After nearly an hour of discussion, Vahn, Lyd, Ray, and Gros had come up with a list of rules that would shape how all Xenos lived for the indefinite future. Most of the actual restrictions were in regards to how they would interact with the outside world and guidelines for anyone that wanted to integrate into society and leave behind the Xenos compound, now named 'Spero Village'. This roughly translated to hope and, though it wasn't exactly a village, the Xenos had a very small population and it wasn't exactly wrong to classify their land as such. They actually had sovereignty that was guaranteed by the Alliance, making this 800-acre plot of land its own 'country', but such things didn't matter to the Xenos at all...
Once the discussion had come to an end, though there were likely to be several more in the following days, Vahn helped install a [Paling] to protect the Xenos during emergencies, even though Terra's presence almost guaranteed they were protected. This was simply a measure so that, if Terra was busy elsewhere, they weren't left unprotected based on an 'assumption'. Each leader was given the activation key but, feeling that she was actually very suited for the task, Vahn also gave Marie a key. She was very happy to receive such a 'present', jumping clear out of the water an into Vahn's arms to give him a somewhat sloppy and inexperienced kiss.
Promising to return later, Vahn managed to extricate himself from Spero by 'fleeing' towards the sky and, choosing to keep his promise with Freya, headed towards the small residence she had procured near Knossos' entrance. He knew that, once he returned to the Manor, his time wouldn't exactly be his own anymore, especially if there was anything that needed his attention. Since Syr had informed him that nothing major was going on, as he 'had' to make sure, Vahn decided not to keep Freya waiting. After all, she had actually waited for several days longer than 'necessary', as he had returned from the Dungeon for a short period of time and could have gone to visit. The only justification he had for not doing so was that he had made the promise to her after entering Knossos and he hadn't 'officially' returned just yet...
Such thoughts made Vahn feel a little guilty, even though he knew it wasn't exactly something he should worry over. Deciding to simply enjoy whatever Freya had planned for him, Vahn slowly flew through the sky with an expectant look on his face. He was honestly more than a little interested in what Freya was planning and, so long as she wasn't using her [Charm] to force the matter, Vahn was willing to give her some wiggle room to 'play'. She knew better than to try and appeal to him using 'nefarious' and 'questionable' means so he couldn't help but be a little excited...
After a relatively short flight, Vahn touched down on the balcony of a pristine white building that had been hastily constructed for a very exorbitant amount of Valis. Since it was near the center of Daedelus Street, the elegant temple-like building stood out like a sore thumb, likely Freya's intention from the very start. As a result of her Divinity, she 'had' to show off her wealth and power so it could be appreciated externally. The greater the disparity between her own home, and the surrounding architecture, the better it was from Freya's perspective. She actually went out of her way to design any residence she stayed in to be both ancient in design, but extremely extravagant at the same time. As a result, the entire structure was made out of extremely polished marble while the reliefs carved into the walls depicted various heroic figures adorned with gold while their eyes were actually set with precious gemstones...
Though there were several barriers barring entry, Vahn was able to freely pass through all such obstructions with a small red ring that Freya had given him in the past. He generally kept it within his Inventory but, for situations like this, would wear it on his left middle finger. As for his ring fingers, Vahn actually had small and intricately designed bands that represented Hephaestus, Eina, and Riveria. Each had a very small fragment of ruby, sapphire, and emerald, a constant reminder of the women he had officially married. Though he kept them safe within his Inventory while in the Dungeon, as his combat style often destroyed his equipment, Vahn wore them proudly during most other circumstances...
Vahn also had the pendant that represented his bond with Lili while various other accessories and markings emphasized his relationships with other girls. The most obvious of these all, at least when he was naked, were the various bite-shaped scars around his shoulders, collarbone, and, as a result of Terra's nature, a small scar above the location of his heart. It was somewhat ironic that every visible scar and injury on his body, instead of being obtained from battle, was the result of one of his lovers. Even so, Vahn didn't mind them at all, regardless of the strange looks and questions he would get when people saw the 'questionable' wounds...
With these thoughts fresh in his mind, Vahn wondered what kind of 'mark' Freya would leave on him someday, as he knew she was very bothered by the scars left by the other girls. Then again, it might be that she wanted him to leave his impression on her as, even though she could keep it concealed, Freya often wore gowns and dresses that exposed her back, displaying the maker's mark he had left as if it was something that accented her beauty further. If this was the case, though Vahn knew it wasn't really the truth of the matter, that would probably be for the best. However, given the various presences located within the chamber containing Freya, Vahn knew she was determined to leave an impression on him, one way or the other.
Upon entering the inner sanctum of the temple-like structure, Vahn found Freya wearing nothing but a loose transparent robe that served almost no purpose as actual clothing. She was standing next to an empty throne, a violet glimmer in her eyes as an elegant smile spread from her lips as she said, "'re a little earlier than I expected...ufufufu~." As she spoke, Freya moved forward in such a way that it was like her body had a gravitational pull that drew the eyes towards whichever trait she decided to accent at any given moment. Her arm would lightly push up her fair breast, making the small bead at the center stand out before, immediately after your eyes were drawn to the cherry-red protrusion, Freya's hips would snake, revealing a tantalizing gap between her thighs that redirected the eyes down...
Letting her pull his hand, Vahn sat in the throne that Freya had apparently prepared for him as she very naturally sat on his left leg, remarking, "I heard Loki comment about how sitting on your lap was almost like sitting on a throne that granted both mortals and gods absolute power over even fate...I must admit, even those created by prodigious smiths can't give me the same feeling as what I'm experiencing right now...I wonder...can you feel it as well, Vahn~?" Following her cue, Vahn brought his hand to Freya's left breast, earning a hot sigh from her as a powerful 'thumping' emanated from her chest. He had already seen her aura flare up when she sat down but there was something far more intimate about placing your hand over the heart of your lover...
For several seconds, there was nothing but the sound of Freya's slightly accelerated breathing as both she and Vahn maintained smiling expressions. Freya had noticed the 'change' in Vahn several days prior and was very curious about what was going through his minds at times like this. She already had a good understanding of his character, at least in the past, so seeing a 'new' version of the man that conquered her heart was very exciting. She wondered if he might just push her down on the cold marble floor and ravish her until she couldn't even move the following day, a state she had only ever been able to experience whenever he 'rewarded' her for doing a 'good' deed. It was her hope that he interpreted her surprise in such a way and, now that he was acting out of her expectations, Freya was even more excited to see how he would react than normal...
Since her heart wasn't exactly calming down, Freya released another hot sigh before picking up a pure crystal bell on the throne's armrest and ringing it. As the sound of steps reached her ears, Freya felt like her heartbeat was matching their pace, even though her expression remained unchanged. She didn't even turn her head to mark the entrance of the four new arrivals, instead, watching Vahn's expression for any changes, no matter how minute. When his eyes opened slightly, Freya couldn't help but smile as the beating in her heart increased exponentially. She then had enough confidence to rise from Vahn's lap and move over to the lined up girls and begin their introductions...
Though he had known about the 'five' presences Freya was keeping in reserve, Vahn hadn't quite expected the scene that was playing out in front of him. Wearing rather intricately designed maid outfits, not the kind used for more 'devious' acts, there were four very unique and exotic looking young women gathered before him. The first had two pointed horns that matched her light brown skin near the base but transitioned into scarlet red. They were very obviously horns but Vahn had never seen anything remotely similar, even though he had immediately identified her species as the very rare Oni from the Far East.
This particular Oni had dark purple hair that extended to her lower back, braided together in a very intricate fashion while tri-part bangs framed her face. Since her horns parted her hair naturally, this left neatly trimmed frontal bangs while the two fringe bangs on the side of her face extended in a very elegant fashion towards her collarbones. Her figure was somewhat petite, only around 158cm tall, but simultaneously very mature with breasts around a C-Cup while her hips were full and sensuous. Vahn, however, knew this was actually a very 'variable' appearance that she was keeping as, without powerful alcohol within their system, Oni would 'shrink' into progressively more petite forms. They were a very unique race whose physical appearance, after reaching 'adulthood', was entirely dependent on the quality and quantity of alcohols they had ingested...
Turning his eyes from the pale-gold pupils of this Oni woman, Vahn looked at the second girl, equally exotic but for entirely different reasons. She had leaf green hair that was cut very evenly around her shoulders and, much like the Oni woman, had two horns parting them near her forehead. The key difference is, unlike the flesh-type horns of an Oni, this woman had antler-like horns that were split into three segments. She also had slit-like eyes that were orange in color, giving her a somewhat fierce look even though her eyes were slightly droopy. Vahn identified her as another very rare species from the Far East, a female from one of the Beast Human tribes known as Ryuushu.
Though her mature figure was very eye-catching, the thing that drew Vahn's eye about this woman was the fact she had a rather thick tail green tail lifting the back of her skirt. There was extra white fabric preventing her panties from being visible, but seeing the adorable 30cm long tail curving upward at a slight angle was quite the sight to behold. She seemed to be somewhat nervous as well, as her tail was trembling slightly, even though Vahn wasn't exactly informed about the physiology of a Ryuushu. Of course, when this thought crossed his mind, Vahn got his answer and knew that the 'trembling' was actually associated with excitement, not nervousness...
The final two girls were actually members of the same race, though this wasn't exactly a detriment whatsoever since they were both very unique in appearance. The first woman was rather short, around 153cm, and displayed a very confident look on her face as her short blonde hair, having a wild and unrestrained appearance with several spikey locks, almost entirely covered her right eye. This left only one of her striking blue eyes visible, as she returned a smile without breaking eye contact for even a moment. Fixed at the side of her head, there were two bronze-colored horns that angled outward before curving into points. She also had pointed ears at the side of her head, though they didn't stand out as much as her two large D-Cup breasts and her pert and athletic lookings hips and thighs...
This was a trait shared by the second girl, though it was hard to tell at a glance who actually had the larger breasts. Instead, it was easier to identify them by the differences in their horns, as the second woman's horns appeared shorter and curved in a more extreme manner, almost making an s-shape. She also had long white hair that nearly reached the ground, braided in one massive braid that was fixed together with a red ribbon towards the end. Much like the first girl, she also had a rather confident and brave expression but possessed red eyes and rather prominent bangs that framed her face. Vahn knew them both to be members of the Kyrie People and, though they were rather small in stature, they were reputed to be a match for Dwarves in physical prowess.
Freya, with a confident expression of her own, smiled elegantly as she held out her hand, gesturing toward the girls as she said, "These four girls were slaves that had been liberated when my Familia was purging some of the illegal traffickers within the Entertainment District. Each has an equivalent strength of around Level 3 and, though they have been freed from the shackles binding them, jumped at the offer of becoming your personal servants. I'm certain you can tell they are under no compulsion and, if necessary, I will even make a vow attesting to the fact...ufufufu~." After seeing Vahn's expression, Freya had gained a great deal of confidence and knew she had made the correct decision when taking these particular women under her wing. Though it was true she didn't use her charm to influence them, it didn't mean she hadn't used silvery words to get them riled up at the thought of serving Vahn...
As they had rehearsed, the Oni woman bowed very politely and, with a somewhat husky and sensual voice, said, "Greetings, Master, my name is Momo-Oni, member of the Oni tribe of the Far East. Please, it would be my honor to serve as your attendant..." At the very end of her words, Momo couldn't resist swallowing and Vahn nearly released a light chuckle since he could imagine what Freya had promised her in exchange for her service. He knew that Freya had certainly done something to convince the girls and, considering the nature of an Oni, Momo was likely expecting her compensation to be in the form of rare and expensive alcohols...
Following Momo, the Ryuushu woman bowed even lower, saying in a stoic and soft tone of voice, "Greetings, Master, my name is Katsuya Ryuusen, daughter of the Ryuushu People and heiress to the now-defunct Ryuusen Clan. I may be inexperienced, but I will do my best to meet your expectations and serve your esteemed and dignified self to the utmost of my ability..." Though it wasn't directly communicated, it was easy to see that Katsuya had an ulterior motive for becoming his 'servant'. It was well-known that Vahn helped everyone under his care become much stronger and, though she might not directly request it, Vahn could understand Katsuya wanted the strength to restore her Clan in the future...
Once Katsuya finished her introduced, the first of the two Kyrie actually puffed out her chest and stood with arms akimbo instead of bowing as she loudly exclaimed, "I heard you're a real man that doesn't discriminate against any race! As long as you can beat me outright in a match, I don't care what you'll have me do. I appreciate strong men and heard you're the strongest there is! So, that means I'll be in your care from now on, ahahahaha~!" It was only at the very end of her outburst that the yet unnamed Kyrie bowed, causing her rather large breasts to bounce and jiggle a few times when she straightened out her back...
The final woman, seemingly familiar with her fellow Kyrie, released a muted sigh before she smiled and said, "Greetings, Master, my name is Elizabelle Grandis, a proud member of the Kyrie People. This airhead to my left is my cousin, Merribelle Grandis, a not-so-proud member who can't even introduce herself properly..." These words caused Merribelle to flinch, her only visible eye widening as her complexion paled slightly. Before she could correct her mistake, Elizabelle continued, saying, "We are very grateful that Lady Freya had liberated us before we could be shamed. Though it may be imprudent of us to expect such treatment, we do hope you will show us consideration if our appearance is to your liking. Since our people pledge loyalty to those we owe a life-debt to, please accept our fealty as Lady Freya had willed..."
With Elizabelle clearing things up, Vahn could understand that the two were likely proud warriors of the Kyrie People who had somehow become slaves. Since Freya had liberated them, she became their benefactor and, if it had been her will, the two, or at least Elizabelle, would have taken their lives if it was her request. Freya had diverted their attention towards him and, being the 'strongest' made it easy for the two proud women to shift their loyalty onto him. They were currently acting in the capacity of Maids but, if he so desired them, Vahn knew both girls would likely be more than willing to dedicate themselves to him after a brief 'conflict'...
Realizing that Freya had actually gone through a great deal of effort to not only secure him 'exotic' women, likely after hearing something from Loki, but also did it in an above-board fashion. Though it could be argued that she had taken advantage of the girls' situation, it was only by offering them genuine benefits that they ended up here in front of him. He could easily just give alcohol to Momo, help Katsuya become strong enough to restore her Clan, and 'free' the two Kyrie women of their 'obligation', but that would actually go against the expectations of all five girls. Vahn could see the four girls had a very positive impression of him, likely as a result of something Freya had said or done, so it almost felt wrong to even think about turning them away...
With a slightly larger smile, Vahn turned his eyes to Freya and asked, "Have you talked to the others about this little 'surprise'...?" When Freya moved her hand to her lips and began to giggle in a playful manner, Vahn knew she had gotten 'permission' before moving forward. With that in mind, he let loose a small laugh of his own before turning to the four girls and saying, "So long as you do not compromise the safety and security of those I cherish, I will do my best to act as a competent and worthy Master. I thank you in advance for your service..." Even before he had finished speaking, four prompts appeared within his system notification and Vahn accepted the four unique girls as his subordinates before turning to Freya and saying, "It seems I owe you a reward, Freya..."
(A/N: For those curious, the Kyrie are fundamentally similar to the Draph race from Granblue Fantasy. I even borrowed two of my favorite Draph as a 'template' :P...)
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Visible Extravagance','Freya's mark leaves quite the impression xD...','RIP Freya, may the Godhand guide her safely through the abyss...') <-(p.atreon link)
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When his words fell upon Freya's ears, Vahn saw her aura practically explode with a passionate red as her stoic expression softened slightly. This caused Vahn's own smile to reach his eyes, finding her behavior rather adorable, especially with how she tried to keep up her facade in front of the other four girls. The fact that she did this, while wearing a transparent garment, created a 'gap' that Vahn found amusing, even though he was aware this could have very well been her intention from the start. Based on how quickly she collected herself, Vahn assumed this was the case and allowed his eyes to wander towards the corridor where the other four girls had emerged earlier...
Seeing where Vahn was looking, Freya's own smile turned slightly mischevious as she said, "No peeking..." in a sultry tone. This brought Vahn's eyes back to her, his gaze burning her skin and causing her heart to seize up in expectation. She found herself averting her eyes away, strangely unable to maintain eye contact with the emotional turmoil and expectation her body was feeling. Vahn's 'reward' was something that her body craved to an almost maddening extent but Freya tried to pretend she was calm, looking toward the four girls and saying, "From this point onward, Vahn is your no longer have to listen to my orders, so long as Vahn himself does not grant me that right..."
As this was also something they had discussed and rehearsed previously, all four girls bowed politely to Freya before standing straight, four sets of eyes focusing on Vahn as if they were awaiting his orders. He could tell that, amongst the four of them, Merribelle and Katsuya seemed a little 'too excited' for the order that rested on the very tip of his tongue. However, though he knew Freya would probably enjoy it quite a bit, Vahn smiled casually as he said, "For the time being, I'll have the four of you wait in the side room to keep Freya's other 'surprise' company. I don't want the four of you thinking I'll treat you however I please so, until you have a better understanding of my character, you will be left in the charge of the Hearth Manor's 'Administrator', Syr Flova..."
Seeing Katsuya and Merribelle 'deflate' while Momo and Elizabelle actually perked up a bit, Vahn's eyes squinted in amusement. Though he was certainly interested in the rather buxom group of women, having them watch as he made love to Freya was a little more deviant than he felt like being at the moment. Freya might want them to watch and temper themselves as 'proper' servants, but Vahn had never treated anyone under his care in such a fashion. He would rather help set the girls on their path towards the future and, when their feelings mature a bit, that would be the best time to 'pluck' them. Since they were all virgins, even though Momo was surprisingly 71 years old, Vahn didn't want their first times to be under such 'peculiar' circumstances...(A/N: Oni have a lifespan of around 600 years.)
Without a word of complaint, even though Merribelle clearly had a few words to say, the four bowed in a very prim and proper manner before walking in an orderly line as they followed his order. It was obvious they had spent, at the very least, several months training to become Maids. Since Freya had purged the Entertainment district more than a year and a half ago, it was possible some of them had been 'groomed' from that point into becoming proper Maids for this very moment. This being the case, Vahn wondered who the fifth person Freya was keeping hidden could be...well, he would let her keep it a secret for now as there were more pressing matters to attend...
Once the girls had exited the room, Vahn matched Freya's gaze before resting his head atop his fist with his elbow on the armrest. Since she had probably been planning this 'surprise' for a long time, Vahn felt like he should give her a reward that he had been keeping in reserve for quite a while. Until now, he had never 'melded' with Freya, as that was a level of closeness that was very dangerous for anyone to experience. Vahn could still clearly remember how drastically Hephaestus, Loki, Hestia, Anubis, and Eirene had changed after he melded with their Divinity. Even Loki, having a Divinity that would cause her to plot and scheme, had turned incredibly docile and genuinely affectionate after the true union of their Divinity and his domain...
The only thing that kept Vahn from melding with Freya was the slight fear that she would become 'addicted' to the experience, as her Divinity was already associated with Sex. The other goddesses were actually a little 'shaken' by the experience, though not of them had offered a single word of complaint, so Vahn knew it was a defining moment in their incredibly long lives. When this thought crossed his mind, however, Vahn remembered that he was already bound to Freya for what could very well be an eternity. He couldn't exactly keep such an experience from her and, considering it could actually change her for the better, Vahn decided it was time to truly become one with the rather excited goddess who was anxiously awaiting his words...
After checking to make sure there was plenty of room on the throne, Vahn sat up straight and stored his clothes away within his Inventory. Freya's inhaled a slightly deeper breath through her nose as Vahn gestured her over, saying, "This will probably be unlike anything you've experienced before, Freya...come, sit..." Though he said 'sit', Vahn's dragon was already eyeing the heavens, striking a fierce and indomitable figure. Freya, understanding his 'command', walked over with slightly hurried steps as she gingerly stepped onto the throne's seat, legs spread as a tantalizing sight filled Vahn's vision. He still found it very peculiar that her vagina seemed to 'glow' with a divine light but was no longer surprised by this face and just absentmindedly blew towards the already moist mound.
Freya's body trembled slightly when she felt Vahn's breath touch her sacred grounds but she didn't slow her actions at all, placing her hands on his shoulders while lowering her hips. Vahn didn't even need to position himself to enter Freya as she very skillfully managed to target her own entrance before his dragon was already raging through her heavenly palace. Freya released a long and sensual moan, craning her head back as she adjusted her legs from a squatting position until she was completely sitting against Vahn's lap, a zero-distance between their hips. Vahn teased her a little, reaching out his hand to pat her head gently as he said, "Good girl..."
Though she already had a flushed face, Freya's blush developed a few shades redder as she fought against her urges to try and 'take' from Vahn. She wanted nothing more than to just grab his face and begin kissing but, knowing that this could have a negative impact on their future interactions, Freya desperately resisted trying to take the lead. This caused Vahn's expression to soften a bit, something that always made Freya's heart thump in a way that only he could manage to inspire...
Knowing that Freya was probably 'suffering' a bit, Vahn pulled her into a very gentle embrace, whispering into her ear, "No matter how intense things get, I will be here to hold you should hold me tightly as well, okay, Freya...?" Though she didn't understand what Vahn wanted to do, Freya lightly nodded her head before wrapping her arms around Vahn, finding their current position to be very intimate and comfortable. She was beginning to suspect this was one of the time he just wanted to focus on 'intimacy', instead of doing anymore more intense. However, just as this somewhat sad thought crossed her mind, Freya's eyes widened into full circles as her Divinity itself began to tremble...
Compression his domain into the confine of the room, Vahn began to fuse with the passionate red aura of Freya, intertwining the two different forces until they had become one. As this happened, something rather unexpected occurred and Freya's body was immediately shrouded in her Divine Power, enveloping both of their bodies as the two black lilies in her hair fell away. Freya's silver eyes became wine-red as her silver hair gained a pink hue and began to curl up slightly. Unlike in the past, this was her actual Divinity taking effect with its Arcanum, not the restricted Divinity that most gods would have in the mortal world. In normal circumstances, this would have caused her to immediately be ejected from the world but, as if driven by instinct, nine links of [Enkidu] had emerged from the void, forming a dome around their bodies that prevented the massive influx of energy to spreading beyond the confined space within...
From an outside perspective, they would see nothing by a bright pink sphere that was bound by resplendent golden chains, causing the void around to tremble as sensual sighs and moans dispersed into the surroundings. The energy contained by the sphere actually leaked out slightly with these sounds, cutting through all physical obstructions and seeding itself in the hearts and minds of anyone in the surroundings. Though the Arcanum itself was restrained, the influence of Freya's Divinity had spread for several kilometers around her residence, causing the bodies of everyone within to begin heating up. Those closer to the center, especially the five girls in the side room, had even collapsed from the unexpected stimulus, eyes glazed over as they eagerly endeavored to ease the 'suffering' of their bodies...
Unaware of what was going on outside, Vahn's eyes and mouth were sending out beams of light that matched the color of Freya's Arcanum as she desperately clung to his body, trembling and shaking as her own had almost turned into a pure-light construct. There were small feather-like protrusions rising from her skin as her hair extended to the floor and continued to fan out. This was a form that could only exist in Heaven and Freya felt like Vahn was pulling her real self into the mortal world, an unimaginable pleasure completely overwhelming the entirety of her existence. Vahn was experiencing a very similar thing, his voice resonating outward without ceasing for even an instant, producing a sensual 'ohm' sound that had already gone on for several minutes...
While Vahn and Freya were 'beyond' themselves, Sis was observing everything quietly from the deep recesses of Vahn's mind, documenting the changes in his body and ensuring that his mental state wasn't compromised. There was a very powerful Divine Energy flowing through his body, carrying with it an irresistible compulsive force and unrestrained 'charm'. However, as if it was completely tamed by the Source Energy in Vahn's body, the only effect this Divine Energy had was nourishing Vahn's cells while being nourished by the Source Energy in turn. It would then loop back into Freya's body, causing the changes in her physique as her mortal avatar became even more refined, pulling even more of her Arcanum into the Mortal World...
Ever since Vahn first 'melded' with a goddess, Sis had been documenting every change his body experienced, comparing it against the information contained in the hundreds of thousands of texts Vahn had accumulated. She knew the actual technique he was using was very similar to a Cultivation worlds 'Dual Cultivation'. The primary difference was, Vahn's body didn't actually contain generic Yang Energy since he was entirely comprised of Source. Though he could emulate the effects, it was entirely unnecessary and, as a result, Vahn didn't need the nourishment of his partner's Yin to grow strong. Instead, he could meld his Source Energy with the 'everything' of his partner, regardless of their elemental affinity and constitution. The Source Energy in his body would refine others while 'tempering' Vahn's body and soul in exchange, further increasing his capabilities with absolutely no detrimental effects...
This time, Sis could sense the cells in Vahn's body expanding slightly as the membrane around his soul became suffused with a slightly pink hue. At the same time, his [Charm] Development Ability had been elevated directly to A-Rank, something that gave Sis the urge to laugh since it would probably cause Vahn to 'lament' later. In fact, though it was hard to discern this kind of thing, Sis felt like it may actually reach S-Rank and evolve if the two continued to go at it for a while, not that they were actually doing much. From the start, even though nearly half an hour had passed, Freya just clung to Vahn as if she was afraid of disappearing while he kept her firmly within his embrace and just 'sat' there...even though they were both experiencing an unimaginable amount of pleasure...
For the better part of an hour, much to the lamentation of others in the surroundings, Vahn and Freya continued to meld together until the beams of light from his eyes and mouth slowly began to recede. At this point, Freya's body was almost entirely comprised of light that had a pink hue along the edges but appeared pristine white towards the center. There was a very subtle rainbow hue near where her heart would be located as her hair slowly dispersed into particles. Small strips of what appeared to be fair white skin emerged from the void, arranging themselves like puzzle pieces to cover Freya's body, slowing restoring her appearance. However, even when her entire body was covered, a few very noticeable changes had occurred that would very soon cause a stir within the godly community...
Though her hair had regained its silvery color, Freya's eyes remained wine red as her previously black pupils now had a pink light emanating from within. The maker's mark on her body had disappeared from her backside, as it had vanished away with her previous flesh, but there was now a strange crest located between her two immaculate breasts. This crest had the appearance of a sword-like cross that was flanked by two wing-like protrusions that had three defined points. Though it was primarily dark red in color, the interior of the 'sword' glowed with a divine light that matched the color of Freya's Arcanum...
Less noticeable, at least to outsiders, was the fact that Freya's insides had also been nourished by her 'connection' with Vahn. Though it already had a divine glow before, Freya's vagina now had a subtle pink hue to it as her inner walls actually emanated the same light as her Arcanum. She felt like her insides had actually been sculpted to match Vahn completely as his penis was also glowing with the light of her Arcanum, causing Vahn to be unable to even breath as the chains of [Enkidu] that were previously forming a dome around them became limp. The throne and its surroundings had also changed a great deal, now appearing a strange golden color that had a pink sheen to it, even though the floor was still 'seemingly' made of marble...
Unlike Vahn, Freya was able to breathe and was doing so very laboriously, a layer of sweat covering her entire body as she gasped for air. She wasn't entirely aware of the changes to her body just yet but knew that something 'impossible' had just occurred. Though only vague memories of her union with Vahn remained, those that she could recall caused her body to tremble as she instinctually tightened up, causing Vahn to groan and hug her a little tighter. This action made Freya's heart feel fluttery and, if she could freely move her body right now, nothing could have stopped her from seeking out Vahn's lips...
With Freya clamping around him, Vahn's awareness was returned and he actually couldn't even 'feel' his own penis right now, just a pure sense of pleasure. It was a ridiculous incongruity that was nearly able to break through the influence of his [Will of the Emperor] based on the sensation alone. Vahn, for the first time, felt a sense of urgency as he lifted Freya's butt and tried to remove himself from her insides. This caused a bright light to emanate from where they were connected as Freya immediately became teary-eyed and mewled, "Noooo...stay..."
Vahn felt his heart tighten in his chest but continued pulling out, something that seemed impossible with how Freya was clamping down. Strangely, the tightness of her insides didn't actually stop him from pulling out at all, causing Vahn to extricate himself rather easily as the light slowly began to dim. He could see his own penis was glowing with a pink light that was slowly beginning to fade away as it returned to a flesh color. It was a very strange sight to behold but Vahn was too relieved at the moment to really care about the peculiar glow...
Freya, teary-eyed before, now started sobbing as if Vahn had just taken her most precious thing in a very selfish manner. This caused the tightness in his heart to compound as he tightly hugged the crying goddess, stroking her back in a comforting manner as he said, "It's okay, Freya...everything is going to be alright..." He was using his [Grooming] and [Hands of Nirvana] at their full potential, but it still took nearly ten minutes for Freya to calm down within his embrace. Vahn noticed this was around the same amount of time that it took the light to fade from where they were connected, causing him to assume her mental state had been a result of the strange phenomenon...
Now that she was feeling calmer, even though her insides felt very 'lonely', Freya hung her head and wiped away the tears before looking up into Vahn's face, stunned upon looking into his eyes. They still had their aquamarine-green coloration but there was now an almost indiscernible pink ring surrounding his pupils, something others might not notice but, being a Goddess of Beauty, Freya immediately knew what it was. She felt strangely vindicated, knowing that Vahn would have to 'suffer' in the future after he 'bullied' her in such a mean way...
Sensing the change in Freya, Vahn blinked in confusion, stroking her fair white and inexplicably soft cheek as he asked, "Are you okay...?" Vahn found Freya's wine-red eyes very captivating but he was able to resist the effect of her natural charm, expressing concern for her after she had cried for nearly ten minutes. She almost immediately nodded in response to his question, a beautiful smile spreading across her lips as she said, "I don't know what you was amazing...I can't even describe how amazing it was...I..."
This reaction of her's caused Vahn to feel a great deal of relief as he chuckled lightly and surprised her with a sudden kiss. Before she could propose doing it again, Vahn stroked her silver hair and said, "It isn't something we can do that often, but I'm glad we were able to truly become one, Freya..." Following his words, Vahn pulled her tightly into his embrace and hoped that, now more than ever, she was able to feel the care, concern, and, though it hadn't been that obvious before, the love he felt for her...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Vahn isn't an exhibitionist xD...','RIP Innocent Bystanders...','Vahn essentially 'fused' with Freya's insides (>,...,<)...!') <-(p.atreon link)
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