8.21% Dropped ydlbxkhx / Chapter 6: Cursed

章節 6: Cursed

*Riing* Riing*

"That was so not cool kel."

"Sorry, about that."

"It's cool."



"Soooo, wanna come over to my house? I bought a new console."

"Can't, I've got work to do at the bakery."

"Well cya then."

"Cya and you should really confess to Jenny already, stop being a wuss and get rejected already."



As I was on my way to the bakery, I started to feel strange. It was like this feeling that makes my hair stand on end. But I paid no attention to it. I was immortal anyway, not like those knock off ones, I'll die but I'll just reincarnate again. But if the danger is able to destroy my existence.

Well go ahead, I have no problems with that.

I opened the door to the bakery getting ready for the old man to yell at me for being late but what greeted me was a woman in yellow robes sitting in an unfamiliar room drinking tea.


"Please take a seat Mr. Dennington."

"Have we met before?"

"Yes and No."

"---I see---"

Without asking anything else, I took my seat and took the tea in front of me.

"You're not surprised to see me?"

"Couldn't care less."

"You really don't change do you."

"This conversation will never progress if we keep being cryptic so please get to the point."


"Well you see I'm from the future and you need to be killed temporarily."

"Sounds boring."

"Well this is also a request from your future self."

"I'm quite stubborn so still no."

"Oh dear."

"You seem way more powerful than me so why not just kill me?"

"I wish I could, but matters regarding you are complicated."

"Such as?"

"You either save this planet or just destroy it in the future."

"That seems like something like what I would do, so why not kill me?"

"You come back after I kill you and destroy the universe."


"Damn indeed."

"So why did my future self decide to 'temporarily' kill me."

"You said it's necessary for you to achieve the final goal, something to do with the project you are still planning these days."

"And why are you helping my future self."

"That's the best outcome for this universe."

"How can I trust your words."

"The name of the project is -."

"I'm in!"

"I know."


"I saw the future and saw you agreeing."


"Shall we get started."

"Wait right now? Can't I do this tomorrow, I need t-"




And that is how I woke up in a wine barrel in the middle of the ocean drifting aimlessly.

I soon got hungry, so I decided to hunt underwater and oh boi the fishes are ginormous here. It took me a long time to kill it only to figure out that I had no way to cook it. That's how I learnt to eat raw food.

I could've used wood golem jutsu to make my hunting easier but I decided to use this as training. Hours turned into days and days turned to months as I kept living this monotone life full of giant squigly fishes and some frighteningly intelligent birds carrying newspapers.

They were weird honestly. I tried to kill one but it somehow dodged, as if it could see the future or something. I wonder if I'll one day have such monstrous instinct after living a few hundred years.

Needless to say I still caught it thanks to my passive sharingan type eyes. I tried reading it but couldn't understand most of it except some names which were written in english and some numbers on their heads.

It was quite easy to figure from then on that this world was actually a world where people followed the Social Credit system like China! Based on those high numbers, this Monkey D Dragon must be a very respectable citizen to have so many credits.

Aside from the monsters in the ocean, this world seems pretty okay. All right then, let's hope to live a quiet life on some island, I'll leave project - to the future me.

Speaking of life, my life right now is very strange. I feel my strength increasing by a very slight margin every time I consume a bigger fish. But I grew tired of eating so much meat.

No matter how delicious it is, eating the same thing for so many days makes me miss rice. So I tried to get to land by making a small boat.....huh, why didn't I do that before....oh well.

I was quite surprised to see that I suck at navigating since I eventually came back to the small barrel I left back then. Thus I gave up and let myself drift like I always do, living the same life of hunting fishes and looking at clouds and trying to find another theory to my immortality.

I had to stop my monologue when I saw a small ship in the distance. It had a skull flag and a flashy design. I understood that they were pirates but they were my only hope to reach land so I yelled at the top of my lungs.

Why didn't I swim? Well I lost my ability to swim after eating a disgusting fruit floating in the ocean. Must've been a cursed fruit.


The ship approached near me and picked me up leaving my companion barrel back. I must admit that I've grown a bit attached to barrels so It was a tear jerking moment for me to see it go away.

Still! A measly barrel cannot come in the way of an immortal so I toughened up and said my goodbyes to barrel chan.

I got some weird looks from the pirates but I ignored them. They were probably expecting me to get scared after seeing their swords but too bad.

When the captain of the ship came out everyone suddenly tensed and backed away. He must be keeping a tight chain of command here. After getting checked and my wallet stolen they got angrier seeing that my wallet had only a few silver coins and some 'paper'.

"What's you name kid."

"It's Kel...Sparrow! Yea kel sparrow."

"Well then Kel prepare to die now."

I quickly made a surrendering gesture before they took out their swords and got my tongue rolling.

"I want to be a pirate so please let me join your crew."

Now many might be wondering why I did that, well its firstly because I don't know how to read or write this world's language and I figured out that the numbers were actually bounties, courtesy of the word "bounty" written in english.

It seems this world is very chaotic and the government is trying to stop them. I have no problem in being a good citizen but I don't like the government, if I want to get stronger then I need to become a pirate because no way the government would let a citizen get stronger without them joining the army or something.

Why do I want to get stronger, well my dear journal reader, as I've said before the lady in yellow robes was stronger than me so it makes me feel itchy. Call it pride or whatever you want but I cannot stand to be weak after dying. Maybe the darkness did change something within me but it doesn't matter.

My goal is still the same so I'm okay with anything as long as I stay that way.


"It wasn't a request."


"....You're the trainee under this guy from now on. He'll teach you how to read and write and also navigate."

Why didn't I become captain, well these dudes had a strong mental defense, something like aura they show in the cultivation books.

"Welcome to the Markov pirates, the name is Kreig Bonzalles. You'll be working under me from now on because the captain is busy nowadays. Go take some rest, we'll be entering the Grand Line soon."



so yeah he hasn't reached the stage of new world yet so he's gonna learn a lot of things along the way...probably. No, he will not always be under a pirate crew, he'll eventually get away from them.

Romance is still many worlds apart.


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寫檢討 閱讀狀態: C6
  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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