Ezio was hit by Sid and was lying on the ground.
He stood slowly up and attacked Sid with his scythe, but every time he hit this giant a clone would separate from him and would take all the damage from Sid.
Ezio had to admit that the clone clone fruit wasn't bad. It had a lot of potential. Without his devil fruit power, Ezio would have problems defeating this guy.
Not only were all the powers of Sid's clones combined in one body, everyone of his clones was stronger because they got more abilities from Lily. Ezio knew that he had to make a big move or he wouldn't be able to take his opponent down.
Ezio took a deep breath and parts of his body turned into black fire.
„Blackflame Style - Amaterasu Dragon"
After Ezio said that, a massive flame shot out of his hand. This flame transformed into a black dragon. It flew into the direction of Sid and wanted to kill him.
Sid's giant body was big and so it wasn't easy for him to evade this huge dragon. He cloned his body into several thousand little copy's of himself. All the little Sid's ran into different directions. Because of this, it was easy to evade Ezio's black dragon. Only a small number of his clones got hit by the huge dragon.
After the fire extinguished, the little clones formed back into one body. It wasn't as big as it was before the attack, but Sid was still a giant.
„This flame is truly dangerous. Without the power of my devil fruit I would have many problems. I think you met the wrong opponent this time", said Sid in an arrogant voice, but Ezio could see that this guy was truly scared. His clones were part of his body. He could feel when they died and he could feel how they died. It wasn't something that felt good. This black fire burned even his soul, every time a clone would die, he felt like a part of his soul would burn away forever.
Sid produced a clone. This clone didn't look like himself. It was a woman that wore a dress that was completely made out of ropes.
The women attacked him and out of her hands came several robes that wanted to catch Ezio.
„This fruit is really interesting", said Ezio while he evaded the attacks of the woman. „When you fuse your clones into one body, you can't use the abilities of other devil fruits because you use the power of the clone clone fruit. But if you make a clone of a dead corpse and don't fuse it with your body, the clone can still use his devil fruit power like this girl. This fruit is really good"
For the first time Ezio used one of his advantages, his abnormal speed. He appeared behind the woman and hit her with his burning scythe. It didn't take long for the woman to burn till nothing of her remained.
„It is the biggest mistake to fight against me with quantity", said Ezio and smiled at his opponent.
Ezio wasn't the only one who was holding back. The biggest advantage of Sid's giant body was his physical capabilities. He vanished and appeared in front of Ezio and smashed him into the ground.
Ezio had to admit, in terms of physical strength, be it speed, strength or defense, he was indeed a little bit weaker than this giant.
Sid didn't stop after his first attack. He threw Ezio into the sky and kicked him with all his might. After Ezio rolled several meters over the ground, his hole body was full of blood.
Ezio lay on his back and looked into the sky.
„Sid, don't you think it's getting dark a little too early today?"
Sid was confused for a moment.
„I don't think it's time for night to arrive", after Ezio said that, he stood slowly up.
Sid had a bad feeling and looked up to the sky. What he saw shocked him.
„Do you remember the little fire ball I threw into the sky at the beginning of our fight?", Ezio smiled after he saw the shocked face of his opponent. „My flame can burn anything in this world. This little fire ball started to burn the clouds high up in the air, and now this little flame set the hole sky on fire"
Ezio's words were true. After Sid looked up to the sky, he saw that the heavens was burning. This flame was so big, it looked like the world would end today.
Then Ezio looked to his side. A long distance away stood a woman with a special transporter snail in her hand. This girl was Tsuru and she had the same expression as Sid. After she saw that Ezio looked at her, she knew what he wanted to do.
Ezio looked directly to the transporter snail and began his speech.
„You, as an ally of the World Government, misused your powers and the trust we gave you. You killed innocent citizens, made them your clones, and destroyed an whole island that was once a lively place full of children and hopes"
Ezio's expression became angry and his voice dignified.
„You've sinned and brought this world into chaos. I, Celestial Dragon of the Holy Land and heir of the noble Blackflame House, descended from the Redline to hunt sinners like you. This era is an era that isn't peaceful. Pirates, revolutionary, and cruel criminals are causing destruction and chaos everywhere. My name is Blackflame Ezio, and I came down to this world to hunt everyone down who is a sinner like you. I want that my people can live in peace and without fear. Today I will kill you, but all you people that are a threat to the peace of every kingdom in this world, be warned. I will find you, and I will burn your souls for eternity. As long as I am alive, this island should burn. It is a reminder to everyone of you who oppose me and the peace of my people. Paradise Island will never be called a paradise again, it will turn into a burning hell"
Then he pointed with his burning scythe at Sid.
„Blackflame Style - Devil's Judgement"
After Ezio said that the burning fire in the sky shot down to the ground. It was such a huge fire that nearly the whole island was hit by this never ending fire. Sid couldn't even evade this attack, because the fire was everywhere and it attacked the island like black lightning. It even engulfed Ezio. The only two who were not effected by the black fire were Tsuru and Hancock who stood a distance away. But both of them were shocked. This black fire burned everything down.
After this scene Hancock and Tsuru escaped to the ship. When they arrived at the ship, they saw the whole crew looking at Paradise Island with terror.
The whole island was burning. The whole island was engulfed in a sea of black fire. Nothing could survive.
Amanda D. Lily was flying on a huge black bird but even she was shocked. She looked back and saw Paradise Island destroyed by black fire. This island was her home for the past year but now it was forever gone. It was an island that would burn forever, only to remind every enemy of this devil that this was the result if they wanted to oppose him.
Lily searched something in her backpack. She took out a finger and looked at it. This was the finger of a human. It took several seconds but the finger transformed into a little man. This little guy was Sid. He gave his finger to Lily because it was part of their deal. This finger was a part of his original body and he could turn it into a clone if his life was in danger.
„Sh*t!", said the little Sid who wasn't taller than a finger at the moment. „Who is this monster… This…"
He couldn't talk anymore because a mark appeared on his forehead. He looked at Lily and had a depressed expression.
„Sigh… I couldn't accomplish my part of the deal. That means…-"
„You will forever be my slave", answered Lily. This was really good for Lily, but she couldn't be happy at this moment. All she wanted was too flee to a place were this monster couldn't find her. She never felt such a fear. Her whole body trembled. She wished this bird could fly faster.
First she hoped that Ezio could win against Sid. Sid promised Lily that he would get her the abilities of three persons. Of course, Lily told Sid that these three would have special power's. Sid was arrogant because he saw only the Grand Line and thought he could capture nearly everyone at this part of the world.
There was a reason why Lily wanted full control of Sid's power. If she wanted to trade an ability with someone, then both parties have to agree to the deal. That means that she could only get the abilities of other people if they agree. The problem was that Lily met many people who wouldn't trade their precious things, even if it meant they would die. Proud people like the Four Emperors would never trade their abilities. With the control of the clone clone fruit, she could just kill these people, make them a clone and trade everything they have. This was the only way she could get all the abilities she wanted. The only restriction was that she had to kill the guy first before she could get everything.
Paradise Island was burning. Everything was engulfed in black fire. A youth jumped out of this flame, only his upper body was visible, everything down his waist was black fire.
This was the first time Ezio tested the limit of his power. You could say that he found a trick to use his power in the best possible way. Ezio couldn't produce such an amount of black fire even after his training, but there was a difference between controlling the fire or producing it.
If Ezio had to produce a massive amount of fire out of nothing, like a normal logia user could do it, he would definitely die. Ezio used a little cheat. The little fire ball that he threw into the sky was slowly burning the clouds away. After some time this little flame became bigger and bigger. It started to burn more and more clouds until the whole sky above Paradise Island burned. All he had to do after that was to send the fire down to the island. So he produced only a little flame, waited until it grew bigger, and send it down to his enemy. If he had to produce such a massive amount of fire with his own strength, it wouldn't be possible. If the fire was already burning and he only had to control it, then he could pull off such an attack.
But even with this little cheat, Ezio felt like a dead man. He couldn't rest at this moment, because there was an important mission that he couldn't neglect.
Ezio closed his eyes and used his observation haki.
„Found you"
Then he transformed into black fire and dashed into the sky.
Lily looked almost every second behind her. She couldn't forget the words Hancock said to her. Her biggest fear became reality when she saw a black flame that was chasing her.
She couldn't evade. The black flame engulfed her whole body. If you looked from the outside, it was like a little black sun was engulfing this girl. A sun that was formed by black fire.
Inside the sun was absolute darkness. Lily could hear the screams of her bird that was burned and then died. She didn't fall into the fire that was surrounding her because a man was holding her in his arms. She couldn't see the man who was holding her because everything was black, but she knew who the person was.
It was this monster.
„Hey, you are very quick. I wanted to make a deal with you. Didn't you say you would wait for me? Why were you running so fast?"
„Y-You, you…", Lily wanted to speak, but she couldn't bring out one sentence.
„This deal will be very beneficial towards you. You will give me your loyalty for a life time. What will I give you, you ask? Well, you could say that I will let you live. Isn't this a good deal? I think dying here would be really sad"
Lily closed her eyes. What could she do in this situation? A life as a slave or no life, she thought that there would be many people in this world who would rather die than be a slave. She didn't has the courage to die at this point in her life. She had many things in this world she wanted to achieve.
Lily could only agree to this deal.
This was the day the user of the shop shop fruit, Amanda D. Lily, and her slave, Sarazar Sid, joined the team of the Celestial Dragon.
This was a fact that the whole world didn't know. But the world had other things to talk about. An event that shocked the Four Seas, the Grand Line and even the New World.
This was a day for the history books.