Retracting his horns, wings, and tail, more for the benefit of Sarina and Nono than anything else, Vahn's expression relaxed as he mused, "I was wondering when you were going to show up. Have you been enjoying the show...?"
Seemingly amused by Vahn's words, Shiroyasha snickered mischievously before remarking, "It seems the Little Garden has another Problem Child in its midst. You know, for someone with the power to resolve this matter simply, you sure do have a way of escalating things."
Shaking his head, Vahn adopted a helpless expression as he said, "I'm doing my best to hold back, but people like this just grate on me like no other. Not only did they target one of my people, but I'm basically a Guardian God of Children. How could I overlook something like this...?"
Having seen the outcome of Vahn 'not' holding back, Shiroyasha knew he was telling the truth. His power didn't seem to be restricted in the same manner as the average resident of the Little Garden. If he really went all out, he could probably destroy tens of thousands of 7-Digit Communities before anyone could even think to stop him.
Not really having an answer to Vahn's question, Shiroyasha shifted her attention to the members of Silver Adonis before looking at Dorothea and stating, "Return to your Community. I'll handle things from this moment onward. Also, try not to take this matter to heart. Twice Twilight's handling of this situation wasn't exactly wrong. You just got wrapped up in something a little above your paygrade."
Since Floor Masters had the highest authority when it came to settling disputes and overseeing Gift Games, Dorothea didn't attempt to argue. Rather, after witnessing Vahn sprout horns, wings, and a tail, there were few things she wanted more than to disentangle herself from the current situation.
Bowing politely but not subserviently, Dorothea demonstrated considerable relief in her expression and posture as she said, "Thank you for interceding in this matter. I'm certain that Shiroyasha-sama will be able to uphold justice. Allow me to express my gratitude on behalf of my entire Community."
Waving her hand in a shooing gesture, Shiroyasha responded, "Yeah, yeah. Just get going." before returning her golden-eyed gaze to the members of Silver Adonis and asking, "Tell me, do you still wish to participate in this Gift Game?"
Understanding this might be their only option for clemency, Justinian immediately dropped to his knees, expression paling as he lowered his head and said, "I have seen the error of my ways. Please forgive my transgressions. I swear on my pride as a descendent of Adonis. Nothing like this will ever happen again..."
Rolling her eyes, Shiroyasha shifted her attention to Vahn, asking, "You hear that? Now that he has sworn on the name of his ancestor, he'll be flagged by the Central Network if he breaks his promise. You can also have him sign a Geass Contract. I wouldn't mind seeing a show, but are you sure this is the best course of action? Have you asked the little ones for their opinion on the matter~?"
Though he furrowed his brows ever so slightly, Vahn's expression returned to normal by the time he looked back at Sarina and Nono. Both appeared more than a little nervous. Nono, however, seemed genuinely horrified by how things were developing. She didn't have any positive feelings left for the members of Silver Adonis, but that didn't mean she wished to see them suffer.
Realizing he might have gone a little too far, a slightly apologetic smile spread across Vahn's face as he ruffled the two girls' hair and muttered, "Sorry...I should have asked for your opinions. I just get a little hotheaded when people try to antagonize and threaten those in my charge..."
Returning a smile, Sarina did her best to appear supportive as she said, "It's okay. Nono and I both understand that you just wanted to protect us...isn't that right, Nono-chan...?"
Though she didn't say anything, Nono only hesitated for a brief moment before nodding her head, color returning to her cheeks as she reached out to grasp the hem of his tunic. This caused Vahn's expression to relax, his smile returning until Shiroyasha chimed in to remark, "Lolicon~" in a teasing timbre that only he could hear.
Deadpanning in response to the white-haired Demoness's remark, Vahn resisted the urge to call her a Lolibaba as he declared, "So long as they don't go around making trouble in the future, I have no reason to pursue this matter further. Consider yourselves lucky that Nono has such a big heart...the next time something like this happens, I will annihilate you without a trace..."
With Justinian appearing as though he was about to say something ingratiating, Vahn teleported the entire group away with a wave of his hand. He hated how villains would try to suck up to the strong only to turn around and try to stab them in the back later on. It was one of the cliches he hated most within fiction. Unfortunately, reality itself was derived from fiction, so, if you lived long enough, it was only a matter of time before you encountered every type of person imaginable.
Understanding Vahn's thoughts, even without reading his mind, Shiroyasha giggled before turning her attention to Dorothea and asking, "You're still here? I'm warning you right now, little missy, but you don't want to get involved with this man. The moment you drop your guard, you'll find yourself in his bed. He might have a stupidly kind face, but he's a real beast when the lights go out."
Blushing in response to Shiroyasha's words, Dorothea supplied another bow, saying, "I-I'll be on my way then...!" before quickly scampering off. The libido of Dragons was infamous, not just within the Divine Realm, but all realities. She also knew of Vahn's association with Inanna, so, having already dedicated her heart to the Leader of her Community, Dorothea didn't hesitate to escape from the front of the Cafe at a full sprint.
Cackling like a hyena, Shiroyasha hugged her stomach as she watched Dorothea disappear in the distance. When she turned around, however, her expression paled as she found Vahn towering over her with an unamused expression on his face. She wasn't actually afraid of him, but, for the sake of theatrics, she recoiled away from him, hands covering her breasts and the front of her skirt as she nervously stammered, "W-What are you looking at...?"
Though his expression momentarily became even more severe, Vahn ultimately just exhaled a sigh, a wry smile developing across his face as he said, "Thanks for making an appearance when you did. My power is a little unstable at the present. I'm also not sure I could reverse time at my current level so I appreciate your intervention. I'm not particularly fond of senseless destruction so...thanks..."
Even without the aid of her Gifts, Shiroyasha could perceive that Vahn was being sincere by the look in his eyes. Despite this, her brow began to twitch slightly as she asked, "Are you enjoying yourself? You know, it's rather rude to pet someone's head without permission..."
Blinking in surprise, Vahn retracted his hand from Shiroyasha's head, his smile turning even wrier as he said, "Sorry. It's basically an instinct at this point. You're also the perfect height so...yeah...sorry..."
Amused by Vahn's uncharacteristically meek behavior, an amused smile spread across Shiroyasha's face as she dissipated the strange energy that had flowed into her body. She wasn't really upset, so, rather than harp over it, she just made a mental note to stay out of Vahn's range as she said, "Well, I originally intended to give you the chance to spread your wings and do your own thing. Now that it is all but confirmed that your power can't be regulated by the Central Network, I have no choice but to intervene. How about making the Sage Dragon's Hearth a branch of the Thousand Eyes? If you're serious about maintaining neutrality, I can help you find clients. I imagine that would save us both a lot of trouble."
Though it was an obvious choice from his point of view, Vahn still turned towards Sarina and Nono, asking, "What do the two of you think? Would you rather build up our Community from the ground up or work together with a much larger organization to keep the peace?"
Reacting to Vahn's words, Sarina ceased glaring at Shiroyasha long enough to answer, "As much as I hate to admit it, I don't really have anything to contribute as a Sub-Leader right now. You're such an amazing person, Vahn. If you believe it's a good idea, I'll trust in your judgment...I promise to do my best, no matter what you choose..."
Though he got the distinct impression that Sarina was fishing for headpats, Vahn didn't disappoint her. As for Nono, she had even less to say on the matter, saying, "I just don't want to hurt people..." in a meek tone of voice.
Recalling his desire to make this a memorable day for both girls, Vahn found himself suppressing a sigh as he noticed Nono's muddled aura. She was still shaken after the encounter with her former Community, so, with the hope of restoring her confidence in him, he retracted his hand from Sarina before taking a knee and saying, "You'll never have to hurt anyone. I promise..." in the most sincere tone he could manage. Then, before the petite redhead could fully process what was happening, he wrapped his arms around her body, gently embracing her as a father would his daughter.
Feeling a tremendous amount of warmth and comfort in Vahn's embrace, the tensions in Nono's body gradually relaxed as she leaned into his embrace. She was still feeling a little doubtful, but, understanding he had gotten angry on her behalf, she didn't blame him for what had happened. She just wished he could have settled things without needing to resort to threats or violence...she didn't like it when his kind smile turned into an angry expression...
Noticing Nono's aura beginning to stabilize, Vahn gradually released her from his embrace before offering an affectionate smile and pinching her nose. Then, before Sarina could begin pouting, he gestured for her to come closer before giving both girls one final hug...
After agreeing to Shiroyashas's proposal, Vahn had to rent a total of eleven rickshaws to take them to Gate #2105380, the closest Thousand Eyes branch. As for why Shiroyasha didn't simply teleport them, it was because her Authority as a Floor Master prevented it. Most of her powers only worked during Gift Games, so, even if they were members of her Community, she couldn't show favoritism by using them outside her official capacity as a Floor Master. Instead, she promised to prepare an interesting gift for them before promptly disappearing in a flash of bluish-white light.
Though he could have easily ascertained what the 'gift' was before their arrival, Vahn dismissed the Law of Identity every time she attempted to spoil him. She was getting better at appearing when he wasn't focused on her, but, rather than begrudge her for this, Vahn was actually looking forward to the day when she might be able to manifest on her own. It didn't matter if he was the only one that could see her. He would be happy so long as she was...
At the end of their journey, Vahn, Sarina, and Nono found themselves standing outside of what could best be described as a run-down fortune teller's shop. There were purple banners on the outside declaring it the property of Thousand Eyes, but, if you looked closely, it was possible to see paint flaking from the exterior walls and tiles. As for its structure, it almost resembled a Japanese Shrine, complete with a multi-tiered structure and a sloped-tile roof.
Speaking the words on everyone's minds, Sarina asked, "Is this really a shop owned by the Eastern Floor Master? I expected it to be a little more...extravagant...?"
Chuckling in response to Sarina's words, Vahn gently ruffled the girl's hair as he said, "It's quite a bit bigger on the inside."
Though she was about to ask what he meant, Sarina's expression morphed into a hostile deadpan as a woman with bluish-purple hair and distinct rabbit-like ears emerged from the interior of the shop, asking, "Are you Vahn Mason...?" in an audibly nervous tone.
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Justinian's Luck parameter must be through the roof...','That instinct though xD...','The appearance of a wild bun's buns...!?') <-(p.atreon link)
Discord Invite:
Seeing the girl that had come out to greet them, Vahn found himself at a momentary loss as he scanned the 158cm tall girl in front of him. She was attired in a black collar with white frills, a double-vested vest that extended to her thighs, a red miniskirt, black stockings supported by a garter belt, red shoes, and oversized wrist cuffs. At a glance, she resembled the type of bunny girl you might find in a high-end casino, but, unlike the aforementioned fakes, the rabbit ears atop her head were undoubtedly authentic...
"Pardon me, but you are Vahn Mason-sama, correct? You match the description Shiroyasha-sama gave previously."
Blinking back to his senses, a slightly apologetic smile appeared across Vahn's face as he answered, "Sorry about that. Yes, I am, indeed, Vahn Mason. Vahn Aldrnari Mason, to be exact. And who might you be...?"
Exhaling a sigh of relief, the rabbit-eared girl adopted a professional smile as she folded her hands over her lap, bowing politely as she replied, "My name is Black Rabbit. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Vahn-sama. Shiroyasha-sama informed me that you would be helping out with some of my Community's problems. For that, I am eternally grateful."
Though he was listening to the woman's words, Vahn was briefly distracted by the enchantments on her clothes. He was normally able to grasp the structure of a person's body at a glance, so much so that he could basically recreate them within his mind with 100% fidelity. This wasn't the case with the girl in front of him. Rather, similar to Circe, her clothes appeared to be enchanted in a way that drew the eye, yet, no matter which angle you viewed her from, you wouldn't be able to perceive the contents of her skirt or peer through the side of her blouse...
(*Such a powerful enchantment for such a mundane thing...*)
"No kidding..."
Hearing Vahn speak, Black Rabbit's ears twitched slightly as she raised her head to ask, "Pardon?" in a slightly disconcerted tone. At the same time, a very light blush colored her cheeks as one of the enchantments sewn into her garments made her aware when people were trying to steal a peek up her skirt. She didn't know how Vahn managed it while standing in front of her, but she knew he had, at the very least, tried...
Offering a wry smile, Vahn scratched the back of his head as he resisted the urge to apologize a second time and instead answered, "Shiroyasha hasn't told me anything about your Community. However, so long as it is within my power, I'll do my best to lend you a hand. That's kind of what our Community was made for. Helping people..."
Returning a smile of her own, Black Rabbit chimed, "How wonderful~!" before shifting her ruby-eyed gaze to Sarina and Nono, asking, "And how might these charming young ladies be? Members of your Community? Their kimonos look very cute."
Stepping up, Sarina resisted the urge to latch onto Vahn's arm as she said, "My name is Sarina. I'm the Sub-Leader of Sage Dragon's Hearth. I will also do my best to provide assistance."
Though she didn't sound nearly as sincere as Vahn when she was speaking, Sarina did her best not to let her jealousy show as she eyed Black Rabbit's rather shapely breasts with an envious gleam in her amethyst eyes.
Noticing Sarina's gaze, a dry laugh emanated from Black Rabbit's throat as she shifted her attention to Nono. In response, the latter took a half step behind Vahn, her sky-blue eyes glistening with tiny motes of light as she whispered, "My name is Nono...Nono Nalnananu...I've never seen anyone with rabbit ears're very beautiful..."
"Oh my! Aren't you just a darling~! It's a pleasure to meet you, Nono andSarina~!"
Though she responded with a joyful smile, Vahn didn't miss the melancholy in Black Rabbit's gaze the moment Nono mentioned her being the only rabbit-eared person she had seen. There were actually a considerable number of demi and beast humans in the East Side, enough that it could easily pass for the Yokai District of Avalon. This included catgirls, dog girls, wolf girls, mouse girls, and pretty much every other version of kemonomimi that could be imagined. Everything except rabbit girls...
Shaking his head in response to the Law of Identity's inquisitive look, Vahn adopted a smile of his own as he suggested, "We should head inside. It's been a long day for the girls. I'm sure they would enjoy the opportunity to rest."
"Oh! Goodness me! I shouldn't have kept you waiting for so long! Please, follow me! The inside of the shop can get pretty confusing. Let Black Rabbit show you the way~!"
Without waiting for the group's response, Black Rabbit turned around with the intent to lead the way inside. This brought her tiny tuft of a tail into view, and, though he did his best to keep his eyes forward, Vahn couldn't help looking downward since it was waggling like an over-excited puppy.
Sensing his gaze, Black Rabbit looked over her shoulder, an embarrassed smile on her face as she covered her tail with both hands and said, "Please don't stare too much...I get embarrassed excited and embarrassed easily..."
Returning a wry smile of his own, Vahn did his best to ignored the pointed look he was receiving from Sarina as he followed Black Rabbit into the unsurprisingly complex interior of the Thousand Eyes shop. The interior was basically an entire Japanese estate, complete with a hot springs bath, a vast forest, and a view of snow-capped mountains in the distance. This caught Sarina and Nono by surprise, but, having an entire series of metaverses contained within him, Vahn merely admired the scenic beauty in silence as Black Rabbit gave them a tour of the facilities...
After several minutes of wandering around, Black Rabbit ultimately led Vahn, Sarina, and Nono to a room near the exact center of the massive estate. There, Shiroyasha could be seen lying on a futon in a rather slovenly manner. This was exacerbated by her frilly black skirt, as, unlike Black Rabbit, she hadn't placed any enchantments on her clothing. As a result, each of them could see the outline of her butt and lower body as she had nothing but pale, bluish-white stockings covering her legs and bottom.
"Like what you see, big boy~?"
Without tearing her eyes away from the rather old-fashioned television she was watching, an impish smile developed across Shiroyasha's face. She was the chief Sun Deity in the Divine Realm, and, as a result, she possessed a nigh-unrivaled degree of omniscience. She was aware of virtually everything taking place in the Little Garden, so, even if Vahn hadn't actually peered at the contents of her skirt, she was well aware of the fact his senses had probed her.
With Vahn adopting a deadpan expression on his face, Black Rabbit did her best to smooth things over by issuing an awkward laugh and saying, "Shiroyasha-sama. I've brought your guests. Should I have Nadeshiko-san prepare tea...?"
After scratching her right calf using the toes of her left foot, Shiroyasha rolled to a seated position, a cheeky grin on her face as she answered, "That won't be necessary. That man next to you has all kinds of snacks and goodies hidden away in his Inventory. I'm sure he wouldn't mind contributing a few."
Raising his brows, Vahn resisted the urge to cross his arms in defiance as he said, "We just spent the last half a day riding rickshaws to get here. Sarina and Nono are exhausted. I don't mind providing tea and snacks, but this reception is quite a bit different from what we were expecting..."
Shifting her attention to the two girls in question, Shiroyasha's golden eyes flickered with a not-so-subtle light as she said, "Hmm...I see what you mean. Very well then. I'll have my personal attendant, Nadeshiko, take them to the bath. We also have about forty guest rooms so there is plenty of space for them to rest while the three of us discuss matters of great importance."
Immediately follow Shiroyasha's statement, a petite woman with blue eyes and matching blue hair entered the room. Just as her name implied, she was like the personification of a perfect Japanese woman except, instead of black hair and black eyes, she had the aforementioned blue. As for her attire, it consisted of a modest blue kimono fastened together with a prim and proper yellow obi. Over that, she wore a traditional Japanese-style apron that extended from her collarbones down to her calves.
"Please, follow me. I will show you to the bath."
Since neither Sarina nor Nono moved when the woman spoke, Vahn gave them both a slight nudge as he said, "Don't worry. This place is isolated from the outside world. Even if a Demon Lord was to attack, they wouldn't be able to shatter the barrier covering this estate. Go take a bath and enjoy a nice long rest. You've earned it."
Though Sarina seemed reluctant to go, she quickly adopted a resolute expression on her face as she grabbed Nono's hand and said, "Come on, Nono-chan. You can help me wash my back and I'll help you wash your hair. Let's try out the new shampoo Vahn bought for us."
Without waiting for the auburn-haired girl's consent, Sarina pulled her along gently yet forcibly. Her behavior was clearly forced, but, rather than say anything, Vahn, Shiroyasha, and even Black Rabbit just watched the two girls depart with smiles on their faces. It was only when Nadeshiko had closed the door behind them that Shiroyasha broke the silence, stating, "Though I'm reluctant to hand her over, I've decided to gift you Black Rabbit. Be grateful."
Vocalizing the thought that had crossed Vahn's mind, Black Rabbit loudly exclaimed, "Excuse me!? Whose handing who over!?" in a clearly flustered tone of voice. She was so flustered, in fact, that her hair immediately transitioned from a rich and creamy blue to a vibrant, glowing pink.
Digging into her nose with the pinky finger of her left hand, Shiroyasha explained, "Vahn has the power to restore your people. He might not be able to bring them back to life, but he can create new Moon Rabbits using his Gifts. From what I've seen, he also has the power to freely change his race so he's really the only option you have if you want to prevent your species from going extinct. Besides, you're already 212-years-old. Isn't it about time you start pumping out baby rabbits?"
With cheeks that were redder than her hair was pink, Black Rabbit's eyes began to spin as she covered her face and stammered, "T-T-That may be so! However! Don't you think this is a little sudden!? M-My heart isn't ready...!"
In the midst of her exclamation, Black Rabbit attempted to look towards Vahn only for an illusory puff of steam to emerge from her head. Her ears were also twitching madly, so much so that they were basically just flopping around as she averted both her face and body away from him.
Adopting a grin that would have made Loki proud, Shiroyasha continued observing Black Rabbit for several seconds before looking towards Vahn and musing, "Don't mind her. She might be flustered right now, but her instincts will activate the moment you push her down. I don't think I need to tell you this, but rabbits are pretty much always in heat. Make-"
Before Shiroyasha could continue, Black Rabbit pulled an inordinately large paper fan out of thin air, smacking the mischievous loli's head with enough force to rotate it nearly forty-five degrees as she exclaimed, "There is such a thing as taking a joke too far, Shiroyasha-sama!"
Rubbing her head, Shiroyasha maintained a smiling yet serious expression as she said, "But you see, my dear Black Rabbit, I'm not actually joking. Vahn really does possess the abilities I mentioned. He is also an incurable busybody, so, once he learns about the situation plaguing your Community, he is bound to do everything in his power to help you. You're bound to fall in love with him anyway, so you might as well get a head start before this nincompoop spontaneously ends up with a harem of one hundred women. Really, I'm doing you a favor by trying to set you up early."
Though Shiroyasha's words hit the proverbial nail on the head, Vahn wasn't fond of the way she was trying to make decisions on Black Rabbit's behalf. He might possess a peculiar weakness for women with rabbit-like features but that didn't mean he was just going to smile and accept her suggestion. Thus, before the situation could get further out of hand, he adopted a stern tone as he said, "That's enough. As you have pointed out, I possess the ability to help restore her people's population even without using more 'direct' means. Stop trying to force her."
Similar to Loki, Shiroyasha showed absolutely no sign of perturbation in response to Vahn's words. Instead, her smile became even more prominent as she spied Black Rabbit peering at Vahn through the gaps between her fingers with an appreciative expression on her face...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Such a malicious enchantment...','Shiroyasha is an imp...','(O w O)...?') <-(p.atreon link)
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