~Third POV 1 Year Later~
After Seiya has gotten his cheats for the past year he was shamelessly abusing his newfound Zoan ability of the Fish Fish fruit Model: Seiryu to win every round against Esdeath without any need to transform of course.
But he has found that using the Rumble Fruit to use the electromagnetic waves in the air to listen in to everyone's thoughts and considered it as training for his sanity sakes.
If Seiya would go to the Capital now with the following corruption he would lose his mind from all the negative thoughts from everyone in the capital that would be the equivalent to Zanku losing his mind.
With practice over the year, Seiya was trying his best to master his Devil Fruit abilities in secret when he says to his mother that he's hunting.
It soon became apparent using his Paramecia abilities was difficult for him to accomplish especially since using them quickly wastes his stamina however whenever he meets a danger beast, he uses the Soul Fruit ability to quickly drain them of their lifespan to increase his own.
Currently Seiya couldn't use his creation for his homie just yet since he can't let his homie be exposed just soon after he gets his cheats.
But everyone in the Partas Village have noticed the sudden increase of lighting in the area they never knew that it was from Seyia training his Logia ability of the Rumble Fruit abilities since whenever they try to investigate it Seyia would use the Thunder Clouds as a means to hide in the sky or using his Flame Clouds from his Zoan Fruit ability to hide in the air.
Fortunately, no one could fly up to the sky to figure out where Seiya was hiding but it was apparent that the continuous losses of Esdeath matches made her somewhat infatuated with Seiya no more like an obsession to his strength.
From a young age Esdeath as been taught by her father of the philosophy of a strong view over survival of the fittest, which he taught to his daughter, who ended up adopting it for herself but so far she had been beaten in each encounter from Seiya changing her views bit by bit.
Esdeath used to believe what her father said is truth to her core, however the existence of Seiya denies her beliefs and the tribes since he is different from the rest of them in every way.
Esdeath saw Seiya as compassionate and worrying towards others when needed as well as help them when they were defeated, she doesn't understand his intentions while every time she defeats, she mocks them for being weak while Seiya doesn't.
If anything, she sees that he seems annoyed at that fact viewing others as weak but instead helps them get stronger this confused Esdeath greatly even he helps her train her but when she asks for this reason Seiya replies in his own way, "Easy if I help them get stronger then I would get stronger as well if I help them they help me get stronger with each passing fight as the more I refine my power as theirs to our own benefit."
While what Seiya said was true he only helped them was because he could get favors and train more of his Observation Haki as best as he could while he trains to physically increase his body strength.
Even though he could easily do his Armament Haki he still needs his body in top condition to train it to the max as he could hoping that he gets stronger the longer he spars with people with his newfound stamina increase of his Zoan abilities.
Although Seiya does use his sparing partners for his own means he was still caring for them to help him reach into new lengths of his power and strength.
That is Seiya spends his childhood days training the days away further increasing his control of his Devil Fruit abilities since they now rely on him to just use his body to the fullest with no weakness of the curse.
Also, another bonus with the abilities is that they are exactly the same from the original Devil Fruit counter parts they each have a locked awakening just waiting to be released for how long remains unknown at this time.
During that year Seiya was also trying to replicate some of the Rokushiki techniques from the One Piece anime to his knowledge since he could count as himself as superhuman or more with his Zoan abilities it was a matter of control if he could complete it.
But Seiya uses his time to train to his fullest till it was once again to spar with Esdeath again showing a more impressive expression…
~Seiya POV (6 years old) ~
Getting into my battle position again I look towards Esdeath as I say the usual to her while I practice my Observation Haki, "Alright Esdeath are you ready for a beating again just like the previous times?"
Esdeath soon nods at me while she gets out her hunting dagger ready to harm me with her determined expression, "Oh I wouldn't worry about that Seiya this time I have been studing you on how you fight and act towards others while others may look down on your kindness you use them to get stronger right?"
Nodding my head, I soon respond to her with a smile on my face, "Of course I would even if they are weak, they won't remain that way forever plus I couldn't remain weak as well and wait for them to catch up right? I want to get strong too you know plus it's not wrong to be nice to your opponents."
Esdeath just scoffs at that while she makes a comeback saying with a clear voice of arrogance and a bit of disdain, "So that means are you willing to let your enemies live after they attack you then if so you are clearly arrogant in thinking that they will let you go?"
I scoff at that one sure I had killed people at this point from bandits but at the same time I know I'm not dumb to let my enemies live, "Yeah… no I won't! If I let one live that has clear intent to kill me than I will return in kind obviously no question asked, but if its someone doing their job then I will let them go that brings in more trouble than they are worth."
True I have to think logically about this right now I'm currently not strong enough to fend off an entire nation at least not yet anyway but still getting arrogant wouldn't help me much in the future and there are limits of who to spare or not otherwise I might become more like Esdeath if I did all of that.
Seeing that Esdeath stayed silent at my response only sighs as she ready herself, "Very well then Seiya you do you while I do my own way of dealing with threats like…"
Already predicted that you will go for a straight stab followed by a round house kick to my sides, but I expected that time to see if my training my body was worth it, Soru.
Soon enough Esdeath follows as predicted I dodged her attack while she follows with a roundhouse kick but soon enough, I was already evaded the attack as I was now suddenly behind her, "Sorry there Esdeath but this is my win not yours better be ready to – "
But soon enough I see her turn her hunting dagger backwards as she turns around while I managed to block it while she punches me in the gut sending me a few inches away from her while she finally smirks towards me.
Esdeath managaes to get into her fighting position and soon rushed in with a flurry of slash attackes on me while I avoided her attacks but just barely since it was up close as she starts to speak, "You know Seiya you do have a bad habit of talking in a middle of a fight better to correct that in the future you know that right?"
Looking at Esdeath I could only sigh agreeing with her on that one I do tend to talk too much on a fight, "Sigh… you do have a point their Esdeath I do tend to have that bad habit from me talking to my enemies but thanks for pointing that out then!"
When I saw an opening I took as I quickly rush her to the floor going to the waist as I was now on top of her while both of my knees are on her elbow bone joints stopping her to raise her arms as I went on the offensive to beat her.
I managed to get a few in before I saw that she managed to throw her dagger at me while I managed to dodge it on time as I made a few steps away from Esdeath as she comes up once again spitting out a bit of blood, "Pwee! I say Seiya that was brutal of you to beat down on a girl like that?"
I just scoff at that clearly Esdeath doesn't know the rule of true gender equality, "Tch! Sorry Esdeath I would still do that to my enemy even if they were a girl as I am a person yearning for true gender equality."
Esdeath just laughs at my answer as we continue on our sparing matches while I enjoy the most I can get from my childhood.
Training to be the best and be strong all around I wonder what the other worlds have to offer but for that I need the that Teigu for it to be a reality.
With that I will continue to train the most I can and be stronger than everyone so that I can enjoy my life to the fullest.