Webnovel Author: Soapety - Fanfic&Novel Collection



LV 4

I write shitty Novels and Fan-Fics. And I read a lot of random stuff. Clock F1ME

2019-04-29 đã tham gia United States

Huy hiệu 11

Moments 506

Replied to Tatsuya_Everflame


Getting close I cast a last |Fireball Barrage| in front of him as it slams into his body and face I teleport above him with my sword pointing down as I slam it into his head killing him instantly as his body goes limp. I feel drained looking up I see a few Orcs left getting slaughtered by the many humans left. I then got a pop as the last Orc went down.

Being Reincarnated as Izuku Midoriya with a System!?!?!?

Being Reincarnated as Izuku Midoriya with a System!?!?!?

Anime & Comics · Soapety

Replied to Tatsuya_Everflame

Completely forgot about the fireball.one!!!

"You Puny Humans showed have just been our dinner now I will catch you and use you as a plaything and I love playing rough with my toys," I hear the massive Orc say looking at us killing his men after killing a good number of them he jumps into the fray not killing but knocking people out with his huge club I cast |Fireball Barrage| as I teleport behind him as they hit him he makes groans of pain but he just fucking tanks them and turns around slamming me with his club but I blocked it with the sword but that soon break under the clubs wait. I teleport away as I kill a few of those hounds as they rushed me with a |Fireball Barrage| 'Damn I am running out of MANA shit,' I thought looking at the human I see them killing a lot of Orcs but some of them are laying died damn I then feel the ground shake as I look at the Massive Orc rush at me I cast |Fireball Barrage| pushing him back as I see burns appear on his skin I quickly get a sword from a fallen Orc near me and I rush at the Massive Orc.

Being Reincarnated as Izuku Midoriya with a System!?!?!?

Being Reincarnated as Izuku Midoriya with a System!?!?!?

Anime & Comics · Soapety

Replied to Virusban

Ur good guy and hope everything is good but i need the comment to help me better my writing even if they hurt. For pro reading that is so much work so i just dish out what I think is good and hope some one reading tells me what I misspelled!!! I hope you continue reading or not what you like to do!!

"Cam down," screamed as everyone stood still confused and scared I then pointed to Ida as he also stood confused I walked back to my table and continued eating. Ida then told them what he saw and for people to calm down along to help the injured off the ground. After that, we headed back to class for afternoon classes unlike canon Izuku Izumi did not give the title of president to Ida with the weekend came I could not wait to see what the mountain dungeon changed into.

Being Reincarnated as Izuku Midoriya with a System!?!?!?

Being Reincarnated as Izuku Midoriya with a System!?!?!?

Anime & Comics · Soapety

Replied to Elokla

Super late but its A Cruel Angel's Thesis!!

Yeah, I was right the break time was only 20 minutes this time fuck me. Holy shit I am so fucking pissed that have a big spider the size of a fucknig hound and they shoot fucking webs Man this is getting hard. Man, I wish I was just sleeping right now I am so tired I wish I could level up already but I have to wait until the end which is fucking stupid. "And if there's a reason in faith worth believing. The heavens ensured we would meet, Your ears and your eyes will see me as the bible that, Teaches you how to be free!" I yeah I am ow sing anime opening. These fucking spider webs are so annoying they're fucking everywhere.

Being Reincarnated as Izuku Midoriya with a System!?!?!?

Being Reincarnated as Izuku Midoriya with a System!?!?!?

Anime & Comics · Soapety

Replied to Jadow


"Hmm It seems so I am quite hungry why not we get some food," I said as I saw a plate of fruit next to me. "Wait I can move my hands Uraraka why not be a dear and feed me please," I said smiling but I could feel a burning rage looking at me as I saw her father put on a strained smile while her mother covered her mouth as she giggled.

Being Reincarnated as Izuku Midoriya with a System!?!?!?

Being Reincarnated as Izuku Midoriya with a System!?!?!?

Anime & Comics · Soapety

Replied to Xavier_Gonzalez_2699

Yes, I received a comment stating that he gained nothing from being a part dragon, so I added that so the plot hole was covered by something.

Teleporting back inside after my cool down, I see him with a pile of villain bodies around him, the Nomu dead on the ground with burn marks and stab wounds in them, and Shigaraki and Kurogiri nowhere to be found.

Being Reincarnated as Izuku Midoriya with a System!?!?!?

Being Reincarnated as Izuku Midoriya with a System!?!?!?

Anime & Comics · Soapety

Replied to Xavier_Gonzalez_2699

Yeah, mostly he targets most of its vitals, and when it regenerates, he uses some of his energy to counter it!!

Teleporting back inside after my cool down, I see him with a pile of villain bodies around him, the Nomu dead on the ground with burn marks and stab wounds in them, and Shigaraki and Kurogiri nowhere to be found.

Being Reincarnated as Izuku Midoriya with a System!?!?!?

Being Reincarnated as Izuku Midoriya with a System!?!?!?

Anime & Comics · Soapety

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