Hellpiece - Profile


male LV 6
2017-09-21 đã tham gia United Kingdom

Huy hiệu 5

Moments 36


I think something is not right and who is the Mc supposed to be fighting ??


You know I sometimes forget that he was an reincarnate person.

Because he had been reincarnated, and because he had been the mockery of his family for more than two years, he only recognized his father and two brothers in the entire Xiao family.

BTTH Life Simulator System

BTTH Life Simulator System

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Gate of Greed- the second gate is a slightly slimmed down mc who resembles a slightly overweight man. In this form he gives up the defensive properties of his fat to increase his self-healing to Draconic levels. Due to integrating various forms of magic this form also gained enhanced telekinesis and some form of energy absorption like Bandit Ban from the SDS. When not in his base gluttony form, he can often be found in his greed form.

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Isaac Netero


Gate of gluttony- the first gate or the base form of the mc is extremely fat. The excess energy reserves are stored as fat just like his beginner method but far more refined, he has developed the same abilities as fat gum from his progress in this form. So, he can absorb damage of any type and redirect it in exchange for calories. He can convert the fat into demonic power that are above his high medium class reserves or into a massive amount of Ki that resembles Issac Netero powering up. Despite his size he moves extremely fast and hits incredibly hard. In terms of body, he's ultimate class easily. It would be unwise to try and tank his punches. This form as his base means as he trains this form the power multiplies in the others.

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Venelana Gremory


He opened his eyes to see a stunning brunette smiling kindly at him. Venelana Gremory had saved his life. She had been a fan of his since she saw his early fights. She decided to add him to her peerage as she was impressed when he took down that ultimate class

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When he sits down for a rest, he feels someone break into his wards. He looks over his shoulder and saw Scathach staring at him. He sighs and invites her to sit and eat.

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Next he fed Ophis who lived in his ROR that he built. She eats Desserts that Winky makes and plays Pokémon games like the crossedge version. Ron gets some scales from her every so often which he uses in his experiments.

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Morticia Addams neé


Lastly a gaunt woman entered and congratulated him on his Necromancy licence. She was Morticia Addams neé frump. He asked about the family, so she told them her trouble regarding her daughters education so he suggested sending the daughter to beauxbatons like she herself did when she was young then thanked her for the licence and told her to thank cousin It for his hair care tips. She then invited him to the next family séance before leaving through a shadow.

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The Harry Potter crew were still slack jawed when a literal fairy visited him next, Tinkerbell flew into the room and dropped off some old tomes about fae forging and enchanting techniques. In exchange he gave her a bag filled with alchemised Pyrite ore, she kissed him on the cheek when he also slipped her a wheel of expensive cheese so gave him so real fairy dust.

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Hatsume Mei


Next they saw a pinkette rush in and drop off some reports and schematics before hugging him and leaving. That was Hatsume Mei. A fallen angel hybrid that lived in Australia. She is an artificer for Grigori and often collaborates with him for his projects, she tracked him down when she saw his thesis on gogmagogs cores and was awed by his massive tower!

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Skulduggery Pleasant


They were shocked when he was visited by a talking skeleton dressed in a bespoke suit who joked with him and offered him a certificate. They demanded to know why he was learning necromancy. Skulduggery Pleasant was there to deliver his elemental certificate. He gave skull some manga to pass to China Sorrows and asked him for his best wishes to Valkyrie

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Hinata Hyuuga


· 3x pawn- Hinata Hyuuga. Heiress to a ninja clan that died out in civil war. The main branch always had a stronger variant of the base clan blood abilities. The lower and more numerous branch members resented this. Hinata and her sister who joined the Vali team are the only survivors. She inherited a lot of eye powers from various series:

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Ruby Rose


· 2x pawn- Ruby Rose. This little reaper has a holy bloodline with traces of reaper ancestry so is good at light magic, has natural super speed, wields a scythe at the master level, learned gun magic due to her obsession with guns and can use reaper arts. She however has a massive hero complex so she rushes into situations where a normal devil… wouldn't for fear of consequences like starting up the Great War again. Later she discovers that she has the silver eyes so trains in ocular magic under Hinata and Irene. Ruby is interested in weapon design, so she attempts to meet Erza's standards. Due to her speed she's quite mischievous, she uses it to prank the others but always fails against Ron and Hinata who can see her coming a mile away. She idolises Ron due to the stories surrounding his heroic adventures across the world and his creations from his magical studies. She struggles with the paperwork just like Erza, so she has Ron help her do it. Often attempting to "monopolise his lap" which annoys the rest of the peerage more than her pranks do.

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· 2x pawn- Nami Citrus. She is a Demigod daughter of Zeus who hates water gods due to how a fishman/monster killed her mother at Poseidon's orders. After losing her mother she raised herself on the streets until Grayfia found her and took her in. Because of her upbringing she became a kleptomaniac who steals rare artifacts. Erza confiscates them to add to her collection often leading to conflict constantly. She is glad to be a devil as it means no prophecy bullshit for her because she became a devil, and they don't report to the Greek fates. Her bloodline granted her weather manipulation which she is constantly pushing to new heights, she is also skilled in thieving arts and staff mastery. She is partnered up with Erza often as they adventure to find treasure, when they end up pissing off some god, she becomes antagonistic, and Ron must step in. When she met Ron, she thought she was slick stealing one of his enchanted wrist bracelets, that was until her jeans fell when Ron stole her belt in retaliation. Every time she tried to steal from him it was met with retaliation or consequences, she likes that he was also a ginger and went to him for hair care tips.

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Irene Belserion


· Mutated bishop- Irene Belserion. She joined the peerage because she wants to reconnect with her daughter but is too prideful to make the first action. Grayfia accepted her because she understands the troubled mother's plight. During her path to curing the dragonification curse her now dead husband placed on her she became a World renowned runesmith, the creator of dragon slayer magic and managed to learn outrage by herself. She spends her time furthering her craft, teaching the members of the peerage, or spending time with Ron who she sees as the most mature. This action gets her glares from the rest of the peerage as they see it as her monopolising Ron for herself. Ron however is delighted to spend days with her regarding runes and magic, he tries to help her connect with Erza but it's often to no avail.

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Erza Scarlet


· 2 knights- Erza scarlet. She is a fanatic weapons collector with mom issues because her mother abandoned her in an orphanage so she could deal with her draconification curse. Erza spends her time training with the rooks and adventuring to find new weapons and armour for her collection. She is a master at space, enhancement, and blade magic. In private she prefers to sample strawberry deserts but if often interrupter by her mother or Ruby who would steal her sweets. When this happens, she would go on a rampage that Ron would stop. In regard to Ron she often attempts to steal the sword of Gryffindor for her collection, he published a book relating to her about dragon psychology and how it can affect hybrids and those with dragon bloodlines. Erza is often teamed up with Nami and Ron which got them labelled the red headed thieves due to their grave robbing/ treasure hunting adventures.

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Raven Branwen


· Rook- Raven Branwen. She is the current leader of the Branwen clan which despises the Schnee's. Just like Winter she has the same abilities is canon and dabbles in elemental magic to resemble a maiden. She possess' a blade based scared gear that contains the soul of a dragon that resembles red eyes from YUGIOH. Her time is spent in a similar way to Winter with regards to training and family business, but she hates her brother. She spends her time being a tsundere towards her daughter Yang who visits her occasionally against the wishes of her ex-husband Taiyang. Due to the matching sacred gears and their families rivalry the two rooks often bicker and try to kill each other resulting in Ron having to stop them.

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Winter Schnee


· Rook- Winter Schnee. She is the current leader of the Schnee magician family who has a competitive rivalry with the Branwen clan. She has the same Schnee semblance and is a master swordsman who dabbles in elemental magic. She possess' a rapier sacred gear that contains the soul of a dragon that resembles blue eyes from YUGIOH. Her time is spent training her magic and sword skills most of the time, the rest she is either working on her family's business or being a closet siscon to her sister.

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· Queen- Medea. She hates men due to how following Jason destroyed her life if the story of how she killer her brother and Jason betrayed her to be accurate. She spends most of her time following after Grayfia when she can or working on some project relating to her expertise. During work she can often be too aggressive or vicious towards male devils to Ron has to stop her.

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