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50% Smithsonian snippets / Chapter 4: Master Mancer Weasley

Chương 4: Master Mancer Weasley

The first thing I can recall when I awoke was that everything was loud and bright, I saw hundreds of people in robes with half of them painted the colour of the Irish flag. Smaller people dressed as stereotypical Leprechauns were walking around without anyone batting an eye. I was shaken by a skinny boy with a lightning bolt scar on his forehead asking if I was alright, he said I frothed at the mouth for a bit. When my mind noted him to be Harry everything snapped into place, he was Harry Potter, and I was his best mate Ron Weasley! And I had just been poisoned to death!

The next three hours were a blur as my family led me around and I got acquainted with my new memories. Before I was a gym instructor living in Liverpool before I took a smack to the head via barbell. Now I'm the ginger jackass of one of the most famous book series of all times and till this point everything had happened just like the books. At least it was nice to finally put a face to Charlie Weasley.

When I realised where and when I was, I checked for Ron's\my money pouch, he carried his entire savings which was a measly 26 galleons. I rushed to a gambling tent when everyone was in awe of the international wizarding spectacles surrounding us. Found the goblins who were notorious for debt collection but offered more than fair odds as a trade-off. 500:1 odds on Ireland winning but Krum catching the snitch netted me 13,000 Galleons.

I had the goblins create a separate account under my name encase my howler mother decided to confiscate it and Merlin forbid give it back. From there I started corresponding with an investment manager in Gringotts and placed responses for investments over the next thirty years. Wizards have a much better memory than regular humans I found even without Occlumency enhancing it further. After that I spent the time revising all the old textbooks scattered throughout the house. The first through third years books were all up with the family ghoul in a chest. Bill, Charlie, and Percy all left their old books in their old rooms. The two eldest didn't care that I was reading them whilst Percy gave me a huff through his nose.

Harry and Hermione were shocked at me revising but I just said that I didn't want to get caught out by the professors when we return like Snape does every year. Seeing the logic, they didn't comment and just left me to it. When we did hang out it was mostly chores around the house that mum ordered or debating some topic. When the others of the golden trio started talking muggle subjects, I just looked like I didn't understand. I pretended to be shocked at Hermione's descriptions of Star Wars. Wandless space wizards?!?! I would say.

At night however I would elect to slip off and visit an unlikely individual, old aunt Muriel resided in the Prewett ancestral home most of the time. However, often she'd be out visiting one of her gossip buddies or asleep from her alcoholic indulgences. So I'd visit the families library and study up on wizarding topics Ron had little to no knowledge off such as an unbiased view of our history or the family spells.

Close to September was when I learned a shocking fact, the Weasley's actually have a blood connection to the gaunts which was when I recalled the future Ron could mimic parseltongue to enter the chamber of secrets. Ron had been plagued with Harry hissing in his sleep for over three years at this point so I kept reciting the hisses until I could do them myself. My magic coursed through my body and made my tongue vibrate.

When the return to Hogwarts came, I'd use the map in Harry's trunk to sneak up to the room of requirement to speed up my studies. When Harry got selected and started freaking out, I began training my body, mind, and magic in secret. Everyone's eyes were focused on Harry, so it was the perfect time to go unnoticed, I practised my skills by pranking anyone who went too far with hazing harry and the aftermath was tossed at my brothers' feet. When Harry would get broody and scamper off to the library with Hermione I would socialise with our housemates. Most of them appreciated that my abrasive personality slowly began vanishing and chalked it up to me growing up and maturing like my elder brothers.

I learned occlumency to a level where Snape's brushes with my mind would slide away, the first time it happened his neck snapped toward me and stared as I grinded a pixie's spine to dust for a potion. Another area I progressed was securing Winky as my new house elf, Dobby responded to my call, and I steered the conversation towards her leading to a trip to the kitchens and claiming her. So, she would do the menial tasks I couldn't be arsed with and would act as my chauffeur when I needed her.

Thanks to my workouts at night my lanky figure filled out nicely, when the Yule ball came, I asked out a Durmstrang girl called Nikoleta Kaleynska who was a fluent English speaker. Among her group she had an infamous reputation for torturing men who were too forward with her or so I deduced. When I asked her out both delegations and locals were shocked to say the least, rumour spread that I was into foreigners and that I preferred ravenette's like her. Nikol as she told me to call her was delighted to go. When mum sent those god-awful robes and a strongly worded letter about foreign women, I burned both and had her take me to Kingsman's tailor for a fitting of a nice dark grey suit and a set off oxfords. After this I went to Diagon alley and visited Madam Malkin's and paid her to attach some nice clothing related enchantments. Stuff like stain resistant, bullet proofing, cologne retainment, comfort charms and the like. She charmed my shoes for free.

Nikol was very appreciative of my style when she arrived in her gorgeous grey dress, the fact that I matched her and looked so dapper in muggle clothing earned me brownie points. After a light meal where we both ordered a Sirloin and a few glasses of elf made wine that Winky slipped in just for us. More brownie points for me I noted as Nikol gave me a "fuck me" leer. When it was time to dance, we showed that we both had sufficient training, my previous life experiences kicking in.

After I noticed Nikol start to get bored of dancing, I herded her to the refreshments table and began making conversation. She wanted to be a spell mistress and had already designed at least 9 fully functional spells; one I noted had the ability to permanently dye root colour so it would always be the new colour. I traded her that spell for muffliato the speech obscuration spell. I told her I was considering losing the weaselly orange for a more crimson look. She didn't so much as squeal but give me a Cheshire grin as I was promised into allowing her test shades on me.

We continued talking about spell craft which id become knowledgeable about over the past months and delved into curses eventually. She was very knowledgeable about this topic and was surprised I knew what she was talking about, the Prewett library had a lot off NSFW spells tucked inside that looked to have been taken straight from the Black family. Soon her friends arrived and I conversed with them, they were apprehensive off the "blood traitor" in the muggle suit but they saw Nikol having a great time so decided to fraternise.

Wizards are idiots no matter the country I found as I listened to the European women elaborate on their families wants and needs concerning their partners and how they'd be scrutinised based on who they took to this dance. When they learned, I was related to Charlie, and I explained about his work at the Romanian dragon sanctuary I continued speaking about my family pointing Percy out as a ministry stooge which they'd all be familiar with. Bill was the most impressive to them as a Gringotts employee, past 11 we upped the drink, and I told the story of how me and Harry faced off against the acromantula horde in the forest. I told them I used Arania Exumai so they'd know it wasn't complete horseshit, that's an OWL level spell for dealing with arachnid creatures.

At the end of the night I was joined in a large bed by five European bombshells inside the black pearl rip-off of Durmstrang. Parseltongue had its reputation earned a sign of darkness when I had women screaming within moments. My lanky figure didn't just translate to height and the magical aided workout routine id been on helped my stamina tremendously. I'd even used some Prewett Eromancy spells to get myself back in the game as fast as possible. I did the walk of shame the next morning proudly, my body was littered with hickeys which left my roommates slack jawed as I vanished into the bathroom to soothe my aching muscles with hot water.

I was still chosen as Harry's mermen retrieval item despite wishing I wasn't, Karkaroff was the one to nab me and I can't help but feel he took a pleasure in doing so. In return for his transgression, I discreetly visited the delegations women in their rooms and made sure they were as loud as possible after I edited the sound wards so his room heard everything.

After fourth year things progressed similarly to the books with the addition of my grades being far better. I began writing to several of the girls I'd become acquainted with during the Triwizard tournament as they pursued masteries and advanced education in several areas. As I developed, they'd happily reply as sometimes I'd give valuable insight. By the time the battle of Hogwarts occurred I was 6'4 and built like Ichigo Kurosaki. In the battle I had managed to save Nymphadora Tonks life from Bellatrix before I blasted her through a wall. I didn't manage to save Lupin from Dolohov but I did avenge him when I ripped him in half with conjured chains pulling from his legs and neck.

Fred I was unable to save, Fenrir Greyback took him out from behind with an organ rupturing curse. In my rage id summoned the sword of Gryffindor and impaled it down the bastard's throat and pushing a flame curse into it. The werewolf was cooked from the inside out. I managed to also kill Nagini and Morag during the battle, the sword acted the same as a focus I soon discovered. Harry still did his whole self sacrificing spiel whilst I waited for him to awaken.

When he duelled Tom I faced Rookwood before Tonks could kill him from behind, losing her husband kind of sent her into a blood rage. During the final battle Tom began to slowly flake away but looked to be able to suppress it with the elder wand somehow. The battle ended with Harry's victory, the week following was filled with funerals and executions of the surviving death eaters.

I began writing and visiting Tonks to help her and her mother cope with teddy until he got back on his feet. Harry and Hermione dragged me to test for Newts at the ministry sometime in July. After we got top marks those two delved into their careers, Harry became an Auror and assisted in restoring the peace whilst Hermione joined the ministry. Tonks went on to become head of the DMLE under Shacklebolts advisement when he became the new minister. He pushed forward the Hogwarts restoration act and diverted a majority off the vaults of dead death eaters towards the schools repairment and improvement.

After Hogwarts I chose to take a gap year to travel the wizarding communities and visit some of my pen pals. I enjoyed visiting Charlie as he was rather isolated from the family, didn't want him becoming some depressed dragon hermit after losing Fred. George didn't seem to have this issue, when he went into a slump the flying foxes came to the rescue.

Angeline Johnson, Alicia Spinnet, and Katie Bell kind of formed a harem around him which kept him more than sane. I gave him a few books of Prewett and Weasley Eromancy to help him out. It was the hardest id ever made him laugh, he smacked me on the back and told me that was something Fred would do.

Anyway, on my travels I earned a rep for helping Harry take out a dark lord, I started helping out in local areas that I passed through on my pilgrimage to learn more magic which passed on more goodwill. The story of a magnanimous pure blood who wasn't bigoted or unaware of muggle society was welcomed everywhere he went. Along the way however I managed to catch the eye of a passing silver haired maid when I solved a missing persons case at Mahoutokuro in Japan.

She saw that I had language skills and mediation skills as I was able to solve problems rather easily no matter the situation. I learned a lot of languages after I had Winky take me to the crouch family home after the war. They had no heirs and weren't included in Shacklebolt's restoration project for some reason, so I claimed it for myself. Their family magic revolves around "defence" against the dark arts and accelerated language learning. So, I quickly learned all the major languages and all the ones related to spell craft I could.

The maid watched him easily dispatch some low-level youkai with curses and hexes in the heart of their territory to retrieve the missing people. This pegged him as a dismancer in her eyes. Someone who uses curses to weaken and kill their enemies, not very powerful on its own but she soon saw he had other skills. She saw him use a blade later when he faced a possessed stone statue. The blade of Gryffindor belonged to me, I took it after the battle of Hogwarts and never returned it. Everyone assumes it was destroyed for some reason, so I never corrected them. She watched my battle apparition where i turned into a grey misty figure capable of high-speed flight. Much faster than human mages she noted who relied on circles with formula.

After that the maid began to make a note of all his major skills. When I visited Uugadou I learned face changing which is a knock off metamorphagus along with becoming an Animagus. When I wrote to Tonks that I'd learned all her tricks she invited me to her apartment to prove myself as the superior shape shifter, there was indeed a lot of shifting if you know what I mean.

My Animagus form is a red fox, very basic I know so later I performed a ritual that allowed me to change into the local red fox of whatever area I was in the world, Red foxes are a lot more widespread than most people would think and they have regional variants like some form of Pokémon.

Eventually I was approached by the maid who introduced herself as Grayfia Lucifuge, she invited me to join her peerage and provided a working contract with stipulations towards what we both could and couldn't do. Grayfia was not known for taking a peerage, but she does in fact have one. Much like Rias she collects troubled individuals for her peerage and tries to help them, but her apathetic facade prevents her greatly from helping them with most of their needs. After becoming a Devil Ron's appearance changed greatly, during his travels he packed on some muscle but now he dyed his hair crimson red. He resembles Enryu from the tower of god and his body is like Nie Li from tales of demons and gods.

I took up a spot as her second bishop. In terms of combat ability, I was the weakest by her estimate but to her I became the most reliable and could accomplish most tasks she set. Whether it be cleaning the manor quickly or stopping her peerage members from fighting amongst themselves.

The peerage is as follows;

· King- Grayfia Lucifuge. The scion of the Lucifuge house and married to Sirzechs Gremory. She recruited her peerage mainly to help troubled individuals that she took a fancy too. She mainly has her peerage assist Sirzechs regarding domestic affairs of the devils. While Serafall covers the international fuck ups it's her peerage who cleans up the messes internally. This translates to them storming different families and confiscating peerage members, promoting them to high class so they can have their independence and transporting them back. Her peerage also investigates suspicious rumours around the pillar and extra devil families. When she isn't working she spends time with her son Millicas or her mother in law Venelana, she often goes to Ron for advice towards being more emotionally open to her family.

· Queen- Medea. She hates men due to how following Jason destroyed her life if the story of how she killer her brother and Jason betrayed her to be accurate. She spends most of her time following after Grayfia when she can or working on some project relating to her expertise. During work she can often be too aggressive or vicious towards male devils to Ron has to stop her.

· Rook- Winter Schnee. She is the current leader of the Schnee magician family who has a competitive rivalry with the Branwen clan. She has the same Schnee semblance and is a master swordsman who dabbles in elemental magic. She possess' a rapier sacred gear that contains the soul of a dragon that resembles blue eyes from YUGIOH. Her time is spent training her magic and sword skills most of the time, the rest she is either working on her family's business or being a closet siscon to her sister.

· Rook- Raven Branwen. She is the current leader of the Branwen clan which despises the Schnee's. Just like Winter she has the same abilities is canon and dabbles in elemental magic to resemble a maiden. She possess' a blade based scared gear that contains the soul of a dragon that resembles red eyes from YUGIOH. Her time is spent in a similar way to Winter with regards to training and family business, but she hates her brother. She spends her time being a tsundere towards her daughter Yang who visits her occasionally against the wishes of her ex-husband Taiyang. Due to the matching sacred gears and their families rivalry the two rooks often bicker and try to kill each other resulting in Ron having to stop them.

· 2 knights- Erza scarlet. She is a fanatic weapons collector with mom issues because her mother abandoned her in an orphanage so she could deal with her draconification curse. Erza spends her time training with the rooks and adventuring to find new weapons and armour for her collection. She is a master at space, enhancement, and blade magic. In private she prefers to sample strawberry deserts but if often interrupter by her mother or Ruby who would steal her sweets. When this happens, she would go on a rampage that Ron would stop. In regard to Ron she often attempts to steal the sword of Gryffindor for her collection, he published a book relating to her about dragon psychology and how it can affect hybrids and those with dragon bloodlines. Erza is often teamed up with Nami and Ron which got them labelled the red headed thieves due to their grave robbing/ treasure hunting adventures.

· Mutated bishop- Irene Belserion. She joined the peerage because she wants to reconnect with her daughter but is too prideful to make the first action. Grayfia accepted her because she understands the troubled mother's plight. During her path to curing the dragonification curse her now dead husband placed on her she became a World renowned runesmith, the creator of dragon slayer magic and managed to learn outrage by herself. She spends her time furthering her craft, teaching the members of the peerage, or spending time with Ron who she sees as the most mature. This action gets her glares from the rest of the peerage as they see it as her monopolising Ron for herself. Ron however is delighted to spend days with her regarding runes and magic, he tries to help her connect with Erza but it's often to no avail.

· Bishop. Ron Weasley (MC). I must deal with all the bullshit. You know my story and will learn what I'm capable off. In the peerage I'm basically the babysitter, I deal with the tantrums and messes of the others. When I'm not dealing with them it's the devil young master types who are basically Draco Malfoy 2.0. I spend my free time learning new magic or socialising where I can. My time is spent travelling the world cleaning up the devils' messes. I would often travel with Serafall which annoys the rest of the peerage, she's not that bad when you get past the extreme extrovert stuff and the magical girl obsession. I also must constantly track down members of the peerage when they get up to something that affects the supernatural as a whole like unearthing some ancient deity who tries to destroy the world. Happens more than you would think.

· 2x pawn- Nami Citrus. She is a Demigod daughter of Zeus who hates water gods due to how a fishman/monster killed her mother at Poseidon's orders. After losing her mother she raised herself on the streets until Grayfia found her and took her in. Because of her upbringing she became a kleptomaniac who steals rare artifacts. Erza confiscates them to add to her collection often leading to conflict constantly. She is glad to be a devil as it means no prophecy bullshit for her because she became a devil, and they don't report to the Greek fates. Her bloodline granted her weather manipulation which she is constantly pushing to new heights, she is also skilled in thieving arts and staff mastery. She is partnered up with Erza often as they adventure to find treasure, when they end up pissing off some god, she becomes antagonistic, and Ron must step in. When she met Ron, she thought she was slick stealing one of his enchanted wrist bracelets, that was until her jeans fell when Ron stole her belt in retaliation. Every time she tried to steal from him it was met with retaliation or consequences, she likes that he was also a ginger and went to him for hair care tips.

· 2x pawn- Ruby Rose. This little reaper has a holy bloodline with traces of reaper ancestry so is good at light magic, has natural super speed, wields a scythe at the master level, learned gun magic due to her obsession with guns and can use reaper arts. She however has a massive hero complex so she rushes into situations where a normal devil… wouldn't for fear of consequences like starting up the Great War again. Later she discovers that she has the silver eyes so trains in ocular magic under Hinata and Irene. Ruby is interested in weapon design, so she attempts to meet Erza's standards. Due to her speed she's quite mischievous, she uses it to prank the others but always fails against Ron and Hinata who can see her coming a mile away. She idolises Ron due to the stories surrounding his heroic adventures across the world and his creations from his magical studies. She struggles with the paperwork just like Erza, so she has Ron help her do it. Often attempting to "monopolise his lap" which annoys the rest of the peerage more than her pranks do.

· 3x pawn- Hinata Hyuuga. Heiress to a ninja clan that died out in civil war. The main branch always had a stronger variant of the base clan blood abilities. The lower and more numerous branch members resented this. Hinata and her sister who joined the Vali team are the only survivors. She inherited a lot of eye powers from various series:

1. The byakugan with its energy scope and zooming abilities.

2. The Kure clan release

3. The Akuma eye of Allen Walker

4. King Bradley's Wrath eye

5. Strike vision of takeshi nanase

6. Erasure gaze of Aizawa Shota

7. Viola of one piece

8. Kamui of obito

9. The ramengan which enhances flavour by infusing mana

10. An eyebeam

11. Eye magic of fairy tail

12. Ametarasu of Itachi

Hinata is a skilled hand to hand combatant, but her reserves are trash. Being able to promote helps her immensely. She's the shy member of the group who's also pining after a nine tails kitsune. She joined so her sister could be protected. She wishes that she'd be engaged to Millicas to ensure this. She mainly socialises with ruby to teach her how to manifest ocular techniques as ruby has the silver eyes. Frequently Hinata spars with Erza and studies with Irene who also knows ocular magic. When she learns the hero faction killed her love interest, she became a depressed wreck. Ron had to mend her back to health when the others struggled to help her. Her hobbies include sampling sweets with her favourite being cinnamon buns.

After Hogwarts Ron tried to join several other magical organisations like golden dawn but was rejected because of his heritage as a wizard which is seen as a joke in the supernatural world. He could however get certified in disciplines, the organisations allow certifications so they can track loner talents. People get certified so they can receive discounts in the field they chose. For example Grimoires and ingredients come cheap if your qualified in alchemy.

Ron obviously studies and becomes a dismancer and gets his degree in Germany under Rosenkreuzer which was how Grayfia learned his main skills In Africa he becomes a registered Druid after he becomes an Animagus and provides his findings on Animagus furthering rituals like with his multinational fox trick. In Louisiana the Salem collective of witches certified him as a Oungan which is a male voodoo priest. He learned this to prevent himself from another horcrux scenario. Plus, the remote control people stuff could be funny. When he returned to England he became a certified astromancer and arithimancer

Once he was recruited Grayfia personally saw to it he became a cryomancer and umbramancer.

On the first Christmas since he became a Devil Hermione who was there as a family friend demanded to know why the ICW labelled him a master runesmith and duellist. He just said he learned a lot in Asia infuriating her greatly as he never talked about his travels. The Weasley clan and their friends are curious as to what Ron does for work. He told them he works for a pure blood international business that leads to him travelling the world. He has confirmed that he has a home from when he isn't working but has never taken them there.

Mahoutokuro frequently requested him as a guest speaker for their classes as he saved some of their students. After several drinks with the chairman of the school he was invited to a course on studying Onmyōdō making him an Onmyoji. He can't learn Christian exorcism styles after all.

Ron would later go on to build his own mage tower once it becomes known in the supernatural world whose peerage he joined. At work the other members were giving him frequent migraines with their behaviour and devils can teleport to him whenever they want. So, he built a trans dimensional man cave. After contacting the chairman of Grauzauberer Mephistopheles he gathered data on the land of Oz. Ron created a pocket space like the garden of Avalon which Merlin ambrosias/Asmodeus created in the past. Ron built his tower out of the remains of the deactivated gogmagogs that are floating around the dimensional gap and uses their cores as a magical generator to power it.

He made a mage tower!!! The front entrance contains the remains of the basilisk which Ron appropriated in his fourth year. It has a greenhouse which functions as a biotope. He grows various kinds of weed for relaxing along with ingredients for potions, alchemy, and rituals.

His library contains books he bought or stole during missions or his studies. His bedroom has a bed he stole from a cult of Hypnos. Best damn sleep of his life. He has Winky the house elf there to clean the other areas and he is constantly expanding. He drew inspiration from the tower of fate for his defences.

When the Harry Potter crew finally get around to visiting, they saw his trophy room containing some body parts from creatures he killed, artifacts and grimoires of magic users, art pieces and some of his successful experiments that are famous in the wider world.

They were shocked when he was visited by a talking skeleton dressed in a bespoke suit who joked with him and offered him a certificate. They demanded to know why he was learning necromancy. Skulduggery Pleasant was there to deliver his elemental certificate. He gave skull some manga to pass to China Sorrows and asked him for his best wishes to Valkyrie

Next they saw a pinkette rush in and drop off some reports and schematics before hugging him and leaving. That was Hatsume Mei. A fallen angel hybrid that lived in Australia. She is an artificer for Grigori and often collaborates with him for his projects, she tracked him down when she saw his thesis on gogmagogs cores and was awed by his massive tower!

The Harry Potter crew were still slack jawed when a literal fairy visited him next, Tinkerbell flew into the room and dropped off some old tomes about fae forging and enchanting techniques. In exchange he gave her a bag filled with alchemised Pyrite ore, she kissed him on the cheek when he also slipped her a wheel of expensive cheese so gave him so real fairy dust.

Following her a literal Valkyrie came in and began animatedly talking to him about her successful trip to Louisiana that helped her finally learn her families magic, he passed her a signed copy of Irene's work making her squeal, so she gave him a library's worth of books on Nordic magic.

Lastly a gaunt woman entered and congratulated him on his Necromancy licence. She was Morticia Addams neé frump. He asked about the family, so she told them her trouble regarding her daughters education so he suggested sending the daughter to beauxbatons like she herself did when she was young then thanked her for the licence and told her to thank cousin It for his hair care tips. She then invited him to the next family séance before leaving through a shadow.

The Weasley clan then began to realise that they barely know Ron at all. He has friends in high places and is studying all magic that they had no idea existed. Hermione and Percy were shocked at his framed certifications in several magical arts. The photos they saw of him with various people like a blonde tipped older man (Azazel) on a fishing boat standing next to a megalodon corpse proved that. (This is a Hanayama reference for those who read that manga).

At Christmas Ron would return to drink at the burrow and catch up with his family. On the job he ended up having to smoke weed to prevent himself from killing somebody. At the dinner table he got into a mild argument with Fleur. Fleur on the side helps at the Veela sanctuary of France. The Veela are in contract with the Phenex clan. Through them she learned about Ron and what he has been doing for the Satan's and the Gremory. She low-key accused him of being an enforcer or a problem solver for them. He didn't deny it because he did solve problems for the Satan's and he did occasionally have to kill something. When she kept tacking on more and more insults he sawed through his steak like Mr incredible. The whole table saw it and watched him wandlessly fix it.

He then decided to reverse card her. She disliked that he reddened his hair so he pointed out that he had five brothers with the same colour. He wanted to try expressing himself as an individual so he changesd it to one he preferred looking at in the mirror every morning.

Then he pointed out that his "job" is to "liaise" between "departments" and mediate issues. The department heads are often blood purists (clan devils) so are rather prideful. Their kids get in through nepotism so sometimes he has to do things dirty to get the problem solved.

Third is that he does a lot of work, he explains that a leader gets their own "team" and his is dysfunctional, so his "boss" relies on him to resolve it. Because he's used to chaotic environments. (No one could debate that in the Weasley home).

Fourth he invented a mental version of a dicta quill known as the psychapen which allows him to do paper work much faster than the rest so he has to check some of theirs. Ruby and Erza. Fifth the other department heads want him for projects. Serafall wants him for diplomatic conferences and Ajuka likes the help of a competent assistant. Falbium likes his coffee. Sixth Fleur can't talk, he went on to describe how lascivious the Phenex family is and stated about how the second and thirds collect women openly. The more unique the better. The only ones he would do business with are Ruval and Ravel. The bill of their family and the competent girl.

Bill then gets into an argument with Fleur about whether Ron was correct about who she was working for part time. Later Ron visits the Kiln (potter home) to invite Harry out for drinks after a long day of work. Instead, he finds Ginny having coffee with Michael Corner. Then he says this loudly "if what I think is happening! Is happening! It better not be" causing Michael to sprint out of the place. He ends up addressing his sisters' issues. Harry is busy as an Auror and she's a sports journalist, yet they spend no time together anymore. The kids left for Hogwarts, and she wants her needs met.

Ron drags Harry and Hermione out and convinces him to swap to desk duty or take up Dada at Hogwarts. At the end of the year Ron is invited to the Yule ball at the ministry. Ron's work as an author and problem solver abroad led to the local politics wanting to drag him in. Hermione dragged him to it when he ignored the numerous requests from various important people in Britain who wanted to meet him. The peerage wasn't happy that he slipped out for a half day to party and told Grayfia who sighed at the nonsense.

Ron has proved to be invaluable, and he's grown power wise to a low ultimate rank like the rest of the peerage. His paperwork shortcuts were a lifesaver and his parental tips let her spend more time with her son.

Ron at the party just stood in the corner sipping at his scotch. A low powered ignore me ward he created to make asskissers leave him alone meant no one was approaching him

Susan Bones the minister of magic then approached him and made small talk. Seeing him socialising Daphne Greengrass followed suit. Both women are in the market for a pure blood husband who would let them work in peace. Susan is the minister of magic and Daphne holds the wizengamot seat and has pushed forward several progressive policies using her influence.

They note that Ron is in fantastic shape under the robes with their various spells. Ron noticed but said nothing as he learned to stop caring about being ogled quickly when dealing with Devils. He spent the night talking with them until the room was infiltrated and an attack launched on the wizards by exorcists.

When he and the two girls were surrounded Ron quoted Iroh at an attacker before breathing flames at them. Someone chimed in "great now every Gryffindor is gonna copy that". Several exorcists attacked the party searching for Theodore Nott. Griselda Quarta herself led the charge to find him but he portkeyed out. Before an incident could start Ron approached her and talked the situation down. He asked them to fall back so they could discuss this peacefully to resolve the matter.

Griselda asked, "why should I consider having words with a heathen like yourself?".

Ron sighed before replying "for one if me and you fight it's going to level this building which would wreck London, also its going to be really awkward to ask for a piss before we fight."

Griselda laughed at hum before agreeing to talking so Ron, Susan, Hermione (chief unspeakable) and Tonks (Ron saved her at the battle of Hogwarts, she heads the DMLE) went to the minister's office to talk. Harry also attended under his cloak which Ron and Griselda noticed but said nothing.

Ron had to explain quickly the expanded supernatural world and how the wizards are ignored due to their history as experiments off different pantheons and their idiotic nature. Some people were offended (Hermione) until the exorcist ranted some things, they'd caught wizards doing. So, Nott essentially kidnapped a church orphanage for a ritual. He's trying to bring back Voldemort. The wizards were shocked while Ron was apathetic as this was a common thing in his line of work.

The small group headed to Nott manor and busted into the place. The fidelius wouldn't stop an ultimate class exorcist or Ron or Griselda. Nott was trying to summon the fragments of Voldemort from the shadowlands and reform the snake prick from the kids bodies. Ron saw what the ritual was designed to do so he edited it to transform Nott into a creature of the Celtic land of shadows from which he was trying to access. It saved the children and turned Nott into a monster. Griselda and Ron quickly slew it with a mixture of magic and skilled swordsmanship leaving the wizards horrified.

Ron was so casual about what was happening that is scared Harry a little. He traded business cards with Griselda encase she ever needed his services. She was apprehensive until he stated that Michael was pushing for peace talks in the future. So, she took the card anyway. When they returned to the ministry another group showed up to interrupt the party. Grayfia came with some of the peerage to find Ron after the church personnel reported about a devil cooperating with them matching his description.

Some of the girls didn't like how close Susan, Tonks and Daphne were to him leading to drama. Ron just sighed as the women traded glares and verbal barbs, he missed his scotch.

After everything ended, he returned to his tower and deposited his trophy of this adventure and let his journal record the events for his next book, he recorded all his adventures/missions encase he needed proof. Nott had time turner sand which would have been used in the future based on his old life's memories so Ron was keeping that encase he pissed off a time god.

Next he fed Ophis who lived in his ROR that he built. She eats Desserts that Winky makes and plays Pokémon games like the crossedge version. Ron gets some scales from her every so often which he uses in his experiments.

When he sits down for a rest, he feels someone break into his wards. He looks over his shoulder and saw Scathach staring at him. He sighs and invites her to sit and eat.

She felt the gates to the land of sky rumble to came to investigate. She wants to explore earth again because it's been a while. Ron must serve as her guide according to her.

When she toured his tower she noticed he was studying Entomancy, Chronomancy and technomancy so decided to read his library filled with self-written books about his findings.

She then watched him train on the Hogwarts sword styles. All the founders left a blade style. Helga fought using a massive sword like guts in berserk. Rowena used a sabre fencing style. Salazar used an Arabian blades style and Godric used reinforcement magic to boost his swordsmanship.

She approached him to offer teaching him more magic and blades skills but as she touched his shoulder to get his attention, Grayfia and her peerage teleported in. The group saw the goddess touching him and mistook it as an intimate action. Ron just sighed at the new case of bullshit he'll have to deal with.

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