As he was still in his partial Qinglong transformation, Vahn understood why Rin's first question directly related to his 'species'. Fortunately, even as he reverted to what appeared to be a genuine human form, Rin just watched the process with slightly intrigued eyes without reacting hostilely. At the same time, Vahn continued to smile in a disarming manner as he explained, "As I said before, my name is Vahn Mason. As for what I would be most accurate to refer to me as a Progenitor. I'm not sure if that concept is a thing in your world, however, so you may not have heard of it..." With the Nasuverse having a multi-versal structure, Vahn wasn't too worried about alerting anyone within to the presence of 'other' worlds. Though he still couldn't explain anything regarding the existence of The Path, the Laws wouldn't punish him for talking about the general multiverse as a whole.
Rin didn't even seem surprised by the fact that he was from a different world, instead, seeming to focus on his race as she held her chin in thought, muttering, " peculiar..." When she next turned her attention back to him, Rin asked, "What exactly are you the Progenitor of? Those horns...are you some kind of Daemon, or perhaps a Nature Spirit..?" Then, without actually waiting for his response, Rin shook her head, causing the two twin-tails framing her face to bob before she muttered to herself, "No, he seems to possess an actual physical form...but then how did he break through my barrier...?"
Seeing Rin talk continually talk to herself, Vahn realized her personality wasn't all that dissimilar from Lefiya's, especially when the latter was researching Magic. In a way, he had been fortunate that the first person he came across seemed rather 'serious' about Magecraft, even if this also meant she could prove a bit troublesome to deal with in the future. If he were to reveal just a few of his secrets to her, Vahn could imagine her pestering him to the ends of the earth in order to learn the rest. She had a natural air of 'curiosity' about her that, combined with the slight arrogance she had revealed during her introduction, indicated she wasn't the type to take no for an answer...
Finished with her monologue, Rin walked a little closer to Vahn before leaning forward and looking directly into his face. She was only around 162cm tall so she was already looking up at him, even before she began to scrutinize him more closely. Fortunately, like most people he had seen thus far, Rin wore rather modest clothing, consisting of a long-sleeved red blouse, complete with a high collar, and a long skirt that extended past her knees. Overall, she had a very high-class and mature appearance, even if her hairstyle, consisting of twin-tails tied up by rather large ribbons, was somewhat childish. Based on the structure of her body and the feeling of her mana, Vahn estimated she was around twenty-seven years old, give or take a few months.
As if she had sensed his 'evaluation', Rin furrowed her brows before stepping back and crossing her arms, inadvertently pushing up her rather modest breasts. Vahn felt as if she were 'testing' him somehow so he continued to stare into her aqua-blue eyes, not too dissimilar in color to his own. In response, her frown actually deepened as she squinted her eyes and asked, "Well, what exactly do you want to know? Don't think I'll just answer any question you want answered, though, as I'm not a library that you can just access at your convenience. If you want information from me, you'll have to answer my questions in turn. I also want to know how you expect to compensate me as, from what I can tell, you don't seem to have anything of value..."
Finding it surprisingly hard to get a read on Rin, Vahn wondered if his sensibilities had been affected after traveling to a new record. After dealing with Loki, merchants, politicians, nobles, and foreign dignitaries, Vahn was a little surprised by the fact that he couldn't simply see through her intentions. She seemed to be constantly analyzing him while, at the same time, seemed to be prepared to dismiss anything he said. This, combined with the fact that she still hadn't truly dropped her guard, gave Vahn the impression that Rin was the type that lived at her own pace. She seemed like a solitary existence that worked independently of others, making it difficult for her to communicate normally with people...
Just as Rin's frown began to deepen further, Vahn quickly answered, "I want to know about this world, including the organizations you mentioned. If possible, I would like to learn about Magecr-" Before Vahn could continue, Rin had already started shaking her head before stating, "There is no way I'm going to teach you Magecraft. I might be able to explain the basics to you, but there isn't a Magus alive who will just teach strangers their techniques. I might make an exception if you were able to provide something useful in exchange, but I doubt you have anything that I need, regardless of if you are actually from another world." After having completed her studies at the Clock Tower, the most prominent Magus Academy and the Headquarters of the Magus Association, Rin was well aware of the existence of other worlds, including the existence of parallel and tangential timelines.
Hearing Rin's words, Vahn couldn't help but find her claims rather amusing as, regardless of the pride she possessed, he knew there were 'literally' an infinite number of things he could provide her in exchange for information. He had already found several accounts of the Tohsaka Family, including their techniques, within the system shop. Though their more important secrets would be recorded in texts and grimoires that were considered Unique items, meaning he couldn't simply purchase them through the shop, there were numerous texts their family had published throughout history that he had access to. Vahn even found a plethora of information on Rin herself, including the men she had married, the number of children she had, and even her future descendants. He was a little surprised to learn that she often became one of the most prolific Magus of her time, in far more than a few timelines, but that only made him more confident that she would value what he had to offer...
Before Vahn could say anything, Rin's expression had soured even more before she finally burst out, asking, "Okay, what the hell are you doing? Are you using some kind of technique to analyze me!?" Even though she couldn't understand why Vahn's gaze annoyed her, Rin had the distinct impression that his eyes were able to see through her. Though she had certainly been evaluating him since the beginning of their discussion, it made her uncomfortable to feel so 'exposed', especially since she didn't understand what he was doing. She suddenly recalled how he had been able to 'sneak' into her Manor without even setting off any alarms, causing her pigtails to strangely levitate as her anger continued to build...
Vahn once again raised his hands, this time in a placating gesture, as he quickly remarked, "I'm not going to ask you to divulge any of your family's secrets. Even a basic explanation of Magecraft will be more than enough for my purposes. As for what I'll offer in exchange, will this suffice...?" As he spoke, Vahn quickly purchased a high-grade [Mana Crystal] from the system shop before manifesting it in his palm. Rin quickly adopted a pseudo-battle stance in response, as it was abnormal to see objects appear out of thin air, but she immediately dropped her guard, for real this time, moments later. Her eyes widened into full circles as she saw the crystal in Vahn's hand, asking, "Where on earth did you get a catalyst like this? It almost has as much mana as a Brand..."
Without asking for permission, Rin tried to grab the sky-blue crystal from Vahn's hands but he quickly threw it back into his Inventory before plainly stating, "I am confident that I can adequately compensate you for your time, Miss Tohsaka. Now, perhaps you would like to move this discussion to a more appropriate venue...?" As it didn't seem conducive to the situation to stay within the relatively dark basement, Vahn gestured upwards as he asked his question. This, somewhat amusedly, caused Rin to follow his finger with her eyes, temporarily confused after Vahn had exploited the 'gap' in her awareness after stowing away the [Mana Crystal]. She had transitioned from expectant to annoyed before finally reaching a state of confusion, all within the period of a few seconds.
Realizing her mistake, Rin's face darkened slightly before she coughed a few times to cover up her embarrassment. Vahn's expression remained unperturbed throughout, giving her all the time she needed before she eventually nodded her head and said, "Very well. For the time being, I will treat you as a guest. Allow me to prepare some tea and we'll have a proper discussion..." Though she had been on guard before, Rin's desire for the [Mana Crystal], combined with the fact that Vahn didn't seem threatening in the least, had caused her to relax more than she normally would around strangers. He didn't seem like a 'normal' existence so she had decided to treat him in the same way she would treat other Nature Spirits, what Rin believed to be his true identity.
After moving upstairs, Vahn found himself seated within a study that wasn't unlike what he was accustomed to back in his own world. There were two comfortable sofas at the center of the room, separated by a highly polished wooden table that was set with a vase. Since it was empty, Vahn placed some fresh flowers to complete the scene before turning his attention to the surroundings. There was a fireplace on the northern side of the room while, towards the western section, a large wooden desk occupied the area before a large bookshelf. There was a standing lamp that served the purpose of providing reading light as the chandelier hanging from the ceiling only cast a gentle light over the room's occupants. Curiously, there was a loft-like mezzanine on the east side of the room, accessible by a wooden ladder. Vahn saw more bookshelves located at the top of the mezzanine while a lounge-type sofa, decorated with plenty of cushions, likely served as a place where you could read while relaxing...
Resisting the urge to explore the room, Vahn remained patiently seated on the sofa until Rin returned with a silver tray, complete with a gooseneck tea kettle and two ceramic teacups, each adorned with a golden leaf pattern that screamed 'expensive'. Rin set the tray down before turning her attention to the flowers Vahn had placed in the vase, asking, "What kind of flowers are these? I've never seen anything like them..." As they were flowers he had obtained through the shop, even Vahn wouldn't have been able to answer her question a week ago. Now, however, he could trace the origin of items purchased through the shop so he smiled politely before explaining, "They are known as [Winter's Kiss], a breed of lilies that cannot be found in this world. I thought they would accent the browns and beiges in the room well. They also have the benefit of increasing the air quality without you having to worry about them wilting away like normal lilies..."
Hearing Vahn's words, Rin's expression became a curious one as she leaned forward and smelled the [Winter's Kiss], seemingly without any caution. It had a gentle smell, akin to vanilla mixed with citrus undertones, causing Rin to produce a smile as she remarked, "They smell pleasant. It is a shame they are from a different world, as I would have liked to procure some for myself periodically." As she could tell the flowers were 'abnormal' at a glance, Rin harbored no illusions that they were easy to come across. She didn't know how Vahn was able to materialize items out of thin air but, as spatial magic wasn't unheard of, she also didn't question it. Just as she had secrets she wasn't willing to disclose, Rin assumed had more than his fair share if he was truly from a different world.
After waiting for Rin to take her seat, Vahn took his own before grabbing the teapot and skillfully filling their cups. Rin's brows perked up in response, especially when Vahn handed her the cup and saucer, but she still graciously accepted it before saying, "Thank you." Vahn followed this up by taking his own cup and answering, "It is I who should be thanking you, Miss Tohsaka. I consider it my fortune to have met a capable and understanding Magus so soon after my search began. From what I know of this world, the odds hadn't been particularly in my favor..." Though he had little concrete information about the organizations within this world, as anything he obtained from the shop didn't necessarily relate to his timeline, what Vahn had come to know thus far didn't paint them in a positive light.
With an understanding nod, Rin sampled her tea before releasing a tired sigh, followed by her adding, "Well, you aren't wrong. Most Magus are a pain to deal with, especially if you get involved with any of the larger organizations. Every time I have to meet with those smelly old men, I feel like I'm going to suffocate...haaaaa..." As if her earlier caution had been an illusion, Rin no longer considered Vahn to be a threat, at least for the time being. Though she could tell he was taking measured actions when talking to her, this wasn't that abnormal, even between Magus who had known each other for years. Besides, like the vast majority of women he had come across, Rin seemed to be weak to compliments, even indirect ones.
Allowing a light-hearted laugh to escape his lips, Vahn steered the conversation away from Rin's complaining as he asked, "What can you tell me about this world's Magecraft and its Organizations? As an outsider, I want to avoid causing any misunderstandings that could be otherwise avoided..." Even if he wasn't afraid of any future enemies that would cross his path, Vahn didn't want to make enemies for no reason. He was already tasked with 'returning' seven of the most troublesome existences in the Record back to the Root so it was best to avoid getting wrapped up in the affairs of extraneous organizations. Of course, if they did come seeking trouble with him, Vahn had no intentions of standing down without a fight...
Though she could sense something 'wrong' about the way Vahn phrased things, Rin still went on to explain, "In this world, there are three major factions you need to be cautious of. Among them, the most troublesome faction is the so-called Holy Church. They have been around since the Age of Gods came to an end, supposedly guiding humanity towards prosperity through faith. Over the course of History, they have systematically eliminated any factors they are not able to directly control. Though they have an active cease-fire agreement with the Mage's Association, there are constant squabbles between the two forces while war usually breaks out every hundred years or so. As for the Mage's Association, they are an organization that advocates the development of Magecraft and the study of Thaumaturgy. The most important thing you need to consider in regards to the Mage's Association is that they have three official branches, the Clock Tower, which I am affiliated with, the Atlas Academy, and the Wandering Sea. I can't go into too much information about them unless you join but I can warn you about some of the things you need to consider if you are acting as an independent Magus..."
When she reached this point, Rin suddenly became a lot more serious as she added, "If it is true that you are from a different world, there is a high chance you would be given a Sealing Designation, even without joining the Mage's Association. Though you seem to be pretty strong, that is the same as being given a death sentence, even if they wouldn't actually harm you. It is closer to being put under house arrest as they typically treat you well, even if you're not allowed to take action on your own. Depending on the circumstances, however, you would be required to 'assist' in the Mage Association's experiments..." As these words left her mouth, Rin's expression had become extremely dour as she tightly clenched her teeth. This only lasted for a moment, however, before she took another sip of her tea and exhaled a profound sigh...
Vahn was tempted to ask if something had happened but, even without hearing it from her directly, some of the accounts of Rin's life showed that she had been given a Sealing Designation at times. In one timeline, she even campaigned to have the system abolished in its entirety, only having success after a large scale war broke out between the various Magus Factions. Vahn didn't think she had been given such a classification in this timeline, as she wouldn't be sitting here with him, but that didn't mean she wasn't a candidate up for consideration. The Tohsaka family seemed to be one of the most prominent Magus families but, with the exception of Rin, and a girl named Sakura, there didn't seem to be any other descendants within the main family line. Since she was obviously a very talented Magus, it wasn't beyond reason to assume that she would be given a Sealing Designation after accomplishing something that set her apart from other Magi...
After collecting herself, Rin's expression returned to relative normalcy as she continued explaining, "The last organization you need to be wary of are a group of individuals known as the Dead Apostle Ancestors. Though there are exceptions, many are evil entities who have obtained some form of immortality that makes it difficult for both the Mage's Association and the Holy Church to deal with them. They are associated with many underground organizations, with most of their members being classified as Vampires, Ghouls, Necromancers, and other problematic existences. If you someone manage to get on their bad side, you may not even know how you died..." For a brief moment, a pained look flashed across Rin's eyes as she stared down into her tea, almost as if she was looking for something infinitely in the distance...
Having seen and experienced loss himself, Vahn recognized the look in Rin's eyes as the look one had after losing someone dear to them. As a member of the Mage's Association, it wasn't hard to imagine that she had been involved in any conflicts between the Clock Tower and the Dead Apostle Ancestors. Perhaps the reason she lived alone in such a large Manor, without even a single servant, was due to the fact she had lost someone near and dear to her heart. Vahn, however, chose not to pry into her past as, while a part of him wanted to help ease her pain, he was currently dealing with his own separation anxiety and loneliness. He knew that, if he became too invested in helping her deal with her pain, there was a non-negligible chance he would begin to develop a dependence on her in an effort to alleviate his own.
With an expression of sincere empathy on his face, Vahn silently sipped his tea without commenting on Rin's current state. When her eyes finally came back into focus, she quickly showed an embarrassed expression but, after seeing Vahn sitting calmly across from her, she regained her own composure rather quickly. Then, having answered one of Vahn's questions, even though she failed to disclose anything related to Magecraft, Rin showed an expression of intrigue as she asked, "Now, tell me about yourself. I want to know about the world you came from and what the significance of being a Progenitor is. If your answer satisfies me, I may find it in my expansive heart to give you a few introductory lessons in Magecraft..." As the last words left her lips, Rin showed a somewhat haughty expression as she puffed out her modest chest, confidence radiating from her body...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Vahn's common sense is skewed','Rin is raising so many flags, just to have Vahn mercilessly break them xD','A game of twenty questions...?') <-(p.atreon link)
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Vahn couldn't help but feel that it was the correct decision to head out early in the morning as, much like his conversation with Akasha, it took him nearly three full hours to recount his story to Rin. He glossed over many things, especially if it was in regards to anything 'sensitive' in nature, but she politely abstained from prying. Though her reaction when he revealed the number of lovers and children he had caused Vahn's scalp to tingle, she seemed to accept it after he mentioned the fact that he was more than 150 years old and lived in a world where gods roamed amongst men. Before this revelation, Rin had thought his story was somewhat fantastical but hadn't made any connection between any of the mentioned parties and 'actual' gods.
When Vahn finally finished recounting his past, Rin remained silent for several minutes, an expression deep contemplation on her face. It wasn't until Vahn pulled a fresh pot of tea out of thin air that she turned her attention back to him, asking, "So, you claim to be from a world that is still in the Age of Gods. Not only that, but your race, Progenitor, is the 'origin' of every other sentient race, the only exception being Spirits and Gods themselves...?" Though it wasn't that difficult to believe Vahn had actually come from a world where Gods still existed, as it wouldn't even be the first time someone like him had appeared in the world, Rin was more concerned about the fact he claimed to be an existence that was akin to the Holy Churches 'ADAM'. If he was what he claimed to be, a Sealing Designation was the least of his concerns. His existence could very well lead to all-out war between all three factions as the Holy Church would never allow him to move freely while the Dead Apostle Ancestors would covet his blood. With this one revelation, assuming it was the truth, Vahn had become the highest priority target for all three organizations...
Failing to understand the 'significance' of his race, even though he could sense Rin's apprehension, Vahn nodded his head and explained, "Yes. I am able to freely change my form, adapting my cells to perfectly emulate any existing race. If I put in the effort, I can even emulate fictional races by altering the structure of my magic circuits..." As even Eva had referred to the pathways used to channel mana as magic circuits, Vahn wasn't particularly worried about revealing his ability to change the internal structure of his circuits. This was a bombshell for Rin, however, who adopted an incredulous expression that clearly showed she either didn't, or refused, to believe him. As a result, Vahn produced a wry smile before his body rapidly changed, two pointed ears poking out from his head as a bushy tail made itself known from his lower back. He had taken on the form of a Chienthrope as the upkeep of maintaining something like a Vanargandr would be wasteful in his present state.
Seeing Vahn change right before her eyes, Rin's mouth gaped even more, at least until she got a clear look at him. He had already been unnervingly handsome before, to the point Rin assumed it was 'artificial', but the dog ears and tail actually made Vahn look somewhat 'cute'. As this thought crossed her mind, Rin felt an increase in the tension of her cheeks, quickly accompanied by a rising heat. Then, even though she knew it was a 'bad' idea, Rin's curiosity got the better of her as she hesitantly asked, "Can...can I check to see if they are real...?" Though she could easily discern they were real, based on the fact that Vahn's human ears had 'receded' into his head during the transformation, Rin felt compelled to verify the feel of his fluffy-looking dog ears with her own hands...
As her question was within his expectations, Vahn gave a small nod before presenting his head forward. He had, for a brief moment, been tempted to warn her about the intimate nature of what she was asking but, realizing it wasn't exactly conducive to his situation, Vahn decided against it. This led to a peculiar scene, one where Vahn kept his eyes closed to avoid having to stare at Rin's chest as she enthusiastically stroked his head and ears. Though she had only touched them gingerly at first, Rin's face turned into a strange smile after a while, followed by her happily patting his head. In response, mostly due to his 'instincts' as a Chienthrope, Vahn's tail began to wag gently, regardless of his attempts to resist the building urge...
Rin's eyes began to blaze in response to the movement of Vahn's tail but he quickly put an end to it by pulling away and clearing his throat before saying, "I believe that is more than enough..." This sentiment didn't seem to be shared by Rin but she still reluctantly nodded her head before adopting a far more serious expression moments later. Following this, Rin went on to warn, "Vahn, you need to keep your existence as a Progenitor a secret. Even telling me was a big mistake, as I am officially a part of the Clock Tower. Though I have no intention of exposing your secret, there are numerous methods in which someone may be able to pry the information out of me. If the nature of your existence is exposed, you will have the Mage's Association, the Holy Church, and the Dead Apostle Ancestors breathing down your neck..."
Vahn wasn't all that surprised by Rin's revelation, as being a Progenitor had been a big deal, even in his previous world. She could see that he wasn't taking her warning seriously but, before she was able to emphasize the importance of her words, Vahn smiled confidently as he said, "One of the reasons I came to you was to get a better grasp of this world's power structure. However, though I would like to avoid unnecessary troubles, that doesn't mean I am afraid of a fight. Even if all of the organizations you mentioned combined forces, I would not shy away from them. In order to return to my world, to the family I have waiting for me, I must become stronger, stronger than anyone else...!" There was pure conviction contained within Vahn's words and, after hearing him talk enthusiastically about his family, Rin knew he was serious. Though her own family was more than a little dysfunctional, even she would risk her life if it meant protecting the people she cared about...
Releasing an exasperated sigh, followed by her rubbing her temples in frustration, Rin eventually turned her aqua-eyes back to Vahn, saying, "If you're half as strong as your stories make you out to be, you may not have anything to worry about...however, that doesn't mean you can move about with impunity. In order to return back to your family, you need to survive long enough to complete the trip. Don't go around risking your life and picking fights with people just because of your pride and desire to grow stronger...!"
With Rin's finger pointing in his face, much like how a teacher would lecture a child, Vahn smile began to twitch at the sides as he resisted the urge to 'correct' her. He knew she was, in her own way, trying to be considerate of him. Since they had only known each other for a few hours, his impression of her had already increased considerably. The fact she went out of her way to warn him, even mentioning that she may be forced to reveal his secret, showed that she had a considerate and intrinsically kind personality. Since there were even subtle fluctuations of 'fate' around her, implying that she was tied to the fate of the Record, Vahn felt he may have inadvertently stumbled upon one of the protagonists of the Nasuverse. It was the only way he could explain her going out on a limb for someone she just met, discounting the fact that she may just be attracted to his good looks...
Just as Rin was thinking how best to 'lecture' Vahn, her stomach suddenly began to grow, far more audibly than she would have liked. Vahn's expression didn't change at all but she felt a strong urge to punch him in the face before burying herself in a hole in the back yard. It was even worse when he allowed a small smile to spread across his stupidly handsome face before asking, "Shall I prepare lunch? I am quite confident in my culinary can consider it an expression of my gratitude for the warning you have given me." Then, without waiting for a response, Vahn rose to his feet before pulling out the same [Mana Crystal] from earlier and setting it atop the table. To answer Rin's confusion, he simply stated, "It will not take me long to prepare something. You can use that time to inspect this [Mana Crystal] to determine its worth. Even if you decide to withhold some information, I will still allow you to keep it for further study..."
Finished stating his piece, Vahn left the study without even asking Rin for direction to the kitchen. He already had an in-depth understanding of the Manor's structure so it wasn't really necessary for her to guide the way. Though it could be considered rude, or even inappropriate, for him to walk through her Manor alone, he had already 'invaded' it previously. Compared to the invasion of privacy leading up to his meeting with Rin, simply walking to the Kitchen was incomparable. This seemed to be the consensus Rin had reached as well, considering she made no attempts to stop him from leaving the study. Though this could have been due to the fact that she was distracted by the [Mana Crystal], Vahn was aware of the fact that she had followed his departure with her eyes. When he got further down the hallway, she even cracked up the door of the study as if to make sure he wasn't going to get lost...
After reaching the fully stocked kitchen, complete with dozens of different pots, pans, and utensils, Vahn opened Rin's fridge to find that it was almost completely empty. Even the nearby pantry and cold storage nearly barren, causing him to wonder if she even used it for cooking. Without any servants in the house, it was a bit odd to find everything so clean, almost as if it had never been used before. Ignoring this, Vahn purchased some ingredients from the system shop while ignoring the singular aqua-blue eye peering at him through the crack in the door. Rin had followed behind him, either to make sure he wasn't doing something like 'poisoning' the food or out of general curiosity. Vahn had talked up his cooking skills quite a bit so it wasn't out of the realm of possibility that she wanted to see his capabilities for herself.
As he was used to having an audience whilst cooking, Vahn ignored Rin's skulking about as he decided to make a light lunch. Ever since he lived with Tsubaki, Vahn's tastebuds had been conditioned to match the Far Eastern pallet so he was more than acclimated in the preparation of traditional Japanese dishes. He figured that Rin, given her figure, probably wasn't a heavy eater, even though he could tell that she was actually very fit beneath her clothing. Since she used a type of magic that enhanced her physical capabilities, it was obvious that Rin took proper care of her body in order to further amplify the magic's effects. Even with her dress and blouse properly concealing her figure from view, Vahn's experience as a physician allowed him to see through her completely, even without his [Eyes of Truth] active.
Hearing the sound of something falling down, Vahn turned his head towards the door just in time to see it slam shut. He was beginning to suspect that Rin genuinely had a method to 'understand' what others were thinking about her as, each time his thoughts went wayward, she had shown a reaction. The question then became, how sensitive was her 'intuition' and, if he let his mind wander even further, would she be able to sense it? This was the thought that crossed his mind as Vahn simultaneously cleaned a few vegetables while imagining Rin wearing one of the [Aegis Mk 4] outfits. Since he could 'perfectly' envision such things, leaving no details glossed over, Vahn was able to witness a view that would cause Rin's admirers to pursue him even more fervently than the three major organizations...
This time, the door to the kitchen was kicked open as Rin, her face noticeably red, pointed towards Vahn and shouted, "You, just now, you were thinking something inappropriate, weren't you!? Don't you lie to me!"
Seeing Rin burst into the door, Vahn was content to have the answer to his question, even as he was confused as to why her reaction was so extreme. He wasn't the same dense individual he had been in the distant past so it wasn't difficult for him to interpret how a woman felt towards him. Rin's reaction, however, was peculiar compared to how most women behaved as, even though she seemed to be the 'refined' type, she was also prone to compromising outbursts. In response to her accusation, Vahn turned around and, with a straight face, shook his head before explaining, "My thoughts were not inappropriate, even if they could be misconstrued as rude. I told you earlier that one of my primary professions was a Blacksmith. I'm also skilled in the art of sewing, dressmaking, and...well...more refined practices. I assure you, the chances of me having any untoward thoughts regarding you are slim, Miss Tohsaka..."
Though he knew his words were a bit harsh, Vahn wanted to make it clear from the start that he wasn't looking for any 'meaningful' interactions between them. He had seen the borderline 'disgust' she allowed to show when he talked about his relationships with other women and, unable to set aside his feelings for them, Vahn wasn't interested in anyone that was uncomfortable with him loving others. It didn't matter if they were separated by a vastness so great that it couldn't be measured by distance and time as they would always, forever, be his lovers...
Feeling a bit saddened by his own thoughts, Vahn turned his attention away from the statue of Rin as he began skillfully dicing the vegetables into fine chunks. Since he didn't want to spend too much time cooking, he had settled on making a salad using kale, spinach, romaine, and a few chopped vegetables on the side that could be freely added. To accompany the salad, he had prepared some pickled roe which, on its own, had a somewhat overbearing flavor. However, when mixed together with lightly salted white rice and chives, it became a delicious blend of mellow, savory, and tart flavors. It had been a favorite of Tsubaki, Mikoto, Haruhime, and Shizune so Vahn was confident Rin would also enjoy it.
By the time he was finished preparing everything, Rin had moved to the nearby dining table, her expression a clear indicator she wasn't in the best of mood. As he carried the dishes over, she gave him a somewhat hateful look that Vahn elected to ignore as he set the plate in front of her and said, "It is best eaten when warm..." Following that, he sat at the complete opposite end of the table, causing Rin's frown to deepen as she muttered, "Stupid...what does he think I'm going to do, bite him...?"
Though she continued to curse him under her breath, Rin still went through the motions of unwrapping her tableware before picking up a fork that was specially crafted for the sole purpose of eating salads. She did her best to ignore Vahn's presence as she unhesitantly took a bite of the salad, finding it to be of surprisingly high quality. The vegetables all tasked crip and fresh, almost as if they had been plucked mere minutes prior. Since she had seen him pull them out of thin air, something that was starting to seem like 'real' Magic, Rin frowned, even as she enjoyed the taste. She really wanted to ask where he kept pulling items from but, fearing he would actually claim to be creating them from scratch, she kept mum as she picked up a pair of ivory chopsticks and sampled the roe.
Tasting the picked roe on her tongue, Rin's brows perked up a bit as, though she was fond of sweets, she had always been particular when it came to pickled foods. The roe was not only crunchy, popping within her mouth, but the blend of the two contrasting flavors was very pleasant. As it was even better with the rice Vahn had prepared, Rin had quickly forgotten her annoyance as her eating pace gradually increased. By the time the bowl was completely finished, she had a satisfied smile on her face as she mused, "That was delicious! You know, if you're looking for a place to stay, I don't mind hiring you on as my personal Chef. So long as you agree to prepare meals for me, I may even teach you the basics of Magecraft~."
Seeing how quickly Rin bounced back, Vahn looked towards her with a borderline blank stare before slowly allowing a smile to spread across his face. This caused Rin to inhale sharply before, realizing what she was offering, she quickly stammered, "Wait, don't misunderstand! Didn't you say that you got kicked out of your place this morning and was thinking about what to do in the future? If you stay here for a few months, you can learn more about this world and, though I may be too busy to attend you often, I can easily spare the time it takes to eat a meal in order to explain the basics. I can even introduce you to a...coworker of mine. She is a bit of a pain but she is trustworthy...!"
Vahn resisted pointing out the fact that Rin's behavior actually made her offer even more suspect. At the same time, he was actually considering her offer as, without any other plans, it wasn't the best course of action. Not only was she from a prestigious, albeit declining, Magus Family, but her future prospects also made her a reliable ally to have. Since she had an aura of 'fate' around her, there was a good chance she was involved with a sequence of events that were directly tied to the fate of the world itself. Vahn had no prior understanding of this world and, though the History texts provided quite a bit of insight into what he could expect, the key details weren't accounted for. By staying closer to her, he could pretty much guarantee his involvement in events that would shape this timeline while also having potential 'scapegoats' with other fate-bound individuals nearby...
After thinking of the possible benefits, Vahn closed his eyes before considering whether or not taking such a 'passive' stance was the best option. Though it was true that Rin would certainly 'become' a reliable ally, she still had a long way to go. Considering her age, she was already well beyond her developmental phase so, while the quality of her mana might improve, the quantity would only increase a marginal amount without the aid of external resources. If he had found her ten or so years prior, or even earlier, it might have been possible to groom her into a powerful Magus that could become an actual ally in his future battles. Now, however, she was an investment that might not have any payoff, at least without him treating the matter seriously...
Breaking Vahn from his thoughts, Rin slammed her hands on the table suddenly before shouting, "You, you just thought something very rude, didn't you? Don't look down on me, Vahn. I don't care if you are some bullshit existence from the Age of Gods. Hell, I don't even care if you're able to use True Magic easier than a cow can produce methane! If you look down on me, prepare to get some sense knocked into you when I become stronger! You're not the only one who is trying to reach the pinnacle of the world...!" At this point, Rin had risen to her feet as she leaned across the table, directing her finger, once again, towards Vahn's face...
As he had already explained the fact that he was previously an Emperor, Vahn was annoyed by the fact that Rin was pointing her finger in his face. Though he wasn't carrying himself as someone that 'should' be respected, it was still an action that grated on his nerves, probably more than it should. As a result, even though he didn't fault Rin for her conviction, his expression became serious as he plainly stated, "Everyone has the potential to become strong, Rin is not a special trait that only a few geniuses possess. However, at this moment, the difference in power between us is something you can't even fathom. If you continue shoving your finger in my face, don't blame me for denying you the respect I've been giving you until now. Even if you have every right to state your convictions, you need to seriously consider how your actions are interpreted by others..."
For a moment, Rin felt as if she were receiving a stern lecture from her father, someone that had died nearly twenty years prior. Her heart seized up in her chest and, though she wanted to rebut what Vahn had said, the look on his face made her retract her hand in silence. She had even nearly blabbed that nobody was allowed to talk to her like that but, recalling what kind of existence Vahn was, Rin knew he wasn't wrong to 'demand' respect. However, just as this thought crossed her mind, Rin also remembered that he had snooped around her Manor before breaking in, all to have her answer his questions. Since then, she was certain he had several rude thoughts and, though he said he wouldn't have any 'untoward' thoughts regarding her, Rin didn't believe his words were sincere...
Choosing not to apologize, Rin crossed her arms before snorting through her nose and asking, "So, are you going to stay here? I'll make an exception and only ask you to prepare one meal a day, but you'll have to cook for me more if you expect me to answer any more questions. I don't care if you have a thousand of those 'Mana Crystals', as I don't even have a use for them in their current state. If you can't agree to this, please leave my Manor and never return. I will keep your secret, as promised, but I don't want to involve myself with an abnormal element like you if I can't even expect to be compensated with something as simple as food." Though the words sounded silly leaving her mouth, Rin had already decided that Vahn would become her Chef, Emperor or not.
Seeing the way Rin was behaving, Vahn actually found himself smiling as, though there were 'a lot' of differences, she acted somewhat similar to Eva. She was certainly prideful, likely the result of her upbringing, but Vahn could also sense there was a deeply rooted pain that she had already shown glimpses of. Considering that there was 'fate' lingering around her, Vahn knew she likely had some kind of past tragedy that hadn't made its way into the history books. If he decided to accept her offer, his own nature would make it almost impossible for him not to get involved when things begin to spiral downwards. Still, it was better than having no plan at all so, even though Rin would be difficult to deal with at times, Vahn eventually released a sigh before musing, "I will only accept if you agree to learn how to cook. In exchange for teaching me the basics of Magecraft, I will teach you how to take care of yourself and cook delicious food so you don't starve yourself after I leave..."
More-so than any of the previous times, Rin's face became a deep shade of red as she listened to Vahn's words. The moment he finished speaking, she slammed her hands on the table once again before shouting, "I know how to cook, you idiooooot...!"
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Rin is judging Vahn so hard xD...','Stealth Operation','I wonder if a time will come when Rin calls Vahn 'Daddy'...')
(A/N: Today is the last day to vote for who you'd like to see as a Servant in upcoming chapters~! If you haven't already, follow the link I post in the comments section to cast your votes!) <-(p.atreon link)
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