

male LV 14

Recommend me some stuff to read :)

2020-10-25 đã tham gia Global
Huy hiệu 11

Moments 1889
37 minutes ago
Replied to P_J_Sch

So if a blind person exchanges their eyes would that give them a crazy return? What if spiderman gave his powers up ?

From hearing the word "timeline", he now knows that the old man in front of him can see certain things in the past and future through the timeline.

MCU: Super Kryptonian Dragon

MCU: Super Kryptonian Dragon

Anime & Comics · Ravinder_Singh_807

19 hours ago

Idk if he’d be as dominant though. Especially when going against tailed beasts considering wood release had chakra suppression to it.

The true strength of Wood Release lay not in the technique itself but in the near-limitless chakra of Hashirama Senju. Even if Hashirama had used other techniques, his sheer chakra would have allowed him to dominate the ninja world. After all, Tsunade's most powerful technique was merely a passive ability inherited from Hashirama.

Ninja World: I Have a Life Simulator

Ninja World: I Have a Life Simulator

Anime & Comics · Emik01

1 days ago
Replied to Forever_virgen


Usually, Renner would not be allowed to attend such meetings. After all, war was a man's game. This was something this she always found to be a bit frustrating and

Princess and her knight(Overlord AU)

Princess and her knight(Overlord AU)

Anime & Comics · Xinum_Sensational

1 days ago
Replied to ThornDevil


This also suggested that Akira considered Orochimaru's value to be quite high. Although Orochimaru appreciated Akira's keen judgment, he couldn't ignore the fact that being highly valued also meant being targeted. Torn between feeling flattered and anxious, Orochimaru didn't know whether to be happy or troubled by the situation.

Ninja World: I Have a Life Simulator

Ninja World: I Have a Life Simulator

Anime & Comics · Emik01

3 days ago
Replied to ShriNG


"Sigh, it's a pity that my Sharingan still hasn't evolved to the level of the Mangekyō."

Ninja World: I Have a Life Simulator

Ninja World: I Have a Life Simulator

Anime & Comics · Emik01

11 days ago
Replied to NappySaiyan


The only person that could dodge so many of them from this close was the princess, and she was a different beast altogether.

Spider-Man X.

Spider-Man X.

Anime & Comics · Saintbarbido

11 days ago
Replied to Soulless_King


As the name suggested the floor was also "safe" in that no monsters spawned on the floor though they did come up from bellow or fall down from above which had caused the adventurer town of Rivira on the floor to get destroyed and rebuilt like thirteen times so far. I had no intention of staying in the town during my time down here though as everything had stupidly jacked up prices. No I was just going to use my technique to fuse some of the trees together into a makeshift house. It wouldn't be anything fancy or anything but it would keep anything from attacking me while I slept.-

Danmachi-Hell's forge

Danmachi-Hell's forge

Anime & Comics · loskro

11 days ago


The rest of the commissions though were either things I didn't want to make like erotic sculptures or weapons for people with sinful souls that I was almost certain were either Evilus or just normal scumbags. I didn't let it slip what I thought of these people but denied their requests either way. You may be wondering why I thought they were Evilus when everyone knew that that group of people were destroyed years back? The answer was simply that I knew from Earth that people like that NEVER truly disappear but merely wait in the shadows where you can't see them until an oppurtunity to reemerge shows up.

Danmachi-Hell's forge

Danmachi-Hell's forge

Anime & Comics · loskro

11 days ago

You just had to jynx it

After all, they encountered unexpected situations in their first three C-Rank missions, but surely not this time.

Naruto: Strength Through Teaching

Naruto: Strength Through Teaching

Anime & Comics · ChaosNinja