73.91% Harry Potter: outlier / Chapter 51: 51 First

章節 51: 51 First

"What is the most important fact to keep in mind when dealing with a Legilimens?" Lucas began with an easy question.

"To not look into their eyes?" he replied questioningly.

"Then why did you do it in the hallway?" Lucas shot back.

"...", Harry was lost for words, he wasn't sure why. He had never actually felt any danger from Lucas. Coupled with the stories Hermione used to tell him, the thought that Lucas might have nefarious intentions was foreign to him. That's why he didn't shy away, even though his parents had adviced him against it. "I... I'm not sure, I guess I was just curious and thought you wouldn't do anything bad."

Lucas studied Harry for a moment, his expression unreadable. "Curiosity is good," he said finally, his voice neutral. "But it can also lead to unintended consequences."


"And with that our first lesson is over. The next one will be here again in a week's time."

"Thank you, Lucas," Harry said earnestly, offering a small smile. "I appreciate you taking the time to teach me."

Lucas nodded in acknowledgment, his expression remaining impassive. "You're welcome, Harry," he replied evenly. "I'll see you in a week."

With that, Lucas turned and left the classroom, with Harry not far behind. They walked into different directions once outside. Harry made his way back to his common room to digest the lesson he had just had.

But, like always, luck wasn't on his side and Hermione hastily ran up to him, when she saw him. She nerviously and in quick succession spoke, "Buckbead is going to be executed, because of what happened this morning. Draco's father is already on his way with people from the ministry. Come we have to do something!"

Harry's heart sank at Hermione's words. Without a moment's hesitation, he followed her as she led the way, her expression determined and resolute. They made their way to Hagrid's hut, where they found their friend pacing anxiously outside, his face etched with worry.

"Hagrid, we're here to help," Harry said firmly, his voice filled with determination. "We won't let them take Buckbeak without a fight."

Hagrid's eyes filled with gratitude as he looked at Harry and Hermione, his voice choked with emotion. "Thank you, Harry," he said, his voice trembling slightly. "I don' know what I'd do without yer support."

But before they could come up with a plan a knock came from the door. It was Lucius Malfoy with the executor and a representative from the ministry. 

Tension filled the air.

"Ah, Hagrid, I see you've got some company," Lucius drawled, his tone dripping with disdain as he looked down at them. "I trust you're prepared to hand over the creature in question?"

Hagrid pushed out his chest, his expression determined as he met Lucius's gaze head-on. "Not a chance, Malfoy," he said firmly, his voice steady despite the nervousness that gnawed at him. "Buckbeak is innocent, and I won't let you lay a finger on him."

Lucius's lip curled into a sneer as he regarded Hagrid with thinly veiled contempt. "I'm afraid it's not up to you, Hagrid," he said condescendingly, his gaze flickering over to Harry and Hermione. "Or any of your little friends, for that matter. The law is quite clear."

Hermione stepped forward, her expression fierce as she locked eyes with Lucius. "The law may be clear, but that doesn't mean it's right," she said defiantly, her voice ringing with conviction. "Buckbeak deserves a fair trial, not an unjust execution."

Lucius's expression darkened at Hermione's words, his eyes narrowing dangerously. "You would do well to watch your tongue, dirty mudblood," he warned, his voice cold and threatening. "Or you might find yourself in more trouble than you bargained for."

But Hermione refused to back down, her resolve unshakeable. "I won't be intimidated by you, Malfoy," she said defiantly, her chin held high. "We'll fight for Buckbeak until the very end, no matter what it takes."

"Then so be it. As of section 12 paragraph 33, obstruction of justice, and section 3 paragraph 14, sheltering of a dangerous animal without permit, I herby sentence you to be executed along the beast." The air grew tense as Lucius Malfoy delivered his ominous proclamation, his cold gaze fixed on Harry, Hermione, and Hagrid. Harry's heart pounded in his chest as he exchanged a worried glance with Hermione, realizing the gravity of their situation.

Hagrid's expression darkened with fury at the injustice of the situation, his massive hands curling into fists at his sides. "Yer can't do this, Malfoy!" he roared, his voice echoing through the hut. "It's not right!"

But Lucius merely smirked, his sneer widening as he reveled in their distress. "Again, I'm afraid the law is quite clear on this matter, Hagrid," he said smugly, his voice dripping with malice. "And I'm not one to disobey the law."

Hermione's eyes blazed with defiance as she stepped forward, her voice unwavering despite the fear that gnawed at her. "We won't let you get away with this, Malfoy," she declared, her voice ringing with determination. "We'll fight you every step of the way."

Lucius's smirk faltered slightly at Hermione's words, a flicker of irritation crossing his features. "You think you can defy me, mudblood?" he spat, his voice laced with contempt. "You're nothing but a worthless Gryffindor, and you'll soon learn the consequences of crossing a Malfoy. INCARCEROUS!"

With a flick of his wand, Lucius conjured thick ropes that shot out from the tip, wrapping tightly around Harry, Hermione, and Hagrid, binding them securely and rendering them immobile.

"EXPELLIARMUS!" Lucius collected their wands.

Harry struggled against the ropes, his heart pounding with fear and frustration.

Hermione's face contorted with determination as she glared defiantly at Lucius, her eyes flashing with anger. "You won't get away with this, Malfoy," she spat, her voice filled with venom. "The truth will come out, and when it does, you'll pay for your crimes."

But Lucius merely laughed, a cold and cruel sound that sent shivers down Harry's spine. "Gentlemen, why don't you take a look at the murderous beast outside, while I explain the law to our three criminals here."

Once the others were outside, Lucius turned back to Hermione, "You filthy mudblood, you have no idea how the real world works."

Hermione's jaw clenched with fury at Lucius's derogatory words, but she refused to let him see how much his insults affected her. Instead, she met his gaze head-on, her eyes blazing with defiance.

"I may not know everything about the real world, Mr. Malfoy," she said through gritted teeth, her voice trembling with suppressed anger, "but I do know that justice..."

"CRUCIO!" Lucius yelled

The curse hit Hermione square in the chest, and she fell to the ground with a cry of pain, her body writhing in agony as the curse took hold. Harry's heart clenched with horror as he watched, his hands straining against the ropes that bound him, his mind racing with a desperate need to help his friend.

But before he could do anything, Hagrid let out a deafening roar, his massive frame shaking with fury as he lunged forward, breaking free from his bindings with sheer brute strength. With a roar of rage, he charged at Lucius, his fists raised high as he prepared to strike.

However, Lucius was prepared, and with a flick of his wand, he sent Hagrid flying backward, his body crashing to the ground with a loud thud. Harry's heart pounded in his chest as he watched, a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins as he desperately struggled against the ropes that bound him.

"Mmmh, now you are openly using violence against the ministry of magic. That is called treason, you ugly stinking overgrown fat bastard. And enough to call for immediate execution. AVADA KIDAVRA!" Lucius explained, a green spell leaving his wand.

The air grew heavy with shock and horror, Hagrid's massive form lying motionless on the floor. Harry's heart felt like it had stopped as he watched in horror, a cold knot of dread forming in the pit of his stomach.

Hermione lay nearby, still writhing in pain from the Cruciatus Curse, her cries echoing through the hut. Harry felt a surge of helplessness wash over him as he struggled against the ropes that bound him, his mind racing with desperation.

Lucius Malfoy stood over them, his expression cold and merciless as he surveyed the scene before him. "Pathetic," he sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "I expected more from you, Potter. But it seems you're just as weak as the rest of your little friends. AVADA KEDAVRA!"

Moments before the green light hit him he found himself back in the castle, drenched in sweat, and still standing in the doorway to the empty classroom. He hadn't even stepped foot inside.

"Everything alright Harry, you suddenly stopped." The kind voice of his uncle from behind calmed his racing heart a little. 

Harry swallowed hard, trying to steady his breathing as he nodded slowly. Yet before he could answer all the nervousness, exhaustion, confusion and panic disappeared in a moments notice. "Y-yeah, I'm fine."

Lucas was sitting on his chair in the middle of the room opposite another one, which he gestured to, "why don't you take a seat, so we can continue your lesson."

Harry hesitated for a moment, but sat down regardless. 

"What have you learned?" Lucas asked curiously after giving him some time.

"To not look into your eyes." Harry said bluntly.

"Well that's a given. What else?" A flash of ridicule could be seen in his eyes, if anyone where to look into them.


"Nothing, really? That's disappointing. Then do you have any questions?" 

"How... How did you do it?" 

Lucas regarded Harry with a cool detachment, his expression inscrutable. "It was fairly easy. You are far weaker than you think. I just brought you into your imagination and gave you a push into the right direction, the rest was constructed by yourself. But I have to say I didn't think you would hold Mr. Malfoy in such high regards. I also didn't think your rivalry with Draco was this bad, from what I have heard of this morning."

Harry's mind reeled at Lucas's words, a mixture of shock and disbelief coursing through him. He couldn't believe that Lucas had manipulated him so easily, taking advantage of his fears and insecurities to create such a vivid and terrifying illusion.

"But... but why?" Harry stammered, his voice trembling with a mixture of anger and confusion. "Why would you do something like that?"

Lucas regarded him with a cool detachment, his expression unreadable. "A lesson," he replied simply, his tone devoid of emotion. "Your first one. You wanted to learn about Legilimency, didn't you? Consider it your first step towards learning about the power of the mind."

Harry's fists clenched with frustration at Lucas's flippant response. "That's not a lesson," he spat, his voice tinged with anger. "That's manipulation."

Lucas shrugged nonchalantly, as if Harry's anger meant nothing to him. "Call it what you will," he said dismissively. "But you can't deny that you learned something today."

Harry's jaw tightened with indignation at Lucas's arrogance, but he forced himself to remain calm. "I learned that you're not to be trusted and that the rumours are true," he said firmly, his voice laced with determination. "I won't make that mistake again."

"You are too weak to speak about trust anyway."

With that, Harry stood up abruptly, his gaze fixed on Lucas with a steely determination. "I'm done with this lesson," he declared, his voice ringing with resolve. "And I'm done with you."

Without waiting for a response, Harry turned on his heel and stormed out of the classroom, but the moment he stepped back into the hallway he found himself back in the classroom sitting in front of Lucas. "Are you done with your tantrum?"

Harry's frustration boiled over at Lucas's dismissive attitude, but he took a deep breath, trying to steady his emotions. He refused to let Lucas get the better of him again.

"I'm not having a tantrum," Harry retorted, his voice firm and unwavering. "I'm simply refusing to tolerate your manipulation any longer. I won't be a pawn in your games."

Lucas raised an eyebrow, seemingly unfazed by Harry's outburst. "Is that so?" he replied calmly, his tone tinged with amusement. "And what do you intend to do about it?"

Harry's jaw tightened with determination as he met Lucas's gaze head-on. "I intend to find a real teacher," he said firmly, his voice filled with resolve. "Someone who actually cares about helping me learn, rather than using me for their own amusement."

Lucas's expression remained impassive, but there was a glint of something in his eyes that Harry couldn't quite decipher. "Good luck with that," he said cryptically, his voice carrying a hint of mockery.

Without another word, Harry turned and strode out of the classroom, only to find himself back in his chair.

"It's easy, get stronger!" Lucas said clearly. "Get strong enough so that no one can take advantage of you. And without further ado, let's begin your first lesson. As you just now noticed. The easiest way to use the mind arts on someone is when they aren't paying attention to their emotions. I will start every lesson with such an illusion, until you manage to keep your feelings in check and look through it."

It was an arguably cruel way of teaching the mind arts, but as it will turn out, a phenomenally effective one. At least for someone as emotional and impulsive as Harry.

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