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90.9% Traversing Worlds (Multific) / Chapter 9: Ch.9

Chương 9: Ch.9

After two hours of hanging lights and utensil the house looked like it was ready for a Christmas miracle or something. I'd been ahead of the game and even gotten a menorah candle since Willow's parents were out of town and she was spending her holiday with Oz at the house.

With everything lit up and bright, I decided to place Willow and Oz's presents under the tree along with several of Faith's. They weren't perfect looking because honestly wrapping things was never my forte so it looked more like a sea king shredded a stack of papers and a mollusk taped it all together.

None of the items were revealed and there were names on the tags but it simply looked like a two year old's mess under the tree. Luckily stocking existed so I filled them as well and in the case of Willow I made a giant projection of an even bigger menorah candle on the den wall. Under each illuminated candle stem was a stack of Willow presents I got her.

With everything set, Faith and I retired for the day to work off some steam and stress test the chains above the bed. This time she'd agreed to let me chain her up and have my way with her so I was gentle at first which frustrated her as I played and took my time enjoying every part of her.

When I finally grabbed the cat-o-nine-tails and got aggressive, I was fairly certain the windows were going to break with the sound of her screaming release. I wasn't gentle at all but instead brutally fucked her which left us both in a orgasmic mess six hours later when we called it an early night since one of the chains broke when I violently slammed her pelvis against mine.

The chain snapped and the anchor hook came loose so I was forced to unchain her to our disappointment and we called it a night. The next morning I replaced the chain and hook before meeting a blushing Willow and a curious Oz in the kitchen.

Faith was making toast and telling them about the chain snapping as well as the bull whip incident where it had caught on the lamp and she'd accidentally flung a lamp at my back.

I ignored the innocent lovebird's looks and poured some coffee. Sighing at the first taste, I told Faith. "I replaced the chain and mounted two hooks this time so there's no worries now."

She smirked and gave Willow an "I told you so" look while I turned to Oz and pulled out a binder filled with lyrics and sheet music. "I'm not the best singer but I do have a few songs you might like to tryout. They're decent I guess and they're yours if you want them."

He quirked an eyebrow before flipping the cover open. They were all from my memory download or whatever had happened to me. There were more than fifty songs he could choose from and use as he saw fit.

Oz flipped through the sheet music faster and finally closed the binder. "This is great! Have you ever thought about writing songs professionally?"

I shook my head. "I'll pass but I'm glad you like them."

Oz nodded and flipped through them again while Faith asked about tonight's plans. "We're still on for some slaying right?"

I couldn't help but grin. "Definitely."

I gave her an innocent fun day out, taking her to Disney land until nightfall before teleporting us both to Sunnydale for a night of kicking ass. We emptied out a few vamp nests and a couple miles of underground cave systems before grabbing some fresh air in a cemetery patrol.

We stopped by Angel's mansion and I dropped off a cooler of pigs blood for the depressed vampire who seemed to appreciate the sentiment. He was no longer going schizo so it was a good thing I guess. I told him. "You need a hobby or more like a purpose. Might I suggest saving people?"

He frowned. "I'm not a slayer."

I snorted. "Neither is a firefighter yet they do a decent job of it."

He shook his head. "Faith and Buffy do an alright job here."

I sighed. "Then perhaps it's time you headed to somewhere they aren't. I get that you want to be here for her, I do. But at this point you're playing with fire and eventually you'll get burned. Maybe a change of scenery is exactly what you need. A place to start your own hero gig. May I suggest LA? There's plenty of bad guys there and demons for days. Plus there's an evil law firm, well, a demonic law firm seeing as all law firms are evil. Plenty of people in need of saving and I can't go there without breaking my promise."

He frowned and I sighed. "The longer you stay the more it's gonna hurt when you go or the more danger she's in. Go, don't go, in the end it's up to you, all I'm doing is pointing out the issues and offering a solution. Oh and if you find a Mohra demon, call me, I'd love to face one."

My smile at the last part made him frown. "What's a Mohra demon?"

My grin deepened. "A green demon that dresses like a samurai. They have a crystal on their head and their blood, if mixed with your own can turn you into a human again."

He looked but punched. "Are you saying I could become human again?"

I shrugged. "Yeah sure but then you'd just be a liability. Sure there's perks but unless you become a warlock afterwards you'd be almost defenseless. Like Xander or Giles."

He flinched a bit and I continued. "There are plenty of ways for a vampire to turn back into a human. Spells, demon blood, alchemy, divine blessings or prophetic intervention. Fulfilling certain prophecies that promise rewards like turning said vampires into humans once more. I'm not to clear on that really but I've read the prophecies."

He sighed. "I'll think about it."

I shrugged and went to find Faith who was exploring the mansion a bit. We went back on to patrolling after saying goodbye to Angel.

We cleaned out some old warehouses of vampires before calling it a night. After all that hunting we rattled the chains as it were well into the morning. When we woke up in in the evening we showered and headed to Buffy's house.

There I set several dozen presents under their tree and one in the driveway when no one was paying attention to me. I saw Faith slip some boxes to Buffy telling her to open them when she was alone. I set the eggnog on the table when Giles got here looking a bit surprised at the driveway.

I held up a finger to my lips and he got the message. He set some presents under the tree and when he and Joyce gave each other weary looks I commented. "Try some eggnog, it's heavily fortified with rum and spices."

He nearly leapt at the chance of alcohol. We had a great meal after that as things seemed to become more merry with alcohol now involved. When we finished, it started snowing and getting cold outside to which I handed Buffy her first present. "Here."

It was a small box that she looked at curiously. "Open it then we'll go look at the snow."

She did so curiously while the others, particularly Giles, smiled. When she opened the small box and saw the car keys I smirked at her surprise. She screamed like a truly happy teenage girl before running outside. Chuckling, I followed and she was ecstatic to see the red Ferrari F355 outside with a giant ribbon on it.

Joyce gave me an annoyed look which I answered. "Relax, she still needs a license to drive it and permission from you of course. Both are entirely reliant on your discretion. I just figured she could use something other people her age have."

I held up another box for Faith who looked at me with a questioning look. "Go ahead."

She opened it and while her eyes were focused on the box, I took out the black Mustang GT with a customized engine and reinforced frame. It was basically a tank with all the runic work I'd done to it. She could take out a train and not get more than a small jolt in it.

When she saw the keys and looked up, she leapt into my arms kissing me like she meant it. I had to pull her off of me before we got to heated in fronted our present company. When they were done gushing over their new cars, I suggested. "Perhaps we should go inside and enjoy some more presents and eggnog? It's quite chilly out."

Buffy and Faith seemed to feel the cold just then as well before agreeing. When we sat down, I explained the changes to the cars. "I had a bit of work done modifying the cars with runes. They're as durable as tanks so you'll be safe in them but you'll still need to get your license Buffy. As for you Faith, I know you have your license now so I just hope you'll be careful. You could easily hurt someone badly in your car. It's as durable as a tank true, but that also means if you hit someone with it it'll be like running them over with a tank."

Faith nodded seriously and I sat back on the chair where she then slid in my lap. I suggested. "While I didn't pick out your presents Mrs.Summer, feel free to open them. As for you Giles, you'll find plenty of presents under the tree there for yourself and the girls as well."

He nodded and grabbed one which he opened up from me. It was a fancy and expensive brand of tea that I had to teleport to England to get. He smiled and I chuckled. "I understand that's your favorite?"

He nodded. "I haven't had it in ages thought. It's impossible to get here."

Smiling I told him. "I went to England to get it. That my friend was very difficult to find."

He appreciated the sentiment and passed Joyce her box of shoes she showed off before it was Buffy's turn again. It was an expensive yet practical dress. She looked at me and I smiled. "I had to owe Cordelia one for helping me shop and I paid for her own shopping trip to insure she didn't use it as a chance to screw with you. Sorry, I have no fashion sense and she seemed to know what you liked."

Buffy smiled. "I still love it."

I nodded then it was Faith's turn and the present was a rather big ornate chest. When she opened it and started pulling weapons out I explained. "These were hand forged by me and each one is nearly indestructible. I add runes to maintain sharpness and cleaning so they'll stay oiled and no demon blood will stain or rust them. Each one took me days of forging and applying magic. Be careful of the Chinese throwing stars, they're cursed to make a thousand cuts if one cut is made."

She looked at the sleeved throwing stars and set down the wicked knife she was holding before sitting back on my lap and giving me a thorough kissing session. Giles broke us apart asking. "What's the black glint?"

I sighed. "I used the Japanese method of folding steel to make them more durable and added my version of psychic will to it to make it more durable. The black gloss is the effects. In a way it's a bit of my willpower and mental energies folded into the steel to ensure it doesn't break easily. From my estimates, there's very few beings it can't harm. I haven't tested it yet but I suspect ghosts are on the list of things it can wound."

He seemed very surprised which I shrugged off. Next was his second present that was a trunk full of rare books that I'd spelled to be the equivalent of a space ring. I explained it to him and told him of Faith and my trip to the parallel dimension and robbing Wolfram and Hart there as well as the Watcher's council.

I tapped the trunk next. "All the information texts of both major organizations is in there from demons and prophecies to rare watcher's chronicles and histories. There's also a bunch of extra books on magic and it's all keyed to you specifically with a drop of your blood to claim it as a permanent lock of course. It won't open for anyone else and will always come back to you if it's stolen."

He was flabbergasted and looked at me seriously. "You've done something very dangerous."

I waved him off. "I slaughtered most of the demons in that reality and gave the Buffy there enough funds and mystical safe houses to start her own army. If she's smart and if she's anything like our Buffy it's not a problem. Though she was completely without mercy or hesitation."

Faith agreed. "She was wicked brutal and a damn fine kisser."

That made the others look at her funny especially Buffy who nearly dropped her eggnog while blushing. Faith shrugged. "What? I never said I didn't enjoy a bit of girl power action. Besides, it was a heat of the moment type deal."

Giles raised an eyebrow at me and I chuckled. "Don't look at me like that. I don't judge. I came from a world that had an entire kingdom of weird cross dressing gender changers who did so daily. I never visited but I have met several of their people. They were....odd. Anyways, you tend not to judge after such experiences and besides, it was with Buffy, not some random stranger."

That made Buffy blush deeper and fidget before Giles handed out Joyce's dress and Buffy's next present which was something I'd seen and designed from the memories. "That's a sleeved ejectable stake wrist gauntlet. I made you a pair along with Faith and all the Scoobies."

I indicated to the identical packages and Giles handed them out to Faith, Joyce and himself next before choosing another which was a fine bottle of scotch from Northern Ireland in 1864. Next was a pair of earrings Buffy got Joyce and a pair of extendable wrist swords for both the slayers and the watcher from yours truly. Then came my last gift.

Rings for both slayers and the watcher once more. They looked at them confused as it was one gift for all three. I explained. "I tried replicating my own space ring and these were the successful ones. Fair warning there's not a lot of space inside, perhaps enough for the trunks and maybe a couple changes of clothes, but they're stable. Oh and you have to be touching the thing you want to put inside it as well as thinking about what you want to put in it. They're locked so a drop of blood on each one will access their spaces and let you key them specifically to yourself."

They were each flabbergasted except Faith who kissed me after saying. "My man's talented."

I chuckled and returned the kiss before seeing the presents they gave each other. It was mostly clothes and jewelry which even I got a set of clothes out of. Faith gave me a full black clothes set and a leather jacket with a silver cross necklace.

Buffy got me a pair of leather gloves and Giles got me a plane ticket to Dublin as he explained. "It seems you've made quite an impression on Althenea and she's invited you to Dublin to learn from the coven. It's an open ended ticket and an open ended invitation. Though she seemed quite sure you'd come in a year or two so it's fine."

I nodded with a smile. "Thanks. I appreciate it really. This actually helps me a lot more than you know."

I put the ticket away and enjoyed a few more kisses with Faith and some dancing to the Christmas jingles while we got drunk and merry. I saw Faith giving Buffy an experimental kiss under a mistletoe by the doorway which both seemed to enjoy greatly.

I chuckled seeing Giles twirl Joyce around as they seemed to have gotten over their bashful hang ups for the night and sat by the fire watching the snow fall outside wondering how the others were liking my presents. I'd gotten them each wrist mounted stakes and swords as well as individual gifts.

For Oz I got an expensive and rare guitar played and owned by Jimmy Hendricks and a key to a professional sounding room I'd built in the basement after using my space ring to carve the room out in the rock walls and building it specifically for that purpose.

For Willow I'd gotten her magic books for studying not just protection and healing spells but the history of witchcraft and it's ties to nature as well as some expensive charmed jewelry that gave the wearer protections against minor spells and warned of poisons and cursed objects.

Cordelia got an all expenses paid trip to Hawaii. Xander got a truck and a house I'd bought near the campus with a letter stating I'd paid his tuition for UC Sunnydale. He had admitted to giving his parents the cash and they'd left him there with the house as they left Sunnydale and hadn't returned.

The house's bills hadn't been paid and they'd taken their clothes so I was certain they'd abandoned him. He also admitted that the house was getting taken back by the city for unpaid taxes so there was no real place for him to go after Christmas but now there was at least that.

The house I got him was paid up for the next decade and the utilities were getting turned on tomorrow so he'd have a warm place in the truck at least until then.

Sighing on such thoughts, I turned my attention to Faith who pulled me away for a dance and some kissing under the mistletoe. I had a few more drinks and even kissed Buffy once in a tipsy stupor while she leaned into it.

Faith smirked. "Ok, that's hot."

I pulled back from Buffy who looked a bit dazed and chuckled before we found Giles and Joyce kissing in the living room. Buffy was about to interrupt them before Faith pulled her back and covered her mouth with her own and pushed her against the wall for an intense make out session.

I drank the last of my eggnog before doing a quick sobering spell on myself. When they parted Faith told her. "Let them have their fun, let's have our own B."

She pulled Buffy and then me with her up the stairs to Buffy's room. There we had a very merry and erotic Christmas. When we woke up in the morning, it was a little awkward as Buffy was still impaled on me and snoring lightly against my chest.

Faith was right next to her and passed out as well. I had to do some very careful and delicate telekinesis to lift them off of me carefully before slipping out of the bed and teleporting home to grab a shower and some sanity.

I found Oz and Willow snuggled together on the couch and chuckled lightly before teleporting back to Buffy's room. I woke them both up with the smell of coffee and breakfast as I'd went downstairs to cook.

The entire house woke up awkwardly and made their way blushing towards the bathrooms and kitchen eventually. Giles had spent the night and if his state of near undress and bedraggled hair is anything to go by, he and Joyce were very intimate together.

Buffy couldn't meet my gaze and neither could the other adults, but Faith could with a damn fine smirk on her face. She whispered something in Buffy's ear that had her blushing a deep red. My keen ears barely caught the audible whispers. "You taste fine B and if all that stuff soaking your panties is any proof, Damien liked it as well."

I ignored her teasing and passed around the food and hangover spells which helped relieve everyone's throbbing heads. They seemed far more interested in their food now then when they were hungover so after we ate I chuckled. "Now that the awkward torture is over, it's time Faith and I left. She needs to study for the SAT's I signed her up for tomorrow as a special donation to the college granted and I need some meditation time to set last nights events in order."

Giles asked. "What sort of spell did you place on the eggnog?"

I shook my head. "I didn't. It was good old fashioned rum and spices from my home town I'd brought with me. They were no more magical than Xander is."

That made them all blush a bit more knowing it was all on them. Faith went and grabbed her stuff before finding the keys to her car. She followed me back to the house after slapping Buffy's ass once, causing a damp spot to appear in Buffy's booty shorts.

I could smell the mixture and knew a bit of my donation leaked out from the sudden slapping causing her to spasm. Faith smirked as her own leather pants were soaked from our very thorough fun time as well. Buffy ran upstairs as we left, no doubt to clean herself and change clothes.

It was a very odd and awkward time after Christmas, but Faith sat in for her SAT's like I'd said and we celebrated Hanukkah with Willow and Oz until the second of January when it ended. Presents were had and cheers were exclaimed as Willow enjoyed the books, clothes and witchy stuff I'd gotten her.

After the holidays ended things went back to normal although Faith didn't stop her teasing of Buffy who insisted it was a one time deal and a mistake. Faith still teased a bit and gave Buffy nudges occasionally but for the most part it leveled off as an act of simple lust and pleasure, nothing more.

Buffy for her part had thanked me for showing her that she could have sex without pain or the guy changing on her. I reminded her that it was Faith that gave her most of the attention and even the very thorough licking and she blushed but didn't comment more.

I did however tell her it was in fact an open invitation to our bedroom from Faith and I whenever she was ready and willing or in need of a release from the sexual frustrations of not getting any with a certain vampire. She thanked me awkwardly before changing the subject to what I'd gotten the others.

I told her each item and the why's behind them while suggesting she start training the Scooby gang in hand to hand and self defense in her free time if they were going to be out hunting with her. That way they'd at least have a chance if they were cornered or backup wasn't possible.

She agreed with me before asking to use the basement gym which I happily allowed. Oz was busy with his band now and her mom started going with her and Faith on patrols. A witch hunt started a few days later but they only found things on Amy and a few of the other goth students.

Willow and Giles has been using their rings to store their demonic and witchcraft books and ingredients. Things got out of hand and Buffy had to step in to stop the demon pretending to be Hanse and Greta, the dead children messing with the adults. Amy ended up turning herself into a rat and Buffy killed the demon.

Luckily the wards over the town making people who weren't in the know forget the weird stuff was still working even without the mayor. Speaking of which, the Scooby gang had finished going through all the stuff from the mayor's office and Giles destroyed the effigies of all the demons the mayor had made deals with, cutting their connections with this town and sending Buffy and Faith to slay the more local ones.

I let Faith keep the lightning ring when she was on patrol duty so there was little worry there. While they were out hunting, I had a sit down with Giles and at the end of it, we had an accord. I'd be telling Buffy and Faith about the Cruciamentum coming up and working to prepare them both for the event.

Needless to say it didn't go over well with Buffy nor Giles and the council two weeks later. They fired Giles and warned me harshly for interfering in council business.

I however dropped Quentin Travers, the leader of the watcher's council to his knees with a small jolt while looking him dead in the eyes. "I could give a rats ass about your council. It has no influence or bearings on me or my decisions. Try threatening me again and you'll go the way of the dinosaurs."

He glared at me and I snorted. "I'm not your enemy old man, but I'm also not someone your little council of shadow men, yes, I know what your original names were, can control either. I can be a neutral party and sometimes ally or I can be a nightmare worse than the old ones. Do you understand me?"

He glaringly nodded before I released him and let him stand back up. "Good, have fun and feel free to send whomever you wish after me. I'd enjoy hunting down the wet work teams you try to assassinate me with before slaughtering the council and everyone you've ever met."

He bit out. "You'd doom this world?"

I snorted. "First of all, your council isn't the only defense this world has against evil and demons you stuck up twit. Secondly, sure, if it came down to protecting Faith and our friends then yeah, I'd reduce this planet and reality to a pile of smoldering rock to protect them then take them to the next reality. Why? It's simple, I know what your predecessors did to make the slayer and I'm well aware of what they've done to stay in control of the slayer line. You're nothing more than a crime syndicate with a god complex no better than the creatures you made the slayer line to fight against."

He shook and turned red in the face before huffing and turning to Giles. "And you agree with this?"

Giles drank some tea. "He's not entirely wrong. But I do believe the council serves a purpose regardless of the dirty secrets and skeletons in your closets he's uncovered."

Travers's frown deepened and he growled. "Effective immediately you're hereby fired and will play no further part in the slayer's training."

I chuckled as he turned to me saying. "I'd be very careful whom you make an enemy out of Mr.Silvers."

Smirking, I replied. "Ditto. Like I said, I'm willing to be friends if you play nice, but I'm also willing to wipe your council off the face of the earth if you try something like this again. Now I believe you were leaving old man."

He huffed and stalked out of the library. When he was gone Giles asked. "Are you sure that was wise?"

I nodded. "It needed doing."

Buffy asked. "What have they done other then the Cruci thing that was so bad?"

I snorted. "When a slayer ever decided not to play by their rules and wouldn't obey they had her killed by their own ways and trained the next one. Such things didn't happen often and is the reason they started and preferred to raise the potential slayers themselves. A good trained attack dog comfortable with their leash as it were."

Faith frowned. "They wouldn't, I mean-"

I shook my head. "They won't touch you for fear of repercussions from me. So long as I'm alive and you both don't cross certain lines you're safe from them for now. As for Giles-"

I turned to the former watcher and sighed. "I can't interfere in their business without forcing their hand, but I can at least take over the income and money issues for now. I know you've spent most of your income on the books and weapons for Buffy and Faith's training and I can provide plenty of cash to help there at least."

He raised a cup of tea. "Much appreciated. I'd also like to thank you for talking me out of helping them do such foolish things."

I snorted. "The Cruciamentum was banned long ago because of the amount of slayers that died from it's barbaric practices. This was a power play by the old bastard to show and exert his control over both you and the girls. He probably intended to replace you regardless of the outcome with someone more agreeable and mailable. No doubt their next watcher will be a greenhorn with no real world experience that follows the councils every whim."

Giles frowned and so did the girls by the implication. I turned to Buffy and Faith. "This will be meant to have a two fold effect of keeping you under the council's gaze and showing you that you're very training and survival is dependent on them. If something happens and one of you dies, they'll swoop in and say it's Giles's fault for not sticking to their by the book proven methods and try to make the survivor more dependent on the newest watcher and the councils orders."

"If both die then they'll sweep this incident under the rug and right you both off as rebel slayers with a failure of a watcher thanks to Giles's teachings and start over with the next girl called. Odds are it'll be one of the hundreds of girls they have under their thumb already and if not the odds are against an outsider surviving. Their relevance depends on your needing them for guidance and training after all."

I finished saying my peace and turned to Giles who sighed. "Well, if seems I most certainly have a lot of catching up on with regards to all the texts the council is hiding. Since I'm no longer your watcher girls, might I suggest you keep up your training and perhaps let an old man like me be a personal coach?"

They both smiled and Faith chuckled. "Sure thing Jeeves. So, since the big secrets out do I have to worry about the Cruci crap on my next birthday as well?"

I shook my head. "Not likely. They won't risk pushing the envelope with an untested new guy and risk you both turning against the council. You're safe from anything like that but I still want you to train while you're still weakened so that you're up to par. You've become too reliant on your slayer strength lately and forgotten the training Serena and I put you through. You need to go over the basics."

Giles nodded. "That includes you as well Buffy. This weakness is double for you because you lacked a strong foundation of training before the slayer strength and instincts kicked in. Don't waste this opportunity to shore up that weakness these next few days."

Buffy nodded sadly before agreeing. I handed my space ring to Faith. "Take Buffy with you to the house and begin training. I have something to do."

Faith's eyes shot open. "It's completed?"

I nodded. "Yes, it's time I tried taking the next step in my magic training."

She smiled lightly and gave me a kiss before saying. "Be careful you big lug."

I chuckled and slipped the necklace off before tapping the space ring and remote activating it. The pure gold went inside and the ring teleported Buffy and her to the gym in our basement. I turned to Giles. "Are you clear on what's going to happen?"

He nodded solemnly. "Yes, just try not to be consumed by the magic's. I'd hate to have to put you down."

I smiled sadly. "It's necessary Giles. The council is too dangerous and they're not the biggest threat out there. We need a nuclear deterrent."

He nodded sadly. "I understand."

I chuckled and led the way to the basement. There in the boiler room was an access point to a small room I'd put anti magic runes on that would contain even the strongest coven of witches and warlocks. Inside the room was huge pile of open books in a giant circle on the floor.

One lone Babylonian book on anti magic and protection spells sat amidst a sea of black and white magic's of all kinds. I was beyond prepared with the doorway to my soul open to the ether because of the massive primal forces I'd channeled to ensoul so many vampires in the alternate reality.

Like Willow I'd become dependent on the magic's yet my will had tempered the needs I craved to a fine point. This was my ultimate test. With everything ready, Giles took out the orb of the purest essence of magic the Dublin coven had provided.

I turned to him and told him. "Jack O'Tool, a student here, is a necromancy'd zombie. Make sure to deal with him soon."

He nodded and sighed. "I'll be back to let you out or finish it if you fail in two weeks. Not a day sooner or less."

I smiled. "Take care Giles, and if I die, give these to Faith would you?"

I slid off my last two rings and put them in his hand. He sighed and nodded. "You'd better succeed."

I chuckled as he closed the door after setting down the orb. I slid off my shoes and meditated for moments that could've been hours or seconds, I'm not entirely sure but when I felt the calm in my mind and well of magic, I stood and walked to the center of the circle of books and drained the anti magic and protection spell book, using it to trace runes around my inner well to ensure I remained in control as a last defense to destroy my magic if I lose control completely and let it take me.

I laid down in the center of the pile as I finished and began taking it all in. Dark and nature magic swirled like a hurricane and tsunami inside my body as they flooded my well. The runes on the room lit up to ensure no magic escaped as everything from the darkest of arts to the lightest created a massive whirlpool in my well, rapidly expanding it beyond what I'd predicted.

I was a leaf on the wind, soaring beyond magic and watching like the eye of the storm as my lake of magic funneled onwards and expanded faster than I could possibly have imagined. My lake became a sea and my sea, a great ocean. The storm of power flooded my mind like the heaviest of drugs and only my will kept my sanity from being eaten away by the corrosive effects of the magic.

After an eternity my ocean stopped expanding and instead began deepening trying to reach the very core of my psyche. I opened my eyes as I reached and summoned the orb of pure magic essence to me, noticing the black veins on my hands.

As soon as I clasped the orb, I felt the connection of pure magic drain into my sea and connecting me with this planet. I felt it, the very heartbeat of the earth. My senses expanded and my inner world created by my psyche and ocean of magic began to rain and pour in pure magic as I connected with the earth's magic on a primal level.

My senses turned to my surroundings then covered the planet as I screamed in agony from the bombardment of emotions and anguish people felt constantly. Even animals and plants had their own emotional voices and I was subjected to it all. The pain was too much for my magic drugged mind and the high recessed as I exerted what little control I could with my iron will, reinforcing it and tempering it with the storm of power brewing inside me.

I felt several higher dimensional beings trying to find me as power leaked from my aura and my presence reached out into the astral planes. I felt several get close and tightened a leash on my power, pulling back as swiftly and fiercely as I could while wrestling with the magic for control.

The dark magic didn't want control but the nature magic and anti magic's helped me reign it all in as I placed myself above and below my magic. I ruled them, not the other way around. Time continued to pass as I exerted control over my mind and took it step by step until I could use my body once more.

When I was officially sane again, I sat up in a meditative lotus position and reigned in all my power and presence to the point where I appeared to be a normal human from the outside perspective, or so I thought. My hair as it turns out changed colors to a black and white mixture with half on each side and my eyes became a mixture of both as well. I had white irises now with black pupils and grey-ish black veiny sclera.

The veins in my face, hands and arms did go away though so that's at least a plus. When Giles opened the door, I floated to my feet and held up my hands. "It's me. The process worked though if I hadn't had an iron will I'd have been consumed by the magic."

He nodded wearily and sighed. "You've missed an awful lot."

I looked around through the breach in the wards he'd opened and felt the changes before nodding. "I can see that."

He sighed. "Your hair and eyes-"

I waved a hand over my face making an illusion of my previous features. "Better?"

He nodded. "An illusion I take it?"

I nodded solemnly. "My features have been altered it seems. The magic reached the outer layer of my self, the physical layer, and altered my appearance a bit by their very presence touching upon it. I managed to calm the tides after that thanks to the gift from your friends in Devon. Unfortunately they only had enough for me or I might've been inclined to give the rest to Willow. I can feel her own dabbling in the arts now. She needs to be careful or they may consume her like they tried to do me."

He frowned and nodded before lowering the gun he'd usually saved for Oz and held out my rings. I shook my head. "Give them to Faith for now. I need more control before I touch such free accesses of power."

He smiled. "It seems I wasn't being tricked after all."

I chuckled. "Thanks for the vote of confidence."

I waved a hand and destroyed the blank pile of empty books. He raised an eyebrow. "You never can be to careful when dealing with such primal forces."

I nodded. "True that."

He finally asked. "What about this room?"

I shrugged. "It's a room most magic users can't use magic in so I say we keep it in case we need to trap an evil witch or kill a magic using demon."

He agreed and we locked the room as we left while he filled me in on the details. A demon cult called the sisterhood of Jhe tried to end the world by opening the hellmouth. Xander chased off O'Tool and Buffy and Faith took out the Demon Balthazar and the El Eliminati, a vampire dueling cult that followed Balthazar.

The new watcher came, Wesley Wyndam-Price. He was exactly as I'd described along with the adjectives pompous and arrogant arse if Giles is to be believed. I had yet to form an opinion of my own as the visions I'd experienced of watching the show were all I had to go on besides the opinion of the older ex-watcher.

We left the basement and I headed home for a shower and a bit of some alone time with Faith hopefully. I didn't get much of that as I found her and Buffy making out in our bedroom instead after I'd grabbed a shower. I hadn't even had a chance to get some clothes when they noticed me.

Faith smirked and Buffy blushed a bit before I asked. "Do I have something to be worried about?"

Faith snorted. "Don't sweat it. B was making sure my mind was on other things and since Angel flew the coop a week ago she decided she didn't mind us so much. Plus you seemed to have given her an open invitation of pleasure."

I smiled and waved a hand, closing the door before walking over and dropping the towel. Faith grinned and went back to occupying Buffy's mouth while stripping her and herself fast. I waved a hand and made their clothes vanish off of them with a silent teleportation spell.

I felt the drain and although it was minimal for me, Giles or Willow would've passed out from the effort. Faith chuckled as she and Buffy examined each other before she crawled back onto the bed and pulled Buffy's head towards her lap.

Buffy's rear presented itself and I went to my knees behind her and played with my lips, tongue and fingers making her already moist slit dampen further as she moaned and bucked from the sensations. When she was ready, I stood up and entered her fully in one stroke, causing her breath to hitch and groan from the full sensation. Faith's eyes met mine as she panted herself under Buffy's own playing.

The look on her face spurred me on as I piston in and out of Buffy's warm and wet inviting sheath. More moisture began to pool as wet slapping sounds filled the room with panting and moans following. When Buffy reaches her peak, she bucked against me while Faith yelled. "Ah Fuck!"

She came against Buffy's tongue and as Buffy gripped me off and on, milking me for seed, I gave her body what it sought as I entered her fully one last time and released into the entrance of her womb as the head of my member passed her cervix's gaping mouth.

She shuddered and moaned deeply as I filled that aching part of her that had been empty since Christmas. When I slipped out of her, she rolled over and Faith traded places with her. I wasn't as gentle with her as with Buffy. I spanked her rear hard as I pounded into her, still fresh from exiting Buffy.

She moaned as she tasted mine and Buffy's combined essence. "Harder!"

I gave her just what she ordered and brought her to screaming completion as I emptied my balls into her warm and demanding slit. Buffy was rocking her own slit against Faith's mouth seeking her second time as well.

By morning we were all three sated having spent the evening and night fully pushing and pleasuring each other. Buffy asked tiredly. "Should I be worried about getting pregnant? I mean I couldn't before so-"

I chuckled, cutting her off. "Relax. I've placed a contraception spell on myself. I have to reapply it every three months but basically, I'm shooting blanks until I'm ready for kids which won't be for a good long time I think."

She seemed relieved and murmured a thanks before dozing off against the right side of my chest. Faith looked up and smiled. "It's good to have you back big D."

I chuckled lightly. "It's good to be back, my Luv."

She told me while I connected to her mind telepathically about what went down and I listened patiently. Finally I offered to beat the snot out of Wesley or send him to a demon hell dimension and she talked me down while rubbing her puffed and sore nether regions against my left hand as if she needed me to scratch an itch or just know I was there.

I played absentmindedly while she moaned a little and dozed off enjoying the teasing and playing, knowing I'd take her when she woke up for her efforts or wake her up just to take her if I needed to. I felt the sopping essence leaking out of both girls as they moaned lightly in their sleep.

With a smile and a light cleaning spell on my lips, I sighed. "Purgare corpus impudicitiis."

next chapter
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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Rank NO.-- Bảng xếp hạng PS
Stone -- Power Stone
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