Webnovel Author: Heatclift_1 - Fanfic Collection



LV 12
2023-10-06 đã tham gia Global

Huy hiệu 5

Moments 605


Gobten is good name , remove b got Goten

"Gobone, Gobtwo, Gobtre, Gobfor, Gobfiv, Gobsi, Gobsev, Gobei, Gobni, Gobten…"

I am Rimuru Tempest(Old Version. Rewrite is out.)

I am Rimuru Tempest(Old Version. Rewrite is out.)

Anime & Comics · BonAurevoir



If Solomon was here, he would definitely be surprised at the ingenuity of the human mind as he became an audience to very creative curses and lingoes created by the minds of millions of frustrated gamers of the twenty-second century. He could even mistake them as some sort of very esoteric curses as Ainz almost started chanting curses in twenty-six different languages, mostly Japanese, English, German, Russian, Spanish, Italian, French…

Grand Foreigner

Grand Foreigner

Anime & Comics · OtakuWeibo

Replied to Gopinath_Naik

that 10 percent power

4. Powers of Saiki Kusuo from the anime 'The disastrous life of Saiki Kusuo'

Life in DXD

Life in DXD

Anime & Comics · overloaded_maxima


good luck with that

Both she and Granbell had agreed that the leaders of Tempest likely were otherworlders reborn as monsters. With tactics resembling the ones tried and tested during Earth's modern era, it made them more dangerous than any demon lord, and by a wide margin. Her plan was simple; offer a trade deal they couldn't refuse. She would not even attempt to conceal her Earthly origins, and once a foothold was secured, she planned to weave herself into the fabric of their society, becoming an insidious worm that indirectly influenced their thoughts. Her whispers would plant seeds of misleading notions, gradually positioning herself to ascend to the pinnacle of power, with none the wiser.

Harbingers of Change

Harbingers of Change

Anime & Comics · DukeCheburek


not nuke ?

"I told you it's not my idea, I plagiarized it from my previous life. I am in fact not someone that likes complicated thoughts and prefers to take everything head on." I said while trying my best to recreate a time detonated explosive similar to C4.

Rebellion of His Creations (SI)

Rebellion of His Creations (SI)

Anime & Comics · Daoist_KittyKat


yeah , Tanya mind is broken

Still, Charlotte overstepping her boundary as mere apprentice and adjutant. Even if their status as twin wasn't real and staged by Being X, it didn't mean I'm against it. I never said anything about it. Besides, having a strong m- *cough* I mean brother to lean over didn't sound bad at all. If possible, he can spoil me instead and I can simply retire as an soldiers while leeching off him.

Rebellion of His Creations (SI)

Rebellion of His Creations (SI)

Anime & Comics · Daoist_KittyKat

Replied to Daoist_KittyKat

so you is ray Elliot

I mean, if you apply the logic that I am the author who created the fanfic which birthed Ray Elliot and indirectly the verse he lived. Aren't I technically the creator of everything inside this omniverse contained within his story.

Rebellion of His Creations (SI)

Rebellion of His Creations (SI)

Anime & Comics · Daoist_KittyKat


overlord movie banner seen at station in episode 1

"Yes, though I would appreciate it if you wouldn't interrupt me when I talk. Now, where was I… Ah, the Einzbern clan. So, the Einzbern clan had long established itself somewhere near the Rhine river, in a land of perpetual winter. A clan of magi which specialized in Alchemy and once wielded the True Magic but lost it near the twilight of Age of God, where magic prospered. Thus they embarked on a futile quest that led to its downfall. The quest was to reclaim the lost True Magic." I stopped for a moment seeing my audiences have questions to ask.

Rebellion of His Creations (SI)

Rebellion of His Creations (SI)

Anime & Comics · Daoist_KittyKat


everyone gangsta until Zoro open his eye showing Sharingan he got when he in Konoha

'Could it be a Sharingan? god, there are so many theories out there that say that Zoro is hiding a Sharingan in there. 

In Naruto With Minato Template

In Naruto With Minato Template

Anime & Comics · kamidemond



"Smash," Kirito said it, not sure why but he did.

In Naruto With Minato Template

In Naruto With Minato Template

Anime & Comics · kamidemond


pattern mushoku tensei , yeah

Exasperately sighing, I wondered... why. Could I possible have Harem MC qualities?. Nah... I don't get involved in troublesome... things? Wait. No, no. I don't have mostly girls as my friends... actually I only have girls as friends. No, there is He(?) so I am safe. Well, I might try to deny it but there is a pattern here.

Highschool DxD: A new opportunity

Highschool DxD: A new opportunity

Anime & Comics · Nyarlathotep00

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