"I suppose I should thank you for keeping us safe in that case," Lucifer replied, amused.
"Nah. It's our duty. Don't worry about it," Jenilia answered proudly.
"Are you going to Elisium for business related to the Warlock Council in that case? Or something else?"
Now that he knew that she was from the Warlock Council, Lucifer was even more intrigued about what she was coming to Elisium for.
"Well, I guess you can say it's not an official business. Otherwise, I would have gone by flight. That's all I can tell at this point since it's confidential," Jenilia answered.
"I understand that. You Warlocks have so many responsibilities. You can't tell an ordinary human about them," Lucifer said, nodding his head.
"Anyway, I was curious about something. Your Warlock Council. Does it have any Dark Warlocks? Or only righteous ones?" he further asked as he resumed eating.
Character Image in comments. Forgot to add last time.