[If you are interested in reading 10 chapters ahead, go check out my Pa.tr.eon with the link https://www.patréon.com/LazySageDao, or just type in my writer's name in the website. The plot is getting exciting there and you guys can support me in any way you can.
Additionally, go read my other novel [Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor] and [The Otsutsuki Clan: A Legacy of Blood and Destruction], it's a Naruto Fanfic with an evil MC born in the Otsutsuki clan.
Join the discord: https://discord.gg/bnsezTApeY]
After entering the Director's Room, Harry saw an old man with white hair waiting for him. He closed the door behind him before saying: "Sir, you called me?"
"Yes. How was the fight?"
"Johnson still lost, but he put up a better fight than usual."
Kingsley nodded his head before changing the topic: "I've called you for two things. The first thing is about the selection for the next Director-General. I've chosen you as my replacement."
"But, Sir, your term is still a long way from being over."
Kingsley sighed, "I'm approaching my 90's now, so my energy is not the same anymore."
"Sir, with genetic engineering, every ordinary citizen of the Empire can live up to 200 years old now. Plus, there is still the Elixir of Immortality. There is no need to hurry to retire."
"Aging and death is a natural process of life, Harry," said Kingsley. "I have accepted that fact, so I have no desire for long life."
Harry sighed but did not continue to persuade. "In that case, why don't you choose Moody as your replacement? He is more deserving of it than me. In fact, all the other 5 Vice-Directors deserve it more than me."
"I've talked to Alastor, and he has no interest in becoming Director and being stuck behind a desk. You know him as much as I do. All he cares about is catching dark wizards and criminals.
"As for the other Vice-Directors, the reason that I did not choose them is that they do not have your talents or your connection. My job requires someone who is not afraid of pointing his wand at the powerful and wealthy figures of the Empire.
"A person who can execute the law--no matter who breaks it."
Harry was silent for a moment as he realized that his mother was one of the reasons that he was chosen for this position. After all, no one would dare to use their power and influence to threaten a family member of a Tower Master.
As such, Harry can do his job without worrying about politics and corruption amongst the Auror. At least, not in his department.
"I accept the position, Sir. What's the second thing you wanted to see me about?"
Kingsley nodded in satisfaction after hearing this, then he took a case file to hand over to Harry, who secretly shook his head at his Director's old fashion methods. He quickly read through it.
"A case of people suspected of doing illegal experiments in Italy? Can't the local official do anything about it?"
"If they could, they would not send the case to us."
"That's true." He then sighed out loud. "I never understood why these people will commit such atrocities."
Harry looked at the pictures of mutilated bodies that were dissected. There was all kind of different races like human, vampires, etc.
"It's quite easy to understand their motives. We live in a time where knowledge equates to power, fame, money, immortality, and eternal youth. Of course, some people will go to extreme length to acquire these things," replied Kingsley calmly.
"All they had to do was ask the Empire permission to set up their labs, and many of these innocent lives could be saved."
"The Empire does countless experiments every day, are we any different than those criminals?"
"The difference is that only clones are used," rebutted Harry.
"Officially, but is it really? Plus, aren't clones also people? Don't they have their own souls and will?"
Harry was silent as he knew his boss was correct, but he also knew that he was also part of a group of people that believe that the Empire's rapid rise of technology through inhumane experimentation should be stopped.
These people are dedicated to stopping this.
However, Harry also learned from his mother that the Arcane Emperor is aware of these people's existence, and allowed them to exist to give people the illusion that things like freedom of speech still exist.
The sad truth is that the Arcane Emperor has total and absolute control of the Empire, and no one can shake that control. Taking a moment to regain his thoughts, Harry said:
"What about the Diviners? If we had some of them helping, unless these criminals have Anti-Divination Magic, this case will be solved quickly."
"You know how stuck up these Diviners are. While waiting for the proper paper to be filed and receiving help from them, more people might disappear, or the clues in the case might be cleaned up," replied Kingsley with an unpleasant tone.
"Plus, the majority of Diviners are busy recently helping the council with something."
Harry nodded his head before saying, "In that case, I will take a few people with me to the site and investigate."
--Scene Break--
North Atlantic Ocean, a man-made island was floating in the air. On it was a vast building designed with different architecture designs from different cultures. Despite being mashed up with so many different architectural designs, it looked extremely beautiful.
Inside the building, a large number of people were sitting and talking to one another. In this room, there was human, wizards, werewolves, vampires, centaurs, and even a mermaid encased in a water bubble. All intelligent races were represented in this meeting, and people of different races and ethnicities.
After everybody arrived, a bell ringed inside the meeting room, making everybody quiet. Soon, 10 people dressed in elegant robes with ouroboros making a ring on them appeared and sat on the elevated seats.
Among these people was Amelia Bones, who sat in the seat in the middle. Her robe was blue instead of red like the others, and her Ouroboros symbol had a crown on top.
She was the last of the ten people to arrive, and as soon as she entered the room, everyone stood up and saluted her: "Welcome, the Honorable Great Elder."
Amelia nodded her head then motioned for everyone to sit down.
"Let's begin today's meeting."
Next Chapter Title:
[If you are interested in reading 10 chapters ahead, go check out my Pa.tr.eon with the link https://www.patréon.com/LazySageDao, or just type in my writer's name in the website. The plot is getting exciting there and you guys can support me in any way you can.
Additionally, go read my other novel [Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor] and [The Otsutsuki Clan: A Legacy of Blood and Destruction], it's a Naruto Fanfic with an evil MC born in the Otsutsuki clan.
Join the discord: https://discord.gg/bnsezTApeY]
"What's on the agenda first for today?" asked Amelia.
One person stood up and said: "The first issue is regarding poaching. In the past year, the number of magical animals captured and secretly sold on the black market has dramatically increased."
"Is it the Animaniacs Group responsible for this?" asked one of the Ten Rings sitting next to Amelia.
"No, we destroyed their main group in Saturn a few years ago; this is a new group," responded the person who brought the issue.
"How serious is the current problem?" asked another Ten Ring member.
"Very serious," responded one of the centaurs in the room, who was wearing a tuxedo on his upper body. "Many members of our race have gone missing in the past few months. We would like to catch whoever is responsible for this, and if possible, bring their bodies back for a proper burial."
The mermaid in the room--who was actually quite beautiful due to bloodline atavism--suddenly started to sing, then her voice was translated for everybody to hear.
"The same can be said for members of our clan."
Many people secretly looked at her. Some lust after her beauty, while some people did not like her because she could speak in human tongues, but refused to do so.
After those two races talked, many people came forward to talk about the disappearance of these magical races.
"Order!" said Amelia, her voice echoed loudly like a speaker in the room. Everyone then quiets down.
"Did the Diviners not track these people?"
"No, Council Elder. They seemed to be very proficient in Anti-Divination Magic."
"In that case, I propose we use the Sorcerer's Eye designed by Your Highness, Seer Luna Lovegood to scan the entire solar system."
"Wouldn't that be wasting too many resources?" asked one of the Ten Rings Counselors sitting next to Amelia.
"Do you think that resources are more important than keeping the Inter-Species Relationship of the Empire?" asked another Ten Rings member while glaring at the previous guy.
"You know that's what I meant."
"How do I know what you mean?"
"Enough with you two's bickering," said Amelia. "Notified the relevant department to use the Sorcerer's Eye to find these traffickers."
Everyone nodded as they knew that the situation would be quickly resolved with this method. The Sorcerer Eye is basically a satellite with many other magical enchantments.
For example, it had the ability of the Marauder's Map, thus the location of everybody in the Empire could be located when needed. Additionally, it was personally Enchanted with a powerful Divination Spell personally placed by Luna herself.
And unless someone was a better Prophet than her, no one can escape her sight. And she is currently the most powerful Prophet of the Empire, with Albion recognizing that she had a noble Seer bloodline hidden inside of her.
After founding this out, for the first time, Edward found a person that Albion did look down upon--including him. According to the Dragon King, Seers are the most respectable bloodlines in the universe, and even Dragons have to respect them.
"What's next on the agenda?" asked Amelia.
"The movement to oppose clone experiments has drastically increased in the past few months. Large gatherings and protests have occurred not only on Earth but on the other colonies as well."
"Here we go again. Last year, we listened to these people and banned experiments on death-row prisoners, but now, they even want to place their claws on clones?"
"Don't they know one of the reasons for the rapid development of genetic technology and many other fields is because we can experiment on clones?"
"Let's not complain, but deal with the situation."
"I propose we use force to deal with these protests. It's about time we showed them that the Empire is a monarchy, not a democracy."
"This would only be a temporary solution," replied Amelia. "We need something permanent, or long-term."
"We can order the large media to stop covering these protests, control the information on Skynet."
"Additionally, we can ruin the reputation of the leaders of these protests, thus decreasing the number of supporters."
"That's indeed a good method."
Just like that, the decision was made.
"The next step on our list is regarding religion."
"What's the issue this time?"
The person who spoke this time hesitated for a moment, then she said: "Well, the rise of the Arcane God Religion has dramatically increased. According to the law, no one can worship the Arcane Emperor as a God, but many people have done so.
"And with how much the religion has gained ground, there is a high chance that they are supported by powerful people--including members of the council."
The room instantly became quiet as everyone looked at one another. After a few minutes of awkward silence, one of the Ten Rings looked at Amelia and said:
"Council Elder, I don't think worshipping the Emperor as a God is necessarily a bad thing. It could help weaken the other religions still existing, and increase the cohesive strength of the Empire in general.
"After all, Faith can be a very powerful weapon for control."
"I understand your point as I already mentioned this to him, but Edward is very adamant regarding this issue," replied Amelia.
"Could we at least know why?"
Amelia nodded, then with a wave of her hand, a large holographic screen appeared in front of everybody.
"With people worshipping him, the Emperor has already noticed a new energy or power created by Faith. However, according to a preliminary study of it, it is very corrosive to the mind and soul.
"So, until it is further studied and understood, he does not want to use it."
"In that case, wouldn't it be better to just let those people so that we can gather more faith to study? There is no need to support them, but we do not need to prevent them as well."
"That's indeed a good idea," replied Amelia. "However, their growth should be controlled as well."
All these politically savvy people knew that these words were a warning to those people secretly supporting the religion.
"What's next?"
"This time, it is concerning the Death Cult. A new leader might have been chosen."
"So soon? We only killed the last one three months ago."
"Although not entirely sure, the recent activities of the cult would suggest so."
All the council members begin to whisper to one another, thinking of a possible solution to this problem. One young man stood up and said with passion in his voice:
"Since the Empire allows freedom of religion, why not grant the same privilege to the Death Cult? After all, our previous actions have proven that suppression is not the ideal method."
As soon as he said these words, many people looked at him in shock, thinking this guy was crazy. Then, they realized that he was a newbie that was recently elected to the Council.
One of the Ten Rings Council members--who was the one who endorsed this kid in his election--quickly took out his smartwatch, download a document, and sent it to him.
The newbie--knowing that he did something wrong, quickly read over the file sent to him. Instantly, cold sweat started to drip from his back.
Not only because he just learned of the afterlife, but because he knew the existence of the Empire's current greatest enemy: The Death God, Herpo the Foul.
And according to this file, this powerful God is secretly influencing the Death Cult to do his bidding--which is currently unknown. So, the Empire will destroy any person related to the Death Cult in any shape or form.
So, many people have been asking when the new world is coming. The answer is in 10-12 chapters.
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