47.43% Invictus: A Naruto Insert. / Chapter 37: Dominoes

章節 37: Dominoes

Thank you for the feedback about last chapter, it was very much appreciated.

I'll be going into Shippuden without breaking up the story into two parts. I don't exactly like breaking into different parts.

Anyway, here's a new chapter.


The conversation I just had with Hiruzen had me fuming at the situation before me.

As I was now, I could be considered a Jonin when based on fighting skill alone. Hiruzen wanted a show of force to be made to display that Konoha still stood strong and wasn't slowed down by the losses from the Kyuubi attack.

The conversation, you might ask, was him asking me to take the Chunin exams alone, no teammates.

"You say Uchiha, I say Itachi." I muttered to myself, walking through the streets of Konoha.

All the Jonin instructors had signed their Genin up for the exams, which was to begin this week.

Bumping into someone, I shrugged when they called me a little bastard and kept walking.

"Why would you do this?" I asked myself, thinking of Hiruzen, "You know I don't want the attention, yet you insist upon it."

I walked towards the park, the same one that I ran off to years ago, the night that started this.

I sat down on a swing, ignoring the looks I got from some of the people, and just sat and thought about why Hiruzen wanted me to.

'Konoha will look obscenely strong from the fact that rookie Genin will be much more capable than other Genin a few years older, and that doesn't even include me.' I thought, an idea making itself known.

Every single Hokage made sacrifices for the sake of the village, sacrifices that were horrific.

Hashirama killed his best friend to protect the village, Tobirama died to save his students, Hiruzen would have sent his soul and the souls of his teachers into the Shinigami's stomach if I wasn't here, Minato did something similar, and Tsunade almost killed herself healing the wounded after Pein's attack and fought Madara.

'Can I really do what they did?' I thought, the realization being a sobering one.

Saying that I could was different from knowing that I could.

Perhaps this was the final test for me on whether I could be the Kage of a village, the keeper of the flame.

I stood up and made my way home, knowing Rin wasn't there as she was on a C-rank with Team 7.

I got home and grabbed several packages of sealing paper, along with several brushes that were backups.

I needed to blow some shit up to get my mind off things.


Team 7 got back to Konoha, the merchant escort mission not being an issue at all, only to be met by the sound of explosions coming from the training grounds near the forest.

"That's probably Naruto." Rin grumbled, running her hand through her hair.

"How would you know that it's him?" Hinata asked, sounding unsure how her friend would know.

"Exploding tags have a distinct sound," Rin explained, squinting to try and see if she could see where the explosions were specifically, "Naruto's are even more so."

The two of them made the seals slightly different from how others did, their own designs working just a little bit better. It made the sound 'crack' a little bit more.

"Since this seems like a threat to the village," Kakashi said, looking at his three Genin, "You are ordered to stop the walking talking noise complaint with all the skills you have."

The three of them turned and gave Kakashi, who was now reading his copy of Icha Icha, matching deadpan looks.

"Really?" Rin asked, disliking, but not disagreeing with, Kakashi's description of her brother.

"Hmnn?" Kakashi looked up from his book, "You say something?"

Rin scowled and walked towards the sound of the explosions, Hinata right beside her and Sasuke trailing behind them.

They got to the training ground and sure enough, Naruto was causing explosions, several dozen clones making exploding tags and him making another type that she was struggling to recognize.

"Sasuke!" Naruto yelled, not turning around as he made another seal, "Make a bunshin and have it walk over there." He pointed towards an area where an exploding tag was flung.

Sasuke shook his head and scowled at him.

"My bunshin don't like blowing themselves up like yours!" He shouted after another clone got blown up.

"10 seconds this time." Rin saw him mutter, adding another portion onto the freshly made seal.

"Indulge me," Naruto got up, dusting himself off and approaching them, "This," He lifted up the tag he'd been working on, "Is to prevent any explosives I place going off when you're near them."

Rin jumped in at the mentioning of that.

"How did you even come up with that?" She asked, not thinking of doing that.

"Simple," He shrugged, "If I lace, say, an entire forest with explosives, I need a way to not get killed by my own seals."

"That is rather specific, Naruto." Hinata said softly, a look of confusion on her face, "But why have Sasuke make a bunshin and not me?"

"I don't mind Sasuke getting the feedback of getting blown up." Naruto snickered, eying an unimpressed Sasuke.

"Was getting blown up in a sewer not enough?" Sasuke asked irritably.

"Nope," Naruto said happily, "You blew yourself up. You need to experience getting blown up by me."

Sasuke sighed and made the proper hand seal, making a single shadow clone.

The clone had a matching scowl on his face and grabbed the seal, walking towards the crater rich part of the training ground.

"Move a few yards to the right!" Naruto yelled, pointing at the clone.

The clone did so and Naruto made a hand seal to activate the exploding tag.

"One. Two. Three. Four." Naruto began counting, the explosion not going off.

The number got to thirteen when it exploded, the clone getting eviscerated.

Sasuke hissed under his breath and flinched, getting the memories of the clone.

"Progress!" Naruto yelled, a bright smile on his face, "30 percent increased time on being stopped."

"Would different chakra affinities change how long it lasts?" Rin asked, wondering if Naruto overlooked it like he did on a couple different seal designs that they'd tried to make that was in their clan journals.

"Yes, yes," Naruto answered, looking almost insulted that she'd think that, "But my chakra is making the seals and the tags. My chakra will work best."

"But won't some chakra be less covered and trip?" She asked.

Naruto shook his head.

"It's not an issue. The seals are automatically tripped by any chakra that isn't keyed into it, and keying individual chakra signatures will break the seal down if I don't make it the size of a table."

Hinata and Sasuke looked completely lost on what he was talking about.

"Would you mind explaining what that means?" Hinata asked.

"The explosives he's making are automatically triggered by chakra instead of weight or himself doing it," Rin answered her friend, "Why would you be doing that?" she asked her brother.

"Good way to cover my tracks if I need to haul ass." He shrugged, but she thought he was leaving something out.

"Anyway," He continued, giving all three of them a grin, "How'd the mission go?"

"Went without a hitch," Rin said, "No crazy missing nin coming after us."

"That sounds absolutely boring," Naruto rolled his eyes, "I'll probably join the ANBU if I want some action."

Rin assumed Naruto was joking. He always talked about how the ANBU produced maladjusted people. But the look she saw Sasuke give him, a look that had her thinking it effected Sasuke badly, was unsettling.

"But I think I can take a break from blowing stuff up," Naruto turned to his clones making seals, "Alright, boys, pack it up!"

The clones began repacking the seal paper and brushes, putting them in a storage scroll and all but one popping, the last clone throwing the scroll to Naruto.

Naruto caught the scroll and slipped it into his pocket, giving the clone a salute, before it vanished.

"So," He looked at Rin, bright grin on his face, "Ramen?"

Rin nodded excitedly, giving Sasuke a glare when he grumbled under his breath about getting ramen again.

"Don't insult the food of the gods," She demanded, still glaring at him, "Be honoured that you're getting a discount because you're with us." She pointed at herself and Naruto.

Sasuke rolled his eyes and started walking towards the general area of Ichiraku's, resigned to his predicament.

Neither of the twins saw him smiling.


"What's the big deal about going it alone?" Rin asked me, her brow raised, "You'll be able to complete anything no problem."

"That's just it," I grumbled, trying to find what I was missing in the seal design, "I'll do it no problem, at thirteen."

Having this talk with Rin in the evening and try and do some more work on the Hiraishin was not doing well for my focus, the seal itself making me want to start tearing my hair out in frustration.

I was missing something, something important that governed how the hell you teleport from a marker without turning into red paste from the attempt.

I had a clone try out a copy of Tobirama's that Hiruzen had on hand in one of the vaults under the condition I'd give it back.

The clone gave me back the sensation of feeling like I got thrown into a wood chipper, the puff of smoke not even getting through the journey.

Scowling and giving up for today, I put the notes up and turned towards Rin, an expectant expression on her face.

"I want to talk about this before we go to Inoichi." She said flatly, reminding me of what was supposed to be tonight.

Inoichi was going to do a mind jutsu to try and feel out how Rin and I were connected, even with Kurama telling me it was likely from his two halves being the bridge.

Kurama agreed to not be a dick during the little test, but it required a trade off that left Rin more than a little pissed.

Kurama wanted her to do what I had offered him, using a sliver of his chakra to open up her senses to him so he could see or hear the outside world sometimes.

Rin hadn't spoken with him, taking what happened personally, which I could understand. But if she wanted to be able to use his chakra like a Jinchuriki needed to, she'd need to try and iron out a somewhat civil accord with him.

Blinking and shifting my thoughts back to the conversation, I got out of my chair and stepped away from the table.

"People outside of Konoha are going to be there," I answered her, making an effort to look directly into her eyes, "They'll have a name and a face for the prodigious Konoha genin that might or might not be a Jinchuriki."

Rin scoffed at the last part.

"What out there would push you, or even me, enough to use the Kyuubis' chakra?" She asked, looking unimpressed with what she probably thought was me trying to excuse paranoia.

'Orochimaru.' I thought to myself, trying to think of how I was going to keep the asshole from marking Sasuke.

The seals I'd been working on today was for when I turned the Forest of Death into something befitting that title, placing as many explosives in there as possible.

Once I got the protection seal properly made, every one of the other 12 was getting one, whether they knew it or not.

"You never know," I pointed out, "Itachi did his exam alone."

"Again," Rin rolled her eyes, "Don't compare yourself to emo prince's older, even more emo brother."

I couldn't help but snicker at the fact that Itachi got called an emo, along with Sasuke.

"But why would Jiji want you to do it on your own?" Rin said aloud, almost to herself.

"You know I've said I'll take over as either the Godaime or Rokudaime in the future, right?" I asked her unnecessarily.

Rin's expression hardened into a more flat expression, her eyes cold.

"Yes," She said coldly, "You have."

She didn't like that I was wanting to be Hokage, even more after the lack of care shown by most of the village.

The fact that 3 out of the 4 Hokage died in office also played a factor.

Ignoring her change in mood, I continued.

"I think he's doing this to see if I'll make a type of sacrifice for the good of the village." I explained, continuing on to give more detail in my rationale.

Rin stood there and listened to me, her face slowly twisting into a look of aggravation.

"This could have been avoided if he didn't seal the fox in us." She shook her head, her eyes flashing for a moment.

I just sighed under my breath and shook my head, not in the mood for her complaining about our father.

I was almost tempted to tell her, but I knew the reaction would be a bad one to say the least.

When she did find out, I'd have no one to blame but myself for her being angry with me.

I'm like the guy who holds off on going to the doctor because of a strange pain, but fears bad news too much to hear what it is.

Selfishness and fear, that's what it was. Not even my best arguments could fool me into thinking I was selfless.

Dropping the conversation, I got ready to leave and deal with Inoichi, Rin following along.

We were silent as we both walked to where Inoichi was supposed to be at, a room at the Hokage tower near the lower portion.

We arrived there and we were met by the sight of three people, the three being Inoichi, Hiruzen, and Kakashi, the third man looking almost confused as to why he was here.

Rin and I greeted them, followed by me looking to Inoichi.

"What's all being done?" I asked, wanting to hear it all in detail.

"A shared mind walk," Inoichi explained, looking ng between the two of us, "It will feel a little strange, but it can help me determine if the connection is just a slight one based on the Kyuubis' chakra, or if it's something more."

Rin looked a little apprehensive at the word 'shared', giving me an uncomfortable look.

"Would we end up hearing each other's thoughts?" She asked, looking away from me.

"Not for long, if at all," Inoichi replied reassuringly, "It's not like you would temporarily hear what girls he likes." He added with a smile.

I scowled at the man as he said that to mess with me.

Inoichi stepped towards us and looked at me specifically.

"You said you spoke with the Kyuubi to not interfere?" He asked.

"Yeah," I nodded, "He won't do anything."

At my choice of word, Inoichi raised a brow, but shrugged it off.

"Alright," He said, his chakra shifted around a little bit in preparation for his Jutsu, "You know how this will feel, Naruto, but Rin," He turned to her, "It will feel a little strange, but don't worry."

At Rin's continued look of worry, I moved closer to her and took her hand, gazing at her with a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, he knows what he's doing," I promised her, "He helped me more than once."

Rin seemed to relax at the reminder and returned the smile.

"On three," Inoichi said calmly, making a hand seal. " One. Two.Three."

I felt Inoichi's chakra shoot towards the two of us, everything fading to black.


"I must be truly blessed," Kurama said sarcastically, "I have not just one guest, but three, including the little vixen."

We had appeared in what looked to be Rin's mindscape, the area being much less crowded than mine.

Rin glared at Kurama for calling her that, even when I warned her about his proclivities towards being a dick.

"Don't call me that!" She shouted at him, actually flipping him off.

Kurama chuckled at the display, looking at me.

"Undoubtedly related to you." He said simply, turning to look at Inoichi, who was behind us. "And I get to see another blonde meatbag. Pity I can't kill him too."

Inoichi blinked at the sheer size of Kurama, before he realized what had been said and glanced towards me for a moment, seeing that I didn't find the comment amusing.

"Just be a nice little furbag, and you'll get your treat!" I shouted back, reminding him of our little deal.

Huffing, Kurama layed back down in the cage.

"Don't go back on your deal. You won't like the results."

Inoichi saw that as his cue and walked towards us, gesturing for the two of us to move closer.

We did and he pressed his hand on my forehead, this feeling being a foreign one.

"I need to gauge if you two are connected through the Kyuubi in your mindscape," He explained, mostly for Rin's sake, "The mindscape will have less interference."

He then put his left hand on Rin's forehead, pulsing his chakra some to do whatever he was going to do.

I saw Rin wince, her face tensing, followed by me understanding why when I felt like something jabbed me in the head and felt a rushing feeling in my mind.

"How much longer is this going to take?" I heard Rin grumble, but I didn't see her lips move.

Deciding to be an ass, I thought as loudly as I could.

"I THINK IT WORKED!" I shouted in my mind, seeing Rin visibly try and back away, even if it would have done nothing. "CAN YOU HEAR ME, RIN! I THINK IT WORKED!"

"Shut up!" She shouted, grabbing at her head as she shut her eyes, "You don't have to shout."

Feeling my sister's actual emotions were strange. I could tell the feelings and sensations she had weren't mine, but they still affected me some.

"Be mindful of your thoughts, Rin," I said sagely in my mind, changing the voice of my inner monologue to a deeper tone, "They betray you."

Rin scowled and crossed her arms.

"Twin telepathy is overrated." She said, turning up her nose and looking away from me.

"The time for talk has passed, the Lord's work must be done." I adjusted my inner monologue to sound exactly like how I remembered it.

"Kindly stop harassing one another, it's making my job difficult." Inoichi said tightly, his face a little tense from keeping the Jutsu in place.

"Sorry." We both said at the same time, not realizing it was hurting him.

We just stood there in silence, me trying to keep my thoughts muted.

"Sasuke is kinda cute." I heard Rin say internally out of nowhere.

I twitched and stared at her, narrowing my eyes.

She simply winked at me, a faint grin on her face.

After a couple minutes of our minds still being connected, Inoichi looked towards me.

"Your theory on it being the Kyuubi is probably what it is," He said, feeling around a little more forcefully, based on the slight itching behind my eyes, "I can't get your minds to stay connected on their own, meaning they're not normally connected."

"So we might see flashes of each other's sight and other senses when using his chakra?" I asked, glancing towards Kurama, the fox listening intently.

Inoichi nodded.

"But I feel something in your mind that is a little atypical, almost like it's wanting to connect to Rin's."

I was very confused at that, not knowing why that would be the case.

"Any idea what it is?" I asked.

"With your permission, I'll try." Inoichi offered.

Hesitating for a moment, I considered what it could possibly be.

I didn't need another issue flare up where I was left out of it if I got hit with a Genjutsu.

"Yeah," I answered, giving Rin a soft smile to reassure her, "Do it."

Inoichi broke the connection he made between Rin and me. The sensation was extremely unpleasant as I suddenly felt like I was blinded, my chakra feeling cold.

Rin reacted the same way, her body trembling suddenly.

"Rin-" I started to say l, but she shook her head.

"I'm okay. Just, wasn't ready for it." She reassured me.

I smiled softly and put my hand on her shoulder, my thumb rubbing against her cheek for both my sake and hers.

Inoichi now focused on my own mind, the itching feeling much worse as he pressed harder..

The portion that he was talking about was evidently sensitive, because I ended up feeling my eyes roll back into my head and I felt like I'd touched an electrical wire when he prodded it gently with his chakra.

"Oh, fuck." I managed to say, barely stopping myself from falling down.

I got a flash of memory and I felt like my nerves were on fire, suddenly vanishing like nothing happened.

Rin grabbed my hand and looked a little worried, while Kurama was staring directly towards me, looking closely at what was going on.

"May I press harder?" Inoichi asked, seeing my reaction at just a gentle touch.

I needed to know what this supposed foreign chakra was, so I nodded.

"Do it."

Inoichi jabbed at it hard, my entire vision exploding into white.

I thought I heard Kurama shout something, but I couldn't tell, because I got dragged into an absolute hellscape.


Rin POV:

She felt and saw Naruto vanish from her mindscape, leaving just her, Inoichi, and the Kyuubi.

The feeling of Naruto's hand dissolving in her grip made her gasp, her eyes widening in fright.

The Kyuubi had shouted to stop right as Inoichi did whatever he said he was going to do, but the Kyuubi did something next that shocked and frightened her.

The fox started laughing. Not just laughing, but a deep belly laugh like when you're unable to stand.

"What did you do?!" She demanded as she looked at Inoichi, "Where's Naruto?!"

"He's in his mindscape, vixen," the fox replied, "I don't think he's enjoying what he's seeing."

The last time he saw a memory he didn't remember, it was when he almost died.

"Wake him up!" She growled at the fox, her anger being easily noticeable.

Inoichi broke the mind dive and she felt herself wake up.

She immediately looked towards Naruto, who looked like he was hyperventilating and kept saying the same two words over and over again.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." He grabbed at his hair, pacing around the room as he rambled on in their language, "No. No. I didn't see that. No."

"Naruto." She walked towards him, reaching for him.

He turned to her and his eyes bugged out when he looked at her, specifically her hair.

"Nope." He said frantically, looking away from her.

She could hear what sounded like laughter echoing in her head.

"Enjoy the show?" She heard the Kyuubi laugh.

"Shut up, fox!" Naruto shouted, still pacing around.

The Hokage, Kakashi, and Inoichi were looking at Naruto with a great deal of concern, Kakashi stepping towards him.

"Naruto," He spoke softly, his hands raised a little bit, "What's going on?"

Naruto groaned slightly and continued to avoid looking at her, fixing his gaze on Kakashi.

"It wasn't enough that I got to remember being fucking born," He moaned, sounding like he was going to be sick, "The furbag didn't mention that he saw us be made." He finished the last part with a shudder.

Rin was lost on what he was meaning, but Kakashi seemed to realize it, his eye widening in shock.

"Oh, Kami." He muttered, Naruto flinching at the proclamation.

"I don't ever want to hear that again." Naruto muttered, still sounding off.

"What did you see?" Rin asked, worried about her brother.

She could still hear the echoes of the fox laughing.

"I'm pretty sure I heard Tousan and Kaasan make us." He turned to her, avoiding her eyes and looking slightly green.

"What do you mean 'make' us?" She frowned, still not understanding.

Groaning and grabbing at his hair, Naruto exhaled audibly.

"I saw them conceive us, I think." He mumbled, looking away.

Rin's eyes widened in realization, understanding why the fox had been laughing.

"Ew," She shouted, feeling nauseous at the thought, "Gross. No, I don't want to think of that." She started pacing just like Naruto had.

She sent a death glare at Kakashi when she heard him snickering.

"It's not funny," She growled, giving her brother a look of sympathy, "It's bad."

Rin hated to think it, but she was glad Naruto ended up seeing it and not her. She couldn't imagine what it would be like to hear that.

She growled in her mind at the fox to shut up, which he eventually did.

Hiruzen walked to the two of them and gave Naruto a look of sympathy.

"Will you be alright, Naruto, aside from the unfortunate circumstance?" Hiruzen asked sympathetically.

Naruto still looked ill, his eyes shifting around the room like he wanted to leave, but nodded to the old man's question.

"Yeah, I just need something to get my mind off of it."

"It's too late in the day to be testing out explosives, Naruto," Hiruzen warned, "I don't need anymore noise complaints."

Naruto gave a half hearted glare, before shrugging his shoulders in resignment.

"I'll just do it tomorrow," He said quietly, "I'll find something else."

Hiruzen nodded and patted Naruto on the shoulder, looking at Inoichi to explain in detail what happened.

Rin just zoned out what they were saying and went up to Naruto, tapping him on the shoulder to get his attention.

He turned towards her and looked downwards, still struggling to look up.

"What's wrong?" She asked irritably, "I'm not going to bite."

"I don't want to look at your hair because it's like Tousan's," He whispered, still not looking at her, "And I just finished hearing him moan Kaasan's name."

Rin shuddered at that, sobering up at what he said.

"Did you see what he looked like?" She asked, wanting to know more about their dad.

He shook his head.

"I don't want to talk about it." He mumbled.

"Why?" She asked, suspicion lacing her tone.

She saw Naruto's shoulders tighten, before he seemed to go back to normal.

"He looks like me with your hair." He replied simply, his tone saying he wasn't going to elaborate.

She huffed and dropped it, knowing he wasn't in a good mood.

Hiruzen and Inoichi finished speaking, turning to the two of them.

"You can go now," Hiruzen told them, straightening his robes slightly, "I'm sorry you had to hear that, Naruto, I don't want to imagine."

Naruto pressed his fingers to to bridge of his nose and tensed his face, exhaling audibly.

"I just need something to distract myself."

"Then go on home, the both of you."

They did as was requested and left to go back to their apartment, exiting the room and leaving the tower.


"Why don't you tell her the Yondaime is her father?" Kurama asked me, his head tilted slightly in question.

I'd gone into my mindscape and spoke with Kurama for some time, mostly about inane things.

Night was here and I decided to talk with him like I usually did before going to sleep.

"She hates him for what she thinks he did." I replied, my tone a little flat from not enjoying the knowledge that I would need to eventually tell her.

"And what does she think he did?" He asked, gazing at me intently.

"Shackled us with housing a supposed demon," I shrugged, scowling at him when he began to growl, "I said supposed demon, not an actual one."

Kurama didn't exactly like being called a demon, being moody about it when I mentioned it in passing once.

"You don't realize how much we were hated by the village," I looked straight at him, daring him to challenge me on it, "She had to deal with the villagers hating us, not knowing who our parents were, and her twin brother sometimes not even recognizing her. Then, she finds out all of it can be laid at the feet of our father sealing you into us, and I got the shit circumstance of having your Yin half in me."

"Typical of humans, isn't it?" He asked rhetorically, "Misplaced hatred that hurts those not responsible. And yet, you don't hate them in return. You could kill them and no one would be aware."

"But I wouldn't," I replied, not humouring his logic, "Neither of us are demons, so why act like one?"

Kurama leaned towards the bars and peered at my much smaller form.

"They would have likely killed you both if they thought they could get away with it. Don't dispute that, you know it to be true." He added at my raised brow.

"What would that achieve?" I asked, stepping closer to him, "If I decided to kill them, even justifiably, their kin will target us. In turn, their kin will try and fail to kill me. If I don't kill them, they will target my own children or my friends. And what happens when word leaks out that a Jinchuriki is killing his own village's civilians?" I added, wanting him to follow along.

Kurama remained silent, still looking at me.

"Konoha will be seen as unable to control their own Jinchuriki, displaying weakness to the rest of the nations. Weakness of that sort tempts conflict."

Kurama snorted at what I was saying.

"Not getting vengeance because you don't want a possible war. Sounds like a naive excuse because you're scared that you'll be what they say you are."

"What makes you think I fear being called a demon?" I asked casually, "The man that drives a sword through a rapist's throat is seen as a demon by the rapist. The warrior that slays dozens or hundreds so his comrades may live is a demon to the orphans and widows he creates."

I didn't let him reply, continuing what I wanted to say.

"My father is hated by you, despised by Iwa, respected by me, loved by my mother, and adored by Konoha. He's seen as a shield and protector by the civilians, a picture perfect tale of an orphan who was the greatest of his generation, trained by a civilian orphan that became a Sannin, only to have the happily ever after cut short by you."

"People die," Kurama scoffed, "Better they learn sooner. The world is a dark and cruel place."

Undoubtedly, but that was too simplistic of a view.

"Stupid question, but have you ever read a history book?" I asked, knowing it was a stupid question.

The look on Kurama's face said it all.

"That is a stupid question."

"I know," I shrugged, "But it matters because you probably don't see how the world is better off than what it was centuries ago."

"Three Shinobi wars," Kurama said fiercely, his voice rising, "The first claimed thousands of lives, the second was when your clan was exterminated and I had to hear your mother scream and wail about how they were all gone, and how she was all alone when my first prison died."

I didn't want to think of how much anguish she felt, the thought making me dizzy.

I assumed she had siblings. Aunts and uncles of mine that I'd never know.

I swallowed as I visualized an entire family tree vanishing at one time. The idea of losing everybody I cared about striking a sensitive spot.

The exact thing I subjected Sasuke to for not trying to stop his family and clan dying.

"And the third was when your father became a true killer." He finished, still giving me a sharp look.

"And I'd say that the civilian population is better off than what they were 80 years ago," I countered, biting the inside of my cheek to focus, "Technology and innovation brought about by the Shinobi wars means that they live longer from the techniques honed by Iryo-nin, the conflict is left to the Shinobi instead of the Daimyos needing massive armies, leaving many parts of society untouched by militarized hatred. Unless you know better, given that you've probably lived for centuries." I finished.

Kurama was silent for several minutes, looking deep in thought.

Eventually, he spoke.

"Tell me what happened in the story about the two brothers," Kurama requested, changing the subject, "Where you left off."

"Not much to say," I shrugged, "The elder killed the youngest out of envy, which I said before, got banished and marked as a killer. The third son ended up being the legacy of his mother and father instead."

3 guesses on why I chose that particular tale from my world, and the first two guesses don't count.

Kurama huffed and laid down behind the bars.

"What happens after that?"

Knowing I had nothing better to do, I continued to tell the stories of an old book, or more like a collection of books.

I got to the part about an entire city being condemned and Kurama spoke up.

"Why did he not simply warn his nephew and let the rest die?"

"Because there may have been others worth saving." I said somberly, "Constant bargaining and beseeching to not condemn a few."

"Well, he couldn't even find 10," Kurama huffed, "And what good would 10 do anyway? Cut your losses and go."

"I would do everything I could to save even one, short of condemning others." I said softly.

"They would not have remained good or innocent for long," Kurama growled softly, "Nobody truly is innocent. The Uchiha boy's blood will shine through and he will kill you both because you hold me."

I stared directly at Kurama, frowning at his continued hatred, although understandable, for Uchiha.

"You are letting your bias towards him shine through. Should I judge you for trying to murder Rin and me? Should I judge you for being forced down a path of destruction because Madara controlled you?"

Kurama got up towards the cage, his eyes level with mine.

"Give in to your hatred. I can always feel it in your mind. The warmth and the heat. It will always be a part of you. Stop fighting my chakra and let me take control for a moment, and I can solve your little Uchiha problem."

I glared at Kurama, not intimidated by the closeness as I walked towards him.

"Sasuke is my friend." I said, keeping my displeasure out of my voice. "Do you take me for a monster?"

Did Kurama really think I'd kill Sasuke?

My hatred for Sasuke had slowly bled away over the years. I still was guarded around him at times, but I was obligated to at least give him a path that was better than his original one.

I made him into what he was, because I did nothing.

"I know you better than anyone, Uzumaki Naruto," Kurama hissed, his snout touching the bars, "Your hatred for Uchiha Sasuke can be felt by me from the echoes in your chakra. Do not deny how willing you are to kill to protect the girl, I saw and felt your desire to kill the Iwa nin."

"Let me protect her," Kurama offered, "The Uchiha won't fight a friend. I'll break his neck and protect the girl from his madness."

I stood less than a foot away from him, our eyes focused on each other.

Without a single care, I leaned forward and slapped his snout, before stepping back.

"No." Was my only reply.

Kurama growled at me, his teeth visible.

"Then perhaps I will offer the same deal to the girl. Tell her about her father and that her friend will kill her if she doesn't let me do it."

I maintained a calm air of detachment, but I was going to end that line of thought now.

"There are many reasons that would be a bad idea," I said calmly, my gaze not wavering, "I will illuminate three."

Kurama stilled at my tone, his slanted eyes staring back.

"First: Do not believe that because Sasuke is a friend, that he is incapable of, or unwilling, to defend himself."

I wasn't even remotely finished, my emotions perfectly centered.

"Second: If you harm Sasuke, or any of my friends or fellow Shinobi, I will bind you. Make no mistake. God willing, you will not leave this cage." He didn't understand the last part because I spoke in English.

"Lastly," I took a deep breath, setting my hands on the bars, "waging war against good people is bad for the soul. This may not seem important to you now, but it's the most important thing I've said."

Kurama needed to be pulled back from all his hatred. I knew it could take years, but the man who moves the mountain begins by carrying away small stones.

The giant fox didn't move for several seconds, his breathing barely audible.

"Those words remind me of someone long ago. Dead for centuries. Strange that you speak with his wisdom."


"Do you truly seek to better the world? Even if you must negotiate and let those who murdered your clan remain alive?"

I chuckled mirthlessly, lowering my head.

"I'm willing to let go of the hate I have for the one who killed my mother and father." I said quietly, sitting down and crossing my legs.

Kurama tilted his head and huffed lightly.

"Keep talking like that and I might believe you."

"I've got all the time in the world." I responded simply, looking up at his face.

"Even with your mind being tighter, I prefer here. You're at least an uncommon conversationalist, unlike the vixen."

I clicked my tongue at him saying that.

"You know she won't talk with you if you keep calling her vixen, right?" I pointed out, knowing how much Rin despised being called that.

"Assuming she's like all the other female Jinchuriki I've been sealed in, she'll definitely fit the definition." He grinned at me.

Despite my better judgement, I asked for clarification.

"I'm going to regret this, but what do you mean?"

"You think it's bad that you want to bed as many females as possible from your body going through changes, but the other two were never giving me any rest at night." He chuckled at my face twisting into a scowl, "Your father may have been fast on the battlefield, but not so much in bed."

That was a horrific visual.

"Please don't remind me of my problems."

"Do you even know where to put it?" He asked, laughing at my scowl, "I'm sure I can give you advice."

I glared at him, not responding.

I refused to get another round of sex talk from an overgrown vulpine.

"The little vixen acts like her mother, she'll probably have the same tastes as her." He snickered like he knew something I didn't.

"That's my sister and mother you're talking about." I said irritably, not enjoying the visuals of what Kurama was insinuating.

"That's why I enjoy it," Kurama chuckled, "You have a better reaction to that than she would if I told her that her brother will probably end up panting after anything with two legs."

I was about ready to call it a night and go to sleep, but Kurama just had to say one more thing.

"I'd almost want her to bed the Uchiha boy a few years from now," He laughed at my visible revulsion, "She might actually kill him by shattering his pelvis."

"And that's a wrap," I flipped him off, not meaning it hatefully, but more as a farewell to the conversation, "Same time tomorrow?" I asked.

Kurama shrugged dismissively and laid down to sleep, not voicing an answer.

I pulsed my chakra a bit to destabilize my meditation and I opened my eyes, seeing the ceiling of my room.

"God, I need to piss." I muttered to myself, getting up from the bed to head to the bathroom.

After finishing my business, I went to the work desk that was designated for when either of us would be working on seals.

House rule was that no area effect or explosive tags were to be worked on in the apartment, something both Rin and I agreed on promptly when we first began learning Fuinjutsu.

Ironing out the Hiraishin wasn't a part of the rules, so I could do it to my heart's content.

I pulled out all the notes and began reading them over again.

:Tobirama, I respect your pragmatism and dedication, but you can't write cohesive notes to save your life.' I thought to myself.

His notes looked like if someone tried to vomit up Campbell's soup in alphabetical order and failing spectacularly.

There were notes from a couple years after that pertained to portion much earlier, feeling like I jumped from point A to point G, then back to C.

'If this is how the Edo Tensei was written, more power to Orochimaru for making absolutely any sense of it.' I grumbled internally.

Too bad I didn't have any notes by the other user of the Hiraishin.

Most of the notes my father had were destroyed when Obito attacked the village, leaving me with Tobirama's.

Thinking about it, I wondered why Tobirama didn't use his Hiraishin like Minato did, something like that would be the bane of Uchiha when they can't track you with their eyes.

'Unless the initial Hiraishin design meant that you couldn't flash from different points in as rapid of a succession.' I wondered.

But then again, Minato probably spent a few years gearing his main fighting style through using the Hiraishin, unlike Tobirama.

If only I had those notes, then I'd know.

"Would it be terrible of me to try and sneak into the mask temple and free him, just so I can ask?" I asked myself quietly, thinking of how much I could learn from Tobirama and my father if I learned the Edo Tensei and talked with them for a few hours.

My father, nor probably anyone else, would like what I'd do, but Tobirama would commend me for it, especially if the reasoning was to protect Konoha from the textbook type of Uchiha that he hated.

'What about Ashina? That would be interesting.' My thoughts went to my ancestor.

Ashina was supposed to be one of, if not the, best seal master of all time, according to Hiruzen. Speaking with him would be a boon.

But alas, he was never buried, having been incinerated by his own suicide technique to kill the Raikage.

No blood or other material to anchor the Edo Tensei.

Still not knowing what I was missing on the Hiraishin, I put up the notes and just let my mind wonder on what I could do to prepare further.

Give me a few more years, and I'll have more than one technique that would make me S-rank level.

Lightning Cloak, Gates, Seals, Jinchuriki, simply having years of knowledge, you name it. Even if I could only open 2 or 3 of the Gates because I was a Jinchuriki, it would still be of immense use.

The fact that I was thinking of such things had me brainstorming on different things that I was thinking about that were either theories about the show, or other paths I could go if I triumphed.

Pein wouldn't be needing his Rinnegan if he's dead, something that an Uzumaki with a tailed beast sealed in him could put to good use. I already knew what the Rinnegan could do, I didn't need to walk blindly about like Nagato did.

But that's under the assumption that Obito has been killed by me.

If I can kill Nagato, but not kill Obito promptly, I'm torching the eyes. No Rinne rebirth for Madara, no Infinite Tsukuyomi, no Moon's Eye plan.

But still, the prospect of those eyes would be collosal. I'd sidestep everything, including 'Fate' itself.

I'd be what Jiraiya had mistaken himself, Nagato, and Minato as.

Who needs Fate on your side when you can use all three of the most powerful abilities the three of them had? A Sage with the Rinnegan and Hiraishin.

And who the hell needs to be a reincarnation to be nearly all powerful?

I'm not Ashura, that's for sure. I'm not a reincarnation of anyone, especially not the younger brother of an insufferable prick that was reincarnated as more insufferable pricks, but with black hair.

Ironically, what if Naruto would have been Ashura's reincarnation, but I supplanted that at the very beginning? That's some food for thought.

I decided to stop my thoughts, knowing I'd be up all night.

I got up and went back to bed, shutting my eyes and letting sleep claim me.


The next day:

Hinata was on her way to the cemetery where her mother was buried, wanting to visit the grave.

She was walking through the village, daybreak just occurring, a few people milling about.

A couple of the villagers gave her nods of acknowledgement, recognizing her as the Hyuga heiress.

She didn't know if Naruto realized it, or if he teased her because of knowing, but the heiress of the reigning strongest clan in Konoha was unofficially referred to as Konoha's Princess.

Senju Tsunade was the previous one to have that term used for, having been the eldest granddaughter of the Shodai, who was also the Senju clan head.

With the near extinction of the Senju and Uchiha, the Hyuga were the strongest clan in Konoha, making her the one with the unofficial title.

She would have thought it funny if Rin had that title, but she didn't like the attention. Even if her father had cut back a great deal on his harshness, he still had high expectations from her.

She made her way to the flower shop, searching for flowers to take.

She spotted Ino, who looked fairly tired from recently waking up, at the front desk.

"Hey, Hinata," She said tiredly, yawning as she said it, "Why you up this early?"

"Going to the cemetery." She replied, looking for the flowers she wanted.

Ino was quiet for minute, not replying immediately.

"Naruto was here a few minutes ago," She eventually said, "He was getting flowers as well. He said he was going to the cemetery too."

Hinata gave Ino a look of confusion, wanting to know more.

"Do you know why?" She asked the blonde girl, squinting her eyes slightly.

"His mom, I think." Ino replied, sounding uncertain.

Hinata selected the flowers she wanted, remaining quiet as Ino rang them up, paying the necessary amount.

As Hinata grabbed ahold of the flowers, Ino leaned towards her and whispered to her.

"Would you be able to talk with him? He clammed up about his mom when I asked."

Why me? She wondered, looking at Ino in question.

"You're better at that because I have my mom," Ino said uncomfortably, "And you... uh." She stopped talking as she looked terrible.

Hinata didn't mind, understanding Ino's worry.

"Just because you've been in his head, doesn't mean you know more," Hinata replied tightly, seeing Ino flinch at the reminder, "He's been my friend for years. He trusts me with things that you don't know."

Hinata knew Ino wished she could take it back, but it still left her angry with the blonde girl, even if they were still friendly enough with each other.

If anything, Ino was her friend now. They got along.

"I wish I never did that." Ino mumbled, looking away, "I still don't know how Naruto said it wasn't a problem for him the next day."

Naruto, unlike Rin, didn't hold it against her, saying she didn't know.

"Naruto listens to only a few people," Hinata said softly, pointing at herself and Ino, "The two of us are part of that. Naruto sees you as a friend, and I do as well. I trust his judgement."

Ino looked surprised at what she said, her face eventually shifting into a soft smile.

"Thanks, Hinata, I appreciate it."

Hinata nodded and turned to leave the shop, flowers in her left hand.

She reached the cemetery after a few minutes and got to her mother's grave, seeing the inscription on the stone.

Hyuga Hitomi.

She placed the flowers, knowing they were her mother's favourite, right beside the stone where a vase was, stepping away from the stone.

"Hi, Kaasan," She whispered, sniffling slightly, "I know that I'm alone here, but Hanabi didn't want to wake up early."

Her father struggled to visit, but he did on occasion for her and her sister's sake when he could.

"Hanabi is doing really well with the Juken, just like Neji." She smiled sadly at her cousin's name.

Neji hated Naruto, hated him so much because he kept challenging him about his belief in Fate being predetermined, combined with his incessant tormenting.

"Neji still doesn't like Naruto," She continued, "I just wish it was because I like him."

Even when the elders wanted her to see Neji as more of a guard or underling, she still refused to see him as anything other than her nii-san.

They might be cousins, but their fathers were twins, making them closer in blood than just cousins.

She wished desperately, even more so when she'd see the love in Naruto's eyes when talking to Rin, that Neji would have acted the same way with her when she felt herself begin to fall from the pressure of the elders and her father.

Even if he were an annoying older brother type that would harass Naruto about his intentions towards her, she'd still accept that as a trade off.

"I've been signed up for the Chunin exams," She changed the subject a little bit, remembering the elation Rin displayed and the quiet, stalwart smile Sasuke had when Kakashi-sensei told them he had faith in them, "Kakashi-sensei trusts our ability, even when we're rookies."

Her father had personally taken her and Hanabi to get cinnamon rolls as a celebration for the news, the stroll feeling almost like her family was whole again.

"I wish you were here," She sniffled again, feeling tears form in her eyes, "You should be telling me about boys and how you and tousan fell in love. About how I can tell Naruto I like him as more than a friend."

She started crying some as she thought of how powerless she still felt when trying to pluck up the courage to tell Naruto about her feelings, not being able to.

Rin had tried to assure her that Naruto wouldn't turn away from her like she feared, but she still couldn't.

She eventually calmed herself and adjusted the flowers to be a little more spread out and less clumped, pressing her hand to her mother's name.

"I'll visit soon." She gave a watery smile, standing up and walking away.

She didn't know why, but she had a feeling she wasn't alone. Activating her Byakugan, she saw what looked to be her Sensei at a grave, not recognizing whose stone it was.

After debating for a moment, she walked towards him.

She noticed Kakashi turn his head slightly towards her, before looking back towards the stone.

After seeing the stone, she understood why Kakashi was here.

Hatake Sakumo.

"Hinata." He said quietly, acknowledging her presence.

"Sensei." She replied, looking at the gravestone.

Kakashi glanced at her, looking down from the height difference.

"Didn't think I'd see two of my students within a few minutes of each other." He said, his eye flicking towards a bird flying over.

"Naruto was here, wasn't he?" Hinata asked, already knowing the answer.

"Visiting his mother." Kakashi nodded, his gaze moving back to her.

"Do you know what she was like?" Hinata asked softly, wondering what Uzumaki Kushina was like.

Naruto and Rin had talked vaguely about her, mostly from stories they heard from the Hokage.

She must have been very important if the Hokage would take time to help two of her closest friends.

"She," Kakashi said after a brief pause, "She was an uncommonly kind woman. But she had a temper. If you need a reference, imagine Rin with red hair. That was Kushina."

Hinata giggled slightly at how he described her, knowing how hot tempered her best friend could be.

"She was gifted in using seals, and loved a truly good man." Kakashi's voice almost a whisper at the end.

Hinata didn't know why, but neither Rin or Naruto would talk about their father, and Kakashi acted strangely about it.

She decided not to worry about it and decided it was about time to leave.

"Do we have training today?" Hinata asked, knowing Kakashi talked about it earlier in the week.

"No," Kakashi shook his head, "Just do your own projects for now, any new team exercises won't be ironed out within the week, so it'll be useless to use that during the Chunin exams."

Before she could turn and say goodbye, Kakashi added one more thing.

"But I will be sparring with Naruto some." He said.

Hinata waved goodbye and left the cemetery, remembering to come again later.

"You ready to go again?" I asked, the aches I had from sparring with Kakashi being mostly gone.


It was high noon and we'd been sparring for about an hour and a half at one of the training grounds we booked, the exertion and pain feeling cathartic to how I was feeling.

With the exams just a few days away, I'd begun to get nerves from this being my chosen shatterpoint.

From now on, everything was up in the air.

"Sure." Kakashi got up from the ground, having been reading Icha Icha while we were eating the lunch packed.

He closed the book and put it in one of his pockets, patting it assuredly.

I kept my sword sheathed, planning to use it later in the fight.

Kakashi shot towards me and aimed a straight kick at my face, me ducking under it.

He turned the momentum of the kick into a spin, the sound of whistling through the air cluing me into realizing a kunai was in the hand stretched out at me.

I leaned in and checked his swing by lifting my left arm to block, my forearm catching his wrist.

He let go of the kunai and caught it in his off hand, stabbing towards my shoulder. I shifted to the side, avoiding the kunai, and drove a kick towards his knee, missing as he shifted so it glanced off his thigh.

The next several seconds were a flurry of fists and kicks, neither of us getting the upper hand.

I might be able to speed up my speed of thought and perception through lightning enhancement, but Kakashi had an edge with his Sharingan.

Kakashi slipped a punch through, catching me in the face.

He leaned back to avoid my blind jab and side kicked me in the chest, pushing me back several feet.

Before I even hit the ground, I pulled my sword out and pushed chakra into my left bracer, some ninja wire and several shuriken I bartered with Sasuke for coming out.

I flung the shuriken at Kakashi, who predicably dodged it. I grinned at him as I yanked my hand back, pulling the shuriken back to me.

Kakashi dove to the side to avoid them, one of them clipping his thigh.

The opening gave me time to make a few clones, all of them rushing towards him.

Kakashi made a few hand seals and shot a fireball at the clones, incinerating them.

I pulsed chakra into my legs and jumped above the fireball, feeling my legs cramp temporarily.

As I reached the apex of my jump, I made several quick hand seals and fired a B-rank lightning jutsu at Kakashi.

Raiton: Grand Lightning Spear.

A length of lightning chakra blasted out from my palm straight at Kakashi, the man using a Kawarimi to avoid the hit.

The log he switched with, and the ground immediately surrounding it, were blasted to smithereens, the scent of ozone and burnt wood present.

Kakashi saw where I was going to land and made a hand seal and pressed his hand into the ground.

Doton: Mud Wave.

The ground rose up like a wave of water several feet in the air.

My attempted landing was botched by the ground moving, causing me to almost loose my footing.

Kakashi took advantage and flung several shuriken as he closed the distance, rushing towards me at full speed.

I deflected them all with my sword and a chakra blade I pulsed into my left palm, blinking at how fast they were.

Kakashi's putting more heat behind his attacks. I noticed.

Kakashi had a kunai in each hand as he reached me, the screech of metal audible when our blades clashed.

He started dancing around me, trying to get into my guard due to his shorter reach.

I decided to take advantage of that and rushed towards him, swinging both my arms diagonally towards him.

He diverted the chakra blade and caught my sword on the edge of his kunai, straining his arm some.

He spun out of the way as I stretched the length of my blade by pushing my Bloodline ability through it, nicking his shoulder.

Backing away, he inspected his shoulder, a small amount of blood leaking out.

"Didn't realize chakra conductive metal made it easier." He mused, referencing me pushing chakra through it.

That was a blessing, being able to lengthen my blades reach like how Rin could with wind chakra. Mine was possibly better because fire wouldn't cause my hands to get burned like when Sasuke breathed out some unmolded fire chakra at Rin, freaking her out when her sleeve got set ablaze when her wind chakra got devoured by Sasuke's.

"Much easier." I stressed the first word, maintaining a guard position with my blade, now holding it in two hands.

Kakashi abruptly made hand seals, his chakra crackling.

A lightning jutsu I didn't recognize formed into a wolf's head and opened its maw, flying straight at me.

I let out a curse and barely Shunshined out of the way, managing to turn my head and process what Kakashi was doing as I avoided his Jutsu.

Turning on the dime, I formed a Rasengan in my left hand, charging at him.

He made a couple more hand seals and pressed his hands into the ground, a wall of earth rising up to protect him.

I tried to slow down, failed to completely, and drove my legs into the wall to avoid smashing into it, using my momentum to springboard into the air.

I sheathed my sword as I was in the air, freeing up both hands to make a seal.

Raiton: False Darkness.

As the lightning bolt struck the earth, I pulled a kunai with one of my flashbang tags on it and flung it a second or two later.

The kunai went through the hole that the lightning punched through the wall, the high pitched blast of it going off being heard by me.

With my feet touching the ground and my knees bent to blunt the impact, I charged up a Chidori and rushed through the wall, using my fist to make a wider hole to fit.

I broke through with a loud screeching sound, the earth crumbling from my jutsu. My vision was now no longer obscured and I caught sight of my Sensei.

Kakashi was rubbing at his left eye and clutching his ear, likely from my flashbang.

I charged straight at him and drove my fist into his face, feeling it make contact.

'Kakashi' vanished in a puff of smoke.

'Damnit.' I growled, knowing I was screwed.

Call it a sixth sense, but I felt the need to jump as high as I could.

It payed off when I looked down as I jumped, seeing Kakashi's hands rise up and grab towards me.

A flick of my hand had me flinging another kunai with an exploding tag at his hands, switching with a chunk of earth to get away.

The explosion tore up the ground some more, the area Kakashi was at smoking from the explosion.

He rose out of the earth several yards away, his sleeves looking scorched.

"You being a sensor takes all the fun out of it!" He called out, gesturing to his sleeves.

I pressed my finger to my left temple, referencing how his Sharingan took the fun out of a lot of things.

Kakashi was a hell of a lot more aggressive than he was just a year or two ago, the training he was doing paying off.

I was starting to feel a little tired and I'd dipped somewhat into my chakra reserves, especially with the lightning jutsu.

Signaling for Kakashi to give me a moment, I moved chakra to the first Gate, forcing it open.

Feeling my whole body shudder, I didn't bother drawing my blade and shot straight towards Kakashi like a bullet.

Kakashi's Sharingan caught my movement, but his body seemed to be reacting slightly slower than his eye.

Several punches of mine crashed into Kakashi's guard, his eyes tightening as I felt his arms shake from taking the hits.

The thrill of me making Kakashi retreat back was exhilarating, realizing why Gai harassed Kakashi with challenges.

Making someone who was your better for years fight tooth and nail to stay better, with you at their heels, felt like a drug.

A sweeping kick by Kakashi was jumped over by me, my body spinning to get momentum behind a couple kicks driven towards his head.

He blocked the first and caught the second, almost flinging me away from him.

I twisted in his grip and kicked his hand with my other foot, forcing him to let go. I landed softly on my feet, darting back towards him.

"This is fun to watch." I heard Kurama speak in my head, "The rush of battle, the scent of your opponent's blood. Intoxicating, isn't it?"

I couldn't dispute what he said. I felt so alive when fighting, it would make anyone that didn't know me be somewhat worried about my sanity.

I almost wanted to submit to the feeling of my chakra pumping through my body, the first Gate being opened making the rush more intense.

Grinning like a lunatic, I charged at Kakashi again, an after image of where I was standing appearing.

Kakashi's chakra sharpened and he charged towards me, intercepting my charge with the two of us clashing with a loud crack as his fists smashed into my bracers.

All the blows that slipped through were brushed aside, my own crashing into Kakashi's face and ribs.

I thought I heard something, but paid no mind to it as Kakashi and I still kept punching the shit out of each other.

Kakashi growled from exertion and managed to land a hit straight on my nose, hearing and feeling it break under his fist.

My head jerked back from the impact and he followed it up with a kick to my chin, clacking my teeth together and sending me to the ground.

I flung a few kunai blindly to give me time to get up, but Kakashi remained still, the kunai not being near him. They were aimed at where he was going to be.

I grabbed my nose and pulled, feeling it relocate.

I whimpered in pain and pulled on Kurama's chakra some, feeling it accelerate my healing.

"You're welcome." He said, his chakra feeling less caustic in my tenketsu.

"Thanks." I muttered under my breath, pushing myself to my feet.

Kakashi remained where he was, his hair drooping from being damp with sweat.

He was breathing heavily and had a hand on his ribs, favouring his right side.

"Thirteen years old," He paused and took several breaths, "And fighting with your father's brains and Gai's passion."

At the mention of Gai's name, I realized I still had the Gate open. I closed it and my muscles almost felt like jelly, wabbling as I tried to balance myself.

"And I thought the old man was bad." I managed to say, letting myself collapse to the ground, "You sure you're not gonna be the Godaime?"

Kakashi walked slowly to me, his leg looking a little shaky.

"Sounds stifling." He said simply, sitting down next to me with a hiss of pain, "Let the Sandaime hold onto it for a couple more years and you can take it."

I scoffed at that.

"I'd be the youngest Hokage in history." I said flatly, "Beating both Jiji and my dad."

"You'd be known as the Virgin Kage." Kurama laughed, listening in on the conversation.

"Bite me." I said, catching Kakashi's speculative look.

"The fox is being a dick." I explained, seeing Kakashi's understanding.

"I guess you're on a conversational basis with it now?" Kakashi asked, pulling a small storage scroll out of his pouch.

"He's a dick, but he grows on you. Like an STD, come to think of it." I added the last part.

"Like you'd know about that," Kurama snarked, "The last time you had pussy was when pussy had you."

Oh, now you're in for it.

"You're a son of a bitch, you know that." I growled at him, ignoring Kakashi.

"If you would kindly stop speaking to the voice in your head, that would be great." Kakashi said, fishing out a small bottle of disinfectant from the scroll, opening it up and putting some on the few cuts I left on him.

"You'd understand if you could hear what he's saying."

"Enlighten me." He deadpanned, his face twitching when he pressed a bandage to the cut on his thigh.

"He said I'd be called 'The Virgin Kage'," I used quotes, scowling at Kakashi when he snickered, "And then said that the last time I had pussy was when pussy had me."

Kakashi accidentally dropped the bottle when he started laughing, grabbing at it to prevent it from spilling completely.

"That's a juvenile insult," Kakashi tilted his head downward at me, "It's not that bad."

"It is when I remember getting squeezed out." I shuddered, hating every single moment of it.

Kakashi visibly cringed at that.

"Oh dear Kami," He looked up at the sky, trying to keep a flat tone, "I never thought of that."

"What did I say about not wanting to hear that again?" I growled, glaring at Kakashi.

"Oh, Kami, Minato-kun," Kurama pitched his voice to as high of a note as he could, "You're gonna make me cu-"

'You're in jail, vulpine.' I shouted loudly, cutting the connection.

At the look on my face, Kakashi asked another question.

"Do I even want to know?" He asked.

"No, you don't." I sighed, not wanting to repeat what the perverted fox said.

We remained silent for several minutes, the only sound being Kakashi cleaning and bandaging his cuts.

After he finished, he looked towards me.

"Do you have an answer about the exams?" He asked, having not received a confirmation.

Sighing, I nodded my head yes.

"I will," I replied softly, gazing at the ground, "I don't like it, but I'll do it."

Kakashi relaxed at my answer, leaning back on his arms and looking at a few birds, the breeze whistling through the air.

"Something else," Kakashi said, his tone becoming extremely serious, "It's about Sasuke."

I straightened up at his tone, my thoughts going to the worst.

The only reason Kakashi would be this serious is if he thinks I'd get pissed.

"I'll let him live if Rin ripped his balls off." I said simply.

Kakashi's eye widened in shock.

"What?" He asked incredulously.

"He asked her out again, didn't he?" I said flatly, not needing confirmation.

"He didn't ask her out," He said sharply, "It has nothing to do with anything he did. It's about his clan."

My thoughts stopped racing at that, realizing I jumped to conclusions.

'I blame you, fox, for making me paranoid about that shit.' I grumbled, looking back to Kakashi.

"Sorry," I mumbled, rubbing the back of my head sheepishly, "What about his clan?"

Kakashi didn't pause at all, getting straight to the point.

"Someone stole the eyes of several Uchiha."

I almost choked on the intake of air I inhaled, coughing horribly.

"What?" I asked weakly, my mind racing back and forth on what was going on.

"A former teammate of the Hokage's died of natural causes in his sleep," Kakashi explained, "He had several injuries from serving in the wars and they caught up to him."

'Hiruzen's teammate, several injuries, and stolen Sharingan... Danzo... How did that motherfucker die of natural causes?! Kakashi is bullshitting me.' I thought, several different things processing at a fast pace.

I managed to hide my true feelings and kept up a look of shock as Kakashi continued.

"This seems a little bit of a jump, but it will make sense when I'm done, I promise," Kakashi said, continuing on, "The Jonin with the Mokuton, you can call him Yamato, was given that ability artificially. Danzo evidently had a similar thing done to his injured right arm, having cloned flesh from the Shodai as a replacement."

I growled at the disrespect that Danzo and Orochimaru did, not pretending at the fury I felt.

"He had almost a dozen Sharingan in the arm, completely under wraps," Kakashi said, looking disgusted.

"So this was found out when he didn't show up for a few days?" I asked, raising my brow.

"It's not difficult to notice something is off when an elder goes dark for a few days, especially one that did the things Danzo did." He replied smoothly.

At my look of confusion, Kakashi went into more detail.

Hiruzen obviously trusted me enough to let me know a few secrets about Konoha that weren't exactly well known.

Kakashi explained somewhat on the details of ROOT, its motives, and how the Hokage believed Orochimaru was one of the few that would know how to graft foreign tissue onto someone without catastrophic rejection.

I was silent for several minutes, revelling in the fact that the bastard was dead.

'I don't care how he actually died, whether he got beheaded or a Raikiri through his heart, the scum is dead.' I thought firmly, looking up at Kakashi.

"Sasuke isn't going to take it well. At all." I said seriously, knowing I was correct.

"That's why I'm telling you this," Kakashi responded, "You and Rin are the two Sasuke is closest to. You're basically his closest friend and Rin, well, you know."

I huffed under my breath at the reminder of the closeness Sasuke had with Rin, my sister not caring, just wanting another friend.

At least I hoped she was being honest. My own issues with Sasuke aside, I didn't want Rin to think she couldn't confide in me about her own worries or issues.

If only I could do the same in return.

"So you want us to be there for him when he's told?" I asked.

"Yes." Kakashi replied.

"Okay," I nodded softly, "He's a friend, and he'll need to know he's not alone on this. You could probably be helpful, especially with the circumstance of your eye."

Kakashi nodded grimly.

"It may be time to let him know the entire details of me getting it."

At the reminder of that, I decided to sate my curiosity.

"Rin was named after her, wasn't she?" I asked, being 99% certain.

Kakashi looked down and I could hear his breathing quiet.

"Yes, she was."

"Out of curiosity," I continued, "What other names were thought about for us?"

Kakashi seemed to brighten at that, the previous part seemingly forgotten.

"Other than Rin, the other girl names were Mito and, ironically, Naruko." He said the last name with a smirk.

I scowled at his grin and the fact that of course that was an option for a name.

"To think that my Sexy jutsu name I chose was an option for Rin's name," I grumbled, thankful that I cut the connection with Kurama, even if he was probably harassing Rin now, "Mito wouldn't have been bad though, she was family."

"Not going to ask about you?" Kakashi asked.

"Go ahead," I smirked, "But I bet none of them are as good as 'Maelstrom'." I said grandly, a great deal of arrogance in my tone.

Rolling his eye, Kakashi went on.

"One name choice was Menma," He paused when I scoffed at that, "Another was Obito," He got quiet at that, "But that was if 'Rin' wasn't used. But you ended up being twins, so it all worked out."

"Yeah, I doubt Obito and Rin would be good names for the two of us." I said softly, keeping the absolute horror in my tone out at the chance of being named after the killer of my parents.

"Why's that?"

"There can't be a Rin and Obito without a Kakashi," I said simply, like I was commenting about the sky being blue, "And a Minato."

Kakashi scoffed and eye smiled, realizing what I was getting at.

"How will another Minato be found?" He asked, still eye smiling.

"Simple," I said with a normal tone, "Name your's and Anko's kid Minato."

Kakashi blinked like he didn't understand what I just said.

"Come again?"

I tilted my head and managed to keep character.

"She hasn't told you?" I asked with mock surprise.

I hid my grin when Kakashi's visible eye bugged out.

"B-but," Kakashi began to stammer, "H-how?"

For the first time in years, I completely rattled Kakashi.

And it was hilarious.

"I don't know if you know this, Kakashi," I said in an educational tone, "But fool around too many times and a girl might give you a little present all wrapped up."

Kakashi was freaking out for a few more seconds, before noticing my grin.

"Gaki," He said irritably, smacking me in the head, "Trying to give me a heart attack?"

I scowled at the smack and fixed my hair as the tie around it came loose.

"Don't touch my hair." I growled, grabbing the cord I used to tie it back off the ground.

"You do the exact same thing to Rin's hair," Kakashi replied, rolling his eye at me being dramatic.

I ignored him and fixed my hair, making sure it was out of my face.

"But mine doesn't stay up without issue, like yours," I frowned, "It spikes out, but not up like yours."

Kakashi sighed and stood up, still looking sore.

"If you're done fussing over your hair like a girl, I'll be leaving." Kakashi said, smirking under his mask as he left.

He'd already turned and was several yards away when I gave one last parting shot.

"Be sure to use protection!" I called out, snickering as I did so.

He raised his left hand, flipping me off without turning around or changing pace.

I decided I'd wait a little bit on booby-trapping the forest like I planned to in preparation for Orochimaru, wanting to be like Shikamaru and gaze up at the clouds.

I leaned back and did just that, enjoying the fair weather and the wind.


"Tsuchikage-sama, he is here." His aide informed him.

"Bring him in." Onoki instructed, wishing to speak with the man.

The aide exited the room to collect him, the two entering about a minute later.

"Leave us." He instructed the aide, the man exiting the room.

After it was just the two of them in the room, Onoki let a small smile appear on his face.

"Been some time since we've last spoken, hasn't it, Roshi?" He addressed the Jinchuriki of the Yonbi as the friend he was.

Roshi, even when he was pushing sixty years old, still had the natural colouring of his hair, a vibrant red.

"Not since the end of the third war, to be exact." Roshi replied smoothly, stroking his beard whilst maintaining a relaxed stance.

"I'm sure you have some questions on why I requested your presence urgently." Onoki raised a brow in knowing.

"The fact that you sent several teams to track me down hinted at that," Roshi gave a sharp look, "And yes, I am wondering what prompted this."

Onoki took a deep breath and cut straight to the point.

"There is a verified possibility of an Uzumaki in Konoha," He began, seeing the younger man tense, "Something I wish for you to check yourself."

Roshi scoffed at what he said.

"Was it another missing nin or drunkard that's screaming about redheads where you got this source from?" Roshi asked sarcastically, gesturing towards his own hair, "If I wasn't at Uzu, tearing my way through them, you'd think I'd be one."

Roshi was at the front of Iwa's forces when Uzu was invaded, ending up being the only Jinchuriki that survived taking part.

"The source spoke of a boy, approximately early teens, red hair, used several water Jutsu, and made dozens of clones with a noted efficiency."

Roshi gave him a speculative look.

"Who was the source?"

"Another veteran of that battle." Onoki replied simply, eying Roshi's look of scepticism.

"A redhead with a water affinity and large chakra," Roshi hummed to himself, "Still not enough."

"What about the ability to make a golden chakra blade?" Onoki leaned forward in his chair, ignoring the slight creak of his vertebrae.

Roshi's eyes shot to his at that, the black colouring shifting slightly as his chakra began frothing under the surface.

"That would do it." Roshi said quietly, his chakra calming down to its normal level, "I'm fairly certain only the Uzukage's immediate family had the ability."

Roshi had fought Uzumaki Ashina personally in the early days of the battle, the man not giving detail on what happened.

The fact that the men he brought with him didn't come back said more than enough.

"His children, aside from the Shodai Hokage's wife, were killed, so a grandchild must have gotten out." Onoki said, seeing Roshi shake his head.

"We surrounded and killed most of the ones that broke out of the encirclement," Roshi replied sharply, "Even when the Sannin drove us back, we managed to kill the Shinobi that tried to escape."

The news that trickled back to Iwa following the attack was only ever matched when the news of what Namikaze did occurred.

"Be that as it may, a descendant of the Uzukage is possibly alive. I want you to go to Konoha and scope it out, and find out the truth if you can."

"What if it's untrue?" Roshi asked, "Simply a couple of old vets that were seeing things?"

"Then we have nothing to worry about," Onoki said simply, "I can head off any rumours spread by the veteran Jonin about the ghost stories of the Uzumaki rising up from the dead to haunt them."

Onoki clicked is tongue as he paused.

"But if it's true, and the boy is an Uzumaki, then we have options."

He'd much rather avoid knowing, especially with how the state of affairs was with Konoha.

If Sarutobi wasn't Hokage, hostilities would have already broken out with Kumo over the farce of a 'Peace treaty' that Kumo had offered.

He didn't reach his late seventies by being a fool, knowing how things worked.

Konoha needed time to recover from the Kyuubi attack, time that was bought with sacrificing a Hyuga.

"What options will they be?" Roshi raised a brow.

"Ones that won't involve another war." Onoki said swiftly, rejecting any possibility of it.

Thousands dead, including his eldest son at the hands of Namikaze.

Konoha was likely in a better position now for conflict than Iwa, especially with Sarutobi having more than one choice for a replacement without the appearance of deterioration.

The Bingo books in Iwa would be updated by the end of the year, declaring Hatake an S-rank, talks of him being made Godaime were being taken seriously, especially with the increase in missions the man was taking over the last few years.

Jiraiya the Sannin and Senju Tsunade were also possibilities, each having been known for the last 25 years as Kage level.

Before he dismissed Roshi to head to Konoha, Onoki added one more thing.

"This is something off the record," Onoki stood up and walked towards Roshi, making himself float off the ground a couple feet for effect.

"Hatake's genin team has the Hyuga heiress, the Uchiha," He paused for a moment, "And a girl with golden blonde hair."

Roshi gave him a speculative look.

"You think those ghost stories about him having a child are true?"

Onoki shook his head. "I only want confirmation of rumours. It's likely a coincidence, but stranger things have happened."

As he finished, he turned back towards his desk, dismissing Roshi to be on his way.

Groaning as he felt his back rebel against him, he thought of how the timing of the information couldn't have been worse.

He'd already rejected Sarutobi's offer to participate in the Chunin exams, something that would have been beneficial in sniffing around for information.

But unfortunately, he would need to rely on Roshi's reputation as a less than loyal Iwa Shinobi as a cover for why he was free roaming across Hi no Kuni, wanting to see the exams out of boredom.

Scowling at the timing, he went back to some of the reports he had delayed looking at, resigning himself to a long day.


End Chapter:

New chapter is out and like I mentioned at the top: Thank you very much for the feedback, it is very much appreciated, it helped me to not worry about stretching it out too much.

On an unrelated thing, the other redhead Jinchuriki will be up next chapter, along with a couple other things *wink wink*.

For those curious about the Hurin thing, a lot of insert stories completely avoid revealing stuff to some of the key players, even when it's objectively helpful. All it takes is some creativity to make sure it isn't traced to who the actual information giver is.

The choice of a LoTR alias was from me rediscovering my copy of 'Unfinished Tales' that I lost some time ago combined with playing Shadow of War.

Feel free to guess why 'Hurin' was the chosen alias.

Anyway, here's a fresh new chapter and I hope you have a wonderful day.


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