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81.81% Traversing Worlds (Multific) / Chapter 8: Ch.8

Chương 8: Ch.8

I passed out in what I would consider the trippiest drug haze I'd ever experienced and my world had some funny drugs. From living shrooms to frogs that induce hypnotic hallucinations. Yet this was far weirder as I stood in a void seeing all I'd seen before in reverse, sideways and fast forwards.

I jolted upright when I felt a splash of water on my face and saw Faith and Giles standing over me. The old watcher didn't appear to be cursed by the band candy anymore. I sighed. "What happened?"

Giles spoke up. "You did something incredibly stupid and crazy is what happened."

I snorted. "Didn't have a choice. He was a master warlock with enough power to drop me with a word. It was either drain him or let him get away with murdering children."

Giles frowned. "How is that?"

I snorted. "The 'mayor' is over two hundred years old. The demon he was paying tribute to needs said tribute every thirty years, you do the math. Oh, and with his power, you can bet he was paying tribute to more than just that one demon, a lot more."

They all blanched and I sat fully up, groaning at the lights. Faith held up my rings and I shook my head. "I can't right now. I need to resolidify my foundations. The excess dark magic's cracked my foundation so I'll need time to fix it. You use them for now."

She smiled and slid the rings back on, looking smug at Giles. I didn't want to know for now but instead stood up and looked around. "Woah, this isn't home."

Giles sighed. "This is my apartment."

I nodded, heading to the bathroom and threw up. When I finished, I rinsed out my mouth and went to the living room. "It's probably for the best that I'm not at the house right now. There's a ton of powerful magic there and I don't need the temptation even with my iron will."

Faith sighed. "You make it sound like a drug addiction."

I chuckled. "Try the best and worst high you'll ever experience. I can hold off the effects it seems, but the side effects still suck worse than any alcoholic hangover I've ever experienced and I've drank with an alcoholic equal to this world's best college frat drinkers."

I shook my head and sat back down while Giles handed me an Alka-Seltzer water mixture with a cleansing herbal remedy inside it. I downed the contents and asked. "Did everyone come out of the curse alright?"

Giles blushed a bit. "More or less yes."

I nodded. "Good. What happened to the mayor? I know I didn't kill him."

Buffy answered from the doorway. "He wasted away after you took the magic from him and some black stuff burst out of his mouth and eyes. Giles thinks it's some kind of backlash for his failure to pay the tribute. The snake demon is dead though but it took longer than expected to kill it so Giles thinks the demon took him with it as payback."

I turned to Giles and he nodded. "Quite right. Anyways when the mayor died the magic around the town started to become less powerful. We've been able to figure out that he's the one that built this town on the hellmouth and that he was attempting to do some kind of ritual for something called the ascension."

I nodded. "I've read about it in the Merenshtadt Text. It speaks of an ascension then the writings cut off. I looked it up and the town supposedly disappeared the day of the ascension. As best I understand it, the rites of ascension turn a human into a pure blooded demon, an old one."

I turned to Giles who sat down in shock. "Dear lord!"

I nodded. "My sentiments exactly."

Buffy and Faith frowned so I told them. "The demons you fight now are only partial demons. They have a few drops of real demon blood in them all together. Like thin blooded descendants. The first slayer is said to have killed the last of the pure blood demons that didn't flee this dimension. The last demon that made it out, it's said it's blood mingled with that of man and from it these bastardized demons you both fight now were born."

Faith's frown deepened. "What's the difference?"

I chuckled. "For one pure blood demons, or old ones as they were first called, are a lot bigger. They're far harder to beat and nearly impossible to truly kill since their essence is immortal. You would need a special spelled weapon forged to kill them specifically or you'd have to kill them before they could fully ascend into the old one ranks. Besides that, beats me. I've not found much more on the subject because they're so damned old the subject is lost in time."

Giles nodded. "Yes, though even I hadn't known some of that."

I chuckled. "That's because I stole that bit of information from Wolfram and Hart a while back."

He seemed a bit perturbed by it but I didn't really know about which bit. I sighed and leaned on Faith while asking. "So what now? The mayor is dead, his vampire entourage is dust and at least one demon he owed tribute to is dead as well."

Buffy spoke up. "While you were out Faith and I ransacked the mayor's office for information and the gang is digging through it all back at your place where the wards are heavily protected."

I sighed. "That's another thing I need to do, ward everyone's homes. I've been meaning to do so but I haven't had a real chance to talk to you all and find out where everyone lives."

I turned my head. "I didn't even know where you lived until now and I'm still not sure where this is."

He smiled lightly. "Let's get you rested up and on the mend first. If nothing else you can instruct Faith on how to do it since she's caught up on runes and wards on par with your knowledge."

I nodded and reached up, taking Faith's hand in mine and smiled softly before closing my eyes and meditating. I had a lot of repairs to do and the dark magic's while drained from me had seriously injured my foundations. I needed to exert control and shore up the cracks in my magic well.

That alone took another three weeks of sitting around while Faith dealt with the runes under my instructions. She managed to get Giles and Buffy's houses done in that time while doing her own training and helping Buffy patrol.

In all that time I'd crashed on Giles's couch for the most part because I couldn't go to the house without being put under extreme withdrawals and cravings. I had however managed to increase my well with the leftover residual energies to the edge of a master warlock's.

The reason no one advances this fast is because the technique is dark and extremely dangerous. Even after I finished my final meditation session I'd been having with Giles, he still looked reluctant to let me go.

It had been three weeks and a lot had happened in that time as well. Faith had a fake watcher come looking for her help to trick her into finding the glove of Myhnegon which Giles immediately thought was suspicious because he'd reported to the council that he'd destroyed the damn thing so he made a call and the watcher's council sent a team to pick up the reported Lady Gwendolyn Post.

She kicked up a fuss but the watcher's council sent a spec ops team and used a tranq on her before taking her away. Angel was revealed by Buffy to be alive and Faith helped me keep my word by giving the ring to him with a note that said to use it as a toe ring since it's harder to cut off those appendages particularly when steel toed boots are worn and they don't know you have it.

Next came Spike who kidnapped Willow in an effort to get her to do a love spell on Drusilla so she'd love him again. It was a pretty pathetic cry for help, but it lasted long enough for Spike to get in a few verbal jabs at Angel and Buffy's relationship.

Faith, Giles and I had been on a retreat for it at a Druidic cleansing ceremony for all the drama, but Buffy filled us in especially since Willow and Xander ended up kissing in front of Oz and Cordelia.

Cordelia ended up falling through the floor of the old factory Spike kept Xander and Willow in and got impaled through the stomach on a piece of rebar so everyone's relationships were on the rocks right now. Well, everyone else's but Faith and I. She'd become more mature and while not less trigger happy, still more patient with our own relationship.

We'd barely had any alone time together but it had in fact made us more sociable towards the Scoobies and each other. It became more about us as individuals and as a whole rather than how good the sex was and our issues with the past that tied us together.

The Druidic cleansing ritual like most of it's kind was a nudist type deal and was in point of fact very fun despite the awkwardness in the air. We bathed in the moonlight and chanted a cleansing spell which even Faith enjoyed trying out.

My magic's have become far more stable and my foundation solidified the rest of the way after it was over. It also helped that Faith was there with my space ring to move Giles's ungodly amount of camping gear. He'd introduced us to a few members of the local coven and one of the members who'd flown in from the Devon coven.

Her name was Althenea and boy did she have a lot to say. She did so telepathically which expanded my own abilities as I already knew how from my own practices but hadn't tried it because I didn't want to invade the privacy's of those around me. Besides, it's kinda creepy reading others minds and speaking to them with thoughts.

She however held no such qualms and insisted that we remained speaking as we were. Her questions got harder and harder as she tried to read my mind and aura but failing thanks to my enochian tattoos. She could only talk to me telepathically because my mind had been open and untrained to fight against mental intrusions.

In the end she left me with a glowing orb she said was the pure essence of magic as a gift from her coven in the hopes that I meant them and the world no harm. I siphoned off a little of it and it expanded and balanced out my well to the point where I had reached the edge and crossed the boundaries into a master Warlock/witch in sheer power. My spells and skills were still untested and there was still no real limits to what I might achieve later with I continued to grow at this rate.

After the retreat ended Faith and I dropped Giles's stuff off at his place, we finally went home. It wasn't until two days later when we crawled out of the bedroom a bit bum legged and sore that we heard about all the drama that went down.

A week later I felt a shift as the world changed around Faith and I. I was forced to hand her the lightning ring and talk her through changing her aura when she started to show signs of entropic cascade failure. When it calmed down and went away, we went for a walk through Sunnydale and found the place nearly deserted.

Smiling, I told her. "Find Cordelia and use the lightning ring if necessary. I'll be raiding Fort Knox and several other places around the world. We're in a different reality but one close to your original one."

Faith smirked. "Ooh, this could be fun!"

I chuckled and left her with some weapons and the lightning ring as I teleported away. It wasn't hard to picture Fort Knox and several other gold and jewelry suppliers as I'd cased them back in her reality for funsies if I ever got bored. I emptied out most of the US's supply of gold and jewel exchange places as well as the federal reserve before hitting Wolfram and Hart as well as the special magical items in Sunnydale like the cross of Du Lac, the gem of Amara and the glove of Myhnegon.

Hell, I took the whole list I'd had in my head from the show including another pair of orbs of Nezzla'Khan and the entire rock with the slayer's scythe embedded in it. This world didn't have another me unfortunately or I'd have committed suicide. Or is it fratricide? I'm unclear on the term but it's definitely murder.

When I finished grabbing the Watcher council's library and vault of special magical items I was ecstatic to learn they'd had the restless door, a sort of portal maker like my ring except instead of visualizing where you want to go you simply have to know something that's there.

With that in the bag, I headed back to Sunnydale and found Faith with Cordelia and Giles's group in the library of the high school. I teleported in and this world's Oz flipped the fuck out. Faith told them. "Chill, he's with me guys."

Cordelia looked over at me and exclaimed. "Oh thank god someone with half a brain is here!"

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, not really feeling the appreciation Cordelia and try not insulting Faith again or I might just leave you here."

Alternate Giles asked. "So it's true then? This is some sort of wish world?"

I shook my head and sighed. "Yes and no. When Cordelia made that wish to Anyanka the vengeance demon, it created an alternate reality. A powerful wish but in the end not something that can be reversed. This is your world and no matter how this turns out there's nothing we can do to change that now."

Giles looked scornfully at Cordelia and I sighed. "Call Buffy here and once your slayer is in town we'll eradicate the vampires and demons hiding underground before helping you destroy Anya's power base, leaving her mortal and returning us to our original reality or the original before this one for me."

They looked confused a bit but Giles still did as I asked while I turned to Oz. "You're not a werewolf in this reality huh, that's interesting."

Oz's brows furrowed before raising. "I take it I'm a werewolf in your reality?"

I nodded. "And a room mate. I bought an old frat house by a cemetery that I'm sure has a giant snake demon in it's basement here. You moved in after Faith and I fixed the place up and built a special werewolf cage in the basement for the full moons. You were in fact dating Willow Rosenberg, but from what I understand of it she and Xander kissed once or something and your alternate self needed space."

I chuckled. "Damn it's good to be ahead of the gossip for once."

I indicated to Cordelia and told him in a quietly. "She was dating Xander at the time as well and that's what drew Anyanka to her. I guess she blamed Buffy for all her problems because now Buffy never came to Sunnydale and this place has gone to hell."

He nodded. "No arguments there."

I smiled and patted his shoulder before telling him real quietly. "Maybe check out the fraternity house by Shady Hill cemetery when this is over and remember to be discrete with non consecutive numbers."

His eyes flew open as I chuckled and patted his shoulder before walking over to Giles. "So what's the situation?"

He groaned. "They said they'd give her the message but that he hadn't spoken to her in weeks."

I nodded. "Alright, in that case I'll be right back."

I teleported to Cleveland Ohio and narrowed down my search with a locator spell. I found this world's Buffy fighting a large group of demons and vampires teaming up against her. Snorting I sent her a telepathic message.(Get down!)

The moment she reacted and dropped to the ground I used hundreds of shigan's and tore apart the whole group in seconds. The only survivors were the vampires and they were too fucked up to move at the moments as they were laying on the ground choking on their own blood supply in agony.

I waved my hands as I'd injured both my pointer fingers using that many so rapidly. I did some silent healing and pain numbing spells while Buffy stood up and glanced to me before staking each of the downed vampires before asking me wearily. "Are you a demon or something else?"

I chuckled. "I'm a human from another reality. I know, big headache but suffice it to say your reality's Sunnydale needs you. This place I can clean up while you're busy there. Bye!"

I waved a hand and sent her to the Sunnydale high school library before using my haki, a locator spell for demonic essence and a fuck ton of Rankyaku's. I basically sword legged the demons to extinction in Cleveland and emptied out half the demons in the state as well.

Damned if my legs weren't tired by the time I was done though. I teleported to this reality's version of my home and entered the abandoned frat house before finding the snake demon in hibernation in the basement. I used a simple spacial tear to send the fucker into the sun before hopping down into the cavern below. I emptied out the federal reserve paper money into the cavern and basement as the cavern was filled as well.

When I finished, I teleported to the factory not far away that was more towards the docks on the opposite side of the high school and south west of where I was before. I found Buffy fighting the Master, Giles and his cohorts saving the civilians and Faith electrocuting dozens of vampires into paralysis in sweeping swaths.

By the time she finished, only Xander and Willow were left standing of the crowd of vamps besides the Master of course. Unfortunately he seemed to get the upper hand of Buffy so I teleported over and broke his neck before he could break hers. She turned around relieved and I told her coldly. "Finish him before he gets back up. Cleveland is empty of demons and vampires for now. I'll thin the herd here but this is where you need to focus your efforts. Oz will give you the location of a safe house full of cash, use it to arm yourselves and prepare. This is just the beginning."

I turned to Willow and Xander before taking out four candles, some animal bones, runic stones, incense and dozens of Orb of Thesulah's. Smiling I told Faith. "Stun them so they can't run."

She did so as I lit the candles and incense and made a sacred circle with the animal bones before chanting. "Quod perditum est, invenietur. Nici mort, nici al fiinţei, te invoc spirit al trecerii. Gods, bind them, cast their hearts from the evil realm. Let them know the pain of humanity, gods. Reach your wizened hands to me. Give me the sword...

Te implor, Doamne; nu ignoră aceasta rugăminte. Lăsa orbită să fie vasul care-i vă transportă sufletul la el. Este scris, aceasta putere este dreptul poporul meu de a conduce. Redă trupului ce separe omul de animal. Aşa să fie cu ajutorul acestui magic glob de cristal. Aşa să fie! Aşa să fie! Acum! Acum!"

As I finished their souls came forth through the orbs and shot into their bodies by the dozens as I channeled dark and primal forces. My eyes turned jet black as I reached deep within myself for the will to control and direct such a massive spell used on so many at one time.

When I finished, I fell to my knees and screams reigned supreme. Faith ran over to my side and I held out a bottle for her. "Blood of the Mohra demon. One drop will turn them into humans again. Hurry up love, I don't think we should stay much longer."

She grabbed glasses before giving the instructions on what to do to Giles, Buffy and the others. Giles asked. "Will this work?"

I nodded. "They have their souls now. One drop will turn them human and eject the demons still inside them back to hell."

He immediately had them cooperating and soon enough the vampires were all turned back into humans. Unfortunately they'd used up all the Mohra blood and I was out. That shit was expensive! I'd paid more than two billion for that small jug. I promised myself I'd find a Mohra demon and bleed the bitch dry some day.

Faith helped me up and I smiled lightheaded. She asked. "Your eyes went black, are you feeling high right now?"

I shook my head. "Just a little lightheaded and drained. It was a massive spell and it took a lot out of me this time instead of filling me with dark energies like last time."

Faith nodded and went to get Cordelia while I pulled out the summoning ritual items for the vengeance demon Anyanka. I set it all on the table and sat down while I waited. I saw Angel talk to Buffy but she brushed him off now that he was the only vampire in the place.

She walked over to me and spoke evenly. "Thank you. You saved my life and turned these people back into humans again."

I chuckled. "Don't sweat it. It wasn't much I'm sure. Just remember, this is only a reprieve."

I teleported away to clean up a bunch of demons hiding throughout the town sewers and cave systems before adding wards to the former frat house with all the money in it. I finished it up with a purification spell on the land and a non violence ward keyed to the scoobies and Buffy of this reality as well as Giles of course.

As for this Angel, he'd have to learn to live without the gem of Amara and Buffy it seems. I teleported back just in time to see Faith kiss and grab the alternate Buffy's ass. She looked at me and smirked while the alternate Buffy seemed to have enjoyed it a great deal. That made me wonder what else was different here?

I didn't have much time to react to that thought and voice my question as Anyanka arrived and Giles took her necklaces before dropping and stomping on it in a quick succession. She screamed and suddenly Faith, Cordelia and I were back where we were standing when it happened.

Faith decided to sit back down on my lap in the library while we waited for the Scoobies to show and Giles mentioned it being a lovely day. Faith laughed. "Yes, yes it is."

She looked back to me and kissed me. I noted the taste of something more on her lips and pulled away before asking. "Are you interested in her?"

She looked at me questioningly before shaking her head. "No, not that version. I am however interested in ours. B's got this magnetic attraction thing going on. I've been with girls before, well, before you but this is different."

I sighed. "Then by all means ask if she's interested. If she is, tell her I'm fine with it so long as she's fine with me as well."

Faith's eyes practically sparkled with interest and I smelled a unique scent that told me she was definitely turned on by my words and possibly the erotic images going through her head. She kissed me once more before slipping the lightning ring back on my finger and sliding off my lap to go find our possible new play friend.

The next month went by in a flash as I meditated patiently and slowly increased my control to an iron grip over my magic. I practiced every light spell I knew including combat magic I used on the vampires I hunted with Faith and Buffy.

Faith hasn't got around to asking Buffy yet but she was hanging out with her a lot more often lately. It was rather peaceful in a demon slaughtering sort of way. I practiced several of the more advanced magics to bind and contain the vampires while Buffy and Faith fought them and practiced their martial arts on those I intentionally left out.

By the time Christmas came close a heat wave stuck the town. Buffy invited Faith and I to go tree shopping with her and her mother so I agreed. I ended up wondering through the Christmas tree lot until I stilled at the dead trees and frowned. I waved a hand and displaced the soil above the cavern below creating a big hole.

Faith came over and asked. "What's this?"

I shrugged. "I found it odd that the trees and plants died in a perfect circle so I displaced the soil and it caved in."

Buffy followed her over and I jumped down inside the cavern followed by Faith then Buffy. There by the alter were three bringers praying. I chuckled. "Ok, after prayers it's bedtime kiddies."

The bringers stood up and faced us, drawing their knives. I raised an eyebrow and raised my hands as well. "Say goodnight Peter Panda."

Flames leaped from my hands and covered the Bringers, roasting them alive or undead. I was never too clear what they were other than a hive mind of sorts. I continued until nothing but their knives and ashes remained before hitting the cave with an icy breeze that got rid of the smoke.

I walked over and floated the knives up before stowing them away and destroying the alter. "I wonder what demon they were summoning. They look sort of familiar. Oh well, you girls want some ice cream after this? It's damned hot out."

Faith nodded. "Sure, when's the central AC getting installed anyways?"

I smiled. "The guys are supposed to be out before six. Oz volunteered to sign for me so there shouldn't be any issues."

Buffy sighed and I threw a magical blade into the being I sensed watching us. It passed through the incorporeal ghost like being that now resembled Jenny Calendar. "You can't kill me silly warlock."

I frowned. "That may be true but I do know how to hurt you really badly. Bad enough to kick you off this plane of existence for a good long time. Go ahead, call me a liar I dare you, First."

Her eyes narrowed and she snorted. "Who are you?"

I grinned. "Not so omnipotent now are you? I'll give you a hint. You were born at the beginning of the universe as the aspect of evil. I however came from outside of your influence, beyond the boundaries of reality itself or this one at least."

She frowned but turned to Buffy and Faith who were watching me wearily. "I'm going to kill them you know. One day I'm going to kill them all."

I snorted. "Piss off. You can no more act on this plane than step outside reality yourself."

It stiffened and spiraled into a demonic figure before roaring in my face and disappearing. I turned back to Faith and Buffy and they asked. "Who were you talking to?"

I chuckled. "The First evil. I remember where I saw those guys before now. They're Bringers, foot soldiers for the First. It's an incorporeal nuisance that can make itself appear to those it chooses and bug the crap out of them. It usually doesn't have a foothold in this dimension unless it's summoned which is what the Bringers were doing. It's gone now so it doesn't really matter. I'll show you the information I have on it later."

They nodded but looked around wearily before following me back out of the hole. I walked towards where Joyce was calling Buffy over and Faith chose a tree. Joyce took the chance to ask us. "Do you two want to join us to celebrate Christmas together?"

I looked to Faith before looking back to Joyce and shrugging. "Sure Mrs.Summers though I'll have to insist on making the eggnog. I've a rum recipe that'll knock your jingle bells off."

She smiled and nodded. "Sounds good dear."

Faith mentioned inviting Giles and Joyce shot it down quickly. I chuckled and commented as Joyce walked away. "So that's what happened."

Buffy asked. "What happened?"

I turned to her and shrugged. "You'll find out later. For now I want you to think of something you want for Christmas and tell me by the time we drop you and your mom off at the house. I've never had a Christmas before so it'll be hard for me to understand what to get you."

She nodded and helped her mother carry the tree to the pay line. I grabbed ours and followed while Faith was grinning like she'd won something. I'd already gotten her gifts and they were somethings I'd spent a lot of time on so I wasn't too awful worried there.

After we paid I stored the trees in my ring when no one was looking and I headed to get our Christmas lights while the girls shopped. Faith had asked for her own credit card and I'd easily obliged since I was fully committed to this relationship. Money was a means to an end and something I collected to ensure I always had the means so I couldn't care less if she spent it all or not in credit card bills.

Besides the stock market was paying well for the most part so I wasn't worried on that end either. I'd simply added her name to the bank account and gave her full access to take whatever funds she needed so she and Buffy were definitely having fun now.

Joyce followed me to the Christmas lights isle in the holiday section of the mall. While I was getting all kinds of lights and lawn ornaments she asked. "You're rich aren't you?"

I raised an eyebrow. "How can you tell that?"

She smiled. "I've seen the new car and expensive things Faith and Buffy have been shopping for lately and since Faith doesn't work and from what she's said, hasn't come into money, I can only assume you're rich."

I chuckled. "What have they told you about me?"

She frowned. "Not much apparently. Mostly they say you're some sort of wizard or witch or something and you were a pirate for Halloween. I'm not too clear on the details."

I sighed. "I came here the Halloween before last. I've been here a little over a year now and no, I wasn't some pretend pirate for Halloween. I came here from a different reality, a different world if you will. There I was a pirate and I was a damned good one if you don't mind me saying. The money I have now is from the gold and treasure I brought with me."

She frowned. "You're awfully young to be a pirate let alone a successful one."

I chuckled. "Hardly. I started being a pirate at the tender age of twenty and technically I'm twenty-two now."

I pulled out the necklace that had the small nugget of pure gold on it. "This will keep me eternally young and never get sick since I don't age while I wear it. Where I'm from it's called pure gold. An alchemical substance that halts the aging process and any illnesses of the wearer. As for the gold and now cash I have, I've invested most of it but when I traded it there was twenty-two billion in your currency."

She looked about to faint when I said that amount and I chuckled. "I spent twelve billion and invested ten in the stock market with various companies all over the world. The money Faith and Buffy have been using is just some of the interest payments from said stock paying off. Feel free to get something for yourself as well if that's what you want. I've never Christmas shopped before so I don't know what to get anyone. Consider whatever you get my gift to you for this Christmas."

She wobbled a bit and I steadied her before I suggested she go see what the girls are up to. I continued my shopping for Christmas lights and all sorts of lawn stuff that looked weirdly funny. I paid a great deal of time later and stored six carts full of lawn ornaments and a veritable ton of lights and stars.

I found the girls at the ice cream shop that was open with their own bundle of bags. I stored them all before getting myself a mint chocolate chip ice cream cone. While we ate our cold treats in peace Joyce told me about the nice new dress and shoes I'd gotten her as a great Christmas present.

I chuckled and agreed it was very nice of me I guess. Buffy mentioned wanting a car and her mother nearly lost it when I answered. "Ok, just write down what kind you want and I'll see what I can do."

Faith mentioned a car as well and I shook my head. "Nuh uh. I already have your presents ready. If you want to get a car later that's fine, but I already got you presents."

She raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

I nodded. "Most of it's hand made because I wanted to try my hand at blacksmithing again in this world but trust me, you'll love them."

After we left the mall I drove us to the Summers's residence and they sifted through all the stuff they bought to figure out whose was whose before I dropped off the tree they got on the stand they had for it.

With that we left saying goodbye and went to decorate our own tree and house. By the time we arrived the central AC was replaced and working great. Oz and Willow were back together again and now helping us decorate the house.

next chapter
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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Rank NO.-- Bảng xếp hạng PS
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