30.65% Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos / Chapter 720: Foundation : Plans

章節 720: Foundation : Plans

Though there was a torrential downpour outside, the City was abuzz as a result of the phenomenon that had occurred earlier in the day. Everyone was wondering what had happened at the Hearth Manor for such a massive barrier to have been erected which, even after several hours had passed, remained. It was barrier magic on a scale that nobody had ever seen before, making many assume it was some kind of new formation, and not actual magic. For those in the know, however, it was clear to see that the elemental energy feeding into the barrier wasn't powered by a formation at all. Many of them speculated that Riveria had made some great breakthrough in her magic, with some foolish people even spreading rumors that Vahn had 'lured' Riveria to his side in exchange for such power.

However, it wasn't the barrier that had garnered the most attention. No, that honor belonged to the 'second sun' that had illuminated the sky early in the morning. It had only burned for a few minutes, but its heat was enough to increase the entire temperature of the City by a few degrees. The same mages that were awed by the barrier, were completely gobsmacked by the terrifying might of that magic spell. If something like that had been loosed upon a City, a section spanning several kilometers would be incinerated until nothing remained. As for the City around the impact site, there would be uncontrollable flash fires that would likely spread out in a much larger radius.

It was hard to imagine what had created such a phenomenon, or what had 'required' such a terrifying magic spell to be used. For those that remembered the previous 'flare', they began speculating that Vahn was experimenting with a new tactical-class magic that he had just perfected. The fact that it had, even temporarily, changed the very weather above left a deep impact on a lot of people. Since rumors had already started to circulate that the Alliance-run School was going to be teaching children magic, many parents were hoping to get their own children enrolled..

As for the boy in question, Vahn was currently sitting on the third-floor balcony with Hestia, Fenrir, and Ina. They were looking towards Terra's barrier overhead, which had been left in place because it would have taken more effort to remove than just letting it expire on its own. Seeing the rain impact it, sending very tiny ripples across the surface, was actually a very beautiful sight to behold. Ina, sitting in his lap, had bright eyes and an awed expression on her face as she mumbled, "It's so pretty." in a soft voice. Vahn couldn't help but agree with her, but his thoughts were preoccupied with the discussion that took place earlier.

The Zeus Familia had been 'banished' from the City around thirteen years prior and, though he wasn't disallowed from entering its borders, Zeus had been 'missing' ever since then. Him showing up in the skies above the Manor was a very troublesome event, as Loki speculated he may be considering a comeback. It wasn't likely that he would be able to muster up enough forces from outside of the City, so Loki had guessed Zeus wanted to try and use the Alliance as a platform for his own rise. She believed that Zeus had intended to try and ally with Vahn, using his former fame to try and 'lure' him with his 'Hero dogma'. It was either that, or Zeus had simply been trying to gather information for some greater scheme he had been cooking up.

Vahn felt like it was a combination of both, considering the 'amicable' aura Zeus had when he first revealed himself. Until he let Zeus know he wasn't buying into his bullshit, the elderly god had an appreciative look on his face. Afterward, however, the stone-cold expression he had possessed showed that this was likely no longer an option. Vahn didn't really care, either way, as the only thing that really mattered was that his family was safe. If Zeus thought he could just do whatever he wanted, just because he was a god, Vahn didn't mind 'correcting' that misconception. He might still care about public opinion a bit, as it made opening things like the School a possibility, but it didn't mean he wouldn't take decisive action if he was pushed into a corner...

Noticing that Ina had gone quiet, Vahn looked down and saw her glowing blue eyes gazing up at him with curiosity and intrigue. Vahn smiled lightly at her, earning a radiant smile from his pristine and pure daughter that seemed to wash away any negativity clouding his mind. Accompanying her smile, Ina suddenly said, "Papa is very cool..." without explaining what she had seen. The glow fade from her eyes and Ina gave him a hug while giggling amusedly at something only she knew about. Vahn laughed along with her, out of habit, patting her back as he quietly asked, "What did you see, Ina~?"

Turning her face up to stare at him, Ina happily explained, "I saw Papa surrounded by rainbows, standing high in the sky with dazzling lights shining all over. It was even cooler than the green bubble~!" Vahn tried to imagine what Ina had seen in her vision but she didn't really give him too many clues to work with. He knew asking her wouldn't really alleviate this either, as the images Ina saw were like a kaleidoscope. It was hard for her to really understand what she was seeing, so her descriptions were always a little vague. One thing he did know was that the images were specifically things she would have seen herself. This meant, at some point, she had seen him flying in the sky surrounded by rainbows...

When it came to 'rainbows', the only thing that really came to mind was his source energy. Whenever he observed it directly, source energy was like an amalgamation of every color, shining resplendently together in a very dazzling manner. He wondered if, at some point in the future, if he had managed to make a version of his [Magia Erebea] powered by pure source energy. It didn't really seem possible though, considering that it couldn't really exist outside of his body easily without first being converted into other forms of energy. There were no spells that would have a 'source' element, as such a thing was likely beyond any conceivable record...still, it was an interesting idea that Vahn intended to look into.

Seeing that the rain probably wasn't going to let up any time soon, even though Zeus had long disappeared from the sky, Vahn decided to head back inside. He carried Ina in her favorite princess carry while Fenrir jumped up to the top of the roof to continue watching over the Manor for the time being. Hestia followed after him, already returning to her gentle and lively disposition instead of the cold and solemn look she had earlier. During their discussion, Hestia had surprisingly pitched the idea of increasing the number of powerful and influential goddesses living within the Manor. Juno and Epona had already moved out at this point, but they weren't exactly the type of goddesses Hestia was intending.

She wanted to recruit goddesses from the first generation, so that arrogant gods like Zeus didn't even try to target them in the future. Given Vahn's 'popularity' with most goddesses, it shouldn't be that difficult to convince a few of them to take up residence within the Manor. This naturally brought up the conversation from the past, when Vahn had talked about 'needing' goddesses with Divinities related to Time, Space, and Fate. He was a little surprised by the fact that Loki had mentioned Kali as a potential candidate but, remembering Lili's confession the previous night, he knew they must have discussed it through the network, or during one of their 'Vahnatus' events.

The reason why Kali was considered a potential candidate was due to the face that Vahn would likely have to compromise with her in the future, regardless of how things turned out. Unless he planned to 'force' the Amazons to change their ways, the only practical means of doing so was to either win over the goddesses supporting their culture, or convincing their Queen to implement the change. Unfortunately, the latter was almost impossible since each successive Queen had been personally trained and groomed by the previous generation.

The one absolute policy of the Amazon Queen had always been protecting the culture and traditions that had been passed down for thousands of years. This meant that their culture had almost frozen in time since the first generation Hippolyta. As a result, Amazonesses looked like tribal women who still wore very traditional outfits, almost completely forgoing other forms of clothing in public. It was a little strange to consider that the skimpy outfits they were when walking around the City were considered 'proper' clothing, when wearing something like a simple tunic in private could be considered inappropriate...

Thus, without being able to have much of an impact on the Queen, the only method available would be changing the minds of the goddesses and their Familias. It wouldn't matter if the Queen decided to take a hard stance on the issue if the belief systems that allowed their country to exist for such a long period of time began to shift. As for how this was possible, it was due to the fact that most gods and goddesses didn't actually care about mortal affairs that much. They were more interested in simply enjoying their lives in the mortal world, meaning they were very prone to being influenced by things that interested them. If this happened, Hippolyta wouldn't really be able to do anything because, if she actually tried to do something like kicking the goddesses out of her country, her people would riot.

Without the blessings of their various goddesses, the Amazons would have severed their ability to grow stronger. It would also set a precedent that could never be rectified once the decision was made, meaning the Amazon country would slowly walk towards the path of collapse. Thus, though it was a little roundabout, the 'only' methods to bring about change in the Amazon country was to either force change, or win over the goddesses presiding over the Amazonesses faith...

Assuming that he somehow did manage to win over Kali, something that made Vahn's spine tremble just thinking about, that meant they would only need one more goddess to match his conditions. Ideally, they would be able to find a goddess that had a Divinity related to Space and, after his meeting with Tenjin previously, that made Amaterasu to most suitable candidate. When he realized this, Vahn felt the machinations of fate in full effect and began to wonder if The Path actually had some influence over them. The fact that two goddesses that he would inevitably have to interact with also happened to possess the Divinities he needed to complete the quest couldn't be a coincidence.

Vahn's impression of Amaterasu, even though they had yet to meet, was already positive. She seemed to be rather wise and showed great concern for her people, to the point that she was actively trying to bring about change in the Far East. After asking Loki to investigate, Vahn learned that Amaterasu was supposed to have a calm and gentle disposition, possessing a beauty that made the radiance of the sun pale in comparison.

Strangely, the actual physical characteristics of Amaterasu were relatively unknown, with even gods like her sworn-brother Tenjin having never had the opportunity to see her directly. As a result of this 'quirk' of her's, Amaterasu was one of the 'Seven Sacred Maidens' in the Far East, being one of the few virgin goddesses in both Heaven and the Mortal World. Vahn just prayed she wasn't another 'diminutive' goddess but, given the precedence of Hestia and Kali, a part of him had already given up hope that this was the case. At the time, he even toyed around with the idea of convincing Freya to make a vow to him, as her Death Divinity was also related to Fate. Yet, the moment this thought crossed his mind, something truly shocking happened that made Vahn's mind dull for several long seconds...


//Optional Quest Updated//

[Quest: I Shall Return]

Rank: SSS

Objective: Complete [Quest: Origin of Heroes](0/9). Establish 'Eternal Bonds' with gods that possess Divinities related to Time, Space, Bonds, (and) Fate (1/3->4). Current: Hestia

Rewards: Reduction of requirements for [Quest: I Shall Seal The Heavens]. 10x Reduction in necessary Origin Points.

Failure Condition(s): Death, Exiting the Record Before Completion

Penalty: Danmachi Record inaccessible until Tier 8, 10,000 karma based on conditions (11/12)


When he saw the quest update, Vahn was absolutely certain that The Path had more sentience than it lets on. The fact that the Objectives had 'increased' and, instead of having to find any combination of goddesses, he had to find 'each' different kind made this very apparent. This meant that, even with Hestia, Kali, and Amaterasu, he still needed to find another goddess related to Fate. Freya would be able to meet this requirement, which seemed to be why The Path had updated the requirements themselves to match the number of Divinities...it was almost like he was being 'forced' to go with both Kali and Amaterasu...

While he had been dealt a critical blow by the system notification, Sis chimed in with a strangely hesitant and apologetic tone as she explained, (*Vahn...I'm being told that things will be more beneficial for you this way...also, I don't think Freya matches the requirements. Though she has a Divinity related to Death, it isn't that strong as even Kali's Death Divinity doesn't quite make the cut. The quest will still recognize it, but I think you should find a God or Goddess with a more powerful Divinity related to Fate than one that possesses a fragment of Death Divinity...*)

Vahn had been brought back to awareness by Sis' words and knew that The Path had likely revealed something to her, even if indirectly. In truth, he knew The Path didn't actually possess sentience, but it possessed something very similar, just without a 'will' of its own. Sis was the mediator created by The Path because he wouldn't have been able to comprehend its use and how to interpret the information it needed to disclose. As a result, Vahn had always been very reliant on Sis and, hearing her actually speaking hesitantly, made him feel more than a little concerned.

Chiming in to ease his worries, Sis' soothing voice sounded within his mind, (*Sorry, Vahn, I'm not trying to force your hand or mislead you...even I don't know what The Path is trying to tell me. It's just 'urging' me to have you choose gods with more powerful Divinities. My remark about Freya and Kali is just my speculation...I'm sorry if I made things more confusing for you. Just remember that this is still an 'Optional Quest', meaning you can abandon it any time before you leave the record if you don't want to complete it.*)

More so than he was bothered by the Quest's changes, Vahn didn't like Sis apologizing and sounding so sad. He calmed his mind as best he could and said, ("Sis, you don't have to apologize. Ever since I entered this world, you've always looked after me without taking a single break. I know you're trying to be considerate of my feelings...thank you. I will treat your advice very seriously and think about the decision I want to make.") Even before his words had finished, Vahn felt like a part of him that he couldn't quite pinpoint the origin of had become happy. When Sis' voice sounded out again, she seemed to have recovered completely as she said, (*Thank you for understanding, Vahn. You really have grown so much since our time together in the forest...it makes me feel happy seeing your progress.*)

Hearing Sis happy made Vahn feel a lot more confident about the future and he decided to seriously consider his options, separating them between wants and needs. He wanted to be happy, which meant he needed to protect the source of his happiness, his family, friends, and companions. He also wanted to be able to elevate the Tier of the world so that he could break, or even rewrite, the laws that were binding the gods to their Divinity. This meant he 'needed' to either link the record of Danmachi to a higher Tiered record, or elevate the Tier of the record internally by increasing the number of elements that had the potential to grow beyond its restrictions.

It was far safer to link the records together, so this meant the best option was to complete his quests so he could purchase the [Dimensional Anchor: Stasis]. This would allow him to travel through other worlds, including Eva's, to increase his strength without having to worry about the passage of time in Danmachi. When he finally managed to reach peak Tier 6, or step into the realm of Tier 7, he would then be able to link the Danmachi record to whichever record he was in at the time. He didn't know how this would be done, but Sis had informed him it would be possible through one of The Path's functions when he reached that point.

The second option, other than simply being safer, also meant he would be one of the strongest beings in the linked records. Danmachi would still only be a Tier 4 world, but its 'potential' would be increased to Tier 6-7. This would bring about great changes, including the fact that the gods would no longer be restricted in their growth by the Laws of the world. With those restrictions removed, they would even be able to reach higher Tiers in the future while Vahn helped elevate them further. Though they would likely have to contend with whatever forces emerged to 'balance' the amount of positive Karma in the world, Vahn was confident in being able to overcome it when the time came...

Considering all of this, Vahn knew he needed to complete the two Quests, [I Shall Seal the Heavens], and [I Shall Return]. Without completing the second Quest, it would be nearly impossible to complete the first, even if he stayed within the record for more than a hundred years. It simply took too much OP and, even if he stopped spending completely, he was still likely never to reach that point. Having the OP requirement reduced to 1/10th made the quest far more practical to complete and, depending on the circumstances, he would be able to finish in around 15-20 years. This would require him to restrict his own growth and remain as a Tier 3, however, as he would lose access to the Dungeon once he reached Tier 4. Even his Emperor self had been bound by this restriction, so Vahn didn't doubt it was almost impossible to circumvent. After all, he was still a far cry from the capabilities possessed by his Emperor self, who had conquered the Continent and even built an entire City in the sky...

After thinking this far, Vahn began to organize a plan of action within his mind that would increase the chances of success in the future. He wouldn't make a decision right now but he would still consider how he wanted to deal with Kali, Amaterasu, and whichever goddess of Fate managed to cross his path. If they would be too troublesome to associate with, he would re-evaluate his plan and makes changes as needed. As for how he would accumulate OP, Vahn would continue his plans with the School, take care of his children, help the girls train, and then, once Bell came to the City, switch his focus on Enyo, the Xenos, and the Dungeon itself. He would begin construction of Haven, find a way to link it with the Hearth Manor, likely through the 'Tree of Life' and Terra, and then begin construction of his Academy. Since he would also be exchanging items from the system shop for various materials collected by Adventurers, his OP reserves would naturally expand and, regardless of the amount of effort it took, he would definitely get to the bottom Floor of the Dungeon this time around...

(A/N: As Vahn himself has described, I intend to make a shift in the tone of the story around the middle of Volume 16. The Vanir would have grown up a fair amount by then, being around the same age as Bell, and Vahn would also have a lot more freedom in how he deals with other countries. When things begin to wrap up outside of the City, a lot of the plot will focus on events going on in the Dungeon, and...well, I can't get into too many details without spoilers. Just know that, instead of just a few chapters of action here and there, I plan to have larger micro arcs connecting into a larger overarching story in the future. I know my writing skills aren't quite up to snuff and, as this Novel was always about me improving my writing quality, I plan to try and flex my finger muscles in future Volumes. (UwU)~! Also, I'd love if people were reading/commenting/reviewing Fenrir's Journey. It might just be an Omake, but feedback would be appreciated. Go show the Goodest Girl some love and, if you just want to meme it up, add the 'Goodest Girl' tag to the novel for me xD...)

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Ina might see her future, but a lot of those images focus on her Papa~!','It seems like Hestia is getting serious .__.','Vahn is plagued by Loli-Class Goddesses...Please, Amaterasu-sama, be a beautiful Onee-san ( ; _ ; )')

https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)


Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/Jwa8PKh

章節 721: Brilliance

Terra's barrier ended up lasting nearly twenty hours but the storm raging overhead continued for nearly three days and nights before it finally cleared up. Vahn had been tempted to chase away to clouds but he also understood that his pure flame orb had likely been one of the causes for the bad weather. Though it was obvious that Zeus had influenced the event, Vahn's last usage of the orb had caused it to rain for a few hours previously.

With the flame elemental energy dispersing through the air, causing it to heat up, it created a large draft as the heated air rose further into the atmosphere. When the air cooled later, it would intermix with small dust particles that would become frozen as the temperature continued to drop. Eventually, rain clouds would form and, as the attack Vahn had used was on a somewhat 'drastic' scale, Zeus wasn't solely responsible for the current foul weather plaguing the City.

Of course, this didn't stop Loki from pinning it completely on him, quickly circulating the fact that Zeus had antagonized the Alliance. She even spun things slightly to make it as if he had been peeping in on underaged girls with 'ill intentions'. Those that remembered Zeus from the past, completely bought these rumors without questioning them in the slightest. Since it was also known that Vahn was very protective of the women around him, especially the younger ones, everyone readily placed the blame on Zeus. This didn't just extend to the general populous either, as the matter had been inflated within the majority of Familia in the City, as most of them were run by goddesses that favored the Alliance. Many of the goddesses had 'suffered' slights from Zeus in the past, so they were the first to take up the torch to slander his name, not that he didn't deserve it.

As for the 'infamous' god in question, Zeus hadn't made an appearance ever since he disappeared from the skies above the City. Even so, Vahn remained on alert until the weather began to return to normal, mid-morning of the fourth day. The long period of cold rain had made the temperature in the City cold and humid but Vahn found it very refreshing as he stood in the sky overlooking the territories of the Alliance. Fenrir, as she was prone to doing, hovered at his side a bit shakily. Her ability to levitate still needed a lot of work, but she managed to stay in the sky by creating footholds with [Koku Shundo], linking both points to the same spot over and over. It made her body flicker strangely, but Vahn thought it was actually an ingenious way to familiarize yourself with the incredibly useful spell.

He made a mental note to add it into the advanced training block for the future magic classes that would be held at the Sage Aldrnari School, a name that still made him feel more than a little embarrassment. Still, it was very useful naming the School in such a fashion as it served to increase his own reputation while also serving as a legacy for the Alliance itself. In the far future, when Scholars looked back on these moments, they would be able to track the transition from the old era into the new, marking the establishment of the Sage Aldrnari School as the moment things began to change. Besides, he didn't really use his Sage title for much just yet, something that Riveria would occasionally complain to him about.

Her pregnancy had progressed into its third trimester and it looked like she had a little over two months left before she was due. Even while pregnant, however, Riveria had constantly been trying to do things to help her people back within the Elven Kingdom. The blockade was still ongoing and the inner turmoil had increased greatly at this point. Since the High Priestess Faction had created some distance with the Alliance, Riveria had been making use of her contacts to help Elves flee the forest. This led to a very small exodus of the Elven people, who had been coming into the City with the assistance of the Alliance, even though some of the Nobles tried to accuse them of the same backdoor methods they themselves used.

Unlike the crooked Nobles, however, the Alliance offered protection and work to the Elven refugees without forcing them into slavery. As long as the Elves made public vows promising they were not agents of the Elven Kingdom, they would be given leeway to take up residence in the Alliance controlled territories. Since there were a lot of vacant residences, this killed two birds with one stone. Not only did the Alliance manage to allocate their properties more effectively, but there were now almost 1,400 Elves that had migrated into the City, the majority of which had now created a small community for themselves.

Riveria actually wanted to visit and show her support but Vahn had managed to talk her down until she had delivered their child. Understanding the importance of the budding life within her body, Riveria obediently stayed within the Manor. She spent the majority of her time between sitting in Terra's Garden, writing letters to the Elven Kingdom, while the rest of her time was split between sitting in the Library or occasionally coming to find him. It was during these moments when Riveria showed a side of herself that made Vahn feel much closer to the beautiful High Elf. Though it was only something as simple as 'complaining' to him, just knowing she confided in him willingly, all while allowing him to hold her body, made Vahn feel like he was doing his duty as her Husband...


Around the time the rain had stopped, Vahn had been playing chess with Erika, the latter of which had a very serious expression on her face as a result of intense concentration. Vahn had a gentle smile but, even though he tried to hide it, there was a humorous glint in his eye that made Erika feel frustrated. They had already played eight rounds in a row and, even though she had done her best, Erika had lost every single one of them. It wasn't that he was actually good at chess, but Vahn had a few books on the subject and 'knew' the best move for almost any given action she took. The thing was, if he didn't actually try to win, Erika would instantly see through it and be even more upset...thus his current winning streak.

After staring at the board for nearly twenty minutes straight, Erika clenched her teeth before gently setting the crystal king on its side. She had visualized several hundred different moves in sequence but none of her moves ever resulted in her victory. Vahn began to wave his finger, using telekinesis to move the pieces back into place while Erika flopped onto her back and released a loud sigh. Vahn chuckled lightly, saying, "Your belly is showing...", causing Erika to blush as she pulled down the hem of her off-black tunic. Though her clothes were different, Vahn noticed Erika dressed in a similar color scheme as himself, something that always made him happy.

Once the pieces were reset, Erika sat back up and began staring at the board again as she asked, "Papa, how is it that you are able to know the counter to all my moves? Is it really possible that you have memorized every move and its counter...?" To this question, Vahn shook his head and honestly answered, "Though there are a fixed number of variables in the pieces themselves, the number of iterations in which they can be moved is functionally without limit. There is no 'perfect' counter to every strategy, but I do know counters to most of the moves you would make. Though you are a very intelligent girl, to the point where you're very likely unmatched in the entire Continent, your mind doesn't have the flexibility of someone more experienced...as for how I'm able to win...well, I've just memorized a lot of books on the subject and compiled them together in my head."

As he explained, it wasn't as if he truly knew every possible move and its counter as, according to one of the books he had read about chess, there were potentially anywhere between 10^80 and 10^82 potential combinations. Some estimates even put the total number exceeding a googleplex, totaling more than one-hundred zeroes in sequence. In theory, it was possible for Erika to come up with numerous strategies to counter his own moves. However, she would have to stop thinking about the 'best' move in the present, or in the future, and instead, start considering how her moves could influence the opponent so that her seemingly 'weak' moves could circumvent the logic derived from the game's core mechanics. It was a very difficult thing to achieve but Vahn felt that Erika had the potential to pull it off in the future...

For several minutes, Erika just sat in front of the board, staring at the pieces on the table as she mulled over her Papa's words. She knew he was telling to truth and, knowing there was a quantifiable chance of her victory, Erika was determined to find it. It felt like she would become more 'complete' if she performed the seemingly impossible task before her. If she managed to pull it off, Erika believed that her future would be limitless. It would make other 'seemingly impossible' decisions she had to make much easier to deal with...

Finally, after eight minutes had passed, Erika moved her first piece, quietly muttering, "Crystal Pawn, D4..." Vahn's eyes glanced over the board, somewhat confused at what strategy Erika had come up with to use such a basic opener. Still, deciding to see how things played out, Vahn grabbed his left center pawn, saying, "Onyx Pawn, E6..." For a very brief moment, Erika's eyes parted and Vahn could see her aquamarine green eyes peer at the pieces. Grabbing her rightmost knight, Erika muttered, "Crystal Knight, F3..."

Vahn noticed that Erika's moves weren't anything exceptional but, that small peer through her slit-like eyelids brought a smile to his face. She seemed to be cooking up something and he wanted to see how far this brilliant daughter of his could go. Right now, they were playing a round of ten and, if he managed to sweep her, Erika had to wear a brand new pair of pajamas he 'made' for her. Since she didn't seem too keen on the koala pajamas, Vahn found out what Erika's favorite animal was and handcrafted her a very powerful set of tiger pajamas. She claimed to like tigers because, not only were they very powerful and territorial, but they could also be very sneaky. When she saw the jammies he had made for her, however, Erika adamantly refused to wear them...thus leading to this situation.

Picking up his next piece, Vahn smiled as he said, "Onyx Pawn, F5..." while imagining that adorable image of his daughter wearing the A-Rank pajamas he had made for her. Erika trembled slightly, almost as though a shiver had run up her spine as she grabbed her second knight, saying, "Crystal Knight, C3..." Seeing this move, Vahn blinked and re-evaluated the board before grabbing his own knight, stating, "Onyx Knight, F6..." At this point, he realized there was something different about Erika's way of playing. She was simultaneously more casual, but also decisive in the moves she was making...almost as if she had already mapped out the entire game within her mind.

The next series of moves confirmed Vahn's suspicions as he carried out each of his moves in sequence, eliminating possibilities while opening up others. Erika had started by moving her bishop into the G5 square, leading him to counter with his bishop at E7. When she used her bishop to take his knight, Vahn realized what had changed almost instantly. It was almost like Erika was proactively sacrificing her pieces, obviously attempting to set up a board state that would be preferable for her strategy. Thus, after her bishop took his F6 knight, Vahn moved to take her bishop, now setting his own on the F6 square.

It was at this moment that Erika's eyes closed once again, a small smile appearing on her face as she said, "Crystal Pawn, E4..." before asking, "Papa, how did you and Mother meet~?" Vahn had been considering his next move but, hearing Erika's question, uttered a confused 'Nn?'. Moving his pawn to take her E4 pawn, Vahn said, "That is a peculiar question to ask...are you really that curious, or did you just want to distract me~?" Erika picked up her knight, decisively taking his E4 pawn as she said, "I'm curious. I can see that you...love each other...but I'm not sure how you fell in love. Mother, she..." Even without finishing her sentence, Vahn knew what Erika was trying to say so he grabbed his pawn and moved it to the B6 position before saying, "Honestly, our first meeting almost made us into enemies..."

Erika wasn't surprised at all by her Papa's words but, seeing the loving and reminiscent look in his eyes, she felt fluttery in her stomach as she muttered, "Crystal Knight, E5..." Vahn persued the board, still unsure about Erika's strategy. She seemed to be setting up a position to pin in his king with her queen so Vahn did a king-rook swap, placing his king at G8 while his rook fell into a defensive position at F8. Then, considering what he wanted to say, Vahn smiled and explained, "She had made me angry, talking about how people had a certain value and, in order to get what I wanted, I needed to 'exchange' for it...honestly, I was very angry at the time..."

Nodding her head, Erika moved her bishop to the D3 square before asking, "Then how did you manage to fall in love? Did you...fall into her scheme?" It wasn't beyond the realm of possibility so Erika began to feel slightly anxious. She was scared to know if the only reason she existed was that her Mother had plotted against her Papa. He was one of the most important people in her life, and Erika didn't want to imagine that he only loved her because he had been 'tricked' into doing so...

Moving his own bishop to B7, Vahn smiled as he explained, "I got to see your mother exposed, without any tricks or schemes. She laid her heart bare in a situation outside of even her own control...it was at that moment we truly began to love each other. Ever since then, even though she still has her quirks, your Mother had always worked hard for our family...she is a good goddess, but an even greater woman...and, even if she might not come off as such, she is also an excellent mother." Vahn sent a small wink towards Erika, earning a parted eye from his brilliant daughter who then hung her head as she muttered, "Crystal Queen, H5..."

Though she had lowered her head, Vahn noticed the small smile on his daughter's lips. She seemed to be relieved by his words and Vahn's heart melted seeing her bashful behavior. Even though she had moved her queen into a position to try and pin in his king, Vahn was still very happy at this moment as he chimed, "Onyx Queen, E7~." Erika gave a small nod in response before quietly muttering, "Crystal Queen takes H7 Pawn...Check"

Vahn was still in a jovial mood, but he was somewhat confused by Erika's move, essentially giving up her queen in exchange for a pawn. He realized she was up to something but, as any other move would lose him the game, Vahn had no choice but to take her queen with his king, moving it into the H7 position. However, the moment he made this move, patterns flashed in Vahn's eyes as a large grin appeared on his face. At the same time, Erika also smiled more radiantly than he had ever seen before as she playfully asked, "Checkmate~?"

Even though there were still numerous potential moves, Vahn could tell that each successive move only put his king further into a compromising position. By moving her pieces in a strange pattern and maneuvering them as if she were haphazardly sacrificing them, Erika had put him into a position where his 'optimal' moves, which would make it appear as though he was winning, would assuredly lead to his defeat. They were currently on the twelfth move, relatively early in the game, but Vahn could see his demise on the eighteenth...

Realizing what had just happened, Vahn began laughing in a loud and unconstrained voice, causing Erika to flinch as she peered through her slightly open eyes at him, clearly confused. She became even more so when, after Vahn had laughed his heart out, he then collapsed backward with a mournful expression on his face as he muttered, "I never knew it was possible to feel pride, joy, and sadness, all at the same time...is this what it means to be a parent...?"

As he stated, Vahn was very proud that Erika had been able to get the final victory against him. At the same time, he was very happy for her, to the point where he hadn't been able to contain it at all. Still, knowing that he had lost and, as a result, the painstaking hours he had put into her tiger pajamas were a waste, Vahn couldn't help but 'mourn' his defeat. He was completely unaware of the conflict going on his daughter's mind, as she was also feeling a mixture of emotions. The fact that she had won made her feel incredibly vindicated and, hearing her Papa talk about how he had come to love her Mother, only made this happiness more apparent. However, when she saw her Papa's 'mournful' expression, Erika's tiny heart twisted in its chest and she began to regret winning all of a sudden.

Erika didn't like this feeling and, even though it made her cheeks feel like they were on fire, she mustered up her resolve and asked, "Since I won...does that mean I can ask for a reward...?" Vahn, who had been laying on the ground, rolled up into a seated position and smiled as he said, "Of course. As long as it's something within my power, your Papa will grant you a single wish~." Seeing her Papa's quick recovery, while still having a visible sadness in his eyes, Erika stalled for a moment before hesitantly asking, "Can...can...*inaudible*..." Vahn craned his head, inclining his ear towards Erika as he said, "I can't really hear you, Erika...please speak up..."

With a beet red face, Erika's thoughts raced as she restructured her request and asked, "Can you make a matching set of t-t-tiger pajamas for Doppel? I want to see w-what it looks like if w-we wear the same outfit..." It took Vahn a moment, but he soon realized that, while Erika's request was for Doppel, she also expressed that she was going to wear the tiger pajamas he had made for her. This brought an amused smile to his face and, as Erika looked towards him with confusion, Vahn pulled out 'two' pairs of matching tiger pajamas. Since she and Doppel were almost inseparable, Vahn had, of course, already made a pair for both of them. Seeing the surprised blush on his daughter's face made Vahn feel like he had reached the apex of what it meant to be a contented father...


(A/N: There may be some people that were curious, so this was the game that they had played: 1. d4 e6 2. Nf3 f5 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Bg5 Be7 5. Bxf6 Bxf6 6. e4 fxe4 7. Nxe4 b6 8. Ne5 O-O 9. Bd3 Bb7 10. Qh5 Qe7 11. Qxh7+ Kxh7 12. Nxf6+ Kh6 13. Neg4+ Kg5 14. h4+ Kf4 15. g3+ Kf3 16. Be2+ Kg2 17. Rh2+ Kg1 18. O-O-O#. It was a game played between Edward Lasker and George Alan Thomas, two great chess players in their time (UwU)...)

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Nobody is surprised that Zeus is a perverted cuck (UwU)','Climactic Battle of Wits!? Will Erika be able to escape her fate...!?','No, no she won't (^o^)~!')

https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)


Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/Jwa8PKh

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