47.2% The Cursed Gamer / Chapter 236: 236: No, you didn't… (2)

章節 236: 236: No, you didn't… (2)

Chapter 236: No, you didn't… (2)

Team Seven, with their substitute Captain and teammate, Yamato and Sai, started their travel not very smoothly due to Sai.  

In their five days of journey, Sai was an annoyance through and through. Neither Naruto nor Sakura liked him. However, they managed somehow and finally reached the Tenchi Bridge, in the Land of Grass.

Yamato used his wood style to replicate Sasori's puppet and conversed with Kabuto – Sasori's spy – while hiding within the puppet. However, Orochimaru appeared midway through their conversation and Kabuto revealed he was on the snake's side all along.

A fight broke out, and Naruto had attacked Orochimaru in rage, with three chakra tails materialised behind him. He had made another promise with the Fox to allow him the usage of chakra again.

The battle escalated, and Naruto was starting to gain an edge over Orochimaru as more tails materialised behind him. Orochimaru wasn't in his peak condition due to his current body almost reaching its 3-year expiration date.

Yamato and Sakura were able to take care of Kabuto, while Sai was observing it all from the sky on top of a bird he drew.

It was then as Naruto started to materialise his 7th-tail and Yamato panicked. He was notified of the Nine-Tails' behaviour in the Kazekage mission, so he was strictly told to make sure Naruto doesn't enter the 7th Tail since then the Fox would start to take over Naruto's body. Then, even if Naruto defeated Orochimaru, he would also endanger his teammates' lives.

At that moment, however, Uchiha Sasuke came to the battlefield. He supposedly came to find Orochimaru after sensing a disturbing Chakra.

"So that's the source of your power," that was what Sasuke Uchiha had said once he noticed Naruto.

Then, as he activated his Sharingan, the chakra cloak started to dissipate and Naruto was soon unconscious on the ground, his skin burned to reveal the bloody layer below.

Sasuke promptly dodged a surprise attack from Sai before killing the boy with a kunai throw. He then tried to kill Yamato as well, but stopped once an injured Orochimaru told him not to.

Sasuke was about to return with Orochimaru and Kabuto, but Sakura stood still.

"T-take me with you, Sasuke!"

"I will leave the village and follow you around!"

"I-... I learned Medical Ninjutsu from one of the Sannins, Tsunade Senju! My skills ought to help you!"

Sasuke had given her a cold glare before softly throwing her a Kunai. Once she caught it, he told her to use it to kill Yamato.

"I already have a very good Medic Ninja with me." Sasuke had said while pointing at Kabuto. "To prove your worth, show me you can defeat a Jounin. If you manage to do so, I will consider your request."

Sakura had frozen hearing that, and in that instant Sasuke Uchiha moved like the wind and drove his lightning-clad hand inside Sakura's chest, narrowly missing the heart. Though if the miss was intentional or not, nobody could tell.

While Sakura lost consciousness, her eyes wide and betrayed, Yamato watched Sasuke's Sharingan spin in a weird motion before a strange red symbol replaced his pupils.


Naruto and Yamato told their part of the story in succession, filling the gaps one another had, as the Hokage's office stayed utterly silent.

"The Mangekyou Sharingan…" Kakashi was the first to break the silence. "Sasuke didn't intentionally miss her heart. He struck intending to kill. It was either luck, or Sakura managed to regain her senses at the last second to narrowly evade it, hitting her heart."

"I am sure it's the latter." Tsunade said from her seat. "She probably wanted to follow Sasuke to act as a spy for us. So even if she didn't expect him to attack her, she managed to at least avoid an instant kill. Also, even if it took you guys less time than usual because of Naruto running like crazy while carrying you both, it wouldn't make sense for Sakura to stay alive with such a wound for more than an hour. That means she was subconsciously using Medical Ninjutsu to delay her death even in her sleep."

Both Kakashi, Yamato and even Neji digressed with her opinion that Sakura would become a Konoha spy if she left with Sasuke. Yamato had seen her interaction with his own two eyes, while Kakashi knew her for a long time, and Neji knew her for even longer (from another source, but that's beside the point). However, none of them pointed out their opinion.

"Also Neji…" Naruto started. "About the deal I made with that demonic Fox… the deal was that it would let me use six of its tails in exchange that I stop being its Jinchuriki and rather let you have it. I am sorry, I agreed to it without listening to it." Naruto said, watching Neji frown. "But don't worry, that promise doesn't matter anymore since it tried to take over my body. I hate it to its core, but I would rather have it inside me than let it have its wish."

["You brat!!"] A majestic roar came from within Naruto's throat all of a sudden. ["I was just helping you win against that snake! Is this how you repay me?!"]

"Shut up, you bitch!" Naruto's own voice yelled next. "I don't care! Go back inside! I will talk with Pervy Sage to relock the seals entirely! I don't need your six-tails chakra!"

["You!! This wouldn't end well, Naruto Uzumaki!"] Naruto's throat was veiny as he said that before returning to normal.

"Tch. It's finally gone." Naruto said, sighing.

The room fell silent before Neji said, "Why did the voice sound somewhat feminine?"

"Oh, I didn't tell you yet." Naruto looked at him. "The Nine-Tailed fox identifies as a female. More like a bitch, but yeah."

"Oh." Neji blinked. "Understandable."

So the 'thirst' he felt from Kurama was because of that. It was probably his "Predator" perk. In any case, he wasn't going to run after the fox. 'She' was never his target, to begin with.

"Rather than that," Neji crossed his arms as he leaned against the well in a relaxed pose. "What do you plan to do now? Still plan to bring that guy back to Konoha? I don't think Tsunade-sama will accept him as a normal shinobi after he tried to kill her pupil."

Tsunade nodded from the side. "He's right, Naruto. That Sasuke… I don't know him that much, but if he tried to kill Sakura, there is no way around it. He's a missing-nin, and if you bring him back he will be treated as a criminal."

"But Granny!" Naruto cried. "You know Orochimaru, don't you? He is clearly manipulating Sasuke! Sasuke didn't do it on his own!"

Tsunade just sighed. Naruto didn't see Sasuke with his own eyes, he was taken over by the Nine-Tails when Sasuke arrived. So of course he had a different opinion than Yamato. 

"Anyway, Kakashi." Tsunade looked at Kakashi. "As Naruto said, he wouldn't use the Beast's chakra anymore. I also think that's for the better. So it's up to you to train Naruto to grow strong on your own. Yamato will help you keep Naruto suppressed. And…" He looked at Neji. "I wanted to talk… about something. But the situation at hand needs me to be busy. Come and meet me tomorrow. You are all dismissed."

Everyone nodded and left.


After leaving the Hokage building, Neji, Kakashi, Naruto and Yamato made their way to the hospital to check on Sakura. 

"You can't go," the nurse shook her head at them. "Sakura-san strictly forbade anyone to enter. Shizune-sama told us to answer her any requests, saying she's not mentally stable at the moment, so we abided. We can't let you see her."

"Aww!" Naruto sighed. "I wanted to ask her how she's feeling…"

"It's fine, Naruto." Kakashi placed a hand on his shoulder. "Let us start your training instead. Ten- cough! Yamato, come with me."

"Huh? What about Neji?" Naruto asked as he was pulled back, completely oblivious that Kakashi almost revealed Yamato's true name.

Kakashi glanced back at the counter where Neji was smiling at the nurse, chatting with her. "Oh well, it looks like he's busy. Let us not disturb him."


As they left, Neji stopped looking at them with Lord's Eye and continued chatting with the hot nurse with wavy blue hair.

"Umm, but still, Shizune-sama won't like it…" the nurse trailed off, smiling with a soft blush. "But maybe I can manage if you buy me dinner…?"

"My, I was thinking the same thing," Neji said to her. "I am a bit busy tonight. Are you free tomorrow? I can be yours the whole day."

"Uh…" the girl blushed further. "A-alright, sure, I-I am free."

It was fun being good-looking, things such as these came easily, but he felt like he was selling his looks again. Neji watched her scribble an address on a small piece of paper before handing it to him. He accepted her hand, feeling it softly, and then accepted the paper.

He decided to just send a shadow clone to her tomorrow. Neji then made his way to Sakura's chamber.


"May I come in?"


For a minute, there was no answer, so- "I am coming in." -he slid open the door.

He opened the door and found a pink-haired girl, wearing a patient's gown, staring outside the window from her bed.

Neji closed the door and leaned his back against it. "Yo!"

Sakura didn't move for a long time, as if she was a doll, before finally turning to meet his blindfold. "Thank you… for saving me. I am grateful. But can I get some alone time?"

"No? Sorry, you can't get some alone time." Neji said casually, as if he wasn't stepping into her private space. "I think you need someone to talk to rather than some alone time. Unless you want to stay depressed for eternity?"

"..." Sakura opened her mouth before sighing. Her eyes gained a soft light and she glared at him. "Look, God or human, whatever you are, you have no authorization to just come to my chamber without my consent. We aren't even that close."

Neji listened silently, not offended at all.

"I am grateful for your help, but that's all. I am not in… any condition to converse with anyone. I don't have any reason to, either." Sakura said, turning to the window again. "Please, leave."

Neji shrugged, "I came here for a 2nd checkup anyway. Sheesh, so heartless." He walked over to her, while she sighed hearing his words. He sat down on the stool beside her bed and reached out a hand. "Give me your hand. I was planning to touch you with the excuse of a checkup, but you don't seem to be in the mood."

That made her giggle, though it lasted a pitiful few seconds. She reached out her hand regardless, placing it on top of his.

Sakura watched as he softly and carefully touched her hand, and then cast a strange Jutsu on her without even using hand signs. Sakura felt as if her whole body was being scanned by something before the sensation stopped 5 seconds later.

"Done," Neji said, as he was about to release her hand. "It seems all good. I know you are a medic Ninja yourself, but don't be shy if you feel anything weird and just call for me."

Sakura looked up at him as he released her hand. Neji was about to stand up, but… Sakura didn't let go of his hands and looked at his blindfold. Feeling the sign, Neji pulled down his blindfold to reveal his eyes. "Yes?"

"Hey…" Sakura started. "Are you… confident in beating Naruto in his seven-tails form?" She asked. "I know… and even saw you kill the One-Tailed Beast, but it's weaker than a 7-tailed one right?"

The Seven Tails was stronger than One Tails, pretty sure. But Neji wasn't entirely certain if the same was true for the 7-tails Jinjuriki Naruto that she was talking about in this context.

"I can possibly take on the Nine-Tails itself, even if it were to come out of Naruto." Neji said, watching her release a regretting sigh.

"...Maybe I should have asked Tsunade-sama to let you tag along with us, somehow. Even if it took a few more days to depart – due to your situation – you could have taken us by the sky." Sakura said. "...Maybe with you on our side, we could have brought Sasuke back."

Neji stared at her, somewhat disappointed even though he expected this reaction. "Really?" He asked with a sigh. "Didn't he, like, basically kill you? It wasn't an accident either."

"..." Sakura was at a loss for words. "He… he was probably being controlled by Orochimaru."

"Do you really believe that?" Neji shrugged. "Is your teammate mentally so weak to get brainwashed?"

"D-don't talk bad about Sasuke-"

"You are being pathetic, Sakura." Neji shut her up. "This isn't love, it's obsession, and not the good type either."

"You don't know anything!" Sakura yanked her hand back from him, her face fuming. "You just… you just play around with lots of girls, what do you know about love?!"

Neji couldn't hold back a chuckle.

"My dear Sakura." He reached out a hand and placed it on her cheek, looking into her eyes. "If only you knew."

After meeting her frozen gaze for a minute, Neji sighed and stood up. "Anyway, as I said, if you feel anything weird with your body just call me. I tried, but it seems I can't help heal your mental state. You are a bit too far gone for that. Goodbye."

He turned to leave. However, just as he opened the door…

"Then!" Sakura yelled from behind him. "What do you suggest? What should I do? Just give up? Forget every struggle I did for the last few years?"

Neji didn't turn back, he rather wore his blindfold again. "Find someone else you can love. Who will love you back. Normally I wouldn't say it, but Naruto isn't a bad choice. He would treat you like a Queen, believe me."

"But I don't want to!" Sakura yelled in response. "I don't want him to feel like a substitute for Sasuke! N-naruto doesn't deserve that! I… I also don't deserve Naruto's love!"

"Then find someone better than Sasuke." Neji turned to her."Someone so good that he will make Sasuke Uchiha feel like a substitute."

Silence stretched between them as Neji again prepared to walk away, however, Sakura yelled again. 

"You say all that yet give me no clear answer." Sakura's voice was quivering. "Is that how Gods always act? W-why?"

"I am not a God. Not yet." Neji replied. "Even if I was, I would only listen to my believers, not outsiders."

"A believer…" Sakura muttered. "Then make me."

Neji turned to look at her again.

"Make me a believer..." The crazy girl said. "Give me answers to how I can heal my scar, make me forget about S-Sasuke, that betraying bastard!"

"Why should I?" Neji pulled up his blindfold to look at her, his expression blank. "I am not obsessed with you like Naruto, I have no reason to go so far as to heal your scars, Sakura. The world doesn't spin around you."

"..." Sakura went silent, but instead of backing off, she opened her mouth soon. "Then make me yours." She said, "Not a believer… not for answers… just, make me yours. You talk about finding someone better than Sasuke? I only know one person like that."

She stood up, walking over to him before she grabbed him by the collar. "Don't just… come to me, say a bunch of stuff about how I am such an idiotic bitch, and walk away as if nothing happened. Do something! Neji Hyuga, make me yours, dammit!"

[Quest, "Make Sakura Yours", has been generated!]

She was huffing as she looked up at his unreadable expression. Slowly, as the silence stretched but he refused to say anything, Sakura's hands shakingly left his collar as she lowered her head. "...I am sor-"

"That's a dangerous thing to say, Sakura." Neji interrupted her, spinning her around and pushing her against the wall. "To ask a person to make you theirs. Moreover, to ask me of all people…. Your obsession with Sasuke might look like a joke after you fall for me. That's not necessarily a good thing, is it?"

Sakura, breathing heavily as her arms were locked over her head, looked into his eyes without backing away. "I don't care. Between a God and an edgy motherfucker who can't respect the love and obsession he's getting for years, the choice is simple."

Neji smirked at her. "Choice? What if I don't want you either?"

"That'd be a big problem," Sakura said, leaning over. "But I don't think you're into boys, so… I will just have to take the initiative and hand myself over." and she placed a kiss on his lips.

Sakura wouldn't know, but Neji was so turned on that he wanted to ravage her right now. But he controlled himself and rather went for a passionate kiss. His hand released hers and went to roam on her perky butt, feeling the soft meat against his tight touch as she moaned in his mouth, her arms locked around his neck as if she feared to let him go.

The kiss grew more intense, and they moved from the wall to the bed, touching under each other's clothes.


They both heard a gasp from the opened door and turned to look at that. There, Hinata and Ino, with a basket of fruit in their hands, watched the scene with wide eyes and red faces. Neji shrugged and ignored them, leaning over to kiss her again, and Sakura wasn't in any state to reject.

"Fuck, this is so hot…" she muttered before her lips were stolen.




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