34.1% POKEMON: SHADOW VEILS / Chapter 73: EPISODE 73: Into the Unown!?

章節 73: EPISODE 73: Into the Unown!?

"Daddy look! It's the ruins." Elly shouted and pointed at the pyramid with a golden triangle on top. There were large broken pillars that surrounded the area. The ruins were also filled with broken wall structures and paleographies. Mr.Florence, Elly, and me were so excited to explore the great ruins. Who knows what lies deep in the chambers of the ruins?

"Alright, we're here for one reason, let's go find the metal coat!" Mr.Florence uttered with determination.

"Metal Coat!? What's that daddy?" Elly queried.

"It is a rare item, that can be used to evolve Pokemons, such as Onix!" Mr. Florence explained with a smile.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's hunt for the metal coat!" I beamed with determination while clenching my fist towards the morning flower.

Meanwhile on the other side of the ruins...

"Kalem and Mr.Florence are probably on the other side of the ruins." Camellia hunched.

"You might be right, let's go meet them at the center of the ruins." Glade agreed and suggested as they walked through the broken pillars and broken wall structures from the other side of the ruins.

the ruins of the Silvent Desert was once a great city led by a selfish emperor. The ruins were also referred to as the Senior kingdom. It was the oldest kingdom in this vast region. Nuirs, or the selfish emperor didn't care about the people nor pokemon, he only cared for the safety of himself. He would create large golden statues of himself and force the people to worship those statues. He did not care to help anyone in need, all he cared was "Eat, Drink, and Be Merry."

The people were so mad at their emperor, they started to revolt against him. Though the people lost against his sovereign rule, they never gave up. Sometimes the people wouldn't pay taxes anymore, or sometimes they would burn large structures within the kingdom. This led to a civil war, between the government and the people. You could see large Pokemon battles happening everywhere, they were destroying themselves.

The selfish emperor however, had a feast with all his officials while the fire and war raged outside his templar. His selfishness, angered Arceus, the great God of the Pokemon world. So he decided to descend from the sky and finish the civil war for good.

A beam of light destroyed half of the city as the emperor and his officials began to panic. The emperor went outside the templar to see what was happening, and he saw the great Arceus burning down all his beloved creations. Arceus went closer to him and spoke with a badgering voice.

"You are a selfish man, you do not deserve to be an emperor! You create useless and brittle statues of yourself only to please your heart. You caused a war against the people and the government, and all you cared was to eat, drink, and be merry!"

"But isn't that the purpose of life? To eat? Drink? Be merry? You are a selfish God! Do you know how hard it is to rule a kingdom? Do you not feel my pain?"

"I rule over the land, sea, and sky, but did I ever say, eat? drink? and be merry? Did I complain about the pain I bear? I rule a bigger kingdom than yours. I can sweep away your kingdom in one command!"

"Yeah whatever Arceus! We don't believe in you, I am the emperor of my empire! Leave my empire alone or I will order the guards to kill you!" The selfish emperor uttered with foolishness.

"That's it! You've burned my patience! I shall punish you for your greedy deeds. Nuirs! You shall be my prisoner, you shall stay in the lamp for all eternity, and whoever opens the lamp shall bring chaos unto this world. But! I am a God of mercy, I grant you the power of vision so that you may see whatever happens outside your lamp through these seven rings!" Arceus dictated as Niurs was slowly being sucked into the bottle.

"No! No! I shall come back for you Arceus! Mark my words... Mark my words..." These were Niurs last words as he got sucked into a lamp. The lamp was no ordinary lamp, it was color purple and it had seven rings surrounding it.

"Now... I cast you upon the great Mountain of Alympus! There, you shall regret your selfish deeds!"

Arceus then destroyed the emperor and as time passed by, the empire was filled with different myths and legends. Some people say that Niurs form changed after being sucked into the lamp. Some say, although Niurs sleeps in his bottle... He could talk to the minds of the people, and trick them with his visions until he can finally be released unto this world.

That was before... Some people said that he repented and regretted his selfish actions. People also say that Niurs would speak to the minds of the people to alert them from danger. Due to this, Arceus forgave Niurs and made him the messenger of the Gods.

"Daddy! Where can we find the metal coat?" Elly queried.

"It's probably in the center of the ruins... We'll need to find it with patience!" Mr. Florence uttered as we walked through the corridors of the great ruins. Mr. Florence held a torch on his left hand and a map on his right hand. The ruins were dark and spooky but since I'm with an adult! There's no need to be scared.

"Th... This place is creeping me out!" Zhery queried as her body shivered with fear.

"Come on, don't be scared Zhery... we have to find Kalem." Camellia encouraged while looking and observing the ancient texts. Glade on the other hand held a torch on his hand.

A small rock accidentally fell on the floor while we were walking. Elly got scared and shouted really loud.

"Help me Kalem!" Elly shouted as she hid behind my legs.

"Relax Elly! It's just a small rock." I comforted but now... I have to comfort my shivering Riolu who's currently clinging on my shoulder.

"Seriously Riolu!? You're scared of the dark?" I faced palmed myself.

"We're all going to die! Spear me Arceus! Spear me!" Riolu uttered dramatically.

"Riolu, Arceus isn't here... A rock fell down that's all. You're too dramatic." I uttered.

"Who cares? Goodbye Kalem... I'll see you in heaven." Riolu uttered with fear as he continued to shiver.

"Riolu snap out of this! Stop saying such gobbledygook! You're alive Riolu! There is no enemy attacking us! Snap out!" I teased while shaking Riolu's body.

While Zhery, Glade, and Camellia were walking peacefully... Glade's torch accidentally ran out of flames which scared Zhery too much.

"It's the end of the world!" Zhery uttered dramatically while hiding behind Glade's shoulder.

"Relax Camellia! The wind accidentally blew the flames away." Glade comforted while scratching the stick on the wall to produce flames.

"That's odd... There are no windows nor holes... but? Why could there be wind?" Camellia uttered worriedly as she pictured the different writings on the wall.

"Phew! I guess I was being overdramatic." Zhery uttered with embarrassment.

"Wait!" Camellia asked Zhery and Glade to stop.

"Is there any problem Camellia?" Zhery queried.

"L... Look! There's an eye staring at us." Camellia shivered in fear as she pointed at the floating eye.

"Huh? I don't see any eye, stop joking around Camellia... You're scaring me." Glade uttered.

"But I swear! The eye was there! It was staring at my soul!" Camellia uttered dramatically.

"Maybe your hallucinating. I never heard of a Pokemon with floating eyes." Zhery uttered.

"No, there are eye Pokemons. Come look and see..." Glade called why staring at the ancient writings.

"Oh my!? What kind of Pokemons are those!" Zhery wondered.

"If you look closely... They look like letters..." Camellia observed.

"Don't tell me... We're being hunted down by letters?" Glade queried with fear until a weird voice started to talk behind them.

<Un... Un...> The Pokemon uttered while echoing.

"Don't look back... Just run!" Camellia suggested and ran as fast as she could.

"That is totally the best idea! Come on Glade let's go!" Zhery agreed and pulled Glade's hand while running.

"I know how to run Zhery!" Glade uttered with worry.

While looking for the famous metal coat, Elly started to scream as she pointed to the left. We were in an intersection at that time... meaning, there are four paths to choose from, North East, South, West!

"Kalem! Daddy! There's an eye staring at us!" Elly screamed.

"I don't see any eye at all! Elly, are you ok?" I queried worriedly.

"B... But it disappeared!? No! The eye was staring at me." Elly uttered while hiding behind my legs.

"Hmm... Does it look like any of these?" Mr. Florence queried while observing the ancient text.

"Yes daddy! It looks like the letter A!" Elly shouted with fear.

"Hmm... What kind of Pokemons is this?" Mr. Florence uttered until a voice uttered and echoed.

<Un... Un...> The Pokemon uttered and echoed.

"Don't look back Elly.... Run!" Mr. Florence uttered worriedly as he began to run.

"Daddy! Don't leave me and Kalem here!" Elly queried.

"Come on Elly! We have to follow your dad!" I uttered worriedly as I grabbed Elly's hand and began to run.

"Riolu! Close your eyes and don't you dare utter any dramatic thoughts!" I uttered while running.

"Oh Arceus gracious! Save us all! Please!" Riolu uttered dramatically.

"Riolu! You're starting to irritate me! Stop saying Arceus!"

"But only Arceus can save us! Arceus! My time has come..." Riolu dictated with tears.

"For crying out loud Riolu! When did you become so dramatic?"

"I don't know Kalem! But if I were you, I would repent for my sins!"

"Stop being dramatic or I'll throw you to the Pokemon!" I teased.

"You don't love me Kalem! After all I did to you! After all my battles!" Riolu cried dramatically.

"That's it! This is the last draw. Riolu... use force palm!" I uttered with bravery and stopped to protect Elly.

"I don't want to battle a God!"

"For crying out loud there is no God here! Open your eyes!" I begged.

The Pokemon that was chasing us suddenly disappeared and Riolu felt calm.

"Jeez Kalem! Stop being dramatic! There's no Pokemon chasing us." Riolu uttered.

"Seriously!? Now I'm the dramatic one? Who in the world kept asking for repentance!" I teased.

"Heh heh!" Riolu uttered with embarrassment and clinged on my shoulder again.

"Kalem! I think we're lost." Elly shivered while holding my leg tightly.

"Don't worry! We'll find your dad! Let's keep moving." I uttered with encouragement and walked slowly.

"Oh no! Where's my dear little Elly?" Mr. Florence uttered worriedly.

Zhery, Glade, and Camellia rushed into Mr.Florence all of a sudden.

"M... Mr. Florence!? Where's Kalem?" Camellia queried worriedly.

"Oh... you must be Camellia? We got separated due to a flying Pokemon!" Mr. Florence explained.

"Us too! There was a Pokemon trying to chase us so we began to run." Zhery explained.

"Oh no! Kalem! We have to look for Kalem." Camellia uttered worriedly.

"I agree. My little Elly is with him too!" Mr. Florence uttered with worry.

"Then what are we waiting for!? Let's go!" Glade uttered and began to look for me and Elly.

"What kind of Pokemons are these? They look like Alphabets?" I wondered in confusion while looking at the graphs.

"Kalem... What if daddy got caught or got hurt by the letter Pokemon?" Elly worried.

"Don't worry Elly! We'll find them for sure!" I uttered with encouragement until all of a sudden the floor began to collapse. This was no ordinary collapse... A Pokemon has collapsed the floor with its powers or something?

"Hang tight Riolu and Elly!" I hugged the both of them to protect them while we fell down.

"Kalem!?" Glade shouted as I fell from the upper floor.

"O... Ouch!" I uttered with pain while scratching my head. I looked at Elly and Riolu to see if they were alright.

"Are you guys alright?" I uttered weakly.

"Yeah Kalem! Thank you for saving me and your Riolu!" Elly smiled.

"Kalem! Are you alright? Are you hurt?" Camellia worried with panic.

"Yeah I'm fine... I guess the team is all back together!" I uttered with determination as I stood up from the ground.

"Daddy! You left me and Kalem!"Elly rushed to her dad looking all sad. He hugged her dad's leg very tightly.

"Sorry Elly! At least you're here with me." Mr. Florence uttered with embarrassment.

"Finally... We can go back to the desert now." Glade uttered.

"No, not yet! I still want to find a metal coat. I can use it to evolve my Scyther when it wants to." I explained.

"Alright then! Let's find the metal coat and get out of this spooky place!" Camellia agreed.

Suddenly... a bunch of Pokemons started to surround us. They had eyes and black slimy substance around them. They also looked like alphabets.

"Daddy! The letters are trying to attack us!" Elly panicked.

"Those are not letters! I remember now... Those Pokemons are called Unowns!" Mr. Florence uttered.

"Unowns!? What kind of Pokemons are those?" Zhery wondered.

"Unowns are also referred to as the symbol Pokemon. They are a Psychic-type Pokemon. They look like alphabets that's why scientists are researching these Pokemons. Why would they look like alphabets?" Mr. Florence explained.

"Unown! Please don't hurt us. We didn't mean to pick up a fight." Camellia begged.

<We're not here to fight you... we're here to help you> The Pokemon spoke telepathically.

"Help us? What do you mean?" Glade wondered.

<Well, we Unowns are very generous. We wanted to give you the Metal Coat but you kept running away from us. So, we tried to reunite your friend by breaking the floor. Then, we surrounded you so we can explain.>

"Oh... I didn't know you were trying to help us. We're really sorry." I apologized.

<Don't worry, people often mistaken us as bad Pokemons. But we are only here to help them. We tried to offer them the metal coat but... they kept on leaving the ruins.> The Pokemon explained and handed to me the metal coat.

"Thanks Unowns! Sorry for judging you wrongly!" I smiled and apologized.

The Unowns were generous Pokemons after all. They were even kind enough to show us the way out of the ruins. People usually think that Unowns are unruly Pokemons, but we can't judge a Pokemon based on its looks.

"Goodbye Unown!" Elly and the rest of us waved.

"Goodbye! Stop by any time you'd like!" The Unowns spoke telepathically.

"Alright! Now that Kalem has his metal coat... We can now move to the Dojo tower!" Mr. Florence beamed with encouragement.

"Alright then! Off to the dojo tower!" I beamed with excitement.

"But first thing's first! It's time to eat dinner everyone!" Camellia charmed and smiled.

Now it's off to the Dojo tower! What adventures lie ahead? The answer's to come as we eat dinner... I mean, as the journey continues! heh heh! I must be really starving.

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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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