68.11% Harry Potter: outlier / Chapter 47: 47 Boggart

章節 47: 47 Boggart

Harry looked at the picture of his uncle in the paper, he was unsure what to think about him. On one hand he was convicted of mass murder, but on the other his father refused to talk about it, always saying he needed to grow up some more. But wasn't he already old enough?

He had been old enough to take the Heirship Test at Gringotts after all.

That should have meant that he was partly an adult, so why wasn't he allowed to know. Uncle Remus refused as well, saying it was his fathers decision.

He hated being kept in the dark, just as much as he hated being powerless. Thankfully Remus had accepted his request for additional private lessons in Defence against the Dark Arts. He was especially looking forward to that spell that repelled that Dementor on the train and Dumbledore had said that another special teacher was going to teach him as well.

As Harry pondered over his uncle's mysterious past and the lack of information about it, he couldn't shake the feeling of frustration and curiosity. It seemed like everyone around him was keeping secrets, and he was left in the dark, unable to fully understand the truth.

Even his sister and Hermione had fully immersed themselves in their studies. Holly with her special project, which she had started over the summer and refused to tell him about and the latter, who he met all over the castle but was too busy to spare even a few minutes.

Harry sighed heavily, feeling a sense of isolation creeping in. It seemed like everyone had their own agenda, their own secrets to keep, and he was left alone to navigate his own life all alone.

Turning his attention back to the newspaper, Harry stared at his uncle's picture, searching for any clues or answers that might shed light on his conundrum. But the image kept on silently screaming and frankly acting insane, offering no help.

Feeling a surge of frustration and helplessness, Harry crumpled up the newspaper and tossed it aside, no closer to understanding the truth than he was before.

At least the Hippogriff liked him.


Time flew by and Lucas got back into his old rhythm, if not a more extreme version of it with everyone now openly avoiding him. He rather spent all his time in the Room of Requirements than endure his new special treatment. It didn't get to him, at least not yet, but it wasn't pleasant either. Being constantly aware of all the doubts, hate and fear of everyone around you does that to you.

Currently, he was on his way to his next lesson, which was Defence against the Dark Arts with professor Lupin. It was a special lesson, because it wasn't in the usual standard classroom, instead, if the rumours were correct, they would confront a living Boggart today.

He wasn't scared, because he was very much aware what his deepest fear was. He could even change it at a moments notice, perks of being a natural Legilimens, but he was against doing that, even if it was just for this lesson. The problem was more how the other children would react. It wouldn't be a pretty sight.

Entering the designated room for the special lesson, Lucas found himself surrounded by his fellow Hufflepuffs as well as Ravenclaws, wearing expressions ranging from nervousness to excitement. He was late, just like he was to every class this year. It proved to be better than being early.

Professor Lupin had already started explaining what they were doing today and halted when he saw the newcomer. "... Good day, Lucas. As I was saying Boggarts have the ability to transform into the thing that each individual fears the most. Thankfully they have a rather simple counter, which we will be learning today. If you would speak after me: Riddikulus!"

The others repeated the incantation a few times until professor Lupin was satisfied. He did, however, notice that Lucas didn't participate, but didn't call him out either. Dumbledore had given the teachers special orders to give Lucas some leeway.

"Now, lets begin. Form a line before the wardrobe please."

As the other students formed a line before the closet, anticipation hung thick in the air. Lucas waited and kept his distance all the way in the back. He knew what awaited him inside that closet, and facing it in front of his classmates was something he wanted to avoid.

Professor Lupin called for the first in line and after getting confirmation that she was ready he opened the closet. Out came a blood dripping ghost, its features twisted into an unnatural grin that literally went from one ear to the other.

The young Hufflepuff girl, took a deep breath and pointed her wand at the creature, her voice shaking slightly as she shouted, "Riddikulus!"

Instantly, the creature before her contorted and shifted, its menacing form replaced by a comical sight. It now resembled a giant, wobbling jellyfish with a clown's face, its tentacles flailing about in a clumsy manner.

The class erupted into laughter at the absurd sight, the tension in the room easing as the fear was transformed into something harmless and amusing.

One by one, the students took their turns facing the Boggart, each one confronting their deepest fears and banishing them with the Riddikulus charm.

Eventually it was Susan's turn.

She stepped forward tentatively, her expression a mixture of nervousness and determination. She had been dreading this moment ever since the rumours had spread. Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Susan faced the balloon animal from the last person, her heart pounding in her chest. 

As she summoned her courage, the Boggart twisting and contorting into the shape of a Dementor, the one she had seen on the train. Her breath was caught in her throat, and her heart hammered against her ribcage. The memories flooded back, suffocating her in their icy grip. The Dementor's presence loomed over her threateningly.

With trembling hands, Susan raised her wand, but the incantation stuck in her throat. She could feel the cold tendrils of fear tightening around her, dragging her down into the abyss of her darkest nightmares.

"R-Riddikulus," she stammered, her voice only a whisper, barely audible over the pounding of her heart.

But instead of turning the creature into something else, nothing happened. The Dementor advanced, its hooded face leering at her with hollow eyes, draining the warmth and light from her very being.

Susan's chest tightened with panic as she struggled to push back the overwhelming tide of despair. The memories, the pain, the loss—it all crashed over her like a tidal wave, threatening to drown her in darkness.

And then, just as she thought all hope was lost, a warm feeling spread in her chest that broke through the darkness, helping her find courage once more. 

"Riddikulus!" she shouted, her voice ringing out crystal clear.

And in an instant, the Dementor before her transformed, its menacing form twisting and contorting into the figure of a clumsy, oversized clown slipping on a banana peel with a bouquet of flowers in its hands, which flew everywhere.

Laughter filled the class again and Hannah was next.

The Boggart, watching her for a moment, transformed, its height shrunk and the clown costume turned into robes. Short brown hair grew and two brown eyes watched her mockingly. An arrogant smirk completed the picture.

Audible gasps filled the room, because it actually transformed into a student, and even someone present in this very room. It was Lucas. Hannah's Boggart form was Lucas.

She froze, her heart pounding in her chest as she stared at the Boggart before her. It was a sight she hadn't expected, and it sent a chill down her spine. The sight was uncanny, from the arrogant smirk to the mocking gaze in its eyes.

The classroom fell silent, the air thick with tension as everyone watched Hannah's reaction. She could feel their eyes on her, their whispers and murmurs swirling around her like a storm.

For a moment, Hannah was paralyzed with fear, her mind racing as she tried to process what was happening. She had never expected her deepest fear to take the form of her fellow classmate, let alone someone she had once considered a friend.

But as she stared into the mocking eyes of the Boggart-Lucas, something inside her shifted. A spark of hatred ignited within her, burning away the fear and uncertainty that had gripped her moments before.

With a steely resolve, Hannah raised her wand, her voice ringing out louder than anyones' before her. "Riddikulus!" she shouted, her voice seething with anger.

In an instant, the Boggart-Lucas transformed, its arrogant smirk fading into a look of confusion as it stumbled backward, its form twisting and contorting into that of a harmless puppy chasing its own tail.

No one dared to laugh or break the silence.

Professor Lupin stepped forward, his expression somber. "Well done, Hannah. Who is next?"

The classroom remained silent, the weight of the moment lingering in the air. Hannah stood there, her chest heaving with exertion, her eyes still fixed on the harmless puppy.

After a moment of hesitation, another student stepped forward to face the Boggart, breaking the tension that had settled over the room. The lesson continued, each student taking their turn.

Until it was Lucas' turn, who was still in the back of the class, not making any move to come closer.

Professor Lupin looked at him with a mixture of concern and encouragement. "Are you ready, Lucas?"

The student in question shook his head, and a voice resonated in the professor's mind, 'I rather not show my fear to the other students, it's rather macabre.'

Professor Lupin nodded understandingly after a moment to grasp the ramifications of the voice. "That's alright, Lucas. With that today's lesson is over. I hope it was fun."

As the students began to disperse, the professor approached him, "If you want to stay behind and face it alone with me that would be alright."

Lucas waited for the last one to leave the room before replying, "I don't really need to do that. I already know which form it will take. But I guess Dumbledore wants to know, doesn't he?"

 "I already know the answer, you don't have to lie to me." He continued as he walked to the middle of the room in front of the wardrobe. "Let's get this over with. It's not like i have a choice."

Lupin was at a loss for words, he didn't expect this. "You don't have to if you don't want to, nobody is forcing you."

Lucas looked at him sceptically, "We both know that isn't true that old goat wouldn't give up such an opportunity. If he doesn't get what he wants now, then he will find another way."

"Sigh, I don't know what made you come to this conclusion, but I take it I won't be able to convince you otherwise." the professor said. "Very well, Lucas. If you're sure about this, then let's give it a go."

With a nod from his student, professor Lupin opened the wardrobe, revealing the darkness within. A tense silence hung in the air as both teacher and student waited for the Boggart to emerge.

Seconds stretched into minutes, but nothing happened. The darkness remained still, refusing to yield to the Boggart's presence.

Confusion furrowed Lupin's brow as he glanced at Lucas, who stood before the wardrobe with a guarded expression.

"I don't understand," Lupin murmured, his gaze fixed on the empty darkness. "Where is it? Why isn't it coming out?"

Lucas remained silent for a moment before speaking in realization. "It's afraid."

Lupin's eyes widened in confusion, never having heard of it doing something like this. "Afraid? Afraid of what?"

Lucas didn't answer immediately, his gaze still fixed on the darkness within the wardrobe. When he finally spoke, his voice was barely audible, tinged with a hint of bitterness.

"Of me."

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