88.13% The Immortal Mutant Teen / Chapter 102: Chapter 101 - Enjoying The Festivities

章節 102: Chapter 101 - Enjoying The Festivities

After that little fiasco with Amazoness, the group followed behind Acheron as the feelers on his head danced around in all directions.

"Is Acheron okay?" Akeno whispered to Rose, who walked right beside her.

"He seems to be uncharacteristically aggressive today,"

Rose side-glanced her before answering,

"Acheron­-sama is just hungry, I'm sure his mood will change as he… devours more food,"

What Rose was saying is true, Acheron at the moment was starving. When Acheron transforms, his body copies a race down to the genetic level, so he gets all their strength and weaknesses, which includes both sleep and hunger.

As Acheron currently morphed his body into a type of hybrid, his hunger is multiplied. Insectoids and Arachnoids are typically carnivorous in nature and their appetites are huge since they burn through more energy than any other race. That is one of the reasons those with bug characteristics are feared and hunted down the most as they have no qualms in eating mutant, demi-human, and humans alike to calm their hunger.

Akeno was about to ask another question but was cut off by Rose,

"And before you ask… the tail, eyes, and antennae are just advanced prosthetics."

"Ohhh," Akeno and Sakura exclaimed in wonder,

"They look so real, so they are some kind of robotics huh?" Sakura added,


Somewhere on campus.


Chef Ramsay was currently ordering and bashing on his employees. This event is very important to every chef that attends as they are able to interact with important figures from all over the world. Invitations and sponsorships are what they look for, not including the astronomical amount they are getting paid to serve food for free here.

"Chef! Chef!" Someone called him from the entrance,

Chef Ramsay turned to look, only to find his Sous Chef waving at him from the entrance. He didn't bother going over there and just yelled,

"Mary-Ann! What the fuck are you doing?! Your break ended 1.5 minutes ago!!!"

"CHEF! It's important!!" She yelled back,

Chef Ramsay stormed like a bull towards her,

"What is so fucken' important?!"

With a dead-serious look,

"He's here," She said,

"Wh-," Before he could finish what he was about to say, a single young man flashed in Chef Ramsay's head.

"Are you sure?" He asked,

"I didn't exactly see him, but I heard Miss Rose's voice while I was eating at Chef Pic's restaurant and then turned to look, she was in costume, but I would never forget her voice, and I figured there was a high chance 'He' was with her as they appear to always be together,"


It was a known fact in the culinary industry that as long as your food was good, there was a young man named Acheron Belau that would sponsor anything and everything for you. From new restaurants to shows, he covered everything. But that graciousness was also like a giant axe above their heads because if your skills deteriorated or you fail to satisfy either him or the beautiful redhead that was always with him, everything will be taken away, no questions asked.


Acheron had smiled on his face as he carried a mountain of food, perfectly stacked on top of each other, there was even a gelato being held by his tail.

The girls were looking at Acheron like he was a bottomless pit, that was the 3rd mountain of food he was eating. On the other hand, Rose looked worried, Acheron's appetite was higher than she expected, and hoped no one here ran out of food today.

"Hey, Sakura!" Acheron called out,

Sakura, snapping out of her daze, responded,


"What's wrong with you? You keep staring at your phone looking disappointed," Acheron said,

Sakura sighed, she opened her mouth to explain but nothing came out, instead, she closed it and sighed once again.

Acheron seeing this, turned to look at Akeno for answers. Akeno noticing Acheron's look answered,

"Her father is supposed to be here already, and she's worried that if he calls now it will be to cancel due to work,"

Just as she said that the phone in Sakura's hand began to ring.

*Ring* *Ring*

Sakura hesitated when she saw that the caller ID said 'Dad' on it. She didn't want to pick up as she already feared the incoming disappointment.

Just as she was about to answer, Acheron snatched the phone out of her hands.

"Hey!" Sakura called, only to have a hand shoved in her face telling her to be quiet.

Acheron pressed the screen and answered the call.

"Yeah, Dad?"

Akeno and Sakura's mouth gaped as they watched Acheron answer the phone sounding exactly like Sakura.

"Oh? You won't be coming?... I understand..." Acheron said in Sakura's voice.

From what they could hear, it was apparent that Sakura's father wouldn't be coming to the school.

"That's unfortunate because I just wanted to let you know since you won't be coming that' I will be eloping with a fellow classmate on top of my school building and then I will be disappearing from your life. Goodbye!" Acheron said before quickly ending the call.

"Acheron! What the fuck!" Sakura cursed at Acheron with her face red, you couldn't tell if it was due to anger or embarrassment.

"Relax! You wanted your father here, right? If he cares for you, he will drop everything to be here and stop 'you' from eloping," Acheron said while he laughed, his voice already back to normal.

Just as Acheron was about to return the phone to Sakura. It rang once again. Acheron looked down and asked,

"Who the hell is Yuuki?"

Akeno chuckled,

"He was the boy you fought just outside the building that one time,"

Akeno seeing the look of confusion on Acheron's face she continued to explain.

"Yellow hair? Blue contacts? The one you threatened to kill with the revolver? He pissed his pants in front of a crowd of onlooking students?"


Akeno realized Acheron truly did not remember the boy and started laughing again.

"He somehow got my number and has been pestering me every day now. He is such a pain in my ass!" Sakura explained,

Acheron smiled evilly,

"Such a good scapegoat appearing out of nowhere," Acheron said before answering the call,

"Yuuki-kun?" Acheron asked in Sakura's voice,

"Let's meet on the roof of the class building in an hour, okay?... I'll be there for sure!"

Acheron hanged up the phone before he started laughing. Akeno and Sakura couldn't help but giggle at Acheron's mischievousness, even Rose let out a chuckle.

"You're so bad," Akeno said coquettishly,

"You're the bad one," Acheron said as he mimicked Akeno's voice,

Acheron chuckled as he saw Akeno's face full of surprise.


On the top floor of the Saegusa Conglomerate HQ.


A phone fell on the floor. There was a moment of silence before a roar burst out that could be heard all the way down to the street.

"OVER MY DEAD BODY!!!!!!!!!"


Acheron and the girls spent most of the day looking through all the booths and presentations that each class held. At some point, Amazoness joined the group with an even sluttier maid costume on causing the ire of both Akeno and Rose, which led to a good round of yelling and threatening each other with death, earning each of them a smile with a flick to the forehead from Acheron.

The once-bustling sidewalks were slowly emptying as everyone headed towards the Colosseum for the final performances of the day.

But just as they were about to reach the Colosseum, a large group stopped them in their tracks.


Papa Ainz The Bone Daddy's Announcements:

1) A big thank you to Logan Carl for their $5 pledge. I really appreciate the support!

2) Also, I want to thank every single one of you, my readers, for all the support. I have realized that I have been writing this novel for about a year now and I just wanted to thank all of you that have been reading since the beginning and also a big thank you to the ones who are newer to the novel and were lucky enough to binge all 100 chapters.

I appreciate all the support either with your comments, reviews, power stones, or your hard-earned cash. I plan to write for as long as someone still reads my story, even though this was just supposed to be a hobby... I plan to write this novel for 10 years!! 10 years! You and I! For 10 YeArS!!! ADveNtuREs for 10 YeArs!!!

AinzOolGown0601 AinzOolGown0601

You and I, For 10 Years!!! lol




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  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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