29.49% POKEMON: SHADOW VEILS / Chapter 63: EPISODE 63: Psychic Overload!

章節 63: EPISODE 63: Psychic Overload!

The day was warm and luminous after that dramatic storm. The grass was moist and the air was filled with a calm breeze. The flowers began to bloom and shine as the morning flower made its appearance. The cerulean sky was filled with pure white fluffy clouds. The Pokemons came out to play and fix their shelter after that violent storm. The trees began to dance with the melody of the chirping birds. It was a calm and typical day, a very humble day after the storm.

Yesteday, Kirlia battled her own fear, she faced the darkness and controlled her power. Kirlia was able to close the distortion world and an ultra wormhole that was about to collide. She used and drained all her energy to control her power and to close the portals. She succeeded but fell sick from the sky.

Now, Kirlia is currently resting and recovering after that harsh storm. She was even able to make a small tornado. I laid her body down in my tent, then I covered her body with my blanket. Kirlia did not only lost her energy but also felt ill. So, as Kirlia's trainer... it is my duty to protect her and aid her while she recovers.

I asked Zhery about Kirlia's illness, she said that Kirlia was just tired that's why she has a fever and colds. Zhery, a trainer who dreams to become a Pokemon Doctor, advised me to place a warm cloth on Kirlia's head.

Absol felt worried and anxious for Kirlia, so she decided to aid her as well. Zhery and Camellia on the other hand was making soup for lunch so that Kirlia would feel better. Glade was out training in the forest with his Pokemons while I guarded Kirlia.

"Don't worry Kirlia, you'll feel better in no time!" I comforted while taking her temperature with Zhery's thermometer.

Camellia went inside the tent with Absol to check on Kirlia too.

"So, how's Kirlia's temperature?" Kirlia queried.

"Her temperature hasn't decreased yet. It's still Thirty-nine degrees celsius since yesterday." I uttered solemnly.

"She'll feel better in no time, the soup is almost ready and then we can all eat lunch." Camellia smiled and comforted as she went out of the tent to check her soup.

Absol laid down beside Kirlia while cleaning her white fur. "Hopefully, you'll feel better soon." I wished and went out of the tent to prepare the table.

"So... have you mastered your power?" Absol queried while cleaning her fur.

"I'm not sure... my body ached after what happened yesterday," Kirlia explained with a hoarse voice.

"You'll get used to it! Just keep practicing like what I did when I was a mere child." Absol encouraged.

"A... A mere child? You must've lost control over your dark powers when you were young right?" Kirlia hunched.

"Yeah... but your power is really incredible. You could open portals, but I could only close them." Absol recalled.

"So... you mean, this is not normal? Opening portals and dimensions to other worlds?"

"Yes... It seems to me that you possess the power of Mewtwo."

"M... Mewtwo? What kind of Pokemon is Mewtwo?" Kirlia queried with confusion.

"Mewtwo is a biological Pokemon weapon, or also known as Gen45B. It was first created out of Mew's tiny strand of DNA. It escaped the Kanto lab but was captured by your trainer's father and mother. They somehow powered off Mewtwo and applied other digital and genetic wirings on it." Absol explained.

"H... How did you know about my trainer's parents?"

"It is one of my powers. We dark types are gifted with gloaming knowledge. We could see the information on a person's brain. While your Psychic species, can see the future."

"You mean, I could see what could happen next?"

"Yes, but in order for that to happen... You have to evolve first."Absol explained.

"How come you never evolved?"

"I don't evolve Kirlia, but you evolve into a princess or empress depending on what your trainer wishes to call you."

"Oh... You mean Gardevoir?"

"Well technically since your a female but if you were male you would evolve into a Gallade."

"Absol! It's time to eat!" Camellia called.

"You'll probably eat when your trainer's done eating, but for now... take a nice sleep. You'll need it." Absol uttered and went out of the tent.

Kirlia slowly closed her eyes and fell back to her sleepy slumber. I ate my lunch quickly so I could feed Kirlia right away. I'm sure she's starving already.

I got a small bowl and filled it with Camellia's soup.

"Hey Riolu, can you please bring this bowl of soup to Kirlia, I'll just get a spoon." I smiled and asked a favor from Riolu.

"No problem Kalem!" Riolu got the bowl and went to the tent Kirlia was resting in.

"Don't you dare take a sip on that soup Riolu!" I teased with a smile.

"Don't worry Kalem, my stomach is full anyways." Riolu smiled and comforted as she went inside the tent.

Riolu entered the tent with care so that the soup won't spill on the ground, she saw Kirlia sleeping so he decided to wake her up.

"Hey Kirlia, here's your soup." Riolu smiled and showed the bowl to Kirlia.

"Thanks Riolu..." Kirlia greeted with a hoarse voice.

"Wow, you really are sick aren't yeah? Your voice seems scratchy." Riolu teased and placed the bowl of soup near Kirlia.

"Well... I spent all my energy trying to control my power." Kirlia explained.

"Really? That's amazing! I wish I had Psychic powers too."

"You wouldn't last a second, it's hard to control Psychic powers, especially when trying to balance the light and the dark."

I entered the tent with Kirlia's Pokemon spoon to feed her murmuring belly.

"Alright Kirlia! Open your mouth." I instructed with an intoned voice while feeding Kirlia, she had a hard time swallowing but she did her best to finish her food.

While I was feeding Kirlia, a trainer with a red jacket and a white t-shirt stopped by our camp. He had brown hair and yellow shorts. His name was Donn, and his Pokemon partner was a Kirlia as well.

"Hey there! The name's Donn, and I've heard of a really strong trainer resting here. Is that true?"

"Um, there are a lot of strong trainers, but if you're asking about the strongest of the strong, then that would be Arc," Zhery explained.

"No! I don't want to battle a world champion, he's the one who told me that there was a super strong trainer named Kalem is that right?" Donn reassured.

"Wait, Arc was the one tho told you about Kalem?" Zhery clarified.

"Why yeah! He told me that this Kalem guy had a super-strong Kirlia, and I want to battle it!" Donn exclaimed with determination.

"But Kalem's not a strong trainer, he keeps on losing against me. Why don't you battle me instead?" Zhery suggested.

"Nah! You're weak! I want to battle Kalem! Now where is he?" Donn teased.

"I guess the teaser got teased haha!" Glade laughed.

"Why you!? I bet you're even weaker than Kalem!" Zhery teased back.

"Say whatever you want to say Big Mouth, I'm here for Kalem and not for you." Donn teased sarcastically while Glade and Camellia tried to stop laughing.

"Do you just called me a big mouth!?"

"Um yeah, didn't you hear me? Or are you deaf?" Donn teased sarcastically.

"I guess Zhery's not the number one teaser after all!" Camellia laughed.

"Listen here you little kid! I am not a big mouth, you're the big mouth!"

"Listen huge mouth, show me where Kalem is right now! I came to battle him and not to tease losers like you." Donn teased and smiled.

"Huge mouth!?"

"Well, didn't you just say that your not a big mouth?" Donn laughed and teased.

I went out of my room to see all the commotions happening outside. Donn saw me and asked if I knew someone named Kalem.

"Um... I am Kalem." I introduced.

"So, you're the super-strong trainer I've heard about who has a Kirlia just like me?" Donn bragged.

"Super strong trainer? I'm not that strong." I uttered humbly.

"Well yeah? Battle my Kirlia then! I want to see your Kirlia battle!" Donn demanded.

"Sorry but Kirlia isn't feeling better right now, you can return tomorrow if you want," I suggested.

"Return? I don't want to return! I demand you to fight me! Or are you a weakling and a cry baby that's why you don't want to battle?" Donn teased sarcastically.

"Hey! You can tease anyone but don't dare tease Kalem!" Camellia defended me and badgered at the boy.

"What!? You defend kalem but not me!? Where's the justice in that?" Zhery complained.

"Oh look who it is? If it isn't Ms. Big fat Camel!" Donn teased.

"Hey, stop being arrogant!" I angered with frustration.

"Arrogant!? Battle me then!" Donn demanded.

"I told you! Kirlia is sick!"

"I don't care if your Pokemon is sick! I want to battle it! If not, I'll tell everyone that you're the weakest trainer in the world!" Donn teased. I got angry at Donn, his jokes are very disturbing!

"What did I tell you about calling Kalem a weakling?" Camellia badgered with frustration.

From the tent, Kirlia was listening to what Donn was pleading. She was also angry at Donn's arrogance and mischief.

"Let me battle Kirlia!" The arrogant boy demanded.

"I said she's sick! I don't care if you tell the world how weak I am!"

Kirlia, stood up with her Psychic powers even though she was sick. "You dare destroy my trainer's reputation?" Kirlia badgered as it stood up feeling sick and tired. She stumbled out of the tent and glared at Donn.

"Kirlia? Are you alright?" I queried with worry as I helped Kirlia stand up.

"I want to battle him and his Kirlia!" Kirlia uttered to me while glaring at the other Kirlia.

"But you're sick Kirlia, you'll be weaker if you battle the Donn's Kirlia," I explained solemnly.

"Fine by me! I'll be weak at least your reputation won't be destroyed." Kirlia uttered.

"I don't care about my reputation, I care about your health. Are you really sure you want to do this?" I queried hoping she'll say no.

"Of course I want to battle! Battling will make me feel stronger!" Kirlia uttered with determination.

"Alright Donn! I accept your challenge!" I shouted with determination.

"But Kalem, won't Kirlia's illness get worse?" Camellia wondered.

"Well, Kirlia is willing to battle Donn!" I answered with confidence.

"Great! Prepare to lose Kalem!" Donn boasted.

We went to an open field to battle Donn. I'll show him how arrogant he is! I will surely defeat him! Camellia was also angry at Donn and his arrogance so she volunteered to be the referee!

"The match against Kalem and Donn is about to begin! Each trainer will use one Pokemon each! The match ends when either trainer has no more Pokemon to battle with!" Camellia instructed.

"Alright Kirlia! I choose you!" Even if Kirlia is feeling sick, she still stood up with full determination. Absol was watching our battle on a nearby hill why the rest were watching us from below.

"Kirlia! Knock out his weak Kirlia!" Donn uttered with arrogance.

"Alright! Battle Beg-"

"Hold up a minute!" Donn interrupted, as he took a small brownstone from his pocket.

"Wait, don't tell me Donn is planning to evolve his Kirlia!" Glade hunched.

"Evolve Kirlia? But doesn't Kirlia evolve into Gardevoir? Gardevoir doesn't need a stone right?" Camellia reassured.

"Not if Donn's Kirlia is a male. If Kirlia is a male, it can evolve into Gallade by using a dawn stone!" Glade explained.

"Kirlia! Evolve into Gallade!" Donn ordered as he gave the dawn stone to Kirlia. Kirlia glowed white and started to become bigger. Large blades were growing on the evolving Kirlia.

: GALLADE!!! The Pokemon shouted with arrogance. Kirlia can evolve into either Gardevoir or Gallade depending on its gender. I scanned Gallade with my Pokedex, and this is its entry:

[Gallade! The Blade Pokemon! A Psychic and Fighting-type! When trying to protect someone, it extends its elbows as if they were swords and fights savagely.]

"Haha! Can your Kirlia defeat my Gallade now!?" Donn teased.

"Evolution doesn't matter to us, right Kirlia?" Kirlia smiled and nodded her head.

"Who cares! Just accept you're a loser!" Donn teased.

"Hey! I told you not to call Kalem a weakling or loser!" Camellia badgered.

"Yeah... yeah! Let's just start the battle so I can go back home!" Donn teased with arrogance.

"Kalem you better win this match! Battle Begin!" Camellia proclaimed with anger over Donn.

Kirlia [500] HP!

Gallade [700] HP!

"Kirlia use shadow ball!"

"Gallade! Dodge then use Close Combat!"

*Gallade was able to dodge Shadow ball! The attack was able to hit Kirlia!*



"Gallade use Close Combat again!"

"Magical leaf on Kirlia right now!"

*Kirlia's attack missed! Gallade's attack was able to hit Kirlia!*



"So, Gallade's a fast-paced Pokemon?" I concluded in my mind.

"Give up weak trainer!" Don uttered with arrogance. Camellia was getting frustrated with Donn's arrogance towards me.

"Gallade use Psycho Cut!"

"Kirlia! Dodge then use Psybeam!"

*An invisible blade appeared on Gallade's hand and tried to chop Kirlia but missed! Kirlia was able to hit Gallade!*

"Good work Kirlia!" I complimented. Kirlia was breathing hardly since she wasn't feeling well.



"Gallade use Psycho cut again!"

"Kirlia use Psybeam!"

*Psycho cut missed again! Gallade was hit with Psybeam!*



"Grr! Gallade use Night Slash!" Donn uttered with frustration.

"Kirlia! Dodge then use shadow ball!"

*Kirlia was able to dodge and use Shadow ball on Gallade! Critical hit!*

"Good job Kirlia! Keep it up!" I complimented.



"Gallade! Use Areal Ace!"

"Keep a keen eye then use Shadow Ball!"

*Gallade's arm glowed white and its speed increased. Kirlia wasn't able to use Shadow ball!*



"Come on Kirlia! You can do this!" I uttered with encouragement as Kirlia slowly stood up!

"Come on Kirlia... Win it for Kalem!" Kirlia uttered on her mind as she began to focus on her Psychic powers.

"Kirlia! Use Psybeam!"

"Gallade use Psycho Cut!"

*Kirlia's attack missed! Psycho cut was able to hit Kirlia! Critical Hit!*



"Kirlia! Focus your power!" I uttered with encouragement. Kirlia started to use all her strength and focused her power on one point. Kirlia began to float on mid-air looking stronger than before.

"You think that's going to defeat us!?" Donn uttered with arrogance as Kirlia floated throughout the sky.

"Kirlia! Use Shadow Ball!"

"Gallade Dodge it quick!"

*Kirlia unleashed a Shadow Ball three times its size! The Shadow ball intimidated Gallade.*



"Who cares about abilities? Gallade uses Areal Ace!"

"Kirlia use Shadow Ball once more!" Kirlia dodged the areal ace as it continued to float up into the sky. She used Shadow ball three times its normal size.

"So... It seems to me that Kirlia has mastered her power." Absol observed.



"Gallade don't lose! Use Psycho cut again and again!" Gallade leaped from the ground and targeted Kirlia. Kirlia was unable to dodge right away. Critical Hit!



Kirlia fell back to the ground, but she could still control her powers. Kirlia was surrounded by a purple veil as it floats back up to the sky!

"Gallade! Use Areal Ace!" Gallade leaped again and jumped into Kirlia but the veil covering Kirlia exploded forcing Gallade to fall back to the ground.



"What!? Gallade Stand up and use Psycho cut!"

"Kirlia use Psybeam!"

*Gallade's attack missed! Kirlia's Psybeam was boosted due to Kirlia's ability!*



"Kirlia finish this with another Psybeam!"

"Gallade use Areal Ace!"

*Kirlia's attack missed as Gallade's Areal Ace forced Kirlia back to the ground!*



"Alright Gallade use Night slash again!"

*Kirlia wasn't able to stand upright away and was hit with Night Slash*



"Kirlia use shadow ball!" Kirlia was able to control her power again, she floated up to the sky and unleashed a shadow ball three times its normal size.

*Gallade was unable to dodge the attack!*



"Kirlia finish with Psybeam!" Kirlia's power was boosted once more as she released a powerful Psybeam. Gallade got intimidated and it was unable to dodge!



"Haha! I guess you lose Donn!" Camellia teased.

"Yeah yeah! Wh... Who cares!?" Donn cried and returned Galilee to his Pokeball.

"I'll d... defeat you soon!" Donn cried as he ran away in defeat.

"Great work Kirlia!" I complimented as Kirlia descended to my arms. Me and Kirlia hugged each other tightly until she began to glow. Kirlia was getting taller! Absol even stood up in surprise!

"Look! Kalem's Kirlia is evolving!" Zhery pointed.

Once I opened my eyes, Kirlia wasn't hugging me, it was Gardevoir! I became proud of my newly evolved Pokemon and hugged her tightly.

"Excellent work Kirlia! You finally evolved into Gardevoir!" I cried in joy.

"That means you'll be able to mega evolve now!" Camellia explained.

"Yeah! I'm happy for my Gardevoir! She was able to control her powers!" I complimented. I noticed something from Gardevoir...

"Gardevoir! Y... you're standing! You're not stumbling anymore!" I complimented.

"I can now control my legs with ease! I don't feel sick anymore!" Gardevoir jumped with joy.

"You deserve to eat Gardevoir!" I said happily and proudly knowing that my old Kirlia is now a strong Gardevoir! A Gardevoir with a gentle heart! A determined spirit, and a Pokemon which can control her powers!

"Wow Kirlia... I mean Gardevoir, you're now taller than me." Absol teased.

"We're still best buddies right Absol?" Kirlia... I mean Gardevoir queried.

"Of course we are! Congrats on controlling your power!" Absol smiled. We returned back to the camp and Camellia cooked a feast just for Gardevoir. I guess all that hard work paid off! When you really are determined, nothing can stop your dream of becoming a reality! There's still a lot to know about Gardevoir! Our bonds will be greater than ever!

As the journey continues...

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