If you want to read up to 20!! chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer
Discord invite: https://discord.gg/XHduApz
[Kent Nelson POV] [Injustice]
[Moments after Canary's Death]
As I neared Dinah's body, the life gone from her eyes, I could feel two immeasurable energies clashing against one another beyond the reach of this world. Rage and fear, clashing against one another in a battle that threatened to consume everything.
Even from down here, their battle echoed untold destruction.
"That kid," I muttered as I stared into the sky. "He's going to destroy everything."
This rage... it wasn't normal. It went beyond anything I'd ever felt before; it was all-consuming, all-encompassing. It was suffocating to feel. No matter how much he felt he had lost, his rage shouldn't have been like this; something wasn't right.
I focused my senses on him and felt a faint shade of magic, something dark and corrupting, seeping into his soul.
"What is that?" I whispered, giving Dinah's body a look.
She had been the catalyst for this, her death had sent him over the edge, and now a dark, mysterious power was corrupting him, it felt old, very old, and it was incredibly powerful.
I had to find out what was corrupting him and how to stop it before it consumed him entirely. He was already teetering on the brink of insanity, and if this power took hold of him completely, there would be no coming back from it.
But first.
I had to save Dinah while I still had the time.
-You will not!- Nabu screamed inside my head.
I grit my teeth and pushed forward. "I have been a loyal follower of your cause since my wife died, but I'm afraid today I will defy fate, old friend."
-You cannot defy fate! She was destined to die, and you can't alter that. We are order! And what you are about to do, is a desecration to the balance of life and death! is CHAOS!-
"Don't mistake things, old friend, you are order. I'm just a human, and we are as chaotic as can be," I replied as I reached Dinah's body. There I sat before taking a deep breath, where I started drawing a few magic sigils in the air then, as I had completed the sigils, a powerful surge of energy coursed through my body before blasting Dinah's body, claiming back her soul by setting her in golden flames of resurrection, the flames of life.
[Rachel Roth - Raven - POV ]
[Young Justice]
No matter how much I researched in the Tower of Fate, how much I experimented by myself, no matter what I did, my goal would remain just out of reach.
I had read every book on transdimensional travel, I had tried every summoning spell I could find or make, but no matter what I did, the result would be the same, David would remain trapped in whatever dark corner of the cosmos he had been sent to.
At this point, it felt like I was just flailing in the dark, grasping at straws.
"Raven," Miss Martian entered the room.
I hadn't noticed her.
I guess I can't be bothered to feel other's emotions when my own are so heavy.
"What are you doing here?" I asked, not bothering to look at her.
"The others wanted me to check up on you," Miss Martian said hesitantly. "You've been in here for over a month."
"I'm fine; you can go," I replied, my voice cold.
"Raven, you're not," Miss Martian said as she came closer. "You need to eat; you need to sleep. You can't keep going like this."
"Do I need to remind you that I'm no longer a member of the team?" I replied, finally turning to look at her.
"It matters to us because we care about you; you're still our friend," Miss Martian said pleadingly. "Please, just come out and talk to us; we're worried about you."
"I have little time to waste as it is, and none of that time includes talking to any of you," I replied before turning back to my work.
"You're not the only one that misses him, you know?" Miss Martian said, hurt evident in her voice. "I'll be back in a week to check on you. We're not going to give up on you; Bolt wouldn't like that, would he?"
I stayed silent as Miss Martian left the room, her words bouncing around in my head.
I wasn't the only one that missed him?
I knew that.
But nobody missed him like I did.
We were each other's anchors; we were the only ones that truly understood each other. And now he was gone, taken from me by the very thing I had sworn to protect him from.
I failed him, and I would never forgive myself for it.
They only knew the version of him that he had learned to play; they only knew the mask, not the one behind it. But I knew him, all of him. I had seen him at his weakest, his darkest, just as he had seen me, the one beneath the facade.
"I'm sorry, David," I whispered into the empty room, a tear rolling down my cheek. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you when it mattered, but just wait; I will get you out of there in no time, I promise."
[Superboy POV]
[Young Justice POV]
I stared into the sky, waiting for M'gann to come back from her weekly visit to Raven. Hopefully, this time it would bear better results. It had been a while since Bolt had disappeared, and there hasn't been a day since where I don't think about him.
I missed him.
Perhaps M'gann was right, and he was my best friend.
I wouldn't know.
I wasn't the best with all that mushy stuff, but then again, I guess that was why we got along so well. He was always straightforward with me, he understood me without me having to explain, he wasn't afraid of me, in fact, the bastard challenged me on my bullshit.
I miss our spars.
Taking a deep breath, I heard a set of footsteps approaching from behind.
I turned to see M'gann walking towards me, a sad look on her face.
"How did it go?" I asked, already knowing the answer.
"No better than last time," M'gann replied with a downcast expression. "She's still consumed on saving Bolt no matter the cost... She barely touched the food I brought her last week."
"What about water?" I asked, concerned.
"She drinks it, but not as much as she should," M'gann replied. "I'm worried about her."
"We all are," I said, running a hand through my hair in frustration. I hated this; I hated problems I couldn't punch away! "But what can we do? She's not going to listen to us."
"Bolt would know what to do," M'gann said quietly.
"He would," I replied as I walked with M'gann back to her ship.
[Batman POV]
[Young Justice]
I stared at the file in front of me, and it was yet another dead end. I had been searching for any lead that could help me reach David's whereabouts, but magical or not, all leads led to the same dead end; it was as if he had vanished into thin air.
But I would not give up. I knew he was alive.
Giovanni had suggested more than once that he could very well be dead, as he had dealt with Klarion of all villains, one known for his extreme cruelty. However, I refused to humor such an option.
"Anything?" Dinah's voice snapped me back into the room.
Closing the file I had open on my PC, I turned to see her and Oliver walking toward me as Alfred closed the door behind them, both of them with hopeful expressions.
I shook my head in reply, their faces falling in disappointment.
"Constantine is working with a contact of his to bring David back," I said, trying to reassure them.
"He has been doing that for weeks!" Oliver exclaimed. "We can't just sit here and do nothing!"
"I know," I replied. "But, unfortunately, we have to trust John; he knows what he's doing."
"Trust John?!" Oliver exclaimed. "Have you seen the guy!? He reeks of cheap booze and disappointment!"
"Constantine's contacts in the magical world are vast, immensely vast, and while at times he has been more than unreliable, he always delivers when it truly matters," I replied, a part of me wondering if I was saying this to them, or to convince myself Constantine would actually come through this time.
"Oliver, I know you miss him," Dinah said, placing a hand on his arm to calm him down. "And while I don't like it, Constantine is our best hope right now."
"I know," Oliver said, sighing in frustration as he ran a hand through his hair. "It's just... I feel so helpless."
"We all do," I said, understanding his frustration.
[John Constantine - POV]
[Young Justice]
I stared at the lousy bartender as she wiped down the bar, trying to ignore the fact that my drink hadn't been served yet, or that Lucifer hadn't come as he had promised he would. For bloody sake, I had been waiting for hours, and so far, it had been a giant waste of time.
"Constantine, what a surprise," The cocky and unmistakable voice of Lucifer got my attention as he walked towards my table, a smirk on his face.
"Surprise? Are you daft?! You set this meeting!" I exclaimed, standing up from my chair. "Where the bloody hell have you been?!"
"Feisty as always," Lucifer said, holding his hands up in a placating manner. "I was busy entertaining two lovely twins."
I glared at him. "You promised to help a long time ago. Last time I checked, the devil's word was something you could trust, so what happened?"
Lucifer chuckled as the bartender brought him a drink. "I promised I would help, and help I will. Or should I say I already did?"
I paused at this, staring at him. "What do you mean?"
Lucifer grinned, winking at me. "Well, you asked for help bringing him back. So, I set a few events that will ensure a certain goth lady brings him back, eventually."
"That wasn't the deal!" I replied, slamming my fist on my table.
Lucifer smiled at me. "You said, and I quote, help me bring him back. You never say how. Honestly, you should know by now I enjoy playing you. Besides, the kid is fine, mostly... going through a rage stage, but who hasn't?"
"I know you don't like me," I sighed, my eyes growing tired. "But don't take it on the kid."
Lucifer's smirk softened a bit as he took a sip of his drink. "I don't know what impression of me you have, Constantine, but I don't torture innocents."
I stared at him for a long moment. "I know this sounds stupid, but is someone bigger than you pulling the strings?"
"You mean him? Ha! I wish! That would make this little deal of ours more enticing, but no," Lucifer snorted, putting his drink back on the table. "He can't be bothered to help anyone; it's all part of his big plan, mysterious ways my ass, blah blah."
"Alright then... then why the FUCK, don't you open a portal and bring the kid back here?" I nearly shouted.
"His destiny is bigger than you could possibly imagine, Constantine," Lucifer sighed, his fingers tapping on the table, one after the other. "I checked with Destiny just to be sure, and well, to make the story short, the kid is writing his own chapters. If I bring him back now, I would be doing what I hate the most, taking his free will, rewriting his chapters by my own hand. Instead, I decided to aid what was already destined to happen, to happen faster."
The Kid was doing FUCKING WHAT?!
"That's impossible, Lucifer," I replied, my mind still processing what he had said. "He's a mortal, only the Endless and..."
Lucifer interrupted me. "Only the Endless, to an extent, and primordial beings can alter their own destiny, I know. That's what makes this kid fascinating."
"Can you tell me at least what destiny awaits the kid?" I asked, trying to get more information.
"But, friend! That would spoil the audience," Lucifer winked before taking another sip of his drink.
If you want to read up to 20!! chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer
Discord invite: https://discord.gg/XHduApz
[David Lance POV]
In a matter of days, I had mastered everything Atrocitus had to teach and more. Yet, I felt no closer to controlling my rage at all. No matter what I did, I felt my rage deep within, beneath my skin, scratching at my head like a wild animal, struggling for control.
Perhaps there was no controlling what I was going through.
There was also the chance that Atrocitus was simply withholding what I needed from him, but I highly doubted that to be the case.
I had talked with Atrocitus a few times, and I had made sure he was being honest each time in the only way he knew.
"I have taught you all I know," Atrocitus growled, blood coming out of his mouth as his body was pressed into the ground by my foot.
"It seems you have," I replied, using the ring.
Now that I had learned everything I could from the pathetic excuse of a leader the Red Lantern corps had, it was time for round two with Superman.
And as it was, I could hardly wait.
Hearing the hiss, I turned around to see Dex-Starr floating a few inches away from me. "What do you want?"
Dex-Starr yowled in response, which only served to further my annoyance.
"You have the ring, cat, so use it to talk before I rip it out of your tail," I said, baring my teeth.
"I find who hurt Dexter. I revenge. I good kitty. Good kitty help you, you help good kitty?" Dex-Starr said in broken sentences.
I scoffed, pressing my foot on Atrocitus hard to make the point clearer. "I need no help."
"Dex-Starr useful. Dex-Starr help you. Help you get Superman. Then you help Dex-Starr?" The Cat said, his tail twitching in anticipation.
I stared at the cat for a moment.
"What do you think you're doing, Dex-Starr?!" Atrocitus shouted, seemingly not happy with Dex-Starr's offer.
So Atrocitus doesn't like the idea of Dex-Starr coming with me? What an interesting development.
Grinning at Atrocitus' response, I took my foot off of his chest as I walked over to Dex-Starr. "Very well, cat, you help me, and I'll help you. I like that."
"Deal," Dex-Starr said, holding out his paw.
I stared at the paw for a moment before shaking it. I didn't need the cat's help, not at all, but seeing it bothered Atrocitus, well, it made taking the cat with me worth it.
What can I say? I didn't like Atrocitus.
Though, to be fair, right now, I don't like anyone.
"Very well," Atrocitus growled, getting up from the ground. "You made your choice, Dex-Starr, don't come to regret it later."
Dex-Starr simply ignored Atrocitus as he floated next to me, his tail swishing back and forth.
"Are you done throwing out empty threats?" I asked, not really caring for Atrocitus' bravado. "Let's go, Dex. Before I get the urge to rip him apart."
With that said, I turned around, not sparing Atrocitus a second glance as I blasted out of the planet with Dex-Starr on my side, ready to eliminate Superman. I had permitted that Kryptonian to live more than he should've; it was time I avenged Dinah, once and for all.
And I guess the cat would be there to see it all.
[B'dg POV]
Even from afar, in the middle of the cosmos, I could feel the one I had promised to help flying in our direction, making his way to sector 2814 at full speed.
Taking a deep breath, I turned to Bro'Dee, who, by the looks on his face, had also felt this. "He will reach us in an hour or two if he keeps that pace."
Bro'Dee nodded, his face dawning in contemplation. "Any idea of how to approach this?"
I shook my head, not really knowing. "I am not sure."
No matter how we approached this, I had a feeling this was going to be a delicate situation; that much was certain. Rage is a terrible emotion, one that doesn't want to let go no matter what, one that is always looking for reasons to remain, creating a shroud of darkness around a poor soul.
Hope was the beacon to that darkness.
Hope was a powerful emotion. One that inspires us to do the impossible and helps us carry on during difficult times.
"I propose we initiate with a talk," Bro'dee said after a while, his voice breaking the silence. "Letting him know we only seek to help."
I nodded, agreeing with him. "That would be the best course of action, I think. But keep in mind that those in rage often strike those that wish them the best."
I had no doubts that the power of Hope would help this suffering soul, but that didn't make me a fool... After all, no beast is more savage than a man when possessed with power answerable to his rage.
"Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured," Bro'dee replied with a calm nod. "I'm fully aware of the risks behind such a task, do not worry."
[Batman POV]
Once again, I had failed.
Once again, I had lost more allies.
When would this nightmare end?
I had thought, naively, that by using a Kryptonite bullet to incapacitate Superman, I would be able to put a stop to his tyrannical reign. But it was all for naught; I had failed to account for the Yellow Lantern rings, one of which had given Clark the power to simply take the bullet away, allowing him to kill Dinah.
I had failed her. I had failed all of them. Again.
"Batman!" An echoing scream through the base, followed by the symbol of fate, appeared in front of me, creating a magical gate.
"Dr. Fate, what's the meaning of this?" I asked, not really in the mood to deal with Nabu's antics.
"Do you have any idea of what you have done!" Dr. Fate boomed, his voice full of anger.
I narrowed my eyes at him, trying to think where he was going with this. Unfortunately, the lack of information prior to his sudden visit had me in a blank.
"In your foolishness, you have set in motion a chain of events that could possibly lead to the end of all things!" Dr. Fate exclaimed, staring right into my eyes.
I furrowed my brows in confusion. "Explain."
"Black Bolt has, unbeknownst to him, in his grief and anger, allowed a monster far beyond your mortal comprehension to take hold of him," Dr. Fate continued his voice heavy with worry.
I felt a cold shiver run down my spine as realization hit me. In my careful planning, I had anticipated multiple outcomes, but none like this. Black Bolt was supposed to be our secret weapon against Superman.
His power and genetic relationship with Dinah were key components to ensure optimal results, but if Fate was right, in my lack of foresight, I had unwittingly unleashed a horror upon the world that could potentially bring about its end.
"You knew?" Dr. Fate asked, his voice low and dangerous.
I remained silent. Black Bolt's DNA had been a challenge to read. In fact, it was downright impossible. However, through Dinah's DNA, I had found the key to understanding his own DNA, at least just enough to draw a few solid conclusions.
"I see, and yet you still used him as a pawn in your war without telling either of them," Dr. Fate accused me, his voice dripping with venom.
"If Dinah had known he was her brother, she wouldn't have allowed him to come with her, but he would've come anyway, making the mission an impossibility to accomplish," I replied.
"I wonder if you can still look at yourself in the mirror," Dr. Fate mused before vanishing in a swirl of yellow light.
With him gone, I was left alone with my thoughts, which were not pleasant ones. I had once again failed, and like that fateful time in Metropolis, I had put the world at risk.