1.39% Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos / Chapter 28: Date with Chloe Lolo (1/2)

章節 28: Date with Chloe Lolo (1/2)

Vahn wasn't able to sleep well that night. He kept worrying about tomorrow and feared the rising of the Sun. He would wake up periodically throughout the night before spending a few minutes trying to fall asleep. At one point he began to dream...

Strapped to a table within a sterile room Vahn was unable to move. It's not that he didn't want to, but the rig that had been affixed to his body prevented him from doing so. His eyes were forced open by rubber prongs that prevented him from blinking. The only thing he could do was stare at the bright, blinding light that shone down on him from above. He could hear the movement of unseen creatures within the darkness as they poked and prodded his body with various tools, each more terrible than the last. The worst part was the terrible pain emitted from the bands on his arms and legs. Though he had lost feeling when they were first applied, over time the numbness was replaced by a very painful sensation. He began to worry that he would lose function in the limbs if the bands weren't removed. From the shadows, he heard muffled sounds like words...one of the creatures laughed...Vahn could see a large saw exit the darkness...

Vahn awoke in a cold sweat gasping for air. He felt a numb sensation from his arms and legs and began to panic before he confirmed their presence. ("It was just a dream...") he sighed as he lay back in his now damp bed. From the window, rays of light had started to creep in through the wooden blinds, causing Vahn to give up trying to go back to sleep.

Escaping from his bed, he made an extra effort to clean himself to prepare for the date. He hadn't really taken the opportunity to bathe ever since entering the City, other than when the medics had wiped him down during his treatment. Though he didn't mind too much, judging by how people reacted when he was walking around he probably stank quite a bit. Thinking about this, he remembered how Chloe constantly tried sticking to him and began to wonder if there was something wrong with her nose.

After dressing himself, he realized there was still two hours until the start of the date. He wasn't really sure how to pass the time, and he remembered how in manga one of the characters would always show up very early. Thinking it was probably the appropriate thing to do, he prepared to leave the Inn and head for the meet-up location.

They had decided to meet up outside the tower of Babel before browsing the various shops inside. Vahn figured that even if he showed up early, he would just use the extra time to grab some breakfast and laze around on a bench until Chloe arrived. It would give him some time to look through his system and decide what he needed to prepare for the coming months. He still had plenty of time to complete his quest, but he wasn't satisfied just grinding away endlessly on kobolds, goblins, and lizards. His goal was to advance down to the safe zone on the 18th floor, Rivira, relying on his own strength.

As he exited the stairs leading to the reception/dining area, Vahn came across the small cat-girl, Tina. Unlike the dark purple aura she had previously, now it had turned into a combination of yellows and greens. When Vahn entered the room, she approached him with a concerned look.

"Mister. I don't know what happened, but you should try to cheer up. It's sad to see you walk around with such a sad face..." She looked at him with her large upturned golden eyes and a slight frown.

Hearing what she said, Vahn touched his hand to his face and could feel that the muscles were tense. Without realizing it, he had been wearing a grim expression on his face and caused the young girl to worry.

Vahn relaxed his expression and tried giving her a smile. "I thought you were afraid of me?" He inquired, noticing that she was not shying away like she had during their previous meetings.

She gave him a look like she couldn't understand what he was saying, "I'm not afraid~nya! I was just listening to my Mom. The way you kept staring at my ears and tail was very creepy~nya!" She exclaimed loudly causing her mother to investigate from the back room. Seeing that her daughter was interacting with Vahn, she gave a light chuckle before returning to her duties.

Vahn noticed her actions and felt very awkward. "S-sorry...I had just never seen a Cat Person before and got carried away. I didn't mean to creep you out or anything..." He turned towards Tina and bowed as he apologized.

The young girl began to stamp her feet as she scolded, "Geez! You need to have more backbone~nya! Girls won't like you if you always look so glum nyaa~know!? After her remark, she blushed a bit before running through the same door her mother just left through.

Vahn stared at her retreating figure in confusion before making his way out of the Inn. He took his time and arrived at the Babel plaza after walking for fifty minutes. He saw one of the various clocks indicate he still had more than an hour before Chloe was expected to arrive, so he purchased a kebab from a nearby stall.

He had only seen kebabs in manga, so he was very curious about the dish. He put the lamb-based skewer into his mouth and let the spicy juices soak into his tongue before swallowing. As expected, it was delicious. Just like all the food he had tasted since coming to this world and leaving the forest, Vahn loved the taste. He began to contemplate purchasing a cooking manual through the system and learning to replicate the dishes so he could eat them whenever he wanted.

Complimenting the vendor, Vahn bought an extra skewer and left a generous tip before heading towards the rendezvous point. As he approached the location, he could see the lithe figure of Chloe in the distance. Pausing, Vahn checked the time and noted there was still 53 minutes before they were supposed to meet up.

He made his way over and caught the attention of Chloe as he approached. She smiled and started walking in his direction. Once they got near each other, she sized up his appearance before speaking.

"As expected, you still wore that dark getup~nya."

Vahn glanced at his attire before looking over Chloe's appearance. Almost as if to contrast the matte color of his clothes, she wore a beige pinafore dress with a navy blue undershirt that accented her hair and made the dress stand out. Around her neck was a lime green embroidered choker, and she completed the ensemble with white stocking and grey long boots.

"Sorry, I didn't really have anything else to wear. I don't own many clothes and these are the most useful among those in my possession...By the way, why are you here so early?"

Chole listened to the first part of his explanation while nodding her head. When she heard the second part, she began to smile and looked directly into Vahn's eyes. "Nyahaha~ I thought someone might show up very early and decided to surprise you~. Well, did it work~nya?"

Vahn nodded as he started eating the kebab he had been holding. Seeing his curt response and the fact he had decided to continue eating, Chloe felt her ears twitch a bit.

She closed the distance and locked arms with the unsuspecting Vahn. "Nyaa~whats that~. I want a bite~Gimme~"

Vahn flinched at the unexpected touch. He looked down at the arm Chloe was nuzzling and marveled at the soft sensation pressing against him. In his dazed state, hearing her ask for the kebab, he mindlessly held it towards her.

"Nyaaaaaa~ahm!" *munch* *munch* "Oh~It's very spicy~nya!"

Seeing Chloe devour the kebab, Vahn was torn from the mystical feeling pressing against his left arm. He stared at the now empty skewer and felt his eyes begin to moisten...

Before he was able to complain, Chloe released his arm and began pulling his hand towards the entrance of Babel. "Don't worry about it~nya. We can buy more food while shopping. I'll even treat you if you like~"

Nodding in response, Vahn allowed himself to be dragged into the tower. Upon entering, he looked towards the entrance of the dungeon and began to think about what he should do the next time he entered. He still needed to earn money for living expenses and also stockpile OP for his quest...

"Now then, first things first. We need to shop for some clothes~nya! Clothing doesn't always have to be practical like you're expecting a fight ya know? Wearing comfortable clothing is one of the things that can bring happiness to people~."

Hearing her mention the phrase "happiness" Vahn stopped thinking about the dungeon. "You mean wearing clothes can make people happy?"

Seeing that she had finally caught his attention, Chloe beamed. "Yes, yes, certainly~. Don't you prefer to wear new and clean clothes instead of things that had been covered in grime and sweat~? Also, it's not just wearing clothes yourself that can make people happy~"

"What do you mean?" he inquired.

"Well, how did you feel when you saw how I was dressed~nya?" Chloe stared into his eyes as she asked the question and held his hand between both of her palms.

Vahn thought back to when he saw Chloe near their rendezvous point. The first thing he remembered after seeing her silhouette...was her smile. She seemed happy to see him, and her outfit made all of her expressions stand out more-so than normal. The clothing seemed to enhance the atmosphere coming from her body and drew the eye to all of her actions...

"I felt...I thought it suited you. It matched your personality a lot more than the clothes you wore at the pub." Vahn tried his best to summarize his feelings as he stared at the two hands cradling his own.

"Right~right~? It's that type of feeling. Clothing not only changes how you see others, but it also changes how you see yourself. By dressing up, you can appeal to those around you and even impress the people you interact with~nya."

Vahn nodded as he listened to her words. He remembered how everyone gave him strange looks as he walked around town, and how he stood out from the crowd due to his clashing appearance. Even the people that seemed to not mind his presence all wore expressions of confusion when they first laid eyes on him...except for one person.

He looked towards the girl that was fiddling around with his fingers as an unknown emotion tickled his heart. Without thinking he asked, "Why don't you look at me like everyone else?"

Hearing his question, she stopped playing with his fingers and looked directly into his eyes. After a few seconds, she gave a gentle smile that seemed to resonate with something in Vahn's mind.

"Its because I can see the boy hiding beneath the appearance. I can see that you are in a pain that you believe nobody else can understand..."

Vahn began to tense up and made an effort to extricate his hand. Though she wasn't gripping it hard, he noticed Chloe held his hand in a firm manner that didn't allow him to free himself without forcefully doing so.

"I can't understand your pain Vahn, but I want you to know that there are people in the world that can empathize with what you're going through. Know that you'll never be alone as long as you are willing to accept the hand people extend to you. And maybe, one day, when the pain begins to fade...you'll be able to offer your own hand to someone else that needs it."

Chloe continued to stare into his eyes the entire time she spoke. Vahn could feel his body shaking and gave up trying to remove his hand from hers. He kept replaying her words in his mind, wanting to believe them, but something deep within him still resisted.

While he was still ruminating over the words, he could feel a gentle tug pulling in forward. He looked up to see Chloe still staring with her gentle expression as she guided him deeper into the tower, completely ignoring the looks given by the crowd around them.

"Let's get you some new clothes Vahn. I'm sure you'll be surprised by how much a fresh appearance can change how you feel..."

Vahn nodded his head and didn't resist her guidance. As she pulled him along towards their destination, he used his free hand to wipe away at the tears that had appeared without him noticing...

Einlion Einlion

MC has a lot of trauma that hasn't been addressed in the story yet~please be patient, as this is very important for his growth as a person that possesses powerful might~

Also, I like how Chloe's vocal tick goes away when she is being serious. Even when I'm writing it makes me feel solemn!

章節 29: Date with Chloe Lolo (2/2)

Vahn continued thinking as Chloe dragged him into the commercial district of the tower. Keeping true to her word, their first stop was a small cafe that served coffee and baked goods. Vahn wasn't fond of the taste of coffee, but after Chloe had shown him how to add cream and sugar he began to enjoy it.

"Nyaaaaahn~" As he had started enjoying the coffee, Chloe began gesturing towards his mouth holding a small fish-shaped cookie in her hand.

Vahn stared at the cookie while Chloe watched his expression with a cheeky grin. After a few seconds...he allowed her to place the cookie into his open mouth. It was a mix between sweet and salty and had a crunchy texture. It was good.

Chloe laughed while watching him savor the cookie. "You really like food, don't you~? You should try dipping the cookie into coffee next." She handed him another cookie and waited for him to give it a try.

Following her instructions, Vahn soaked the cookie into the coffee before placing it into his mouth. He was surprised, as the combination of the two flavors complemented each other well.

Seeing his reaction, Chloe showed another gentle smile. "You see, even if something is good on its own, that doesn't mean it can't become better when added to something else. Sometimes the combination of two individual things can bring out the best qualities of both."

Vahn nodded his head and continued dipping cookies into his coffee. After trying a few more, he agreed with Chloe's expression. Seeing that she was still looking at him, Vahn hesitated before extending a cookie towards her.

"A-aaaaaah-" He blushed at the awkwardness of the act as he tried to imitate her earlier actions.


Before his hand was able to get close, Chloe leaned forward and slowly took the cookie into her mouth. She gave him a wink before eating the cookie with a sip of coffee.

Vahn stared, hand still outstretched, as he watched her swallow the cookie. Seeing his look, Chloe began to giggle while covering her mouth and saying, "Thank you Vahn, it was very good~nya."

After they left the cafe, Chloe once again took Vahn's hand and lead the way towards a men's clothing store that sold both outfits for adventurers as well as casual wear. Though Vahn was initially drawn to the adventurer section, Chloe dragged him towards the casual wear and began lining various shirts against his chest.

"You have very dark hair, but your eyes are a deep aquamarine... let's see, maybe peach~? No, too soft...How about a nice neutral green to compliment your eyes~nya?" She continued to hold the two long-sleeve open-collared shirts up next to Vahn, waiting for his decision.

Vahn ended up selecting the green one since she said it complimented his eyes. Nodding, she took both shirts and hung them on a rack next to the dressing room. She continued to pick a variety of other clothes while asking for Vahn's opinion. Whenever he would pick one, she would always look into his eyes before either putting one piece away or keeping both. Vahn was confused why she even bothered asking his opinion when she seemed to make the final decision...

After selecting seven shirts, three pairs of slacks, one pair of trousers, and a pair of shorts with a lot of pockets she forced Vahn into the changing room. She told him he couldn't come out until he had tried on all the clothes and checked himself in the mirror. Only when he was satisfied with his appearance would she let him exit.

Once he was in the changing room, Vahn stared helplessly at the pile of clothes. He didn't really know anything about clothing or how he should choose between the different options. He shook his head before grabbing the first shirt he had chosen when entering the store. After removing his shadowsilk tunic, Vahn adorned the loose-fitting shirt and inspected himself in the mirror for the first time.

Vahn's first impression was one of shock. Not at the shirt, but at seeing his body reflected in the silvery reflective surface. It wasn't his first time seeing his reflection, as he had stared into higher-quality mirrors in his previous life, but it was the first time he had inspected himself after arriving in this world. He slowly reached towards the surface of the mirror, as if confirming that the person reflected was truly him...

He was no longer the emaciated, limbless boy, with semi-transparent glowing skin. Instead, he saw a young man with healthy skin and an athletic build. Where it had been missing in his previous life, there was now a mop of dark brown hair arranged messily on the top of his head. Through the drooping bangs, he could see a pair of aquamarine eyes staring back at him. Unlike the lifeless image he saw within his memories, his eyes were now crystal clear. Though they weren't very lively, he could see a long-lost hope and determination within the dark pupils. After staring into them for an unknown period of time, he could even see the illusion of a fierce warrior contained deep within their core...

("This is me. The body I obtained when I was reborn into this world...the results of all my training and efforts. I'm not the boy that died powerlessly back in the lab, surrounded by people who saw me as a commodity. I've transcended that life, and even the very world itself...")

In response to his inner monologue, Sis spoke in his mind. (*Thats right Vahn. You are no longer bound to that tragic fate. You can move about freely and live as you choose. As long as you don't give up on yourself, there will never be anything that can bar your way along 'The Path'.*)

Nodding his head, Vahn looked once more into the eyes of his reflection...and smiled.

After a few minutes, Vahn exited the changing room. Rising from the bench she had been waiting on, Chloe inspected Vahn before giving an appreciative nod. "They say clothes make the man, and I can't help but agree~nya."

Compared to his previous black-on-black look, Vahn now wore a loose grey collared shirt with four buttons, two of which he had left undone. Replacing his tattered, stained pants, he now wore a pair of clean black slacks with a mild embroidering along the outseam. Now, due to his athletic figure and handsome appearance, Vahn stood out for an entirely different reason. Especially his aquamarine eyes, which now had a slight glint of confidence within.

Vahn smiled towards the beaming girl before him. "Thanks Chloe. It seems like clothing really can change the way people feel."

The already excessive smile on her face increased in size as she leaped forward and seized his arm. "Nyahahaha, right~? Right~? I knew you would understand~nya!"

This time Vahn didn't freeze up when Chloe grabbed his arm. Instead, he looked towards her before grabbing all of the clothes and guiding her towards the register. In response, she simply continued to smile and allowed Vahn to lead her.

Though Chloe had offered to pay for the clothing, as it was her idea, Vahn refused saying, "It may have been your idea, but it was my own decision to purchase these clothes. If anything, I owe you for bringing me here today. It feels like I've obtained something I lost a long time ago..."

Hearing his words, she just gently pressed herself to his arm in response while the cashier stared at the two with an incredulous expression. ("What are these two fools trying to do in my store!? Can't they see they're making all the other customers uncomfortable!?") She continued ringing up the clothing so as to hasten their departure.

Vahn left the clothing store with Chloe on his left arm while carrying a large bag of clothing in his right. Chloe looked towards him and asked, "Where to now~nya?"

In response, Vahn looked towards her as he felt an itchy sensation on his brow. "I think I need a haircut." He smiled while Chloe burst out laughing.

Chloe guided Vahn around using her words, letting him continue leading the way. They found a salon and Chloe issued a long list of requirements to the stylist before allowing the nervous woman to cut Vahn's hair. By the end of the session, the mop of hair on his head had been trimmed and styled into what Chloe called a 'free' and 'wild' style.

Vahn noticed that Chloe had been restless as the stylist was performing the finishing touches. He was able to see the 'predatory' glare that he noticed on their first meeting, but this time he didn't feel any chills. Instead, he just smiled towards her which caused her ears to violently twitch. When Vahn was finally freed from the chair, Chloe immediately paid the stylist and gave an extra-large tip.

They continued to wander around together for the rest of the day, visiting several stores and purchasing anything they found interesting. By the end, Vahn was beginning to run low on funds but didn't mind as the day had quickly become the most memorable experiences in both of his lives. He felt like, as long as he could keep these feelings, he would be able to leave all the painful memories behind.

As they continued to wander around the tower, Vahn gave periodic glances towards Chloe. Whenever she noticed his gaze, she would return a simple smile. This happened several times before they arrived at the final destination of their date.

By now the sun had started to set, and they were standing on a viewing platform that could oversee the entire western section of the City. They took turns pointing out the various places they recognized and made small-talk while watching the sun descend beyond the horizon.

As the final ray of light faded away, Vahn looked directly towards Chloe. He felt like he had so many things to tell her, but couldn't seem to find a way to vocalize his emotions. All he knew was that he owed her a debt of gratitude he was uncertain if he could ever repay.

Chloe returned his gaze with the same gentle smile that helped him break through the shell that had been constraining him since his previous life. Seeing that smile, Vahn felt like he could fight against the entire world if it would allow that smile to persist for a single moment more.

Mustering his resolve, he swallowed hard before speaking. "Chloe...I-"

Before he was able to continue, Chloe grabbed his head and pulled it into her chest. She gently cradled him there while slowly stroking his head. Vahn wasn't able to form any thoughts as he accepted her embrace... After several minutes, she lifted his face before kissing him on the forehead and displaying that same gentle smile...

"There is much left for you to discover about yourself before you speak those words. All of the emotions you're feeling right now need time to be understood properly. For now, focus on discovering where you want to go in your life. When you figure that out and become strong enough to share the burden of others...if your feelings remain unchanged, you can try asking me out again... Though I can't promise I'll accept when the time comes~nya" Giving him one final peck on his forehead, she turned away and walked off into the night.

Vahn continued to stare at her retreating figure as a multitude of thoughts passed through his mind. He thought about her parting words as a resolve began to fill the void caused by her departure. He balled his fists and looked towards the moon that had begun to take its place among the heavens. Inspired by its presence, he extended his right hand and grasped towards it, as if by reaching just a little further he would be able to wrest it from the sky's embrace...

"I must become stronger...stronger than anything. I will seize my fate with this outstretched hand and strike down anyone that threatens my way of life...and the life of those I love."

A cool breeze blew through the sky, passing through the location where the young boy previously stood. After his declaration, he had followed the path Chloe left and continued downwards, towards the dungeon that would serve as his proving grounds.

Einlion Einlion

Let me know what you guys think! I had to refresh a bit on the psychology lessons I took in college to make this chapter work. I hope everyone is able to understand why Chloe couldn't let Vahn confess to her right now~

Please leave a comment if you like the chapter, and a review if you like the series! I'm up to 9 reviews, just one more and the story will be added to the ratings list~!

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