Webnovel Author: Monk_of_Souls - Fanfic&Novel Collection



LV 1

"Venturing into writing to see how far my dream can take me"

2023-12-06 đã tham gia Brazil

Huy hiệu 3

Moments 57

Replied to GluttonousAngel

Corrected, thank you!

Replied to GluttonousAngel

Corrected, thank you!

Replied to Iceling

Yes 😂😂😂😂

Hermione put the book aside. Her face was still red, but she stood up and faced Ron, challenging him. "Because I thought the teachers agreed with me, that the broom was probably sent to Harry by Sirius Black!".

Ice Wizard in Harry Potter

Ice Wizard in Harry Potter

Book&Literature · Monk_of_Souls

Replied to SEEKER

Thank You

Ever since returning to Hogwarts, Narcisa couldn't get her mind off the scenes of her two brothers having their study sessions at the Black mansion.

Harry Potter: Mind Control

Harry Potter: Mind Control

Book&Literature · Monk_of_Souls

Replied to SEEKER

Thank You

His father remained with a proud posture while observing his son. "And if Regulus doesn't turn out to be a disappointment like your older brother, try to help him," he said, thinking of his younger nephew.

Harry Potter: Mind Control

Harry Potter: Mind Control

Book&Literature · Monk_of_Souls

Replied to sv6

I'll be posting a new chapter here every day. Images only on ptrn.

Count the (Sexy) photos of the characters the MC has had a relationship with so far.

Harry Potter: Mind Control

Harry Potter: Mind Control

Book&Literature · Monk_of_Souls

Replied to SpackRox

Thank You

Flitwick had been assigned by Director Dumbledore to keep an eye on the blond and unreliable Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Gilderoy Lockhart. After the events in the tunnel leading to the Chamber, the responsible professor eventually gave his life in defense of his students.

Ice Wizard in Harry Potter

Ice Wizard in Harry Potter

Book&Literature · Monk_of_Souls

Replied to SynthWaveRider45


Am I dreaming? Please don't wake me up!!!

Ice Wizard in Harry Potter

Ice Wizard in Harry Potter

Book&Literature · Monk_of_Souls

Replied to SynthWaveRider45

Thank you very much for the information, I'll edit the chapter accordingly.

"It was Peter... it was him, Lupin... he betrayed the Potters," Black said angrily, his thirst for revenge growing every year in prison, solely focused on ending Pettigrew's life. "That damn traitor even hid from us that he was an animagus... cursed rat," he complained.

Ice Wizard in Harry Potter

Ice Wizard in Harry Potter

Book&Literature · Monk_of_Souls

Replied to Anhe_2o44

Thank You

ch 21 Conversation between Wolf and Werewolf

Ice Wizard in Harry Potter

Ice Wizard in Harry Potter

Book&Literature · Monk_of_Souls

Replied to Nyxio

Thanks for the tip, writing this fic is also a form of study since my first language is not English.

Replied to Nyxio

Thank You

ch 0 1 The Arrival of Winter at Hogwarts

Ice Wizard in Harry Potter

Ice Wizard in Harry Potter

Book&Literature · Monk_of_Souls

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