Hey there, it's me, the author! I know, it might surprise you to know that I am, in fact, not dead. I'll try to keep this short but there are a few main things that I want to say about this novel, and writing in general.
First, when I wrote this novel, I was like, 13? This probably isn't surprising given the quality of the writing, but It was amateurish at best. Obviously, it has been a long time since then (almost four years!) and I have definitely grown a lot as a person.
Despite that, I haven't been writing consistently for quite a while as well, though It's a major passion of mine that I'd love to continue.
I'm somewhat debating either re-writing this novel and seeing what I can do with the ideas I had when I was younger, or writing something new and seeing what happens there. I don't know if anyone actually pays attention to a novel that has been dead for this long, but I'd certainly appreciate any thoughts on the matter. I'm leaning towards re-writing this (or a similar story with some tweaks, more likely).
I hope you're all doing well, and I'll see you when I see you.
See ya.