Webnovel Author: Edgy_Elite - Fanfic Collection



male LV 15

Lazy lover of all good stories. Also a perfectionist in regards to his own work

2018-09-21 đã tham gia Global

Huy hiệu 10

Moments 38


I dont believe Danzo had Shisui's eyes. Weren't they given to Itachi to ensure they didnt end up in his hands?

"Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura, these two should not be that difficult to kill… I don't believe that either of them would be as strong as a Kage, perhaps at the level of an Elite Jōnin, and maybe a little trickier, but nothing more than that… but Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzō… these two would be very difficult to kill. Shimura Danzō is probably the second strongest person in Konoha at the moment, not counting Jiraiya, not to mention he has all those Sharingan that he would most definitely implant in his arm for Izanagi… which means if I have to kill him, I have to kill him eleven times… no wait, he also has Shisui's Mangekyō Sharingan which he can also use to cast Kotoamatsukami on him other than Izanagi, so maybe twelve times… and his subordinate Anbu wouldn't watch me kill him time and time again while sitting, they would definitely interfere…

Naruto: As Uchiha Sasuke

Naruto: As Uchiha Sasuke

Anime & Comics · Novachrono_Agares


wouldnt be said to a child. He would most likely just say his eyes were special and left it at that

"Well, to put it simply, you have special eyes, your eyes are something most would see as a myth, the sage of six paths had those same eyes, that's why I'm here to train you, I'll help you use your eyes without hurting somebody you care about."

The Eye Of Samsara: Reborn!

The Eye Of Samsara: Reborn!

Anime & Comics · The_Hollow

Replied to thecrazy14

rip tzeentch, he will forever be scheming to take this story and mold it in his own mefarious way

Sách này đã bị xóa

People dont understand characters to hit rock bottom before they reach the top

Oh and I got a one-star review earlier because, and I quote, "MC is such a weak willed person with no backbone" and I know this chapter is gonna get me more of 'em for similar reasons despite what I said in the synopsis. So please show your support if you like the story so far. I'm not begging for five-star reviews or anything, just supportive comments and maybe a few powerstones lol. Heads-up to those of you who will no doubt make a one-star review because you don't like the character. Don't. If you're only reason for not liking a book is the protagonist, just stop reading the book. Don't tank the rating of the story because of your own personal preferences. I gave you a warning in the synopsis, so if I see any reviews that *only* talk about how shitty the protagonist is, imma delete 'em. Sorry not sorry.)

DCAU: Saiyan

DCAU: Saiyan

TV · Online_Writer

Replied to Edgy_Elite

although the two weapons are very different in their roles so not the best comparison

Stretching his hand, he ignored the staff and daggers and immediately grabbed onto a katana that seemed to have been forged out of the blackest material in the universe. It was almost invisible because it absorbed all light that touched it, but Lloyd could still feel its presence.

The Walker Of Voids

The Walker Of Voids

Urban · Animosity


interrupted? So.. he wants to mess with his teammates so they wake up? Respects to him



What followed was thirty-two weeks of intensive training that, by the end, had me walking ten foot tall and more confident in myself than ever. And after basic, you are treated like a soldier. In fact, I like to believe you're treated more than a soldier. They treat you like a marine already, you simply have to earn the right to call yourself one, the right to earn that beret.

Mass Effect: A Hero Rises

Mass Effect: A Hero Rises

Video Games · hackwriter29


dont you mean... Invincible? i'll head out.

And yet there it is, the fundamental force of the universe that can stop even light and time, as if it had no effect on me at all. And so I felt invulnerable!

Invincible! I'm Invincible!

Invincible! I'm Invincible!

Anime & Comics · Navuhodonosr

Replied to Bryan_Growl

weird. But I stand corrected I guess.

Sage-"Guys, I will be fighting King Ice today. So stay far away from the battle ok.

Dragon ball Z: A True Saiyan

Dragon ball Z: A True Saiyan

Anime & Comics · Ozonelayer


Depends on the plants nearby. If yall got guavas, guava shoots help with the stomach

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