70.04% POKEMON: SHADOW VEILS / Chapter 151: EPISODE 151: Revelation of the Truth!

章節 151: EPISODE 151: Revelation of the Truth!

"Your majesty, the boy has been detected on route thirty-one, they are currently headed to Aulmurus city." Nyx knelt before the fallen king and smirked.

"Prepare my ship. It's time to put the glitch to the test!" Arville leaned forwards and commanded.

"As you wish sir. Guards, you've heard the king... prepare his ship!" Nyx ordered his men.

"Yes sir! Your bidding shall be done." The grunts beamed with a devilish look as they rushed out of the dark and gloomy room.

"Nyx, you're coming with me!" Arville smiled and demanded.

"As you wish sire!" Nyx bowed down and rushed out of the room.

"...Or should I say, Cerberus?" Arville smiled as he placed his hands together.


Two routes are hurdles to the city, route thirty-one and route thirty-two. These routes are filled with thick snow, and icy forests. The coldness in these routes are unbearable, thick sweaters or jackets are necessary.

A little camp for lunchtime was set up near a frozen stream. The girls were doing their cooking businesses while me and Glade fixed up the tents. Today is a one cloudy day, the morning flower was completely sealed off with thick clouds. These clouds sent an array of snowfall to earthly land.

While Riolu mesmerized at the stone Camellia gave us, I got bored and threw a snowball at him.

"Hmph!" Riolu infuriated and threw a snowball at me. I and Riolu threw snowballs to each other, it was quite fun actually.

"Hey Kalem, will you help out before playing with your Riolu?" Glade begged while trying to fix his tent.

"Um... sorry Riolu, I have to help Mr.White hair with his tent!" I giggled and teased.

"Why does everyone call me a white hair!?" Glade infuriated and threw a snowball at me.

"Oh, so now you want to throw a snowball!" I beamed with laughter and threw another snowball, but this time, on Glade's face!

"Why you!?" I and Glade began to throw snowballs at each other. One of my snowballs missed and accidentally landed on Zhery's hair.

"It was his fault!" Me and Glade pointed at each other as Zhery's head began to burst with frustration. She began to throw snowballs at me and Glade.

"Glade, let's have a truce!" I beamed with bliss.

"No problem Kalem! No, go throw snowballs!" Glade beamed with joy as he threw dozens to Zhery. That dozens became hundreds when I began to throw snowballs on Zhery as well.

"Camellia, I need help now," Zhery uttered with joy as she continued to throw more snowballs.

"Leave it to me Zhery!" Camellia smiled and charmed as she threw dozens of snowballs heading towards our faces.

From a simple rage to a fun snowball fight, me and my friends enjoyed playing and laughing together. As we played together we were greeted once more with a familiar person.

"Ah! Mother..." Zhery beamed with excitement as she rushed to Ms.Beatrice. Zhery spotted her mother picking some berries from the distance.

"Well well, if it isn't Zhery and her friends." Ms.Beatrice waved at us and went closer. Zhery hugged her mother tightly like a child seeking warmth and affection.

"Hi Ms.Beatrice, what brings you here?" Camellia smiled and questioned happily.

"Oh... It's nothing, I just figured to take a day off from being a headmaster. I love to wander around forests and pick berries when I have free time." Ms.Beatrice giggled and smiled.

"Oh, me and my friends decided to stay and eat lunch here, want to join mother?" Zhery offered while hugging her mother.

"No thanks, I already ate lunch. I'm here to pick berries, that's all." Ms.Beatrice explained.

"So, Ms.Beatrice, didn't you say that when we meet again, we'll battle?" I beamed with excitement and determination.

"Oh right... I'll battle you when you become a league champion, if not... I'll battle you when I have any free time after the Pokemon League."

"Aw... but Ms.Beatrice, you promised! I was so pumped up a second ago." I knelt in disappointment.

"That's alright Kalem... I want you to battle me when you're strong enough. How many badges do you have?"

"5 badges... about to earn my sixth in Aulmurus city."

"Ah... I see, so you're up against Thalia next right?"

"Yup! Me and my Pokemons trained hard and tough for our next gym battle." I beamed with excitement and determination.

Our little conversation was suddenly disrupted by the propeller noises coming from the sky. The wind stirred up by the propellers almost blew our caps away as a black helicopter descended from the sky.

"Wait a minute... I recognize that ship!" Camellia recalled and suddenly got worried.

"That ship belongs to the Chaos Regime!" Ms.Beatrice suddenly infuriated as she held Alakazam's Pokeball tightly.

"That's not just any Chaos Regime helicopter. That helicopter belongs to dad." Camellia uttered with shock as the sliding doors of the helicopter began to open.

"So it's Arville... The man who wanted to kill me!" I started to infuriate while holding Grovyle's Pokeball tightly.

"Kill you!?" Ms.Beatrice uttered with shock.

"Yes mother, those filthy grunts wanted to kill Kalem just to still Kalem's Gardevoir," Zhery explained.

"But why would they suddenly want Kalem's Gardevoir!?" Ms.Beatrice queried with confusion.

"That's what I want to know..." Glade infuriated.

Two heavy-armored grunts came down the ship first, followed by Arville. His cape flapped due to the cold harsh wind. He was wearing his plain black helmet with two red glaring eyes. On his hand he was holding an unfamiliar Pokeball. It was color white, and had a red stripe around the center.

Then, another man came down, Commander Nyx and his grunts. Ms.Beatrice was shocked for some reason after seeing Commander Nyx. It was like Ms.Beatrice was familiar with the commander. Commander Nyx was also surprised after seeing Ms.Beatrice.

"Arville! So you came for a rematch!?" I infuriated and walked closer to the fallen king.

"Kalem don't. You won't win against him." Camellia pulled my jacket and uttered with worry.

"Won't win!? I almost defeated his Rhydon, what more his other Pokemons!?" I raged and removed my grip from Camellia.

"A young short-sighted fool!" Arville mocked.

"Father, why are you here!?" Camellia infuriated.

"I gave you a chance to return to the regime but you neglected. Bug off, or I'll harm you myself." Arville warned.

"Arville, stay away from them!" Ms.Beatrice commanded as she blocked and protected all of us.

"Beatrice, let the king reach the boy!" Commander Nyx commanded.

"You're a traitor Cerberus, you shouldn't have left," Ms.Beatrice shouted as small tears began to fall off.

"Mother... who is Cerberus?" Zhery questioned.

"Cerberus is his real name he was once a friend of mine," Ms.Beatrice uttered with a grimace.

"An old friend? You should tell the truth to your daughter." Commander Nyx, or his real name Cerberus infuriated.

"You betrayed me. Please come back Cerberus." Ms.Beatrice begged as tears fell off from her eyes.

"Mother... what are you talking about?" Zhery uttered with confusion.

"The past is in the past, Beatrice, tell your daughter the truth... or should I say our daughter?"

"You don't deserve to be her father!" Beatrice infuriated as she protected Zhery.

"Father, mother what are you talking about!?" Zhery began to wonder with worry.

"Tell your child the truth, Ms.Champion." Arville mocked sarcastically.

"Mother, what truth is he talking about!?" Zhery questioned. Ms.Beatrice was filled with tears, she was speechless and couldn't bear to look at Cerberus' face.

"I never knew a champion would be a coward. A mother hiding secrets to her child? Now... now, I'll be the one to say the revelation of the truth for your child. You see, your mother is married to one of my men!" Arville debunked.

"Mother!? Is that true... tell me he's lying, mother." Zhery questioned.

"Cerberus is your father..." Ms.Beatrice uttered softly while I, Glade, and Camellia were speechless.

"What!? You told me that father died from an airplane accident!" Zhery's eyes started to fill with tears.

"When you were merely two years old, Cerberus left me with you... I, didn't tell you the truth, so that you won't go out and seek for your father. I was afraid that you might be tempted to join your father." Ms.Beatrice explained solemnly.

"Even though mother! You lied to me, I had a father... and he's no different from Camellia's father." Zhery infuriated with tears.

"Zhery, I just wanted to protect you."

"Now you've heard the truth daughter, now you know that your mother is a liar, why don't you join me instead?" Cerberus uttered with conviction.

"No! I won't allow our daughter to fall into your hands. Don't even dare to touch her!" Ms.Beatrice infuriated.

Zhery on the other hand, couldn't accept the truth. She couldn't believe that her father was still alive, a father from the other side. She continued to cry while Beatrice tried to comfort her.

"Look, I'm sorry Zhery. I know that I hid the truth from you. Do not be like your father, he was tempted by the heart of evil and joined Arville." Ms.Beatrice explained.

"It is in the regime, where I found the truth. Beatrice, you should've come when I offered you, I was right all along. If you've joined me years ago, our daughter won't end up like this!" Cerberus uttered softly as he walks towards them.

"I do not want to hear another word from you Cerberus! Leave my daughter alone." Ms.Beatrice infuriated while Zhery knelt and cried heavily.

"Sire, shall we use the glitch?" Nyx questioned.

"It's time to witness the power of team Chaos!" Arville shouted and threw the white Pokeball to the sky. A strange-looking Pokemon appeared. A Pokemon hard to describe, It didn't look like it had legs or hands. It was a rectangular unknown Pokemon.

"MissingNo! Use Extreme Thunder Blast on that boy!" Arville instructed and pointed at me. The move was about to hit but Ms.Beatrice came and blocked the attack for me.

"Ahh!"Ms.Beatrice uttered with pain as the electric shock struck her mind and heart. Ms.Beatrice dropped on the snow.

"Mother no!" Zhery rushed to her mother and shook her body. Ms.Beatrice's consciousness suddenly disappeared.

"Murderer!" I shouted while holding Grovyle's Pokeball tightly.

"Please Kalem, don't find or you'll lose consciousness too," Camellia begged.

"Such a short-sighted fool! MissingNo, use Extreme Thunder Blast on the boy again!"

"Grovyle, come out stick your tail on the groun!" I sent out Grovyle with rage from my heart.

<Gro!>Grovyle shouted with pain even though the ground absorbed the electricity. It was too much for Grovyle and the ground to handle.

"MissingNo! Use Extreme Fire Blast!" Arville ordered.

"MissingNo!? What kind of Pokemon is that?" Glade wondered.

"Grovyle, dodge it!"

*Grovyle was unable to dodge the attack!*

"I'll give you a chance to live boy, give me Gardevoir and you'll be set free," Arville demanded.

Commander Nyx on the other hand was feeling slightly worried about her wife. He had a sudden urge to help her wife, but hesitation battled his urge. Commander Nyx did nothing, he was speechless... All he did was watch his daughter cry over her unconscious mother.

"No, Gardevoir is my Pokeball, I won't give her to you no matter what happens!" I infuriated and sent Grovyle back to his Pokeball.

"Please seek beyond the fight boy, for the darkness shall beget the light," Arville uttered loudly.

"Stop trying to convince me to join your team cause I'll never do that!" I uttered with frustration.

"If you think you know what is right, then I'll put your resolve to the test! MissingNo, use Extreme Fire Blast now!" Arville beamed with frustration.

"Father no, don't do this please!" Camellia begged.

"Sorry child, but your friend over here is being insolent!" Arville raged as the attack headed towards me. My body froze in fear when suddenly Something from above descended and manipulated the attack. Extreme Fire Blast was sent back to MissingNo.

"Mewtwo!?" I beamed with shock.

"Leave the child alone, he is important for the future," Mewtwo instructed calmly.

"Sire, shall we capture Mewtwo? This is our perfect opportunity!" Commander Nyx suggested.

"Not for now... We need more men, get to ship, we're heading back now!" Arville uttered while glaring at Mewtwo. He sent back MissingNo to its ball, and want back to his helicopter.

Commander Nyx looked at his daughter and his wife one more time before entering the helicopter. He really wanted to help them but something was hesitating behind his back.

"Come on Commander, we need to go!" One of the grunts ordered. Commander Nyx entered the helicopter. As they ascend to the sky, his wife and daughter was bothering his mind. He gazed down at them through the helicopter window.

"The police are headed here, they must've heard the attacks," Mewtwo uttered with alert as he went closer to the four of us.

"Mewtwo..." I uttered softly while my eyes gazed upon the strongest Pokemon.

"MissingNo, a corrupted Pokemon. Never interfere with it again, or else your life might end." Mewtwo warned.

"I never knew that my father had a corrupted Pokemon," Camellia uttered with shock.

"Your father has many weapons, some I cannot fight against. MissingNo is tolerable, unless it alters into a new form. Kalem, never tolerate to fight Team Chaos again. Hurry, and go to the city right away." Mewtwo instructed and ascended to the sky again.

"Wait, Mewtwo... you have to help my mother!" Zhery begged while holding her unconscious mother. Mewtwo was too far, and our voices couldn't be heard anymore.

The police started to arrive and questioned the events. We told them nothing but a sincere truth. Officer Jenny was kind to give us a ride to Aulmurus city, where the nearest Pokemon Center is. Ms.Beatrice is in a very bad situation right now.

the gates of the city started to open, as we pass through the checkpoint.

"Zhery... don't cry." Camellia comforted while we wait in the Pokemon Center.

"Father could've helped my mother, but he hesitated!" Zhery began to infuriate.

"Zhery, calm down..." Glade comforted and consoled.

Nurse Joy and Audino rushed towards the four of us with an unhappy face. "Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Zhery's mother is in a critical condition..." Nurse Joy uttered softly.

Zhery began to panic and rushed quickly to the emergency room. She tried to find the room her mother was confined in.


"Very good Nyx, you have proven your loyalty to me." Arville clapped and complimented.

"Of course my king... I will follow your footsteps." Commander Nyx uttered softly with his wife and daughter on his mind.

"There is one more challenge that will hurdle you..."

"What challenge, your majesty?"

"Your daughter... she seems to distract you."

"Do not fear my lord, I will strike her down if I need to. I will do what I must in order to achieve the greatness that I've been yearning for a long time!" Nyx promised and bowed.

"Very good commander, I hope that what you say is true..."

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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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