John was having a good time listening to music when he heard a knock on the door. The spirit of the house opened the door only to be greeted by a bald woman and Constantine.
"How are you, love? Is John treating you properly?" Constantine spoke. The Ancient One too was surprised to see a spirit inviting them. She had never come before to John's house and even in the Ring.
It was her first time in the Ring. She could feel the magic power of the House of Mysteries and even the Tower of Fate nearby.
"Treats me better than you ever did. Please come in." the spirit spoke in a bland tone.
John, who saw them, invited them near the fireplace. Everybody sat down. The spirit brought tea for the Ancient One and a glass of whisky for Constantine.
"So Kaecilius is dead." the Ancient One said. John looked at her and smiled. The first mission he gave to Constantine was successful. He didn't care about the future anymore.
"That's good. No more Dormmamu." John replied.
"Yes. Then what about Strange?" Ancient One asked.
"What about him? He can still be a magician." John asked, confused.
"You don't understand. Do you? Your medical technology wouldn't allow Strange to take the magical route." the Ancient One spoke.
"Huh. Wait? I actually forgot about that. Fine. If he gets into an accident I will guide him to Kamar Taj. Is that better?" John said as he actually did forget that the medical technology now of Earth was at least a 100 years ahead. Even though the Pokemons haven't been integrated with hospitals, that day wasn't far. That would add more to the medical industry.
"You better do that. Your interference of Kaecilius has already changed a lot. I don't want Strange to go on a different path." the Ancient One said.
"Who are you kidding? Strange is destined to take the magical route no matter what." John said. The Ancient One just shrugged her shoulders to that and drank her tea. She really loved the tea that the spirit made for her. Constantine didn't utter a word as he was enjoying the whisky.
"Is there any chance for Z?" Constantine asked finally.
"There might be." John said as he had other plans for Z. She was way too powerful and was perfect for another person to handle. Even though he would participate in it himself.
The Ancient One left after finishing her tea. John called GAIA and gave her instructions for handling the case of Strange if his case ever came up in the next few days. John now wanted to see if Strange really ever took the path of magician after this massive interference.
Constantine spent some time at his old home before leaving. John too went for his own works. The next few days went like normal and nothing happened of significance.
Meanwhile, Strange's path didn't deviate much. It followed the exact course as the original story and was in an accident where the bones of his hands broke. When Strange woke up he saw his hands dangling on bandages. When he saw his hands in such a position and in pain he was in, he had tears. His face too had terrible bruises.
Then he saw Christine Palmer sitting by his side looking at him.
"What happened? What did they do?" Stephen asked.
"It took a long time to find you. You have severe nerve damage. There are steel pins inserted on your hands so that you have the functioning of your hands left." Palmer said.
"Why did they do that? Don't we have the medical pods to operate on that?" Stephen asked with more pain in his voice.
"The Umbrella Corporation refused to give access to you and they left a phone number for you to call when you wake up. Did you ever antagonize them Stephen? They never said no to anybody. You are the first person they said no to." Palmer said.
"I have never done anything wrong to them. I admit that because of them I have become poorer but in no case have I ever complained. Why are they doing this to me?" Stephen asked.
"No idea. Take rest now, call them when you are in a position to make that call. Don't let your arrogance speak over the call Stephen. I have gone through the reports. Only a med pod would be able to save your hands."
"I understand." Stephen said in an annoying tone as he really didn't know why he didn't have access to the med pod.
After 2 days of feeling better, Strange finally called up the number given by the Umbrella Corp. He was hesitant at first as he didn't know who was on the other side of the call.
"Hello, This is Stephen Strange. I was provided a number to call the Umbrella Corp."
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"Hello, Doctor Strange. This is John Jameson."
Strange shuddered when he heard that name. He thought the other end of the call would be a manager of some kind. He didn't expect that it was the ultimate boss himself. John was way too famous and was in a way too higher position. He didn't understand how he had warranted the notice of such a being.
"Mr. Jameson I made this call because I was denied the access to medical pods. Can I know why?" Stephen asked politely as he didn't know the actual reason.
"Umbrella denied the access because to let to show you how little you know Stephen." John said.
"What do you mean?" Strange asked. But as he said that there was a weird symbol appeared in his room. The symbol glowed and out came a mad with a golden cape and golden helmet.
Stephen and Christine who was also present nearby was surprised. She had seen how teleportation worked of the Ring and it was never like that.
"This is what I mean Dr. Strange when I meant you know very little."
"You are John Jameson?" Stephen asked. To his question, John removed his helmet. What surprised John was that Christine actually had a Pokemon. But sadly it wasn't a Pokemon related to healing. It was a Sobble. John smiled as he saw this, signifying that Pokemons have started its normal integration of the society.
"Never knew the famous Mr. Jameson has a thing for theatrics." Stephen said without holding back his words. He didn't know why he was not given access to the med pods but it really made him annoyed. John just smiled at the comment and said
"What do you think of the last movie Dr. Strange?. I will presume you have watched it." John asked.
"You mean Justice League Dark? It was a good movie. But what has that movie got to do with me?" Stephen asked as he was more confused now.
"Do you think magic exists?" John asked.
"Magic? I only believe what I see Mr. Jameson. Until I see with my own eyes I don't believe in anything. For now I believe magic is just higher form of technology and nothing else." Dr. Strange replied. Christine who was listening to this also sighed. It was hard for someone like Strange to accept magic. He had seen Pokemon and people think they have powers because of their genes and physiology. They never connected them to any form of magic.
"Do you think the movies I make are just for fun?" John asked.
"I don't know. Nor do I care. I just want to know why I am not being given access to med pods?" Strange insisted on it. John sighed when he heard that answer. His arrogance had always been a problem. Tony too had arrogance but it has toned down a quite now after know the other versions of him are more powerful than him, especially after know that there is Cosmic Iron Man. That has been his drive and he had been working diligently.
Strange hasn't gone through that as of yet. In the original world he became a little humble after the Ancient One showed him a way. Now he needed to show Strange how little he knew.
John didn't reply his question and directly hit him on his chest. Christine and Stephen couldn't even react to John's move. As he did that Stephen's astral form came out of his body. Stephen's astral form floated for a few seconds before John pulled him back to his body.
"Still think magic is unreal Strange?" John asked.
"What did you do?" both of them asked. Even though Christine couldn't see the astral form she was scared that John had hit him. She was almost ready to call he police.
"What did you just do? What was that?" Strange asked as he really didn't understand what had happened.
"I pushed your astral form out of your physical form." John replied. "It's fine Christine. I didn't hurt Stephen. You don't have to worry. He is alright." John said to Christine.
"Can you explain me what was that?" Stephen asked again. As he said that there was a portal opening by John's side. Out came the Ancient One.
"That's your patient now. I can't handle him." John said first to her before the two people could even ask what was going on. Today was a huge shock for both Stephen and Christine.
At first it was John appearing weirdly in front of them and then saying that there was magic. He proceeded to push the astral form out of Strange. And now there was another portal opening which looked different than John's. And a bald woman appearing in ancient looking clothes.
"What the hell is going on?" Stephen asked now as there was another woman in his room whom he have never seen before.
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