Reviews of Infinite Potential System by NecW - Webnovel



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  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景



I’m a very casual reader, but I love this Webnovel. I see every chapter people complaining about the Mc, but I actually like him. He isn’t perfect, neither are you, it’s very easy to say you would of made a better decision when your behind a screen. Other then trees melting, I love this story!!!!


Great book but author doesn’t seem to know what to do with their story after MC moves to a higher realm. I think the author wanted to end it before ascension sort of like “Dual cultivation”.


Love this novel definitely worth a try. If you dont like it after 20-30 chapters you can still drop it as it isnt your cup of tea but dont make the mistake of never trying this gem Im warning you!!! ps: MC has character development later on so dont drop just because of his stupidity!


The story is pretty interesting. Definitely different than most system novels, at least story wise.


It’s addictive. I’ve never spent this much money on a WebNovel before… sure the MC is dumb and more than a little arrogant and annoying for the first bit. But there’s growth! I like it, try it before you decide. Pay for a few chapters first though. cause the paid chapters seem more well rounded in terms of writing.


The mc is terrible I tried I really did.


the MC is an actual idiot i was planning to invest some coins into the novel after getting to chapter 50 but the story progressed way too fast and i can already predict it will stagnate later on. MC logic I don't wanna join a sect cuz nobles will get jealous when I reveal my talents so to avoid this I'm going to reveal my talents to the array association 💀💀💀


If I were to be honest this is my favorite novel I have ever read. Their is so many cool abilities and fast paced action that no chapter seems boring. It also only gets more Interesting the further you read. The MC can be a little hot headed and not very smart but you can see his character development after a while. The system in this novel seems different and it is a really interesting concept. If you like an OP mc then I highly recommend . If you like system novels this is a MUST also.


A great read for those who want to pass the time reading a novel in which the protagonist has an overpower system that doesn’t require doing boring missions to become strong, or worse, missions with a death penalty if not completed. Let’s face it, we know that in these cases the protagonist never fails the mission, so I don’t know why they include that, since no reader likes that kind of system.


Honest reviews are here .. [Spoiler Alert] First, I would like to explain this novel title, "Infinite Potential System," to avoid misunderstanding happened.. The word "infinite" is basically just the author ways to attract more readers.. The system uses "Potential Point" for MC to upgrade his system and increase his strength, element, talent, skill, and so on.. So, if you thought that MC had an infinite potential point from the start, then you are wrong.. MC struggles quite a lot to gain potential points.. This story is about cultivation, and MC is still not a cultivator after Ch50+.. The author seems to love delaying and dragging the MC cultivation as long as possible.. At first, MC can't cultivate because he is nobody: has no money, status, or backer.. When he has enough money, he buys one but unfortunately, he can't because he has no talent to cultivate.. He has to gamble to buy a random talent from the system until he gets cultivation talent.. And it takes quite a hardship for him finally gain one.. What worse? He has enemy EVERYWHERE.. He makes an enemy with anyone, either purposely or unintentionally.. Adventure group? Yes, he got punished by daily chores.. Alchemy? Yes, because he picked the herb in a wrong way and caused him to pay double for every potion he bought from them.. Guard? Yes, because he suspected to imitate array master.. He is an array master but because he is young, the guard just ignores and tries to worsen the situation.. Short story, MC is right, and guard or others is the wrong one, but MC is the one who gets punishment.. I hate to say this, but MC doesn't get justice here.. There are many familiar situations exactly like this in this novel, and MC keeps being blamed even though he just defends himself, but he has to take all the punishment.. The author makes MC kinda a guy who is afraid of the law or rules.. The author makes MC try to avoid being bad guys or merciless characters.. No matter how arrogant the higher up or the enforcement who misused their power, MC can't do anything about it.. These all will only annoy us.. The author seems love to give MC hardships, I guess.. One punishment after another.. It will keep coming guys.. MC also gained many elements, but he barely used them most of them.. Most MC elements are like a trophy, which he just tries to collect it to his arsenal but not use any of it.. The title kinda attracts me, but the storyline is not my cup of tea.. It is time to remove this novel from my webnovel library.. I give 3 stars because it is not good, but it is not that bad either.. It is considered as average..


Good book, very enjoyable, author is a cool dude too


This is my first time posting a review so be nice but about the book it is definitely a worthwhile read if you are a fan of the system trope the MC gets stronger as fast as you might expect but the world building is where I find myself the most interested but over all it’s a good book and should most definitely deserve a read

LV 14 Badge

Currently on chapter 310. The writing quality has been great since I started reading this and there hasn't been a drop in the quality, being consistent in this is one way to bring a books 'Potential' out. This also tells us that Author takes his time and is dedicated to writing this for us. The development of the story started like most cultivation novels but quickly switched to something unique. It captures you in a leaves you wondering what's next, though you can predict what might happen next, you will be hit with a twist. Of the many books I read this is one of the few that actually intrigues me when another characters background is being explained and you wouldn't feel like it filler. The character design I'm my opinion is well thought out, characters don't seem like 2d extras. They have various personalities, and most have a good head on there shoulders. MC in particular can't be described as a hero, antihero or villian he is just the MC which adds unique flavour to a character. The updates are stable with one or two chapters a day. Author is a busy person so having to put a chapter or two out everyday tells us that he is invested in this story and makes time for who enjoys it with him. Mass releases are always a blessing from Author and its much appreciated. The world is big but so far we have only explored one province but not fully. It's been a great build up so far and I like it. Alright if you got this far here is my review. This book is insanely addictive and has you wanting for more. It has a lot of captivating scenes and although a cultivation novel doesn't seem like one. It's a mix of both bland and extreme splendor which makes it appealing to the reader. The interactions MC has is never boring and you actually look forward to it. I don't know what more to say so I'll close of with this. It's a awesome book worth investing your time into. I would give it a 8.5/10 as I feel this isn't the peak yet. So get your fast passes/coins ready and hop on for a loot filled journey with us. If you read up till here thank you and have a good day/week/month/year.


Loved every moment of it, the MC starts off very stupid but gets a lot smarter eventually. The writing quality increases a lot in the later chapters. I couldn't stop reading unless it was time to sleep.

LV 13 Badge

I love this book. It has a truly unique type of system. It’s also extremely amusing and interesting.


ok i have only read up to chapter 20 i really want to read more of it because the writing quality us good the plot is interesting with the sister and everyone in the real world forgetting the MC but for the life of me i can't the MC is just so trash i hate him so much he is just so narcicssistic, so self centered and just stupid in general Mr author man please tell me he gets better because i just can't force myself to read this without feeling immense thoughts of self harm.


I’m only on chapter 54 as of now, because I’m extremely broke but I’m lowkey contemplating getting a loan to read more of this book💀 It’s super addicting and the author clearly put a lot of thought into everything. The worldbuilding is great, with a lot of scope for exploration without feeling repetitive or bland. The power-scaling is nicely done as mc is op but has flaws that he works through so he isn’t just a cold, calculating machine that destroys the world in a couple of days. MC is pretty stupid rn, but in a lovable idiot sorta way and it’s not that frustrating, personally. Alsoooo the humor is top-tier🤝


The MC in this novel is so dumb it's infuriating. He says he should keep a low profile but he shows off everywhere. He is also very arrogant. He is a psychopath. In short, he has no qualities. I wouldn't mind if he dies in the novel. As for his system, it's just too broken. He can get unlimited talents. Those talents are also broken. And the way to get talent is completely random so luck decides MC's fate. It would have been better if the system had more limit and MC had a choice on talents. This way he could have shown his wit. Here, it's a lottery so he can't plan his own evolution. I stopped after a few chapter after the pay wall. It became too idiotic.


In my opinion having a harem is not bad but at least have MC have one life companion Would be best if it was the healer that tended to him in the beginning but f the story Plus from different parts it is said the she has feelings for him and he would not mind her either Over all great book small grammar errors here and there but great I enjoy it Also I don’t know if I missed it but What is the power(cultivation) order Weakest to strongest???


I really like how fast the Mac gets op even if he is a bit dimwitted.


not usually a cultivation fan .in fact I usually drop everyone I try. but this is good


Loved the series but then it had to be blocked by a pay wall


just good...............................


I hate the protagonist. He gets a book which would tell him knowledge he clearly needs, for example how to harvest without destroying the root. He does not even open it but pays money to be able to read in the library. He destroys a lot of plants which not only destroys his source of income but makes the alchemists hostile which makes him lose money because they make him pay more. He is stupid.


Great Webnovel and the character development is addictive

LV 11 Badge

I'll be brief on the review, as there isn't much happening in the novel at the moment. It starts off pretty naturally with a unique way to isekai; it is amusing, and you'll know what I mean when you read it. I don't want to spoil it for you readers~. world background? not bad, not bad, the background isn't neglected, and updates as the MC finds out more about this world, which is good. I would hate it if the author just told us everything about the world before hand; that would be the same as spoiling the entire novel; it's better to be revealed at the end, as that is more exciting. Character design is also not bad but there are a few villains who "court death", so far what i've seen happen with villains in this novel is kinda generic but the mc isn't some psychopath that loves to murder people and than act like a saint, he is in-between, and i find that fact pretty engaging as most want to achieve that harmony but always ends up in a hypocritical mc, here he doesn't kill his villains instantly and pats himself on the back as if he did the world a favour like in most novels. At last round it up with writing quality and grammar, it's pretty good, but the fights need more detail, i'm not saying they are bad, but they could be better, also i hope his speed at improvement decreases a little since he's going way too fast, ik its the titles coming into play but the boost he got at the start is too big, should nerf him a little he is too op and might get arrogant ;-; {goodluck readers~}[img=exp][img=update]

LV 15 Badge

First of all MC is a complete moron and that matches up with most of the other characters in the novel. Cliche “every cultivator goes around thinking about killing MC for literally no reason.” Sometimes MC shows off his amazing talent and still attracts low level cultivators wanting to kill him which make absolutely zero sense. Why would these cultivators risk everything they have to kill MC just because he has more talent and knowing he has multiple backers that are stronger then their entire families. Novel is addicting to read but it will only ever be average. MC has like twenty element affinities but doesnt train in any of them except maybe fire. MC acts like a six year old toddler most of the time and doesn’t think about anything he does. MC doesn’t know what flying under the radar means as he wants to be the center of attention literally everywhere he goes. No common sense. Story is a funny cliche read but if your looking for something serious this ain’t it.


Enjoying the story hopeing for many more chapters


Very interesting and want to see more! I love the pace


Amazing book normally systems book always forget details or make math mistakes but so far I have seen none amazing book keep it up


I’m a very casual reader, but I love this Webnovel. I see every chapter people complaining about the Mc, but I actually like him. He isn’t perfect, neither are you, it’s very easy to say you would of made a better decision when your behind a screen. Other then trees melting, I love this story!!!!


Great book but author doesn’t seem to know what to do with their story after MC moves to a higher realm. I think the author wanted to end it before ascension sort of like “Dual cultivation”.


Love this novel definitely worth a try. If you dont like it after 20-30 chapters you can still drop it as it isnt your cup of tea but dont make the mistake of never trying this gem Im warning you!!! ps: MC has character development later on so dont drop just because of his stupidity!


The story is pretty interesting. Definitely different than most system novels, at least story wise.


It’s addictive. I’ve never spent this much money on a WebNovel before… sure the MC is dumb and more than a little arrogant and annoying for the first bit. But there’s growth! I like it, try it before you decide. Pay for a few chapters first though. cause the paid chapters seem more well rounded in terms of writing.


The mc is terrible I tried I really did.


the MC is an actual idiot i was planning to invest some coins into the novel after getting to chapter 50 but the story progressed way too fast and i can already predict it will stagnate later on. MC logic I don't wanna join a sect cuz nobles will get jealous when I reveal my talents so to avoid this I'm going to reveal my talents to the array association 💀💀💀


If I were to be honest this is my favorite novel I have ever read. Their is so many cool abilities and fast paced action that no chapter seems boring. It also only gets more Interesting the further you read. The MC can be a little hot headed and not very smart but you can see his character development after a while. The system in this novel seems different and it is a really interesting concept. If you like an OP mc then I highly recommend . If you like system novels this is a MUST also.


A great read for those who want to pass the time reading a novel in which the protagonist has an overpower system that doesn’t require doing boring missions to become strong, or worse, missions with a death penalty if not completed. Let’s face it, we know that in these cases the protagonist never fails the mission, so I don’t know why they include that, since no reader likes that kind of system.


Honest reviews are here .. [Spoiler Alert] First, I would like to explain this novel title, "Infinite Potential System," to avoid misunderstanding happened.. The word "infinite" is basically just the author ways to attract more readers.. The system uses "Potential Point" for MC to upgrade his system and increase his strength, element, talent, skill, and so on.. So, if you thought that MC had an infinite potential point from the start, then you are wrong.. MC struggles quite a lot to gain potential points.. This story is about cultivation, and MC is still not a cultivator after Ch50+.. The author seems to love delaying and dragging the MC cultivation as long as possible.. At first, MC can't cultivate because he is nobody: has no money, status, or backer.. When he has enough money, he buys one but unfortunately, he can't because he has no talent to cultivate.. He has to gamble to buy a random talent from the system until he gets cultivation talent.. And it takes quite a hardship for him finally gain one.. What worse? He has enemy EVERYWHERE.. He makes an enemy with anyone, either purposely or unintentionally.. Adventure group? Yes, he got punished by daily chores.. Alchemy? Yes, because he picked the herb in a wrong way and caused him to pay double for every potion he bought from them.. Guard? Yes, because he suspected to imitate array master.. He is an array master but because he is young, the guard just ignores and tries to worsen the situation.. Short story, MC is right, and guard or others is the wrong one, but MC is the one who gets punishment.. I hate to say this, but MC doesn't get justice here.. There are many familiar situations exactly like this in this novel, and MC keeps being blamed even though he just defends himself, but he has to take all the punishment.. The author makes MC kinda a guy who is afraid of the law or rules.. The author makes MC try to avoid being bad guys or merciless characters.. No matter how arrogant the higher up or the enforcement who misused their power, MC can't do anything about it.. These all will only annoy us.. The author seems love to give MC hardships, I guess.. One punishment after another.. It will keep coming guys.. MC also gained many elements, but he barely used them most of them.. Most MC elements are like a trophy, which he just tries to collect it to his arsenal but not use any of it.. The title kinda attracts me, but the storyline is not my cup of tea.. It is time to remove this novel from my webnovel library.. I give 3 stars because it is not good, but it is not that bad either.. It is considered as average..


Good book, very enjoyable, author is a cool dude too


This is my first time posting a review so be nice but about the book it is definitely a worthwhile read if you are a fan of the system trope the MC gets stronger as fast as you might expect but the world building is where I find myself the most interested but over all it’s a good book and should most definitely deserve a read

LV 14 Badge

Currently on chapter 310. The writing quality has been great since I started reading this and there hasn't been a drop in the quality, being consistent in this is one way to bring a books 'Potential' out. This also tells us that Author takes his time and is dedicated to writing this for us. The development of the story started like most cultivation novels but quickly switched to something unique. It captures you in a leaves you wondering what's next, though you can predict what might happen next, you will be hit with a twist. Of the many books I read this is one of the few that actually intrigues me when another characters background is being explained and you wouldn't feel like it filler. The character design I'm my opinion is well thought out, characters don't seem like 2d extras. They have various personalities, and most have a good head on there shoulders. MC in particular can't be described as a hero, antihero or villian he is just the MC which adds unique flavour to a character. The updates are stable with one or two chapters a day. Author is a busy person so having to put a chapter or two out everyday tells us that he is invested in this story and makes time for who enjoys it with him. Mass releases are always a blessing from Author and its much appreciated. The world is big but so far we have only explored one province but not fully. It's been a great build up so far and I like it. Alright if you got this far here is my review. This book is insanely addictive and has you wanting for more. It has a lot of captivating scenes and although a cultivation novel doesn't seem like one. It's a mix of both bland and extreme splendor which makes it appealing to the reader. The interactions MC has is never boring and you actually look forward to it. I don't know what more to say so I'll close of with this. It's a awesome book worth investing your time into. I would give it a 8.5/10 as I feel this isn't the peak yet. So get your fast passes/coins ready and hop on for a loot filled journey with us. If you read up till here thank you and have a good day/week/month/year.


Loved every moment of it, the MC starts off very stupid but gets a lot smarter eventually. The writing quality increases a lot in the later chapters. I couldn't stop reading unless it was time to sleep.

LV 13 Badge

I love this book. It has a truly unique type of system. It’s also extremely amusing and interesting.


ok i have only read up to chapter 20 i really want to read more of it because the writing quality us good the plot is interesting with the sister and everyone in the real world forgetting the MC but for the life of me i can't the MC is just so trash i hate him so much he is just so narcicssistic, so self centered and just stupid in general Mr author man please tell me he gets better because i just can't force myself to read this without feeling immense thoughts of self harm.


I’m only on chapter 54 as of now, because I’m extremely broke but I’m lowkey contemplating getting a loan to read more of this book💀 It’s super addicting and the author clearly put a lot of thought into everything. The worldbuilding is great, with a lot of scope for exploration without feeling repetitive or bland. The power-scaling is nicely done as mc is op but has flaws that he works through so he isn’t just a cold, calculating machine that destroys the world in a couple of days. MC is pretty stupid rn, but in a lovable idiot sorta way and it’s not that frustrating, personally. Alsoooo the humor is top-tier🤝


The MC in this novel is so dumb it's infuriating. He says he should keep a low profile but he shows off everywhere. He is also very arrogant. He is a psychopath. In short, he has no qualities. I wouldn't mind if he dies in the novel. As for his system, it's just too broken. He can get unlimited talents. Those talents are also broken. And the way to get talent is completely random so luck decides MC's fate. It would have been better if the system had more limit and MC had a choice on talents. This way he could have shown his wit. Here, it's a lottery so he can't plan his own evolution. I stopped after a few chapter after the pay wall. It became too idiotic.


In my opinion having a harem is not bad but at least have MC have one life companion Would be best if it was the healer that tended to him in the beginning but f the story Plus from different parts it is said the she has feelings for him and he would not mind her either Over all great book small grammar errors here and there but great I enjoy it Also I don’t know if I missed it but What is the power(cultivation) order Weakest to strongest???


I really like how fast the Mac gets op even if he is a bit dimwitted.


not usually a cultivation fan .in fact I usually drop everyone I try. but this is good


Loved the series but then it had to be blocked by a pay wall


just good...............................


I hate the protagonist. He gets a book which would tell him knowledge he clearly needs, for example how to harvest without destroying the root. He does not even open it but pays money to be able to read in the library. He destroys a lot of plants which not only destroys his source of income but makes the alchemists hostile which makes him lose money because they make him pay more. He is stupid.


Great Webnovel and the character development is addictive

LV 11 Badge

I'll be brief on the review, as there isn't much happening in the novel at the moment. It starts off pretty naturally with a unique way to isekai; it is amusing, and you'll know what I mean when you read it. I don't want to spoil it for you readers~. world background? not bad, not bad, the background isn't neglected, and updates as the MC finds out more about this world, which is good. I would hate it if the author just told us everything about the world before hand; that would be the same as spoiling the entire novel; it's better to be revealed at the end, as that is more exciting. Character design is also not bad but there are a few villains who "court death", so far what i've seen happen with villains in this novel is kinda generic but the mc isn't some psychopath that loves to murder people and than act like a saint, he is in-between, and i find that fact pretty engaging as most want to achieve that harmony but always ends up in a hypocritical mc, here he doesn't kill his villains instantly and pats himself on the back as if he did the world a favour like in most novels. At last round it up with writing quality and grammar, it's pretty good, but the fights need more detail, i'm not saying they are bad, but they could be better, also i hope his speed at improvement decreases a little since he's going way too fast, ik its the titles coming into play but the boost he got at the start is too big, should nerf him a little he is too op and might get arrogant ;-; {goodluck readers~}[img=exp][img=update]

LV 15 Badge

First of all MC is a complete moron and that matches up with most of the other characters in the novel. Cliche “every cultivator goes around thinking about killing MC for literally no reason.” Sometimes MC shows off his amazing talent and still attracts low level cultivators wanting to kill him which make absolutely zero sense. Why would these cultivators risk everything they have to kill MC just because he has more talent and knowing he has multiple backers that are stronger then their entire families. Novel is addicting to read but it will only ever be average. MC has like twenty element affinities but doesnt train in any of them except maybe fire. MC acts like a six year old toddler most of the time and doesn’t think about anything he does. MC doesn’t know what flying under the radar means as he wants to be the center of attention literally everywhere he goes. No common sense. Story is a funny cliche read but if your looking for something serious this ain’t it.


Enjoying the story hopeing for many more chapters


Very interesting and want to see more! I love the pace


Amazing book normally systems book always forget details or make math mistakes but so far I have seen none amazing book keep it up

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