62.22% Wizard King / Chapter 107: Chapter 96: Death Eater Trial Pt. 1

章節 107: Chapter 96: Death Eater Trial Pt. 1

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Tobias turned to the chamber at large and nearly everyone recoiled back in feat under his gaze, finally, then his eyes landed on Harry or in a more approximate area. But Harry knew the man had his sights upon him and to prove it...

"And you," the man repeated as he pointed his finger at him.

Sighing Harry wondered why him, why couldn't he just be left alone for once in his life.

Anyways there went his plan of stealthy getting away once shit hit the fan, he would be target number one if Tobias could have it his way.

"Who me?" Harry asked as he looked around, then turning to face the person seated right next to him, he whispered conspiratorially though his voice still did care in the silent chamber. "I think that sour puss balding man is talking about you, mate! What in Merlin's name does he want with you. Did you kill his cat, it really looks like you did to me with how screwed up his face is."

There were a few awkward coughs, and chuckles being barely held back. The poor man next to him scuttled away from him, as if not wanting to have anything to do with him.

Harry could understand, if he was him, he wouldn't want to have anything to do with me!

"You think you are funny, Potter. Let's see you joking when I have you on your knees before me."

"Talk about ego issues," Harry whispered to the middle aged woman on his left, "do you think he is trying to make up for something?"

Even though Harry was making jokes he was already thinking of plans to get himself out of this situation as his eyes darted about. Already he came up with 52 different plans in the span of moments, 90% of which weren't feasible and was impossible to achieve, 9% would see him dead outright, but just 1% of it would be cutting it close and might be possible.

"I can't wait to get my hands on you boy," the Dark Noble growled as he stared viciously at him.

"Ooo, scary," Harry said as he shivered in fear and shook his hands about. He made up his mind, he will go with his last plan, and pray to Magic that it worked.

"Just you wait boy..." the man said, "I will fulfill my Dark lord's final wishes. I will end you just like your parents!"

"You know a man can only take so much, Tobias," Harry said as he changed up his tone. Now he was deadly serious and all jesting was gone as dark clouds hanged over his face, if the man had known Harry best then he should have known when he got that look on his face you were fucked.

Harry had to give it to the man, he really did get the surprise on him and everyone else it would seem, maybe not Madam Longbottom, but for everyone else this was just a total break of decorum and decency.

It really reminded people of Voldermort's dark days where he would lie, cheat, steal, kill, rape, threaten, and everything else in between to get what he wanted.

Noble purebloods just didn't do things like this, you just didn't come up to someone and point your wand in their face and force them to do what you want. Sure you could war with each other and kill many people in the process, but you didn't put an aristocrat's life in danger.

You could see that on a lot of people's faces, more than fear and worry there was anger there and hate. Even if Tobias somehow found a way to get what he wanted, he would be facing a lot of resistance and outright wars.

Still Harry should have expected a desperate man would break the unsaid rules of the wizarding peerage. When you push a beast to a corner, expect that it would fight back viciously.

Though that did not mean he would allow himself to be stepped on all over. This is the man who funded his own vassal to rebel against him and his house. Who had ulterior motives and lusted after his family wealth and lands.

Now he dared to bring up his parents...

The gull of the man!

Each dragon has his or her own reverse scale, and you never touch it!

And that is exactly what poor Lord Nott did.

Everyone in the chamber could feel that magic billowing about as the power seeping the place and Harry stared down at the man as lighting flickered through his eyes.

"There was a limit that you can never pass, Lord Nott and you have!" Harry told him exactly what he thought. "Send your men against me and no matter what great force they come in, I will end them and chop off your hand that sent them."

Then looking at the Lords and Ladies in the courtroom, Harry enacted his plan. "And you lot," he shouted at them as he sneered, "What are training dummies that just want to be hit around? Why are you sniveling like cowards in your seats?

What would your proud ancestors think if they knew they had descendants like you?" Harry asked as he emphasized each point with a jab into the air. "Look around, who out numbers who here?" he asked, pointing out the obvious to everyone.

Sometimes the rational mind does not notice things when it locked with fear, but when you point it out things have a way of resolving themselves. Everyone looked at the small army gathered of a 100 or so Death Eaters, then they looked at themselves who were 500 or so Great nobles. Plus their hangers on who were in ones or twos if you wanted to count them.

Each and every single one of them could do that math, and if not they had spells to assist.

"Do we not have our family magics on your side?" Harry asked, hammering down the realization on everyone. "Tell me who is the superior practitioner of magic, us who come down from long lines of great wizards and witches or some washed up Hogwarts graduate that learned hogwash and thinks he is loftier than us Great Lord?!"

"SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP," Tobias screamed as he looked like a mad man screaming about. It didn't take a genius to see that he was losing control of the situation. At first, the angry man had the surprise on everyone and cowed them into silence with his show of brutal force, but now everyone was realizing that no didn't have the upper hand.

The one thing that kept everyone in line and on the best behavior was gone.

The antonym of fear was always rationality!

"I had enough of you," the older man shouted as he glared at him with near insane eyes. "Attack, attack now!" he ordered his men, trying to get the jump on everyone before it was too late.

A myriad of spells were fired from the Death Eaters gathered down below mostly made of Dark spells that were intended to kill or main.

Quickly shields of all kinds of variety were put up by the gathered Lords, a few were generous enough to put up massive shields that protected dozens of people at a time. Some were like him who went on the offensive right away as they sent destructive spells of their own. Others were true cowards at heart like our very own Minister of Magic who hide behind his Undersecratly and used her as a shield.

Still more and more people got up as Harry's words seem to have an effect and they were all ready to fight for their lives.

But there seem to be another shock in store for everyone. The spells that were fired off by each opposing group seem to come short as a flickering blue shield came into view. Harry's own giant lighting bolt that was targeted right at the Nott family head and Tobias's dark bolt that was clearly for him was absorbed by the shield that separated the stands from the ground floor below.

Everyone looked around in confusion as the thing on their mind was where the hell did that massive shield come from. It couldn't have been casted not the fly something that massive and powerful that took on all those spells needed to be casted before hand with a lot of people, and that is when Madam Longbottom finally got up.

"Now, now, now, my Lords and Ladies please be seated. It is my duty as Chief Warlock to take care of scum like these," she said as her gaze landed on the gathered Death Eaters. Everyone in the crowd above looked surprised, but did as they were told as everyone was curious to see how this played out.

"Y-you... you did this?" Lord Nott asked in surprise as he couldn't hide his fear spreading across his face.

"Didn't I say before hand I knew you would come with this idiotic plan, you fool?" she asked him as if he was a simpleton.

"Now drop your wands and come in peacefully. You will be facing the court of law for your crimes, Lord Nott."

Harry could see the sweat falling from the man's forehead, clearly he did not expect this sort of resistance. The fool that it would be an easy coup, but it looked like he bite off me than he could chew.

Chuckling nervously, the man hide behind his snarl, "Who long will your shield hold up Madam with the onslaught of my men? An hour, maybe two? Ha, eventually it will give way and it wouldn't matter what preparations you made before hand, all you would have done is bought yourself a couple hours of life. In the end you will be dealt with just like all the other traitors behind you."

"You still don't understand poor child," the old woman shook her head as if he wasn't worth explaining to anymore. "You have lost the moment you stepped inside."

Giving the signal to someone, Death Eaters started collapsing to the group, some outright flopped to the ground while others tried to uselessly resist what was happening to them as they fell one knee.

Only Tobias and 4 other high ranking Death Eaters still stood gaping around like idiots and with amulets glowing brightly, but at the same time quickly winking out. If Harry had to guess, they must had on Magic Nullifying amulets on them.

"Wh-what did you do?" the rebellious man asked, this time he made no effort to hide his fear as it leaked out of his tone.

"Did you not notice it when you walked in? You stepped into a Gravity Sinkhole, dear?" Madam Longbottom sweetly smiled.

Harry raised a single eyebrow, now that was a pretty hard magical phenomenon to create.

"Get him," Tobias pointed to Mulciber II who was chained up to his chair.

Harry watched a dark spell went for the Auror, he felt bad for the poor souls who would be dying in the line of duty right before their eyes. But sometimes sacrifice needed to be made for a plan to come together like this.

Madam Longbottom played everything perfectly, and he had to give it to her with the amazing long sight she had.

This went to prove what experience meant!

No matter Harry's awesome power, his endless wealth, his great Legion, his remarkable Bloodline, and if he would add - his striking looks. He was still new to all this. He was still a fourteen year old kid who got thrown into all this and tried to make the best out of it.

He had a long way to go before he could have the same vision and shrewdness like Madam Longbottom. He never seen coming what happened today, but Neville's grandmother did and was prepared for it as she was experienced and wise in her mature years.

Still though that didn't mean you could take away from all he accomplishments. Harry had struck out on his own and made amazing things happen in a few short months. What more did he had in store, even he did not know. He provided his genius and potential.

Nevertheless to prove how well Madam Longbottom planned the spells meant for the Aurors who stood right next to the prisoners harmlessly whizzed through them and out the other side and struck the wall opposite. All that those spells did was harmlessly cause the body of the Aurors to ripple like a pond with a stone dropped in.

Staring gapingly at what was obviously an illusion, Lord Nott looked up at Madam Longbottom with his eyes nearly popping out. "Y-you.. you," he was only able to get out as he clearly couldn't form any words.

"You know I could never had risked these criminals escaping," Madam Longbottom smiled, then in a vicious grin she added, "just like you, Tobias."

Suddenly people begin to pour in from the fireplaces around the chamber as it seem like the holidays weren't over yet. This time instead of Death Eaters, people with leather jackets that reaching down to their ankles appeared in the chamber.

Everyone knew who they were, you either love them if you are the good guy or hate them if you're the bad, Aurors!

Cheers went up as the magical law enforcers made their way inside the Wizengamot. Among the ranks of Aurors, Harry spotted a very familiar bubbly pink hair leading a squad as Death Eaters now trying to get up as the effect of the gravity pressure wore off was arrested on the spot.

They planned, and Madam Longbottom planned. But in the end, it was the old lady who was the best of planners.

Tobias looked around as his people were put into magical handcuffs, even his last few remaining Sergeants gave themselves in as they saw no hope.

Then his face hardened and Harry did not like that look one bit.

"Attack," the man shouted as he was taken down by a few Auror and tackled to the ground as his wand was taken away and his was put into magical handcuffs.

Nobody knew who the hell he was talking about as all his people were arrested and divested of their wands.

But then everyone was quick to realize who he was talking about as a few people from among the gathered Lords and Ladies got up with wands raised.

Immediately Hary knew who they were, hardliners and steadfast supporters of Lord Nott, his people who were in their ranks.

Harry watched Madam Longbottom mouth widened in surprise, the old lady planned admittedly, but she wasn't omnipotent and couldn't know ever plan that Tobias made.

Harry knew it was too late even as he brought forth his wand to do battle. They had the jump on everyone as their wands begin to glow with spells about to be fired, and even as he and a few others got up to make battle he knew that suicide attackers would be able to do a lot of damage before they could be stopped.

And the Auror was too far away to help and they had the shield in their way which would take some time to put down.

Of last desperate measures, this was really going to hurt.

However suddenly one of the suicide attackers' head all but evaporated as a beam of energy struck home. Looking at where the attack came from, Harry turned around to see Ram right besides him and did a double take as he saw how wide her mouth had gone.

From her lips down to her chin and throat, her mouth was like a gaping hole as another beam of energy gathered. More than that what attracted his attention was her eyes as they glowed a bright red color as if she went into killer mood, which he guessed she did.

Looking around for Rem, he saw that she took to the air and her hands were morphed into twin cannons as she shot off quick volleys which accurately struck down the attackers and caused were ever the energy beam struck to evaporated as the only thing that made sense was that they were stripped atom by atom into nothing.

Before he could even form his surprise on his lips the attackers were all taken down. And Ram & Rem landed back right besides him as they reverted back to their original forms of cute maid girls.

Looking at his two twin maids, it was no wonder Tobry forced them to come with him, they were basically the best guards he had. No wonder living constructs were worth an arm and a leg, plus a kidney.

They were just too fucking effective!

Harry shivered at the thought of being ripped apart on an atomic level and was glad these girls were loyal to him, and him alone.

Silence greeted the place, as nobody had any words to say. The whirlpool of emotions and surprises was just too much today.

Even Harry felt a bit dizzy at all the things that went down.

Madam Longbottom was first to collect herself, "Take them away," she said to the Auror with waved of her hand. "we will deal with their trials in the next session."

Then looking at the dead bodies of the dozen or so hardline supporters, she wrinkled her nose, "Could someone take them away?!"

Immediately a few servants were quick to act as they all looked nervous to be about something.

"Now, if we can get back to the trials," the old woman said as if nothing just went down at all and everything was fine at the office.


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