I laid back as all the impurity's in and on our bodies were washed away in a wave of magic I guided with my will. Both woman gasped a bit but stayed asleep as I closed my eyes and joined them while my fingers continued to elicit soft moans from them both like a melody until I conked out.
I woke up to an odd sensation and opened my eyes to see Faith teaching Buffy how to perform oral sex on me. I propped my head up with my arms and watched to Buffy's blushing face. She removed me from her mouth and asked. "Am I doing it right?"
I smiled. "Perfectly."
She leaned down while looking me in the eyes and continued her menstruations. Faith smirked and spoke up. "In that case why don't you take care of me now that you're awake?"
She didn't wait for a response as she straddled my face and lowered herself to my mouth while I felt her hands splay across my chest. I enjoyed my meal as it were while she rode my mouth and Buffy replaced her own mouth with something far more pleasant. My hands reached her hips deftly and sped her up while I showed Faith that my telekinesis had payed off as well.
Soon enough we were all three finding our pleasures and ending in a cuddle puddle while other puddles leaked from their respective lower lips. I slid into Faith while she made out with Buffy and finished us off, leaving a seen reminiscent of a punctured melting ball of marshmallows betwixt her thighs.
She looked at me with a sense of satisfaction as she stretched out next to Buffy who sported the same pooling mess between her own thighs and a satisfied smile on her lips. Faith told her. "I told you he'd be able to handle us both B. My man's a stud and damned good at pleasing."
I rolled my eyes as I stood up and headed to our personal bathroom to run them a hot bubble bath. I grabbed another shower while I was at it and by the time I was done Faith had Buffy in the tub relaxing with her.
I chuckled and leaned down for a kiss from Faith. Seeing Buffy's waiting eyes I gave her one as well before saying. "You two should get ready. You've got to patrol tonight and it's time I met your new watcher."
Faith sighed. "The guys a tool. He wanted me to hand over that amulet you stashed in your ring and he wanted your rings as well as soon as I mentioned them. I told him he'd have to ask you and stop barking orders up the wrong tree or I'd deck him. He's been sniffing around Cordelia though so I guess he's got a thing for the preppy girls."
Buffy laughed lightly before asking. "Really? Cordelia?"
I smiled as well while I dried off and dressed. "That's good to know at least. Keep the rings on you. Giles is going to give you my other ones. I don't want to touch them until I have more control and that's something I severely lack right now. I won't be using any big spells for a long time that's for sure. Hell, teleporting your clothes a few feet off of you was a major test that pushed me to my limits. I'll be out of commission for a long while."
She nodded. "Just relax, me and B got this handled for now."
I smiled and reached down into the water on both sides and played, causing them to gasp as I asked. "Do you now?"
I sent a small wave of pleasure up their bodies as the moaned and pushed against my hands. I pulled back and chuckled. "Perhaps not then."
Faith snorted and splashed a bit of water at me that I promptly dodged. "Ass!"
I chuckled. "Love you too. I'll see you two later and do try to make it on patrol. I don't want any issues with the new watcher saying I need the boot for being a bad influence. We've already pushed the envelope enough with Travers."
An affirmative moaning snort is all I got back as I headed to the kitchen for a bite to eat before heading to the high school. I found Mr.Price and Giles having a conversation about how inept Giles apparently was as a watcher. They quieted down when I came in and Wesley asked. "You must be Mr.Silvers I take it?"
I nodded. "And you're Mr.Price? Your reputation precedes you."
He smiled. "I shall endeavor to live up to it."
Giles snorted and laughed himself into a coughing fit. While Wesley continued. "Please call me Wesley."
I nodded and sat down. "Alright."
Giles smirked and Wesley continued when I didn't offer him the same curtesy. "I need to know what your relationship is with the slayers."
I raised an eyebrow. "We're friends."
He frowned. "Just friends?"
I smiled. "No, we're allies as well in the fight against evil."
He raised an eyebrow. "And what do you have to offer the watcher's council in their fight against evil?"
I rolled my eyes. "The watcher's council? Nothing. They can be my allies if they behave, but until then I will only ally with the slayers and our friends. As for my role as it were and my abilities to help, well, magic and various sources of power of course."
His frown kept deepening. "That isn't what I was led to believe. I was told-"
I waved him off. "I'm not particularly interested in what you were told Wesley, I'm currently a very powerful warlock and I'm in a relationship with Faith Lehane, one of your current charges. As for my interest in the council, I have none. Friend or foe, it doesn't matter to me. So long as they do not attempt to harm or force Faith and our friends to do anything, I'll gladly call them friend and if they so please, I'll help them out. For now though those waters are new and untested so tread carefully."
He raised an eyebrow and closed his notes before saying. "I see. And how powerful of a warlock are you? Can you conjure fire yet?"
I snorted. "A parlor trick like that doesn't make you a warlock Mr.Price and frankly thinking so makes me doubt your own knowledge in the mystical arts."
I held up a hand and summoned a small fireball. I made it grow to the size of a basketball before increasing it's temperatures to the point where it passed into the blue spectrum and the heat instantly made the room sweltering. I waved a hand as he yelled. "Alright enough!"
I snuffed it out and created a cool breeze that blew the doors open and lowered the temperature in the room. Smirking, I told him. "Like I said, parlor tricks. Conjuring the elements are the very basics of what magic is capable of. At best it's an exercise in control before actually becoming a warlock or witch as you have to balance them out. Now, do I have your seal of approval Mr.Price or should I create a massive storm or earthquake next? Perhaps turn lead into gold or make a feather fly as the British author wrote in her silly child books?"
Giles snorted and Wesley looked at me with a bit of fear now. I sighed. "I've no interest in harming you or anyone. You're Faith and Buffy's watcher and preferably I'd have you as an ally and friend. But you needn't insult my capabilities anymore."
I stood up and asked Giles. "Care for a cup of tea, I have some extra from Christmas in my ring I think."
He smiled. "Oh yes."
I nodded and unlocked it with a thought. "You have access to it for now. Shall we retire to your office?"
He smiled. "Sure why not. I could use some time away from this oppressive and stuffy atmosphere."
He led the way and we enjoyed a hot cup of tea while Wesley made furious notes in his watcher's diary and made a few calls. Giles asked. "Was that necessary?"
I nodded and sighed. "I glimpsed the future on the way over here while I was thinking about meeting him. A perk I guess from having such a connection with magic now."
He raised an eyebrow and I continued. "He needs to learn the difference between a warlock and a petty dabbler. He's tried a touch of magic and thinks himself capable. If he continues with that thinking one day it could be the death of him."
Giles followed my gaze and sighed. "Perhaps I can impart a bit of my own understanding on him then."
I shrugged. "Do so fast. I don't think he'll be around long. Faith really doesn't like his controlling and dickish attitude. He's too green and full of himself for her to ever consider him her watcher and Buffy from what I understand of it, isn't too keen on the watcher's council as a whole. Now that I'm back they're both ready to call it quits and tell them to fuck off."
Giles sighed. "A dangerous notion in and of itself. Are you prepared for such an outcome if things turn bad?"
I grimaced. "I wouldn't call it prepared. That little show in there was actually me testing my own control. I wasn't kidding when I said those things, but I reached the peak of my own control limits just before he barked. I was already pushing it when I summoned the breeze to balance it out."
He frowned. "What's your estimation then?"
I thought for a minute before sighing. "I can probably take out a couple blocks or make a barrier to stop any bullets or worse so long as I'm not distracted. Any more and I may lose control and very bad things happen. End of the world bad."
He grew serious and nodded. "Perhaps we should have the girls hold off then. For now at least."
I nodded. "My sentiments exactly. At least until graduation. By then I should be able to handle anything they can throw at us barring a coven of witches on par with the Devon coven. That would be bad, very-very bad."
He nodded. "In that case why don't you continue your meditation sessions. I'll make sure to keep him in line as best I'm able and distract him with my concerns when I'm not."
I smiled. "Can do Rupert. Though if you find your idiot friend, do thank him for me. Coming here and meeting Faith, it's the best thing that's happened to me since I met my old crew and even then it's still better."
He smiled and patted my shoulder before I stood up and told him the girls were doing standard patrols tonight and would check in tomorrow at school. With that I was out of there, only waving goodbye to Wesley on the way out.
I headed to the house and made a few protection amulets and anti magic amulets to keep on me and pass to the girls and Scooby gang just in case. They'd certainly stop bullets or a rocket depending on how many there were and if they were powered by spells as well.
After I finished passing those around I retreated into a meditation mode in the basement which I only came out of to spend time with Faith or to grab a hot shower on occasion. The magic inside me limited my need for food and other matters. I only showered instead of using magic because it just felt better then magically cleaning my body.
Like that nearly three months passed in my self imposed partial isolation. I kept up to date with the drama thanks to Buffy and Faith as well as the occasional visit from Willow when she was feeling chatty in the basement while Oz and his band practiced.
Willow had ended up summoning her vampire self from the alternate reality with Anya having used her in an attempt to get her center of power back. Her vampire self was sent back luckily and ensouled before being made human as Faith declared since she opened a portal up and checked.
Things had gone quiet until Buffy got telepathy as an aspect of a demon and tried reading my mind which I found cute. I let her in mostly and made it a two way link to keep her sane while the others searched for a killer trying to murder the student body.
Faith brought back the second demons heart and I made the potion to remove the aspect of the demon from Buffy. She grimaced when she drank it and asked. "You really do love her don't you? Faith I mean. She takes up a lot of your thoughts and you worry about her a lot."
I smiled. "All the time and yes, I love her."
She sighed. "The reason you slept with me was because she found me attractive."
It wasn't a question but rather a statement of fact. I smiled sadly. "No, not really. I slept with you because I wanted to. I didn't stop her from going for it because it's something she wanted. She found you attractive and still does from the noises I hear and the way you share in each other's pleasure. I'm a carefree sort of man. We both found you attractive so we made the advance and you responded."
Buffy nodded and grimaced once more before smiling. "I think that did it. I can't hear your thoughts anymore."
I chuckled and helped her up before swatting her tight ass saying. "Go save the day Buffy and tonight I'll show you what I meant about finding you attractive."
That night I'd spent some one on one time with her while Faith did a few quick patrols and the next night I made the patrols while they spent the night together. Buffy was definitely sure of my words when I wore her slayer stamina out and she passed out when I spent myself in her the last time.
They'd found the attempted mass murderer of course. It was the lunch lady. Buffy however stopped Johnathan Levinson, a classmate, from committing suicide by rifle as well.
Near the end of my three months of solitude, on prom night, Buffy saved the school prom from being ruined by an asshole that summoned hellhounds and was planning to use them to kill the entire senior class. Faith took her to prom as I needed all the time I could get and they needed some time together without slaying as the main events of the night.
Buffy got the class protector award and Cordelia made a snide remark about them being lesbians. The next day I came to school to let Giles know my meditations had paid off when Cordelia tried to get in good for money and I scowled at her. "If I were so inclined before I'd have easily paid off your family's debt and taxes but now, with your judgmental comments about my girlfriend and our lover, I wouldn't give you a penny even if it would fix that attitude problem of yours. Shallow people like you are the reason I avoid this institution."
I brushed her off and passed Wesley telling him. "You and Cordelia really deserve each other from what I can tell. She's shallow and you're a stuck up asshole."
Giles came out of his office and I nodded to him seriously. "I'm ready."
He smiled. "That's great news."
I chuckled. "It is sure, but I'll need a calmer environment away from the hellmouth to proceed any further. It seems I'll have to forgo progress until I visit our friends in the Devon coven."
Faith and Buffy walked in and Faith lunged into my arms for a kiss while passing my rings to me except my lightning ring. I had no need of it just yet. When she hopped off of me, she turned to Wesley saying. "Sorry Wes but consider this my resignation. I won't be the Watcher's council's pet slayer anymore."
Buffy sighed. "Ditto. Same goes for me."
Wesley was at a loss for words before declaring. "The council won't like this at all."
I chuckled and my glamour faded away. "You'll find I don't rightly care what the council thinks. If they try to use force, you'll find my patience very limited. If they play nice then perhaps one day they may find themselves relevant again, but until then it seems you're no longer relevant as a watcher. Feel free to stick around and fight the good fight or go whine to whomever will listen."
Faith looked at my hair and eyes before smirking. "Wicked."
I smiled. "You like? It's the physical effects of all the magic I took in and a symbol of the balance inside me now."
Faith looked me over before nodding. "I like."
With that I settled on leaving it like it is. I can always say it's a dye job and some contacts. I turned to Buffy saying. "I've got mine and Faith's acceptance letters to UC Sunnydale. If you want, I mean, if you desire to go to someplace farther away, we'd understand. We can handle it here for a time at least while you go further abroad."
Buffy shook her head. "Too late, I already signed up and I'm going to apply for classes with Xander and Willow as well. Xander said he got accepted on a technicality of being a more hands on worker than a tester. He had to do some of the building and contractor design and stuff for his application."
I chuckled. "Yeah, I sort of vouched for him and suggested they test him for a more tactile scholarship. I've seen him whittle, he's a natural wood carver and he's pretty good at blueprint analysis. He's got an eye for seeing a weakness in designs."
Buffy just shrugged. "Thanks. I'm sure he appreciates the chance."
I chuckled. "It's cool."
(Elsewhere in a graveyard not far away.)
"I want to make a cake! The biggest cake ever!"
(Back to MC)
Two days later I went to the graduation to see Buffy and the gang get honored by the school and not long after she sat back down with her diploma a chain reaction of explosions rocked the school.
Seeing it coming our way, I reached out and yelled. "Caerimonia, Minerva.
Saepio, Saepire, Saepsi.
Saepio Impedimentum!"
A barrier sprung up around the entire crowd and the parents. Unfortunately the idiot principal and the school board members were sitting on the stage just outside my reach when the huge blast went off as it hit the gas main.
Instantly I felt drained as the fire and debris rocked and slammed into my barrier like a tidal wave. Feeling like I hadn't slept in a month, my hair flickered fully black as my will and control nearly faltered. I growled to Giles. "Stop them from hitting the barrier!"
He immediately responded and had help with the graduates following Buffy's orders to stop their parents. "If that barrier comes down we all die! Stop them!"
I fell to my knees as Faith caught me by the shoulder. Black veins started showing all over as blood ran down my tear ducts, nose and ears. The pressure was intense and moments later the parents stopped, reducing the pain by a small margin until the flames receded and a big crater where the school was, was revealed.
Debris were still falling but nothing to harmful so I released a section of the barrier mumbling. "Run now!"
Faith repeated my words and seconds later the crowd was gone. She and Buffy helped me up until a shot rang out and my talisman activated, blocking a bullet. I lost control and sent a powerful seductively deadly wave of magic out, blowing up a van in the parking lot with a team of watcher's council wet work gunmen in it.
The waves of dark magic covered my consciousness in a murky fog until it suddenly receded as quickly as it came, accompanied by agony. I blacked out seeing Giles standing over me with a small book I vaguely remembered had anti magic's inside it.
I chuckled mentally as I barely escaped being made into a monster. He'd somehow figured out how to activate the anti magic warding I'd put on my psyche, thus dispelling the magic's bubbling out of me temporarily. The pain though gave me focus and brought me back to the front.
I was able to rest away control from the seductive dark magic's inside of myself. Unfortunately I saw the same warding that saved me had eroded by the black magic's and destroyed so it won't be happening again.
I tried to actively put them back on but pain and agony washed over me when I tried so I opted for a different tactic. I separated my magic and conciseness, effectively locking away the dark magic's and deadly stuff behind a barrier maintained by my parallel consciousness a sort of sub thought or subconsciousness actively protecting my conscious mind and magic's from the dark magic influence.
It split and drained my active will to basically nil, but I didn't need much to safely use the good magic and I could always train and meditate to build it back up again even on the hellmouth to a point.
I woke up on a bench with Giles telling Faith while she washed away the blood on me. "There's nothing more we can do and the hospital wouldn't know where to begin. All we can do now is hope he wakes up on his own and regained control or god help us all."
I groaned. "Your pessimism needs work, Rupert."
I sat up while ignoring the ache in my head in favor of the ones in my body. "What happened?"
Xander spoke up. "You saved us all from a fiery death and went fire starter on a van full of assassins. My money's on them being related."
I shook my head. "Not likely. The explosion reeks of O'Tool. His essence and necromancy magic were definitely responsible for raising whoever or whatever blew up the school. The hit men were a wet work team sent by Travers. I broke into their minds as I lost control and killed them. They were sent to test me and see how hard it would be to get me out of the way. The shot was an armor piercing magic laced round that decimated my talisman so they were definitely fighting dirty. Wesley must've told them how extensive he thought my mystical power to be or they wouldn't have used such a bullet."
Faith cursed. "I'm gonna kill that sniveling little worm! I can't believe him! He fell down from the explosion and hurt his back a bit and he's complaining about the pain when he tried to get you killed? I'll show him pain!"
I gripped her hand. "Don't! Odds are he didn't know or care what they'd do. He just gave his estimations and reports like any good watcher would do. This is Travers and his counter for you and Buffy quitting the council. Let them be. The team is dead and they won't risk another until they have a real gauge on my strength or unless something major happens like say, an open attack on their people."
Giles sighed. "He's right, you know. For now we must let them be especially while he recovers. How bad is it by the way?"
I sighed. "I had to use plan D. There was no other way. Luckily the wards and runes worked once, but it won't a second time. The black magic erased them and the process of adding anti magic to my own well once more is too agonizing. I nearly fractured the barely stable foundation I do have in the attempt. I had to divide it behind the mental barriers I put up."
He nodded. "That's for the best then."
I shook my head slowly. "Not really, at least not immediately. It gets far worse. I split my conscious and subconscious to watch over the barriers. In doing so my subconscious split my willpower and took it to guard the black magic barrier leaving me nearly without any control. I can probably manage to lite a candle at full strength now. Not for lack of power, but because I lack the control to direct the magic. I could end up burning a house down instead if I tried too hard."
Giles sighed and Faith let me lean against her while we watched the firefighters sift through the wreckage. Oz spoke up. "Well there's one good thing. We survived."
Xander chuckled. "Right. That was one heck of a fireworks show."
Oz shook his head. "No, not the explosion, high school. Let's take a moment to savor that fact."
I sighed and watched for a second before getting up slowly with Faith's help and the others following. Oz continued. "And we're taking a moment...and the moment's gone."
We walked away towards the cars and Faith drove me back to the house. There, I spent the next week in meditation. Only stopping to do my class schedule for UC Sunnydale. I was taking Intro to Psychology with Faith, Buffy and Willow as well as European History and Sociology with Willow and Faith while majoring in Computer Science, Anthropology, Linguistics and Occult studies.
With seven classes my schedule was pretty much full. On the bright side I got a deal on the old Psi-Theta fraternity house. I had to grease a few palms for the deed but the renovations had been held off for nearly two decades and the school was losing money from it anyways.
They sold it to me for a song and while I was stuck with the city's demands for renovation and pest extermination, I didn't mind so much. I paid handsomely for contractors to look it over and sent Buffy, Faith and the gang to clean out the vampire nest calling it home. They had the go ahead to bust the skylight to get the drop on them and it didn't take long for a successful clear out.
Xander took all the stuff the vampires stole to sell off while the contractors sent me the renovation plans which I revised and added a few special adjustments to. They had three months to work which was plenty of time and it was on campus so I was in the clear for school.
Buffy, Oz, Willow and Faith were moving in with me there once it was finished being renovated with having all the wards and special parts of the old frat house a good distance away moved over. I took Buffy and Faith to Hawaii for two weeks before they had to return because the demons and vampires were acting up so I went to Devon for a couple months to continue my peaceful meditation.
Faith teleported in each night when she was off patrolling and spent time with me while I worked damn hard to rebuild my willpower and control which were two separate but connected things. Increasing my willpower increased my control, but increasing my control didn't necessarily increase my willpower.
I'd had to go through haki training like a newbie once more and when I wasn't in the illusion wards Ms.Harkness made for me, I was meditating with Althenea and the rest of the coven in a small glade by three small lakes meant to symbolize the calm inside ourselves reaching the calm in our magic's and reflecting our emotional states.
The coven helped me soothe my nerves and emotional state while calming my mind and divided ocean of magic. Both my conscious and subconscious were growing stronger at separate paces. The coven helped watch the barrier around my dark magic ocean while I subconsciously trained during my sleep in a dream trance they set up for me as well.
They genuinely seemed like they wanted to help me and I accepted that help with the promise that I'd help them should they ever need it. It didn't hurt that I gave them copies of the shit ton of elemental magic books and good types of magic as well as the basic magic books and grimoires I'd collected on random neutral and combat magic.
Still it was a small price to pay for all the sincere help they were providing so I made a lot of ward stones and foci as well as healing and protection talismans for them and gave them a giant golden bell I'd been holding onto. I no longer needed it and they appreciated the gesture.
I headed back to Sunnydale when I got word from Faith that the new place was finished and furnished. Everyone was moving in and I was now busy transferring wards and a certain cage to the now renovated basement that wasn't much different except it was professionally done and reinforced instead of hard packed dirt and jagged rocks.
It took almost the whole month to get the words transferred safely and fully while purifying the grounds to prevent demonic taint. I added holy water to the sprinkler systems and contracted a lawn service to have it maintained. While I was at it I added a bar to the main room for parties we may host and an ill intent ward to subtly make those that intended harm or made the decision to intend harm while not being keyed to the wards, leave by thinking they had something important to do.
It wouldn't stop a demon, which wouldn't be able to enter in the first place without agony, but it would be strong enough to ward off any humans looking to pick a fight or any would be date rapists and divert them elsewhere not on the property.
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