29.95% POKEMON: SHADOW VEILS / Chapter 64: EPISODE 64: Knight of the Dark Sky

章節 64: EPISODE 64: Knight of the Dark Sky

The night was at its peak, and the luminosity of the moon glamours over the dark sky. Her children came out to play while the people sleep at their humble abode. The trees swayed until their ninth symphony while the luxuriant grass sings a lullaby for the Pokemons. There are Pokemons who are awake during the day and there are those Pokemons who strive in the dark sky. These Pokemons are referred to as Nocturnal Pokemon.

One of these Nocturnal Pokemon is no other than the knight of the dark sky. Its body was made of steel and its eyes were pure red. People mistaken the Pokemon as a ghost of the night sky. This Pokemon however, is no ghost, just like Absol? It is haunted down by poachers and hunters just like Kaizo and his infantry.

This Pokemon reigns supreme over the night sky, the black luster of its steel body could drive terror into the heart of any foe. Due to poaching, their numbers decreased to twelve in this region. Though it may cause terror, this knight's purpose of existence is to strive and save Pokemons who are in need.

This is the chapter of... Corviknight! Knight of the dark sky!

It was a beautiful evening indeed, the Pokemons were already asleep except for those nocturnal ones. There are also those Pokemons who are awake at night to train and grow stronger, but the night is the most unsafe period of any day... Poachers and hunters roam the lush sleeping forests to catch Pokemons and sell them to black markets. On of their target is Corviknight, a Pokemon generally found in the Galar Region.

On the edge of a small cliff, was Tyrogue. It had a pink body and brown legs. Tyrogue is a fighting Pokemon, who loves to train under the supervision of the moon. It is known as the Scuffle Pokemon, and belongs to the fighting type category. It is famous for its eagerness to fight, and always nurses injuries from challenging larger foes.

Tyrogue was training peacefully under the night sky, until the impossible happened! The cliff wasn't sturdy enough and the rocks chipped off. Tyrogue fell down the cliff together with the rocks which were chipped off. It cried for help, but who would help someone in the middle of the night?

When all hope seems lost, Tyrogue slowly closed its eyes, the Pokemon was ready to die until a bird with a black luster of steel came to save Tyrogue. Corviknight flew underneath Tyrogue, and Tyrogue safely landed on the bird's back.

Tyrogue slowly opened its eyes only to see that it survived the grave fall. Tyrogue was riding on Corviknight's back until suddenly... Corviknight was shot from the air causing the Pokemon to cry in pain. Tyrogue lost grip of the bird as it fell down. Corviknight on the other hand tried to remove the arrow on its body but it was unsuccessful. The knight descended like an asteroid crashing on earthly grounds.

Tyrogue was able to survive the fall, but pitied the poor Corviknight. Where could the knight be? Is it still alive? The poachers who shot Corviknight was no other than Kaizo.

"Find the bird and bring it to me!" Kaizo commanded as he dispatched his infantry to find the knight of the dark sky.

From our camp, I heard something loud crashing from the air. Seconds later, I heard something hit the earthly ground causing the wind to shift like a water ripple. The sound woke me and Riolu up from our slumber. We're on route sixteen, by the way, two more routes and we'll reach the desert.

"Kalem, did you hear that?" Riolu queried with panic and shock.

"Yeah... Come on Riolu, let's check what happened outside." I suggested as Riolu clung on my shoulder. I checked the other tents and it seems to me that the crash landing didn't affect Zhery, Glade, and Camellia's sleep slumber.

The breeze was perfect outside, and the soil was moist. Corviknight cried in pain, as the arrow pierced deeper to its wing. We could hear Corviknight's scream but we couldn't find where it was.

"Where is all that sound coming from?" I queried as I rotated my eyes through the surrounding.

"I... I don't know, but please don't look for it." Riolu begged with fear from the surroundings.

"Seriously? There's no ghost! There's no such thing as a ghost!" I teased.

"If I were you, I would just go back to sleep." Riolu shivered and suggested.

"It's ok Riolu, there's no reason to be scared!" I comforted while playing with Riolu's chin.

Riolu closed his eyes as we walked through the forest at night. The forest had a scary ambiance, especially the Hoothoots or owl-like Pokemons with big scary eyes that stared at me and Riolu.

"Hey Kalem, I want to go back to camp... please!" Riolu begged and shivered.

"Come on Riolu! They're just Hoothoots! They're totally harmless!" I teased and laughed as I continued to walk around the forest looking for the crying Pokemon. While walking, me and Riolu heard howls of scary wolf Pokemons, this made Riolu shiver even harder.

"Riolu, will you stop shivering? You're tickling me." I complained.

"What do you expect? It... It's dark and they're a Pokemons everywhere!" Riolu shivered in fear.

"Stop being a scaredy Meowth like Glade and Zhery!" I teased. I wasn't scared of the dark. I got used to the ambiance.

We walked through long trees and scary hollows, but there wasn't a single Pokemon in sight except for the Hoothoots. Corviknight began to scream even louder as the arrow continued to pierce through its wings. Kaizo's men were also in the hunt for the Pokemon.

"This place looks scary..." One of Kaizo's men complained as he shivered.

"Don't complain if you don't want Kaizo to fire you!" Another man warned as they walked through the Pokemon.

While we were walking, I watched the moon shine over us, Riolu didn't dare to open his eyes as he continued to shiver.

"Riolu... You can stay in your Pokeball if you want." I teased.

"Seriously stop mocking me with Pokeballs! I hate them!" Riolu answered with fear.

"Then, stop being scared and open your eyes! Look at the forest, it's beautiful at night!" I exclaimed while looking at the surroundings.

"Stop! convincing me to open my eyes cause it won't work!" Riolu shivered even harder.

"Hey! Why don't you walk? Your shivering body tickles me!"

"Then... Let's go back to camp! I want to sleep... Please Kalem!"

"No! A Pokemon is in danger, and we have to find it!" I uttered with determination.

"Please! Save the Pokemon by yourself, I want to go home... I'm begging you from the bottom of my heart!"

"Alright! Then walk home, I'm fine... Just be careful when you walk back home." I teased.

"What!? You walk me back! No way am I walking alone! What if a Ghastly attacks me... Don't you pity my poor aching heart?"

"Your heart isn't aching Riolu! if your heart is aching, then that means you have a heart attack!" I teased and laughed.

"Stop mocking hearts! You're breaking my heart, after battling for you... You would leave me here out alone to walk back to the camp?"

"Um, you were the one who wanted to go back right?"

"Yes! But with you of course!"

It was fun to tease people who were scared of the dark especially Riolu and his gobbledygook! Riolu was just like a scared baby clinging to its mother, or in this case... its trainer! Suddenly, from the far east we heard the Pokemon cry again! This time we were able to track the Pokemon.

"Come on Riolu! Let's follow that noise!" I beamed with determination.

"We're all going to die! Arceus save us all!" Riolu uttered dramatically as I went deeper through the forest.

"Shh... Arceus is sleeping!" I teased and laughed.

We traveled from the east while Kaizo's men traveled from the west. It was a race against time! Who will win? The Poachers or us? Will Corviknight be saved or be killed?

"Kalem stop running! I am getting dizzy."Riolu complained.

"Well yeah? I'll keep running faster, I have to save a Pokemon!"

"Kalem do you even love me?" Riolu uttered dramatically.

"What in the world are you saying Riolu? Of course I love you! Stop being dramatic!"

"Stop running please! For the love of Arceus! Please! I haven't repented yet!"

"Riolu what in the world are you talking about!?"

"I don't know!?" Riolu screamed in despair.

We finally arrived at the crash site and saw Corviknight on the floor with the arrow piercing through, from the west I saw Kaizo's men.

"Hey it's the kid!" one of Kaizo's men uttered.

"You guys again!?" I got shocked to see Kaizo's men trying to hunt for Corviknight.

"Corviknight is ours! Leave now!" Kaizo's men uttered.

"No! I'm here to save Corviknight! You leave the poor fella alone!" I badgered.

"No way! We came first!" Kaizo's men objected.

"Me and Riolu were first! Now leave or prepare to fight!" I warned.

"Fine then! Let's have a battle, if the both of us lose, the knight is all yours but if we win, the knight is ours!" Kaizo's men bargained.

"Fine! I don't need a tag partner! I can battle using two Pokemons!" I uttered.

"Let's see about that kid! He he!" Kaizo's men uttered with rage in their spirit while Corviknight observed our battle.

"Come on out Gardevoir and Scyther!" I decided to use my Gardevoir and Scyther for this match.

"Alright then! Come out Marowak!"

"You too Graveler!" Kaizo's men uttered.



Marowak[600] HP

Graveler[500] HP

"Gardevoir use shadow ball on Marowak! While Scyther use X-Scissors on Graveler!"

"Graveler dodge the attack! Marowak dodge Shadow ball!"

*Graveler was unable to dodge but Marowak was able to dodge!*





"Marowak use Bone rush! Graveler use roll out!"

"Gardevoir, dodge the Bone rush attack! While Scyther use double team!"

*Scyther's evasiveness rose while Graveler's attack was dodged by Gardevoir!*

"Great Teamwork! Gardevoir use Psybeam on Marowak! While Scyther use Wing attack on Graveler!"

"Marowak dodge it! Graveler dodge then use roll out!"

*Marowak was unable to dodge Psybeam! Critical Hit! Graveler dodged Wing attack and used roll out on Scyther!* Corviknight carefully observed the battle.





"Gardevoir use Psybeam once more on Marowak! While Scyther use sword dance!"

"Marowak dodge the Psybeam! Graveler use roll out again!"

*Marowak was hit with Psybeam once more! Scyther's attack rose sharply but was hit with Roll Out!*





"Marowak use Headbutt! Graveler use rock throw!"

"Dodge it Gardevoir! Scyther dodge the attack and use X-Scissors"

*Scyther was able to dodge! Scyther used X-Scissors on Graveler (+40 damage due to sword dance) Gardevoir was unable to dodge!*





"Gardevoir use Magical leaf on Graveler! While Scyther use sword dance!"

"Marowak use headbutt on Scyther! Graveler dodge it quick!"

*Graveler was unable to dodge! Magical leaf was super effective (ground is weak to grass type moves! Additional 50 damage!) Marowak used headbutt while Scyther's attack rose sharply.*





"Gardevoir use magical leaf again on Graveler, while Scyther use sword dance against!"

"Graveler dodge then use roll out on Gardevoir! Marowak use headbutt on Scyther!"

*Graveler was hit with magical leaf(+60 damage due to weakness) Scyther was hit with a headbutt but it's attack rose sharply.*





"Gardevoir! Use shadow ball on Marowak! Scyther use X-Scissors on Graveler!"

"Marowak and Graveler dodge it!"

*Marowak and Graveler were unable to dodge! Scyther's attack dealt 80 more damage thanks to sword dance, Shadow ball dealt a critical hit!*





"Alright Marowak it's all up to you! Use Headbutt again!"

"Scyther use X-Scissors! Gardevoir use Psybeam!"

*Marowak's attack missed. X-Scissors dealt an additional 80 damage thanks to sword dance while Gardevoir's attack did a critical hit again!"




"Alright, Gardevoir finish Marowak with magical leaf while Scyther use X-Scissors!"

*Marowak was unable to dodge! The winners are Gardevoir and Scyther!*

"Alright, we won fair and square! Now leave Corviknight alone!" I badgered at Kaizo's men.

"Who cares!? You're just a kid! We can just hurt you and take Corviknight! After all, no one else is here except for you and the both of us!"

"You dare hurt my trainer, I'll blast you off!" Gardevoir quickly blocked me and protected me.

"Ooh! We're scared! A Pokemon is about to attack us! haha" Kaizo's men teased. Gardevoir raged with anger and used Shadow ball making Kaizo's men blast off into the sky.

"We'll get you soon!" The men shouted as they flew through mid-air.

"Thank you Gardevoir!" I greeted and hugged Gardevoir, and of course I hugged Scyther as well since they helped me.

"About me Kalem? Won't you give me any hugs?"Riolu queried.

"Of course, you're my buddy! You deserve tons of hugs!" I smiled and teased while hugging Riolu.

I remembered Corviknight and quickly rushed to it, I saw the arrow piercing through Corviknight's skin.

"It may hurt a bit Corviknight since I don't have any amnesia with me." I comforted while slowly pulling the arrow out of Corviknight's body. The arrow was too deep, and Corviknight couldn't handle the pain so I decided to go to plan B.

Gardevoir used her Psychic powers to remove the arrow slowly by slowly without Corviknight feeling a thing. Once Gardevoir removed the arrow, I sprayed a hyper potion on its deep wound.

"Alright, your wing will be totally fine!" I comforted while applying the bandage. Corviknight played with and tickled me after helping it.

When Corviknight felt better, it left with maximum velocity just like a knight charging with his horse. We thought that Corviknight wasn't going to return, but while we were walking back to camp, Corviknight blocked our path.

: Corvikkkk!!! The Pokemon shouted with joy as it lifted its wing to show me something precious.

"Wait... You're giving this Pokemon Egg to me?" I reassured. Corviknight nodded its head as it rolled the egg towards me. The egg had blue spots on it and it was shining brightly.

Me, Scyther, Gardevoir, and Riolu marveled at the egg as I picked it up. Well what do you know? A future member on our team!

"Thanks Corviknight!" I greeted as scratched its neck. Corviknight then blasted off to the sky with maximum swiftness. Who knows where Corviknight maybe? But one thing's for sure! He's out there alright! Out there to help Pokemons in need.

As for the egg, Gardevoir volunteered to take care of the precious egg. She held the egg tightly just like a mother holding her newly born child while walking back to the camp. Now the question lies ahead! What Pokemon will hatch from the egg? Only time will tell...

...As the journey continues!

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Who do you think will hatch from Kalem's Pokemon egg?

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寫檢討 閱讀狀態: C64
  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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