in my whole life after today I'm not reading any of the fan fic written by this author I have read the other solo leveling in DC fan fic and it's as frustrating as this one the plot of both is irritating the author doesn't know how to write a story and how to progress it and how much negativity, stupidity should he include in his fan fics it's like the author is a 5 Yr old who just happens to be good in English and just starts writing pathetic
author if you seriously si much as meet me in real world like right now then I promise you we would have long and educational talk about some important matters like how dare you portray mc who knows he possesses powers of shadow monarch but he is behaving like lame ass pussy , coward this fan fic got a much goody godly name but the plot and chapters are pathetic. I guess this I why you will have a ton of negative reviews
what has happened to nowadays authors all of them are writing a shitty fan fic one after another like it's a eat all buffet of shittiest fan fic
what I don't understand is why in every DC fan fic mc has to deal with justice league and teen titans to explain himself at the start why can't the mc just work in the background like seriously this whole thing is like becoming a troupe
what the fuck is happening in this shit fan fiction why are you author so keen on not letting the mc have a breather from the Start its one trouble after another one enemy after another if the mc beats a enemy in on chapter then by the end of the same chapter you introduce a new foe who is hell bent on killing the mc what the actual fuck this novel is too negative for a person to read it does not inspire adventurous or content feeling instead it only fills a reader with dread and negative emotions
author my man why is the mc always having trouble one after another and now thus times kipper chapter its getting hard to be interested in this fan fiction now because of too much negative plot around the mc so I am dropping it
too much negativity for the mc 😪
most pathetic and shitty fan fiction ever too much plot holes and unexplained interactions between character
what the fuck are you saying author too much fucked up plot
despite mc being smart he isn't even using his brain stupidity at its peak
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