45% Dragonball- Humanities Peak / Chapter 8: Chapter 8

章節 8: Chapter 8

'I guess those that are arrogant really are destined to fail.' Kaz thought to himself as he sat against a tree, covered in blood and snow. 'I thought his power level would only be around 100, and mine should be at least 70, so I should have been able to at least hold my own for a couple of blows. With that being the case, how the hell did he beat me so easily?'

Kaz couldn't understand how he had lost so quickly. He had gotten into his fighting stance, ready to fight Bora, and before he could even tell what was happening, he was slammed against a tree 15 meters away, with all of the snow on top almost burying him in it. He didn't even have time to take a step forward to attack before Bora had won.

Kaz exhaled as he summoned his Ki, healing his wounds and melting the snow. For some reason his healing Ki was very hot, about 60 degrees Celsius (140 Fahrenheit), it wasn't enough to burn, but it was enough to melt snow. As he got stronger, Kaz noticed that the time it took him to heal fully gradually lessened. When he was at a power level of what he predicted to be about 20-30 it took about 30 minutes to heal completely from a near-fatal wound that he had received, and now, at a power level of about 70 it took him about ten minutes. However, the heat of his Ki didn't seem to change at all. During this time, Bora came over to talk to him.

"Looks like I overestimated your strength kid. But I guess that's a good thing right? If you hadn't challenged me and I had let you start climbing with strength that's this low you would have most certainly fallen to your death less than halfway up." Bora commented as he stuck his hand out to help Kaz up. He noticed the Ki surrounding Kaz and was surprised, but didn't comment on it.

"W-well you see, I just didn't have my aura out, so I was only using half my strength!" Kaz said, trying to think of an excuse as to why he lost. Nobody likes being embarrassed to such a degree, especially not a super introvert like him. However, as soon as he said that, he realized something. 'That's right! I was only using half of my power when I fought right now, so my power level when fighting right now was somewhere between 30 and 40.'

'Martial artists in this world are trained to be able to use a hundred percent of their power at any given time and control it, even without using Ki to cheat it. Meanwhile, I have to use Ki to remove that limit. I evaluated my current power level based on my fight with the dinosaur, but during that, I was using my Ki to use a hundred percent of my strength instead of half.'

"Let's have a rematch, I'll show you that I am a lot stronger, I just forgot to activate my Ki!" He asked Bora.

"No, if you cant use all of your strength without the help of your Ki you won't be able to reach the top of that tower even if you had a few years to climb. Your body will either run out of energy, or your muscles will become too weak to continue climbing, and you will fall. Before I fight you again you need to at least learn to use your strength, because right now, the way you were trying to fight me was like how an animal fights." Bora said as he went to his tipi to grab something.

"No, your wrong! My Ki heals me! So even if I climb for days without sleeping my muscles won't give out." Kaz tried to defend, but he was shut down again.

"So what? Even if your Ki can heal you, how long can you maintain it? Using KI takes a lot of your stamina, and it will make you tired a lot faster. Unless you can train your body to use all of its strength and speed without needing to use your Ki and drain your stamina, you will not be able to reach the top." He replied without even looking back as he rummaged through a chest inside his tipi.

Kaz wanted to argue, but he didn't have anything to retort with.

"Here, use this for your training," He said as he handed Kaz a wooden spear that was twice his height with an iron spearhead. "This will allow you to learn to properly use your strength. It's a magic spear used for training that gets heavier as you use less strength. With you using half, it will be double whatever your lifting limit is. Even if your strength increases by practicing with this, it will still weigh more than you can easily carry if you don't use more of the strength you already possess."

(We don't know much about this guy or his history, so don't get mad if I develop him myself. He is going to be an important character, at least for this arc, so I need to make him more useful. We all know that none of this is canon, so relax and suspend your disbelief.)

When Kaz first grabbed the average-looking wooden spear, it was pretty light, but less than a second later, it weighed hundreds of times more than it should have and Kaz immediately fell over.

"If you can master using all of your body's strength without Ki, then I will have a rematch with you, and allow you to climb the tower if you win. For now, train with that, and don't use your Ki while you're holding it, otherwise, this training will be pointless." Bora smiled and walked away, leaving Kaz stuck on the floor, doing his best to lift the spear.


"HAAAAAAAAAA, Damn it! How the hell is this thing so heavy? Even if its magic, normal wood shouldn't be able to weight this much!" Kaz said in frustration as he gave up trying to lift the spear and sat down next to it, exhausted. He had spent the entire day trying to lift the spear, and yet he still couldn't do it.

He had listened to Boras words and hadn't tried using Ki to lift it, and he didnt plan to. The point of lifting the spear was to learn a technique, not to lift it. Kaz was extremely frustrated and didnt know what to do, so he decided to just call it a day and go to sleep.

By this point, he was used to sleeping on the floor, even in the snow, so he didnt ask for anything to sleep on and just laid down in the grass. He began to relax and recall Boras words.

'So I need to learn to remove my bodies limit at any given moment. But how do I do that? The only methods that I know of are to either use Ki or be in a life and death situation. Is there anything else? Come on, I've read hundreds of books and seen thousands of videos on martial arts, there must have been something in there on this.' Kaz thought as he went through every memory on fighting and martial arts he could.

'Damn, nothing. Maybe there is something in anime I can draw inspiration from. After all, the Hunter x Hunter things worked, so other anime techniques might as well. And if its martial arts that I'm trying to learn, there are only two animes that are realistic (enough) to work in the Dragonball world.' The second Kaz thought of these anime popped into Kaz's mind, he immediately thought of two techniques.

"Ha! If I can learn these, I might not be able to learn to use all of my strength, but it should give me some insight into it. Though, I don't think I will be able to learn the second technique unless I get more experience with martial arts. Lets see, are there any others I can learn?" Kaz dismissed the second technique for now and continued searching through his memories for another technique, but he only found two more, and they were both to complicated for him to learn right now.

"Damn, I guess I can only learn one of these techniques right now. But, do I want to learn that one? I am only just starting out, and trying to learn a technique where I might die in the process of learning it might be a careless decision." While he was talking to himself, Kaz was staring at the spear with a look of longing in his eyes.

'I'm not willing to risk my life, at least not yet. However, learning something always goes faster when there are severe consequences. I will learn to remove my limit, even if it means death. So, if I cant figure this out within a weeks time, I will learn the other technique. So, if I don't remove my limit within the week, I will have a very high chance of dying, and I'm not sure if I will go to the other world as I'm not from this universe.' Determination flashed through Kaz's eyes as he made up his mind.

"I wont allow myself to be that weak teenager anymore! I will become stronger, I will reach the limit of my human body, and then I will go beyond it!" Kaz never had the opportunity to achieve his dreams, and now that he did, he wouldn't let go of it, no matter what. He sat down in front of the spear and focused on it.

'The limit put on my muscles was set there by my mind, so all I need to do is remove it. In order to do that, I have to figure out how to either weaken the limit itself, or control my subconscious to remove it.' Kaz stood up and looked around, but he couldn't find what he was looking for, so he started running around to look for it.

After a few minutes he found it, a small lake. "Good thing its winter, otherwise I would be at a loss about what to do." Kaz was relieved as he took his clothes off and dived into the lake, which was covered in a thick layer of ice. He broke the ice with a single punch and started floating on the top of the ice.

"T-t-the W-Wim Hof Method is s-supposed to help in c-controlling the body, but it n-needs cold t-temperature to work p-properly." Kaz said to himself out lout out of habit while shivering intensely. He started doing the breathing technique while flouting on the surface of the lake between the ice and snow.

'Wim Hof had incredible control over his blood flow, even to the point where he said he could control his own erections. He could probably reach demon slayer level control if he tried hard enough. If I can achieve this as well, then I should be able to remove my limiter, among other things.'

He used all of his will power to focus on his body, trying his best to perceive and control his internal functions. At first this was incredibly difficult do to his terrible attention span, and the intense cold constantly distracting him, however the breathing technique also seemed to raise his focusing ability, so after just five rounds he was able to fully concentrate.

For the first rounds he was still incredibly cold, however after round twelve the cold temperature started to disappear. After round forty three, his internal perception seemed to grow exponentially as he could suddenly feel the shape of all of his organs, muscles, bones and even his veins and arteries. After another few rounds, he could even feel and slightly control his blood flow, either speeding it up or slowing it down..

(I haven't been able to practice the full technique myself in a while as I live in the desert and during the summer the water here gets so hot that I cant take cold showers, so I don't have any experience with the Wim Hof Method at more advanced stages. So, we will just say that this is how the technique works due to Ki effecting it.)

Aside from those things though, he wasn't able to control anything else, even after completing 100 rounds. So he just sat there in the lake for a few hours, waiting for the tingling feeling to were off.

"Well, that was at least progress, I guess Ill go to sleep for now, and for the entirety of tomorrow I will do the Wim Hof Method. If I do it enough, I should be able to remove the limiter within a few days, and with my healing Ki I should be able to adapt my body to that state by the end of the week." Kaz was now more determined then ever to master this technique, as he knew that, if he didnt, he would very likely die, even if he had his healing Ki.


Hey, if you remember any cool techniques from anime that Kaz can learn (meaning it isn't some type of bloodline ability and doesn't require something other then Ki) let me know. Kaz is a human and has a lower limit then the Saiyans, so he will have to rely on techniques to win fights instead of having a higher power level, and I don't think that the four techniques I have in mind will work. You can suggest a special power to be wished for by the dragon balls though, and if I think it fits then I might add it. But keep in mind that Kaz is a pretty prideful person, so he wont be using the dragon balls to directly ask for power, however he will ask for the potential to gain a power if he trains enough.

For example, he wont just directly ask to learn teleportation, he will instead ask for the potential to learn it with a set requirement to obtain it, like, he has to train on Yardrat or a Kai planet for a year, or something like that. This isn't because I want to make it more difficult for him, its because his character is one that puts an extremely high value on hard work and earning things through it, and he despises people that slack off or gain things without any effort, so it wouldn't make sense for him to just ask for power. I had to address this as I know a lot of people will get mad about it.

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