Webnovel Author: L0rds2278 - Fanfic Collection



LV 14
2023-04-26 đã tham gia Global

Huy hiệu 9

Moments 132

Replied to kevinho1

He was in a crowd

ch 52 Apprehending the Assasin

Star Wars: Senator

Star Wars: Senator

Movies · L0rds2278

Replied to Granville4554

Meant 3

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Star Wars: Senator

Star Wars: Senator

Movies · L0rds2278

Replied to L0rds2278


"A long-term service, 2500 every week, 120 000 every year. You'll get free time to hunt wookies if you want and you can refuse certain missions but they will also pay extra." I said and he began thinking. You could rarely see emotions, except predator-like on a Trandoshians face.

Star Wars: Senator

Star Wars: Senator

Movies · L0rds2278

Replied to Hootwolf

He got exiled so nav

"A long-term service, 2500 every week, 120 000 every year. You'll get free time to hunt wookies if you want and you can refuse certain missions but they will also pay extra." I said and he began thinking. You could rarely see emotions, except predator-like on a Trandoshians face.

Star Wars: Senator

Star Wars: Senator

Movies · L0rds2278

Replied to Whadyamean

Actually nvm, it’s a problem with WebNovel, in the story I sent it was fine, don’t know why it’s like that, sorry.

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Star Wars: Senator

Star Wars: Senator

Movies · L0rds2278

Replied to

It’s something that happens when you use a phone, it’s almost impossible for me to find them without a PC, which I don’t have right now

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Star Wars: Senator

Star Wars: Senator

Movies · L0rds2278

Replied to Chiefnaoto345

They still work the exact same way, they just have a safe-safe of the safe-plan Palpatine have

I half expected it to work, and half did not. Like if they changed it at all, It would be spotted, unless the guy changing it is completely incompetent.

Star Wars: Senator

Star Wars: Senator

Movies · L0rds2278

Replied to DNeddySW0RDS


Using his control over the Tapani Oversector, now known as the Veridian Sector, and his extreme military might he had forged not only a totally new War Faction, but a Military Alliance, involving all core members of said faction and some general members as well.

Star Wars: Senator

Star Wars: Senator

Movies · L0rds2278

Replied to

Just search up the Tapalo Oversector

Using his control over the Tapani Oversector, now known as the Veridian Sector, and his extreme military might he had forged not only a totally new War Faction, but a Military Alliance, involving all core members of said faction and some general members as well.

Star Wars: Senator

Star Wars: Senator

Movies · L0rds2278

Replied to Mattex97

He’s holding onto the thing, he didn’t fall down

"Santo, help Obi-Wan up." I said and he ran to the pit.

Star Wars: Senator

Star Wars: Senator

Movies · L0rds2278

Replied to Sleeping_Mist

The MC dosent believe he can keep it secret from mother Talzin, and it’s just too much of a risk. She can kill him at any time

"Pick that up and keep it hidden." I whispered while pointing at the lightsaber, he didn't respond but simply picked it up, and placed it under his armor.

Star Wars: Senator

Star Wars: Senator

Movies · L0rds2278

Replied to SirFawzi

I just typed a random number ngl, didn’t bother to go back to the first chapter to find out 💀

He was 25 and I was 16, but we both acted as though we were the same age, the perk of being like 37 years old mentally.

Star Wars: Senator

Star Wars: Senator

Movies · L0rds2278

Replied to ryan_morton

It was built by Wessex and Walex so I put it here

The Wingman was flying in an Alpha-3 V-wing Starfighter. While the lead was in a much more advanced and special starfighter. The Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor. However, the Eta-2 was way ahead of its time. It was currently 34 BBY, but the Eta-2 Actis was only introduced during the later stages of the Clone Wars, which ended in 19 BBY.

Star Wars: Senator

Star Wars: Senator

Movies · L0rds2278

Replied to ryan_morton


I personally designed the basics and professional armorers made it. They looked similar to the Grand Army of the Republic's Galactic Marines. Durasteel helmet, armor and boots. A warming system, meant to keep them warm in space. The armor was completely dark with red visors.

Star Wars: Senator

Star Wars: Senator

Movies · L0rds2278

Replied to Santos2724

Cuz, he can hire them for missions, everyone does but they’re now permanently under him, so he would talk with them and the excuse would be the incoming battle they’re participating in

There are multiple things I can use this for that wouldn't be associated with me in any way. Of course, there are risks in doing these missions. If they are leaked or discovered, it would create immense problems and setbacks.

Star Wars: Senator

Star Wars: Senator

Movies · L0rds2278

Replied to Wheeler4784

Yes, but in non war-areas, we earn more by selling Bacta and tanks individually, plus the Bacta is sold separately. Meaning you can use it on patches. But I’ll get more into it after the conflict

To fully understand this let's look at Bacta tanks. The main use of bacta is to heal, 1 full bacta tank costs 5000 credits, it cost an additional 3000 credits to refill. Each refill includes 300 liters of bacta. We sell 300 litres of bacta for 300 credits. We sell about 9 billion liters to the 2 companies. 585 000 000 to Xucphra and 315 000 000 to Zaltin. So we sell equivalent of 30 million bacta tanks each year alone. That's 2 500 000 Bacta tanks every single month or 750 million credits and litres every single month. If we sold them ourselves for 3000 we would earn 7 500 000 000(7.5 billion) every single fucking month. That's how bad we're robbed.

Star Wars: Senator

Star Wars: Senator

Movies · L0rds2278

Replied to ThanatosGreekGod

Ye mb

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Star Wars: Senator

Star Wars: Senator

Movies · L0rds2278

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