Nathaniel WinterHeart - The new Charms teacher at Hogwarts, possesses great mastery over elemental ice spells and has a relatively dark past within the British wizarding community.
Melissa Carter - A first-year student at Hogwarts, sorted into Ravenclaw House, who stood out in the first Charms class taught by the new professor Nathaniel, successfully casting the Lumos spell flawlessly."
Edgar - Nathaniel's school friend, not much has been revealed about the character yet.
Camille LaFontaine - Vice Minister of the Wizarding Community in France, invited Nathaniel to participate in a duel demonstration. The two know each other from an unrevealed past.
Lorenzo De Luca - A young half-blood Italian wizard studying in his second year at Hogwarts, showing considerable proficiency in the field of spells. He has caught the attention of teacher Nathaniel, possibly for participation in the Dueling Club.
Cassia Hawthorne - A sixth-year Gryffindor student at Hogwarts, she is hardly ever noticed by her peers. Apparently, she possesses some magical artifacts and got in touch with Harry, George, and Fred because of the resemblance of the Marauder's Map to something she owns.
My authored characters.