49.76% POKEMON: SHADOW VEILS / Chapter 107: EPISODE 107: An Unworthy Shock!

章節 107: EPISODE 107: An Unworthy Shock!

"Let Mewtwo and Genesect go!" I shouted and infuriated in front of team Chaos' executive, Elanor.

"Ahhh!" The two Pokemons screamed in pain while being dragged towards an undestructable cage.

"Watch your words boy, you should be thankful we're letting you free." Elanor uttered softly.

"No, those Pokemons don't belong to you! They belong to my father and mother!" I infuriated while holding one of my Pokeballs.

"These Pokemons don't belong to your parents, they belong to a trainer in the Kanto region. He wants it back." Elanor uttered with a cold smile.

"Do you think I'll believe that!? Zylon lied to me, of course, you're lying to me as well. What do you want with those Pokemons and Camellia anyways!?" I infuriated.

"We're here to create a new world, step back or we'll do lethal actions. Not legal, lethal!" Elanor uttered with a cold smile. The elemental commanders came out with their Pokeballs on their hand.

"See! I knew it, Zylon is a liar. All of you are ambitious beings! Let the Pokemons go or we'll fight you!" I infuriated and enraged.

"Kalem stop, you can't win against these guys. I warned you." Camellia touched my shoulder and uttered with worry.

"You knew they were going to arrive!?" Glade uttered with shock.

"No... No I did-"

"Then why did you warn Kalem then? Is there something you're not telling us!" Zhery uttered with a higher tone.

"Of course, it would be disappointing to tell your friends the truth. Right Camellia? A truth you hid from them for more than one month!" Elanor uttered with a cold smile.

"What truth is she talking about Camellia!? Tell me!" I uttered with a solemn voice.

"Tell them your secret Camellia! Tell them who you really are!" Elanor shouted with a cold smile as Camellia started to be suspicious.

"I am Camellia, a normal girl with a dream to become a Pokemon professor. That's the truth. I'm not hiding anything, trust me Kalem!" Camellia went between team Chaos and me. Her face was worried while I wasn't buying it.

"Tell them your true identity!" Elanor shouted. Camellia's heart pounded louder. Sweat fell off her face.

"What is she talking about Camellia?" I queried with a solemn voice.

"I don't know what she's talki-"

"Then why does she know you!?" I interrupted.

"I battled her before, I lost. I went to Covelry town, that's all! I'm not hiding anything Kalem. Trust me, we're best friends right? I would bever lie to a friend like you." Camellia uttered while trying to convince me.

"Chaos regime can trick your brain, don't believe them Kalem. Please trust me."

"Don't believe her Kalem, you know how suspicious she was when she was going to the cavern. She's hiding a secret from you." Zylon uttered.

"No I'm not! You're trying to use my identity! You're making things up!" Camellia faced team Chaos and infuriated at them.

"Stop this arguement!" Arville shouted from the back. The grunts made way for the fallen king, he walked slowly with his hands behind him. He was wearing his mask and cape while her queen walked with him. I could hear his footsteps going closer to me as the two Pokemons struggled.

"Arville!" I shouted and infuriated.

"You shouldn't have come here Kalem. You should've listened to Camellia instead." Arville uttered steadily while walking.

"How does he know you Camellia?" I wondered with confusion.

"He killed my father and mother." Camellia explained and glared at Arville's mask.

"Killed your father and mother? That's a harsh thing to say, grunt number 445!" Arville spoke.

"Grunt 445!? You're part of team Chaos!?" I uttered with shock as rage flowed through my body.

"No I'm not! Don't believe Arville! He's a liar just like all of them." Camellia uttered.

"Is that so?" Arville queried.

"You killed my mother and father, I'll avenge them!" Camellia shouted.

"Then avenge them Camellia. Here's my sword, strike me down. Pierce my heart and avenge your parents!" Arville shouted and threw his sword towards Camellia.

Camellia slowly picked up the sword with shivering hands. She did a stance and glared at Arville.

"Prove to your friends that you're a brave girl. Avenge your parents Camellia, strike me and my queen with that sword." Arville uttered.

Camellia's hand began to shiver while the rest of us watch.

"Strike me down! Kill me! Let my blood spill over you! Avenge your dead parents!" Arville shouted.

"Oh I will." Camellia continued to glare.

"I'm waiting Camellia! Come at me! Strike me down!" Arville shouted.

Camellia' hand began to shiver but she faced the fallen king with full courage.

"Strike me now!" The fallen king demanded.

Camellia rushed towards Arville with a sword pointed on his heart. While she ran, she glared at Arville's eyes. Her heart was filled with vengeance. She wanted to avenge her parents.

The sword was about to pierce through Arville's heart, but the sword only tapped the skin, Camellia hesitated to pierce the sword. Camellia hesitated to kill Arville.

Tears flowed at Camellia's eyes.

"Welcome back daughter." Arville took his sword and hugged Camellia.

Camellia was angry at Arville, she pushed herself out of Arville's grip and knelt down. She started to cry deeply.

"Daughter!?" Glade wondered.

"Camellia is my daughter. Her parents are not dead... We are her parents!" Arville uttered softly.

"I know Camellia's heart. I know her weakness. Even if I was the one who commanded it, she wouldn't kill his father right Camellia?"

"Camellia, tell me you're lying!" I shouted with tears flowing through my eyes.

"Kalem... I'm sorry. Arville is my father, Xeryll is my mother. I lied to you." Camellia uttered while kneeling and crying deeply.

"Now, stand up dear, you belong to the Chaos regime. You're the next queen." Arville stood Camellia and hugged her. The father and mother comforted their daughter.

"Traitor!" I shouted out loud.

"You're a traitor Camellia! I trusted you!" I infuriated.

"Gardevoir, strike all of them, use Shadow Ball!" Hatred filled my body and my heart turned black. I sent out Gardevoir from her Pokeball.

"Strike all of them!? Even Camellia?" Gardevoir uttered with shock.

"I said all! Even her! She's a traitor!" I shouted loudly.

Gardevoir had no choice but to follow my command but Zylon quickly sent out his Charizard and countered the move.

"Please, don't hurt my friends!" Camellia begged to her mother, father, the executive, and the five elemental commanders.

"You're friends!? Do you think I want to become friends with a traitor like you!?" I shouted loudly.

"Kalem, listen to me please. I know I-"

"I warned you Camellia. You should've listened to me. I was right, your friends would turn against you if you betrayed me and your mother. Now you're back, help me, help the Chaos regime!" Arville begged.

"No! I left the island because I don't believe in the works of the Chaos regime, even if I'm your daughter, I won't spread darkness." Camellia blocked and protected me, Zhery, and Glade.

"Move aside traitor!" I infuriated.

"Kalem, I betrayed the Chaos regime because I didn't believe in them."

"You could have told me sooner, it's too late. You are a member of the Chaos regime! You're a spy aren't you?"

"I... I'm not!" Camellia uttered.

"Yes she is," Elanor uttered and showed the grunt list.

"Grunt number 445 belongs to the spy category." Elanor explained.

"You lied again!?" I infuriated.

"Kalem I can explain! Please!" Camellia begged.

"Gardevoir, use shadow ball on her!"I commanded.

"But Kalem..."

"I said do it Gardevoir!"

"Kalem, she's your friend." Gardevoir uttered.

"I do not befriend traitors like her! Strike her down!" I commanded loudly.

Zhery, Glade, Riolu, and Zorua were scared. They were speechless with what's happening.

"Kalem please!" Camellia begged to stop the attack but Gardevoir lunched the shadow ball already. Her father pushed Camellia and was hit with a powerful shadow ball.

Arville's hand began to bleed.

"See Camellia! Look at the world today, they're full of terrible people just like him!" Arville uttered while aiding his hand.

"Kalem, why did you hurt my father!?" Camellia began to infuriate.

"Gardevoir, hit Arville again! It's time to end the Chaos regime!" I shouted.

The grunts, commanders, and other members of team Chaos were about to help their leader but Arville declined.

"Kalem, don't hurt my father!" Camellia commanded with rage.

"Do it Gardevoir!" I shouted.

"Kalem, this isn't you." Gardevoir uttered with worry.

"You're many things but you're not a murderer, even if we're talking about the enemy." Gardevoir uttered.

"The world is cruel Camellia, join me and we'll create a new peaceful world!" Arville uttered with conviction.

"Kalem, not my father nor my mother. Please," Camellia toned down her voice.

"Gardevoir strike him down!" I commanded.

Gardevoir had no choice but to follow me. She launched a powerful Shadow Ball towards Arville.

The attack was countered again!

<Absol!>The Pokemon blocked the Shadow ball.

"So, you're now going to fight me?" I uttered sarcastically.

"No, I don't want to do this Kalem, but you're hurting my parents." Camellia uttered.

Absol and Gardevoir were worried about their trainers, they didn't want to fight each other.

"You really are a traitor aren't you!?" I uttered with rage.

"I betrayed team Chaos, I won't betray my friends."

"You just did. You just proved it, and I'm going to strike your parents, the grunts, the commanders, and even you. I promised revenge one day, this is the day." I uttered with rage.

"Are you possessed or something? Do you want to kill me? How could you think of such an idea?"

"Gardevoir use Shadow Ball again!"

"Absol dodge then use crush claw!"

"Gardevoir grab Absol's paw and teleport the sky. Drop her dead!" I ordered as my eyes turned black. A dark veil surrounded my body.

"Kalem's being possessed!" Zorua stood up and notice the changes in my body. I lost control over my body.

"Kalem! Snap out, don't let... don't let... the messenger take over you." Mewtwo uttered with pain.

"The messenger is possessing Kalem!? How could this be?" Zorua began to wonder.

"Because I am in Kalem's mind!" I spoke but with a different voice.

"Kalem's voice changed!?" Zhery wondered.

"Wait, so all this time, I was in Kalem's mind!?" Zorua uttered with shock. Everybody stopped as my body moved closer to Zorua.

"I need you to remove his hatred Zorua. I can't survive a dark and withered heart. I can't stop my soul Zorua, because I am the mind." The voice explained.

"So you're not doing this? You're saying this is the work of your soul?" Zorua queried.

"Yes, I can---" My voice started to change.

"Don't listen to him Zorua, Kalem must kill the traitor!" A dark voice spoke.

"No, don't listen to my soul. My soul is corrupted! Wake Kalem up!" The voice changed into the original.

Two voices fought for my mouth.

"I want to kill!"

"No, I don't want to kill! Zorua, my unbound form is taking over his body."

"Kill her Kalem! She's a traitor!" I began to float up to the sky as a so-called unbound form took over my body.

"Gardevoir, do what I command, use shadow ball!" The unbound voice ordered.

"No, I listen to my real trainer, and not to voices like you!" Gardevoir declined.

"Fine then, I'll just do it myself!" Gardevoir's eyes turned black and fell under the spell of the unbound voice.

"You obey me now, do what I command you to do!" The unbound form uttered.

"Yes master!" Gardevoir threw multiple shadow balls heading for Camellia, but Absol abosrbed all them.

"Gardevoir, don't let the spirit control you too!" Absol uttered with worry.

"I am loyal to my trainer, and my trainer commanded me to do so!" Gardevoir uttered and attacked Absol.

"That is not your trainer, a corrupted heart is speaking to you." Absol uttered.

"What have I done!?" Camellia uttered with worry.

"All commanders attack Gardevoir and the floating trainer!" Arville commanded.

"Father, please don't hurt Kalem!" Camellia begged.

"Fight Gardevoir instead!" Arville uttered and changed his mind.

Commander Zylon sent out Charizard, Commander Hemera sent out Blastoise, Commander Luna sent out Venusaur, Commander Nyx sent out Bisharp, Commander Stella sent out Abomasnow.

Multiple attacks came towards Gardevoir but she dodged all of them. The spirit possessing me began to control the commander's Pokemon as well.

"Snap out of it!" The commanders uttered.

"Kill all of them, spare no one!" The voice spoke through my body!

Zorua and Riolu were getting worried for me while Glade and Zhery shivered in fear while thinking of a plan. The Pokemons turned against the commanders and havoc was the result.

"Stop this now!" A voice shouted from behind.

Melody, Groyle, Alice, and Draco came towards me.

"Hoopa unbound! Let Kalem go!" Melody shouted.

"Hoopa!?" Everybody uttered in shock.

The Elite Four has come to help, A Pokemon called Hoopa Unbound has taken over my body, as everybody panics! Only time will tell what will happen next. As the journey continues.

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This is not yet the climax. The climax does not happen in the cavern, and is still very far.

Part 3/4

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