0.38% Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos / Chapter 4: Karma

章節 4: Karma

(I am Klyscha, the Goddess of Dreams.)

The woman had a gentle expression as she looked into Vahn's eyes. He could see infinite darkness, similar to the abyss that had encroached upon his 'memories' previously. Within that infinite darkness was countless images like stars floating within, like an amalgamation of events creating a view similar to a nebulous galaxy.

(Vahn, I cannot deny you lived a very tragic existence, but know that the love and hopes your mother entrusted you will now become your power.)

"What do you mean, 'my power'?" Vahn asked in a confused manner.

(You see Vahn, everything that a soul experiences in their life result in an accumulation of Karma. This includes all events, both good and bad. The decisions they make, even how they deal with thoughts and memories during moments of introspection. Though you experienced a lot of 'negative karma' from others, it did not increase your own. In fact, because you were the victim of the circumstances it resulted in a positive gain for you. And I know it may have been the cause of your suffering, but your unique bloodline had resulted in a total of 1,317,042 total lives saved over the course of fourteen years.)

Vahn was shocked. Even though he had learned to hate his own existence and inability to take action; even though he had blamed his accursed blood; even though he felt he was just a tool to be used at the convenience of others; he had in fact saved over a million people.

"A million people....me?"

(1,317,042! You shouldn't overlook the 317,042 lives Vahn. Each and every one of them is an entire life credited to your existence and your mother's love for you.)

The child, Vahn, looks down at the 'empty' ground, seemingly lost in thought.

"I understand..."

Klyscha looked at the child who seemed to be in deep contemplation. He was so small and frail...it shouldn't have been his 'burden' to save so many people.

(As I was saying Vahn, even though you may not have intentionally done so, you were able to save 1,317,042 lives. Saving a single life could generate you a large amount of positive karma, and even true heroes typically only accumulate several thousand over the course of their entire lifetime. Because of this, you've accumulated far more than the required karma to obtain benefits after your death. It was because of this fact that I was able to hear your prayers and summon your soul to this space when you died. It's also the reason you have been able to persist in this space for the last three years without being pulled back into the cycle of reincarnation.)

Vahn's ears twitched at the word 'reincarnation'.

"You mean people get to reincarnate?"

The Goddess smiled at the boy's interest in the subject.

(Certainly Vahn. Every soul, including the bad ones, is able to undergo the cycle of reincarnation. Generally speaking, when the soul passes through what we Gods refer to as 'The Gate', their memories are wiped after being reviewed through the 'Kaleidoscopic Wheel of Karma'. Depending on the accumulated Karma the soul would then be reborn among a variety of creatures, or sometimes even inanimate objects. For those who have accumulated a lot of positive karma, such as Heroes, Saints, and other Legendary figures, they are able to retain part of, if not all, of their memories.) (A/N: This sentence has a legendary amount of commas)

The child's eyes seem to light up somewhat, as he looked towards the Goddess with expectation.

"You mean to say that I'll be able to be reincarnated, and keep all of my memories?"

(Indeed Vahn. In fact, because you accumulated so much positive Karma, there are a variety of benefits you have access to.)

"Benefits?" he asked, confused at the Goddess's words.

(Yes. You see, in most cases, the cycle of reincarnation happens automatically, as it is one of the fundamental principles governing the multiverse. It is only in very rare circumstances that a God or Goddess personally overseas a soul going through the cycle. It requires the soul to have accumulated more Karma than the grade of the soul being assessed. As you come from the Mortal plane in the 3rd Dimensional web, you are graded as having a tier 1 soul. Generally speaking, a tier 1 soul cannot accumulate positive Karma exceeding 100,000 points.)

"And how much positive Karma have I accumulated?" Vahn asked inquisitively.

The Goddess, Kylscha, showed her biggest smile yet as the images in her eyes seemed to become more vibrant.


Vahn was shocked, "173 million!? I thougtht you said I only saved 1,317,042 lives!"

The Goddess giggled with her hand covering her mouth.

(That is indeed correct Vahn, and it's good that you're including the entire number when you speak. You see, even performing a simple act of kindness to someone can accumulate positive karma, so of course, saving a life would give you more!)

"A-ah...I see. Yes. That makes sense"

The Goddess fixed her demeanor and continued.

(Certainly. And now let me explain the 'benefits' I mentioned earlier. When a soul accumulates enough karma they are given the opportunity to meet with a God/Goddess before they reincarnate. Which god shows up depends on the desires of the soul, which in this case gives you me, Klyscha, the Goddess of Dreams! Because you had a powerful dream and constantly prayed, your voice was able to reach me. Now I can use my power to grant you a wish and give you the opportunity to select various benefits before your reincarnation into the next life. So tell me Vahn, what is your wish?)

Vahn paused for a moment and began to seriously consider his options. He thought about having various superpowers like flight or the ability to walk through walls. He thought about having an absolute strength or having the power to dominate others. As various thoughts went through his head, Vahn realized that many of his 'desires' reflected the negative experiences that he dealt with his entire life. He wanted abilities that allowed him to escape...abilities to punish the people that hurt him....abilities that would enable him to do whatever he wanted for the first time in his life...


(Is something wrong Vahn?) asked Klyscha, a grim expression on her face.

The child looked directly at her with a deep hatred in his eyes. She could see in him, this child that has not an ounce of negative karma in his soul, an endless potential for darkness. A concern for this child's future began to deeply implant itself into her soul...until the child's expression suddenly relaxed. The darkness that seemed to permeate his entire existence seemed to have faded away, in its place a deep loneliness.

"I wish my mother were alive." said the child, looking deeply into her eyes as hope began to sprout in his.

The Goddess sighed, helpless to answer the child's desire. Following this, she observed as the boy developed a solemn expression.

(I am sorry Vahn, but it is outside the right of any soul to request the alteration of a soul other than their own. Even though time passes differently for entities within this space, your mother has already returned to 'The Gate'. Everything that was her can now only be found within you. I cannot even see where she has reincarnated to, nor can I alter her fate to allow her to be with you again. I can promise you this though. Since she had given birth to you who was able to accumulate so much positive karma, she likely achieved the level of Saint upon her death. She is likely living happily in another world with the hopes that you are living a healthy and happy life.)

After her speech, Vahn seemed to relax, almost as if a heavy weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

"I see. I am happy as long as she is happy...The only thing I can wish for other than my mom is...I want to be free. I want the opportunity to live the happy life my mother would have wanted for me. I can ask for nothing greater."

The Goddess smiled once again, with a gentle, almost reminiscent look on her face.

(I am proud of your decision Vahn. I will grant your wish and give you the most powerful tool to help guarantee your freedom.)

She reached into space and pulled an ancient looking orb out of the void.

(This is an artifact called 'The Path'. It is the core comprised of my divinity as the Goddess of Dreams. With it, you will have access to all words that exist within the dreams of creatures throughout the multiverse. That includes all the anime and manga you were so fond of.) She said with a chuckle.

"You mean I will be able to go to any world I want to!?" The boy could barely contain his excitement.

(Eventually, yes. But, it will need time to grow alongside you. As you pass through various worlds you will be able to accumulate strength. That strength will be transmitted into 'The Path' and allow you more of the freedom you desire. One day, 'The Path' may even take you to the very time and place your mother resides.)

Vahn was awestruck and couldn't even 'breathe' for a few minutes. It almost seemed like his brain had completely shut off.

(Your time here is almost up Vahn. The reason I had broken you from your earlier reverie was because the time available before your soul forcefully reincarnated was approaching.)

"I...I see," said Vahn. "Can I choose the world I reincarnate to?"

The Goddess nodded in affirmation.

(You just need to place 'The Path' into your heart. Once it merges with your soul it will give you the power to choose your destiny.)

Vahn took the orb and placed it on his chest. Upon contact, it seemed to dissolve into his body and a warm feeling spread through his 'soul'.

(*Synchronizing with Host: 1%....37%....100%. Initializing 'The Path' in accordance with Hosts 'records': 1%....19%....90%....100% *Ding* 'Records' verified. Please confirm 'records' by thinking key phrase 'Display Records'.*)

Vahn could hear an artificial voice speaking directly into his head. It was a very peculiar feeling unlike anything he had ever experienced. Before he was able to inquire, the Goddess Klyscha interrupted his train of thoughts.

(Your time is up Vahn. You will now be taken to the space contained within 'The Path'. I pray you are able to find happiness in your journey.)

He was shocked at her sudden announcement, but before he was able to respond-

(*Detected Host within *unspecified*. Forcibly removing host to prevent dispersion of soul*)

And with that notification, Vahn disappeared from the endless white void.

Klyscha stood silently staring into the space previously occupied by the child called Vahn. She issued a silent prayer to gods greater than herself, hoping that his journey is able to heal the wounds within his heart.


Einlion Einlion

This chapter is dedicated to FanaticSystem for having a cool avatar. Made In Abyss rocks.

章節 5: The Path

(A/N: *Warning* This chapter might feel like an information dump since it goes over various aspects of 'The Path' as a system. I'll try to make sure to avoid having too many status/skill descriptions in future chapters and instead post them in the compendium/auxiliary chapters. Also, for the 5 beautiful people that voted, congrats! The first world will be Danmachi! (Is is Wrong to Pick up Girls in a Dungeon!?) Next poll may include potential love interests!)

Vahn felt a 'tugging' force in his gut as the world around him seemed to collapse. After a brief, albeit incredibly disorienting experience, he finally arrived in the middle of a circular dais about 3m in diameter.

With the sudden urge to vomit due to vertigo he was experiencing, Vahn retched into empty space only to realize there was nothing to actually vomit. After dry-heaving for a few moments, he was able to finally re-orient himself and get a better understanding of his surroundings.

He noticed that he was sitting, naked, on a featureless stone dais. The biggest surprise, which had previously gone unnoticed, was the fact that his limbs were still attached. For the first time in a decade, Vahn stood up.

"My legs...they're not longer amputated!"

He jumped, yes JUMPED for the first time in years, exclaiming loudly into the infinite void surrounding the stone dais.

"I can't believe this, I actually have legs again!!!"

(*Affirmative. While the physical body of the Host may have been damaged, the soul maintains the proper shape. As the Host previously existed within the Astral Realm, his body was restored to the shape of his soul.*)

Vahn heard the synthetic voice within his head, almost as if it had been reminding him of its existence.

"Who are you? How are you speaking into my head? Are you the voice of 'The Path' which Klyscha gave to me?"

(*I am the System created to act as an intermediary between the Host and 'The Path'. As the Host is incapable of understanding the functions of 'The Path' without assistance, the System was created as an auxiliary support for the Host. The system exists alongside 'The Path' which had bonded with the Host's soul, thus it can communicate directly with your conscience.*)

"I see, I think I understand a little. So you're going to help me use 'The Path' until I'm able to understand how to use it myself?"

(*The Host can indeed interpret my existence to that extent. Would the Host like to initialize the 'Tutorial' function?*)

"Tutorial? I don't know what that word means..." said Vahn ashamedly.

(*A Tutorial is like a guide or a walkthrough. It will enable the user the understand each of the basic aspects currently made available through the System. The Host also has the option of changing the Systems name and form of address towards the Host.*)

"Thank you for explaining things System. Can I call you... let's see...how about Sis? I don't think you have a gender, but I always imagined that an older sister is the best type to teach things to their brothers. You can call me Vahn! I look forward to working with you in the future."

A slightly more feminine, but still synthetic, voice rings inside Vahn's head.

(*Confirming name change from System to 'Sis'. Altering voice structure to match the expectations of Host now referred to as 'Vahn'. Sis also looks forward to assisting you with any inquiries you may have in regards to its functions in the future. Would you like to initialize the Tutorial Vahn?*)

Vahn is slightly startled by the sudden changes in the system's voice, but is happy given its efforts.

"Thanks, Sis. Please initialize the Tutorial!"

(*Affirmative. Sis will now display a list of all available functions and their uses.*)

Available Functions:

-Status: Shows a list of all numerical values that make up the Host's physical/mental/spiritual attributes.

-Skills: Shows a list of all available skills. The host can toggle skills on an off to activate/deactivate their functions.

-Shop: Shows a list of all available items. Items displayed are dependant on available 'records'.

-Inventory: Displays a grid that allows the Host to store items within the void. The Host can store/extract items using mental commands. The Host can also 'Equip' items to pre-designated slots to immediately change equipment. Inventory size is limited to the growth of the Host.

-Records: Shows a list of all available worlds and their difficulty. World difficulties range between 1-9, with 1 being mortal worlds similar to the Host's origin universe. *CAUTION* It is highly recommended that the host avoid worlds beyond the level of his soul as it can result in a quick death!

(*Vahn, you can view the specifics of each function by saying 'Display *function*' within your mind. It is recommended that you view your basic status before selecting a world from the list of 'records'*)

During the massive number of notifications ringing within his brain, Vahn had fallen onto his butt in the middle of the dais. He was suddenly very thankful for the existence of Sis, since it would be difficult to keep track of all this information on his own.

"Thanks, Sis, you're the best."

(*You are very welcome Vahn.*)

Vahn called 'Display Status' within his mind, and a transparent blue window seemed to appear within his vision.


Name: Vahn Mason (temporary)

Age: 0 (age does not exist in the soul state)

Race: Human (soul), *sealed*

Parameters: Empty outside of 'record'

Soul Strength: Tier 1 (Mortal Soul)


Upon reviewing his status, Vahn noticed that his Karma was 0 instead of the astronomical number previously mentioned.

"Sis, what happened to my Karma? Didn't Klyscha say I had like 179-million previously?"

(*Yes Vahn, you previously had a positive Karmic value of 173,419,003, but it was exchanged by the Goddess Klyscha to allow you to possess 'The Path'. 'The Path' is a Tier 9 Artifact that has existed since the 'Origin'. It is normally impossible for a person with a Tier 1 (Mortal Soul) to be able to possess 'The Path' as it would place too much burden on their soul and potentially even destroy their soul root which would remove them from the cycle of reincarnation entirely. The Goddess Klyscha seems to have imbued her Divinity into 'The Path' to act as a limiting factor allowing your soul to activate the basic functions of 'The Path'. Your Karma was used in exchange to grant your "wish" to have freedom. As your soul grows in strength, you have access to increased functions and higher tier 'records'.*)

Vahn was stunned with the revelation of Sis. It would seem Klyscha put in a lot of effort to try and grant his wish. He gazes into the endless space surrounding the dais, almost as if he is searching for the sign of some presence.

"I will do my best to repay this gratitude Klyscha."

Affixing this vow within his heart, Vahn calls the list of records into his mind.

'Display Records'

A list that seems to go on for an eternity begins to form in his mind, dazzling Vahn.

(*Vahn, I would suggest filtering the worlds by places you are familiar with and based on the strength of your soul*)

While the list kept ever expanding within his mind, Sis seemed to throw out a lifeline.

'Display Records limited to worlds I know of accessible by Tier 1 souls.'


-Danmachi (1-4)

-Fairy Tail (1-3)

-One Piece (1-3)

-Fate/Stay Night (1-4)


As Vahn perused through the list of records, he noticed he was unable to find the world he had considered going to.

'Display Records for the world Naruto'


-Naruto (2-5)

"Oh, I didn't expect the Naruto world to require a soul level of 2 to enter. Do you know why that is Sis?"


(*It is due to the existence of the foreign energy known as chakra combined with the average difficulty of surviving within the world. As Naruto is a world with a Feudal System and Hidden Villages, there is a high probability of being targeted early on and eliminated by forces within the world who possess high spiritual power. It is recommended that you increase your Soul Strength to at least level 2 which would allow you to have an easier time cultivating Chakra and increasing your attributes within the world.*)

"I see, that kind of makes sense. Thanks for the explanation Sis. Is there any record you would recommend for my first world?"

(*Certainly Vahn. The 'Display Records' function automatically lists worlds by relevance to your current soul strength, so I would recommend the record of Danmachi. It has a base requirement of Tier 1, and if you are fortunate and put in a lot of effort you can strengthen your soul all the way to Tier 4. Keep in mind that obtaining Tier 4 would put you on the same level as the strongest beings in that world without their Divinity.*)

"Hmm, but wouldn't Fate/Stay Night be a good option since it has similar requirements?"

(*Though the requirements are similar, it would be difficult to establish yourself in that world without using Karma to overwrite the record of an existing character. Since you would have a difficult time having anyone teach you magic, and would be unable to take part in the Holy Grail War, it is advised to wait until you accumulate an adequate amount of Karma before entering.*)

"Wait, you can use Karma to overwrite the record of an existing character? Does that mean you would replace them?" Vahn was shocked at the idea.

(*That is correct Vahn, but please note that the worlds created using 'records' do not exist until you enter them. They remain in a form of suspended time which doesn't begin until the point you enter. Thus, assuming the role of a character would change the causality of that world without altering the timeline or events unless you directly change things. You would also inherit the memories of the character you replace.*)

"So the worlds I'm visiting don't exist? The people inside of them aren't real?"

Vahn was a little dejected at the thought since it would almost feel like he is the only living person in the universe...of course, he is currently a soul.

(*That is incorrect Vahn. -------------------------------------------------------- Thus you are able to assume the role of the person within the record.*)

"Wait, Sis, you skipped a part of the explanation!"

(*That isn't possible Vahn. If you were unable to hear the explanation it would be due to the restriction of your soul tier. Some information that governs the foundational laws of the Multiverse cannot be explained or understood without accumulating a variety of experiences. Once you are able to strengthen your soul, you will naturally begin to understand what I was trying to explain to you. Just know that the people you will be interacting with are as real as those from your previous world. Though you may possess 'The Path', it does not mean you are the 'Protagonist' of that world. There is a real possibility that you may die depending on the actions you take.*)

"I think I kind of understand Sis. I will do my best to become stronger. And I won't look down on anyone like those cruel people did to me in my previous life."

(*That is for the best Vahn. Giving into negative emotions and bringing harm to others would only result in the accumulation of negative Karma which would restrict the growth of your soul.*)

"Understood Sis. I think it's time to go. It doesn't seem like I can do anything in this empty space, and I'm really looking forward to the opportunity of interacting with the characters I read in the manga! I hope I'm able to make a good impression on them...I don't really have any experience interacting with anyone outside the lab. Well, except for you and Klyscha, which is a little odd now that I think about it..."

(*Acknowledged. Would you like to use the item 'Beginner's Package' to obtain a pertinent ability?*)

"Hmm? Beginners package? What's that?"

(*One of the items Klyscha had placed into your inventory before giving you 'The Path' was a special consumable that would give you a skill that would assist you on your first world. Please note that if you do not use the 'Beginner's Package' it will be converted into the equivalent value of Karma as the skill would have been worth upon entry into the world.*)

"Oh, then go ahead and use it. I hope it's something that will help in the record of Danmachi."

(*Acknowledged. Opening 'Beginner's Package'.*)

//Obtained System Interface Function: View Affection

(*Be advised Vahn, consuming the 'Beginner's Package' will activate forced transmigration!*)

"!!! What!? Wait, are you ser---"

Before Vahn is able to finish his sentence, he is once again 'gripped' by a 'tugging' motion in his stomach and forcibly transported away from the stone dais.

Einlion Einlion

Is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon!?

For those that are surprised by the 'View Affection' function, just know that it won't be as OP as you might think. If anything it will make the interactions a bit awkward~

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