'You can start now,' Gege suddenly said after twenty minutes, 'they have already passed your spot.'
"Give them a minute," Arthur took a deep breath before taking out his sword and started moving in the air.
He activated his technique. "Coming here after getting this awesome weapon in my arsenal made me look like an idiot," he shook his head while watching the sword phantom he held in his right hand. "A fool fighting giants with sticks… Damn!"
'Any moment now,' Gege said again.
"Open the portal honey," Arthur said, "let's kick hard on their doors. How are they doing?"
'Doaf and Amera?' Gege asked before adding, 'they are fighting like crazy right now. But don't worry about them.'
"I'm not," Arthur evilly smiled, "I'm just worried they wouldn't be giving it their all and let many escape."
'I doubt that,' Gege laughed, 'Amera is already on loose and Doaf has no option but to protect you.'
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