

LV 1
2021-03-02 đã tham gia Global
Huy hiệu 2

Moments 664
6 days ago

This is so forced, how did that battle conclude? How did the MC escape it? Why didn't Magneto kill him then and there? Why did the x men leave just to come back in their jet to talk to the MC later? There's a lot of glazers in this comment section and none of them are acknowledging the massive, glaring plot holes all over this chapter.

10 days ago

You're doing it to taunt me aren't you? Gilika:


"The world mocks us all, Gilka," Godrick said, gazing at her blankly, unmoved by her reaction. Emotion was a foreign thing to him. "Thy power alone determines if thou canst defy it. The golden blessing wrapped around thy arm grants thee that chance."

Elden Ring : Godrick The Golden

Elden Ring : Godrick The Golden

Video Games · Marine0IQ

12 days ago

Would all the other islands really be visible to each other? With this and the pace that the MC has been traveling around Westeros it's as if the continent is the size of one of those kids' play mats with roads printed on it. Season 8 Westeros felt larger than in this fic.

In that same stream, the beast burned Old Wyk destroying history older than any living soul in the span of time it would take a man to drink water. It raised its black head to the sky and released another guttural roar.

A Song of Grace & Fury

A Song of Grace & Fury

Book&Literature · Bleap

12 days ago

The issue I had with the first few chapters is mostly rectified later on so I'm giving another star. Could still do with a little more fat trimming though to make for a more streamlined reading experience.

Sách này đã bị xóa
12 days ago
Replied to Kraelos

Yeah, it definitely gets better later on but it's not completely gone. I'll balance out the 3 star with a 4 star review but I do recommend rewriting the earlier chapters.

Sách này đã bị xóa
13 days ago

I'm really enjoying this, it's very well written compared to the usual slop on Webnovel, the characters feel real and the story's heading in an interesting direction but I do have 1 major problem. 90% of every chapter is Percy's internal monologue about what he's going to do and how worried he is about his friends and around 90% of his internal monologue is him thinking the exact same thing just slightly rephrased, my advice would be to get rid of all of that, stop telling and start showing, have him actually do stuff and if you really feels it's necessary to tell us that he's confused about where he is for the 30th time then do so by having him have a conversation with another character. The way you're writing this story at the moment makes it a chore to get through and I'm probably going to drop if it doesn't change but I'm hopeful the story will get better since it's a relatively easy fix.

Sách này đã bị xóa
13 days ago

The writing quality makes this unreadable but you might enjoy it if you aren't a native English speaker and therefore can't notice the constant mistakes.

14 days ago


He opened his eyes to a neatly ordered force of both men and Demi-Humans led by Earnan the Martial Prodigy and Gilka the Demi-Human Queen. It had been three days since the battle near the lift and his forces were refreshed and ready to continue the journey.

Elden Ring : Godrick The Golden

Elden Ring : Godrick The Golden

Video Games · Marine0IQ

14 days ago


Godrick's imposing figure loomed over a mound of fallen bodies, his Stygian-esque armour now painted crimson. Gilka and the Chiefs bowed deeply before their Lord on his throne of corpses, the Greatspear resting across his broad shoulder.

Elden Ring : Godrick The Golden

Elden Ring : Godrick The Golden

Video Games · Marine0IQ

14 days ago


"It was necessary then," Gilka retorted, staring down at Godrick. "They were to be beast-like, lest the Black ones stole their minds as they did mine."

Elden Ring : Godrick The Golden

Elden Ring : Godrick The Golden

Video Games · Marine0IQ