

LV 15
2021-04-22 đã tham gia Global
Huy hiệu 11

Moments 75
7 days ago

If Alex ever makes clash of clans for the bracelets can he also make the tv commercials too from back in the day so he can promote it plus I always found them funny and interesting.😄

Also, if you have any game suggestions for the holographic bracelet, feel free to share, and if you have any good ideas, you can send them too. I'm open to suggestions, hahaha.

Creating games in the future

Creating games in the future

Others · just_a_potato_soul

8 days ago

Author, maybe in the future, you can have Franklin enlist/recruit blanks and pariahs to help prevent chaos infestation from taking root, and maybe the cluster can do something about the whole soulless presence problem that they have when he learns about them and maybe he'll learn about them from the sisters of silence if he encounters them because they should be around during that time even in the imperial palace where they guard the emperor too.

11 days ago
Replied to A_Real_Werewolf234

Maybe their men of iron are more advanced than the ones in regular 40k, perhaps their more human like maybe like the androids from Nier Automata.

11 days ago
Replied to ChuuniGeezer

Here's a future idea that could be possible. Have Franklin make Denzel create a group or a division of space marines that specializes in Denzel's samurai style combat.

13 days ago

I want to read how Franklin meets and interact with his other primarch brothers both loyalist and future traitors before they fell and how his space marines interact with their cousins.

16 days ago

Author after the fight with the tyranids is over will franklin have the independence cluster develope weapons to counter the tyranids they may encounter in the future because in dawn of war 2 the blood ravens had a mission where they had to collect bio-toxins and gene samples to create weapons made to kill that genetic strain of tyranids but I'm not sure if that will work because of the tyranids adaptability and the hive minds learning.(but if they do make weapons like a chemical sprayer weapon maybe franklin can call it bug spray after the operation the did.😏 )

16 days ago

Author I been thinking about this idea for a while now, and I think I might have invented a new classification of imperium Planet, so if you don't mind ideas, here's what I got I classify these planets as cluster world's:cluster world's are imperium classed worlds with human life on them that are in alliance with the independence cluster in the form of protection and trade deals these world's also have some access to some independence cluster goods,technology and amenities in exchange for new,unique and exotic resources and goods.(like amasec, grox and ambull meat that is if the independence cluster has groxes and ambulls.)Also, the independence cluster might take strategic value in some of these world's like the mechanicus does the cluster also offers protection to these world's in times of need or when the regular forces of the imperium is not available or are too far away to send aid.

22 days ago

That’s what she said!!!

A farm overseer, a tall woman with the bearing of ex-military, approached them. "Interested in agriculture, friends? We're always looking for skilled hands, especially those with experience in maximizing yields in tight spaces."

The Primarch of Liberty

The Primarch of Liberty

Anime & Comics · Shiro_Kusanagi_69

23 days ago

and don’t forget about the felinids.

As the group followed the drone's directions, they passed by a medical center. Through the transparent walls, they could see technology far beyond anything in their home systems. Abhumans - Ogryns, Ratlings, and others - waited patiently in line for treatments that would have been unthinkable elsewhere.

The Primarch of Liberty

The Primarch of Liberty

Anime & Comics · Shiro_Kusanagi_69

24 days ago


After facing off warily by the box for several minutes, Duncan finally made up his mind. He gripped the flintlock pistol tightly in one hand and probed the crevice of the box lid with his longsword, then pried it open with force.

Ashes Of Deep Sea

Ashes Of Deep Sea

Sci-fi · Yuan Tong