantee my freedom and safety unless I display any treacherous behavior towards you and your people"

Biting the corner of her lips she narrowed her green eyes, what he just asked is too much, the Kyoshi Warriors take their honor more seriously than anyone, they would rather die than forsaking their honor, it seems that this kid knows them quite well.

"Fine… I give you my word as the leader of the Kyoshi Warriors that you will remain unharmed and unrestricted unless you display any shady behavior towards the people of this island, satisfied now?"

She expected him to still be wary of them, regardless of how much the rumors spoke about their honor, its impossible to just trust rumors 100%, right? He is bound to have some wariness regardless... right?

Madara smile and relaxed instantly, completely abandoning his battle-ready posture and walked leisurely towards them "Very satisfied! C'mon I'm hungry, dirty and tired, show me around will ya?"

All that pressure he was emanating was gone, his serious deep, dark tone was gone, his imposing presence... gone... it's like he became a completely different person!

Her eyes went wide and her mouth agape with his instant change of behavior 'It seems I was wrong...'

With that the Kyoshi led Madara through an angry, noisy and ugly crowd of villagers, taking him to an abandoned shack near their barracks, if he is going to stay in here, they will keep an eye on him every second of the day!

Not that Madara cared, he was just walking while whistling, without a single ounce of worry.

The Kyoshi Warrior, named Kira, couldn't help but grin.

"What an interesting kid..."

KojiSan KojiSan

About Romance and Harem i already said before, i will wait until characters are properly developed before considering it, i plan on keeping the personality of the canon characters, and i won't be adding convenient methods to force any specific ship to work.

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