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Anime & Comics · LanceVance
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Anime & Comics · LanceVance
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Anime & Comics · Ultimate_Ciel
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Anime & Comics · HolyOniiSama
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Anime & Comics · Paradox_
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Anime & Comics · HolyOniiSama
"Robbery? Line up at the back!"
Sci-fi · Ultimate Guaiguaipi
Hey guys, I understand that there hasn't been a chapter in a bit, and I am sketchy with my updates. I will work on that and try to use my time accordingly to get something out at least once a week, if not more. As a reminder, I do not own Marvel, X-men, Superman, or my car. Thanks, and enjoy.
Movies · shawn_anderson
.The shadows bends to the user's will
Anime & Comics · ZJAY_1
("Identity reveal chapters "131 to 133")
Naruto: The Template System
Anime & Comics · Navy_King