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1.85% Thorns, Fangs And Ice / Chapter 1: Chapter 1 – Huh. I died?
Thorns, Fangs And Ice Thorns, Fangs And Ice original

Thorns, Fangs And Ice

Tác giả: Andrzejsaw

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Chapter 1 – Huh. I died?


"Say. What do you think about this?" – asked the man with glasses.



"It's pretty good, but maybe add some sort of symbols on the skulls? Maybe make it look like a ritual or demonic thing?" – said the woman with the glasses.

"Oh! Yea! I was thinking about that, but kind of forgot about this! Thanks!" – replied the man with the glass.

"No problem. By the way, what about the boss design?" 

"I made an orc berserker, but I was thinking about replacing it with necromancer or a shaman."

"Hm… Nope. Keep the berserker, but maybe make him look bit grim? Make him look skinny and also make him have a demonic tattoos or something."

"Players will obviously expect something like a mage or necromancer, but a berserker should take them off by surprise." 


"Yea! That should work! Thanks!"

"Don't thank me. We still have to finishing the remaining parts of the dungeon today." – said the woman with the glasses.



My name is…. Ah, who cares. It's not like I'm main protagonist or anything. So, I will just make it short.

I'm just a simple worker that works for the game developing company.

I'm in charge…. Well, of many things.

Our company was original a simple indie team. 

We had our fun, but before long around 2 years ago, we became a small company.

The work got much harder and all, but I'm can't say the pay isn't good.

As for me?

Well, I'm just a nobody.

A single woman. No boyfriend. No relationship or siblings. I don't have parents since I'm orphan. Pretty much I'm alone.

I once had a pet cat, but it got run over by a truck.

And that is pretty much all about me.

Not anything interesting or tragic.

Just an average nobody.


"Finaly! It's done!" – said the man with the glasses.

"Yea. Fuck me… Hm? Wait, what is this space over here?" – asked the woman with the glasses.

"Hm? Oh shit! Why this place is empty?!" – said the man.

"Shit. I must have forgot completely about this!" – said the man.



"I got this. You promised your girlfriend and all. But just buy me some cans of bear." – said the woman with the glasses.



The young man quickly left the office, leaving the woman all alone.

"…Fuck me."

"Maybe I should get a boyfriend myself?"

"But who would like to have an unattractive girlfriend like me?"


(Ah. Let's just finish this thing and head home already.)


"Wait. Wasn't this room supposed to be a puzzle room?"

"Oh for fuck's sake."

[Some Time Later.]


"Maybe I shouldn't have send that bastard away."

(I finished it. But it took me freaking hours to finish.)


"Fuck me! My back!"

(Maybe I should start exercising a bit or something.)

The woman turned off the computer before then taking her belongings and leaving the office building.


"You got to be fuking kidding me."

(I missed the fuking last bus…)

(Fuck my stupid life!)

(I guess I will have to walk for stupid 2 hours to get back home…. IN THE MIDLE OF A FUKING NIGHT?!)

(Should I just order taxi?)


"Are you fuking serios right now?"

(MY FUKING PHONE DIED?! Did I forgot to charge it?!)

(Should I go back to the office?)



(I didn't bringed my charger with me.)



"Well, it's time to walk."

The lone woman began traveling through the streets in the middle of the dark night.


(Huh. It's so quiet.)

(Nobody. Not even a drunkards or anything.)

(Well, this is just a city outskirts and all.)

(Most of the people living here are just-)

Suddenly, when the woman started walking on the pedestal crossing after the light had just turned green, a car out of nowhere rammed right into her and send her flying.



(Huh? Why I'm flying?)

The woman suddenly fell on the ground and a sound of her bones breaking could be heard.


(Hey… What happened?)

(Why does it hurt?)

(Why can't I speak?)

(Why can't I move?)



(I hear a car stopping?)


(Who are these people?)

(A bunch of kids?)

(A car hit me… I think?)

(Were these people the ones who drove it?)

(For fuck's sake…. Who let them drive?)


(Weird? I can see them moving their mouths…. But I can't hear them? Wait.. I can't hear anything now?)


(Huh…. The pain? It stopped? No wait… I can't feel anything?)


(Oh…. I'm dying…. Aren't I?)

(And now my vision is getting blurry…...)

(Fuck me…. I'm really dying? Just like that?)


(My visions… Is slowly disappearing completely….)

(Huh…. Is it what it feels to die?)

(Fuck me….)

(It doesn't matter if I die or not… Since I'm nobody….)

My vision… Disappear completely… Only darkness remain…. 

Huh… I really died?

Well, there is no surprise. That car hit me before I knew it and I don't even know how fast it was. There was also that fact that I was tired like hell and annoyed, so maybe if I wasn't tired, I would have noticed that car?

Well, there is no use wondering about this. Since I obviously died and all and it's not like I can just go back in time and check.

Anyway…. Is this what death feels like?

Just darkness?

So what now?

Will I just remain here? Conscious for all eternity? This will probably drive me insane.

Or will I just disappear, as if I never existed or something?

Fuck me… I never thought much about death, but now? I'm honestly quite terrified…


Wait… What was that?!

I just felt something?!

Okay?! What is happening right now?!

I can feel… Something hard? And it's all around me?

What the heck is going on?


Now I feel, at ease? And refreshed?

Okay… Now I'm both confused and scared?!

I don't know what the heck is going on!

I still can't move or anything…. But I can feel things again?

Wait! I can feel my body?!

But… Something is off?

It feels long, but thin? And it also feels unknown to me?

Damn! What the heck is happening.

Some time passed… I don't know if it was an hours or minutes, but I vaguely my senses were getting slowly sharper?

I don't know what is going on, but I can see? But also, not, see?

My sight… Feels extremely weird and I mean it.

I don't feel my eyes, but I can see something like a blurry things around me?

My body… Is weird as well.

I can move it, but only a little bit? However, the shape of it… Is unknown? And I cannot move my lower half?

I still can't properly feel things so I don't really know what my body is shaped like.

However, I can definitely say that something happened to me?

I think I'm alive?

Did I got reincarnated or something?


Am I human?

My body feels way too unknown to me….


Maybe if I wait again, I can feel something changing again.


M-my body! I can move it now much easier.

And not only that! I can see…. Bit better? And I can move my tongue? But it feels… Bit long? But also, thin? Okay???

My lower part still seem to be stuck or something? I can't move it!

The shapes… They got now a different shape? But they also got bigger? However, don't appear to be solid…. Yeb. Still useless. I still bloody can't see anything.

I still don't know what is going on, but I can definitely say that I'm not a human.

My tongue is way too long to be that of a human. 

Am I then an animal?

But no animal comes to my mind that fits my description.

Maybe I'm really not an animal?

But then what the hell am I?!

An insect?

Hm… Not. That probably not it either.

Seriously. What am I?



Wait a bloody second!

If I really was reincarnated, how can I be so sure about me being in the same world as before?

I know this sounds stupid and straight out of fantasies and novel, but what if this really a case?

There are shit tones of fantasies where protagonist die and gets reincarnated into another world.

No, no, no, no! This sound way too freaking stupid to be real. I mean.. This is straight out from fantasies….

But… How do I explain my current situation?

In the first place, there were no real evidence that reincarnation is real and all in the modern age, but I'm a literally proof! 

My current situation is too much unknown to me and it wouldn't surprise me at that point if I got isekaied.


I mean, the only thing I can see are those weird shapes things.

Fuck…. In the fantasies there is usually…. STATUS WINDOW!


Status window!


Maybe I have to imagine it opening or something?

Think about the information about myself appearing….

Status window.


[Race: Mouth Plant]


[ [Basic – Weak Mana Sense] LEVEL 1 [Weed Bite] LEVEL 1 [Flesh Muncher] LEVEL 1 ]




Wait! If this worked, then does that mean I really got isekaied?!

Fuck me… I was thinking of possibility, but I never expected to be really true!

Honestly I'm excited like hell! I really got isekaied! But well… I did died…

Okay…. I calmed down… A bit.

Let's see what we have here.

No name.

Mouth Plant.

The first probably my name, well it should be, but I guess I don't have a name?

The second thing is my race.

I'm a plant?

And what kind of name is mouth plant? What Am I? Some kind of mon…...

Say… Since I confirmed that I already got isekaied… Does that mean I got reincarnated as the monster?

Em… Am I at least something overpower type of plant or have a cheat skill, or just something?

Anyway, moving on.


There are skills in here by the look of things. Very isekai like.


Wait… When I'm thinking about this skill… I can understand them?

Huh. That's pretty nice?

The first skill.

Weed bite.

Bites will inflict slightly more pain as well as inching.

Flesh muncher.

Eating a flesh or drinking a blood can be used as the food that can also slightly increase recovering process and increase growth.

And lasty the mana basic – weak mana sense?

Hm… I can use it to sense something?

Is by any chance the thing that I thought I was seeing were instead sensed?

Since this skill has mana in the name, does that mean the thing I senses was mana? And if so, then magic definitely existent in here since mana exists!

And that is all.

No OP or cheat skills. Just this…. Oh, you got to be fuking kidding me. If you reincarnate me, at least me a cheat skill or something!


Okay…. Skills. Lets look at it again.

I mean the flesh muncher is a recover skill and all, but is like an I eat a human leg and half of my body regrows or is like a little bit? How does that thing really works?

The other two skills will probably not help me in combat at all. 

One makes the bite inflict inches while the other one is something that helps me with seeing things, but not properly at all.

Well, let's forget about the skills right now and think about how do I even fight.

It says that my race is Mouth Plant.

So, I wasn't mistaken. I do have a mouth.

On top of that. I can feel a small teethes inside of my mouth? 

I guess my race weapon is our mouths?

But how in the bloody hell can I even use it?!

I mean, I literally can't see properly!

For fuck's sake…. This is bad.

In the first place, how does my plan species survive?

Can it do photosynthesis? Or is it like a parasite plant?

There is also a fact that I may be a monster. So, does that mean I have to eat living things in order to survive?


Now that I think about… I'm hungry?!

Shit! I was completely focus so much that I completely didn't realized that I was hungry!

Is there anything I can eat?!

I can sense those mana things arounds.

They are moving. Are they a living creatures?


My sight is too shitty to determine anything and some of the figures seem to disappear?

Should I try to just attack with my mouth?

My neck seem quiet long, so I have some range.

But attacking things at random will really do?

But do I have any choice?

I don't know how long my body can survive without eating anything.


If I could just only improve my sight just a little bit or anything!


Wait! That it!

This skill thing can maybe help me see better!

It has level thing and all, so maybe I can somehow improve it? Level it up?

But the question is, how?

Do I have to train with it or something? Or do I have to repeatable use the skill?

Okay. Let's try it.

First, lets try focusing my mind on one of these shapes and see if it will have any effect.


Hm… It kind of feels bit different? But it's not that.

Maybe I should instead relax and try to feel it naturally or something?

It's kind of also feels different? But it kind of feel more things?


What if I should try both of these methods?

Concertante and relax… Try to feel the things around me…...



It felt way different now!

Okay! Let's do it!

I… I can feel the figures bit differently?

[[Basic – Weak Mana Sense] LEVEL 1 has reached level 2.]



A messenge… Some sort of letters… An messenge appeared in my head?

[Basic – Weak Mana Sense] LEVEL 2

The skill level changed?

So, was that some sort of messenge that informs people of a change or something?

Huh. Kind of game like?

Anyway. The skill level changed…. Hm… But the changes… Were there any?

Hm… Maybe I don't sense any differences because skill level is still low?

Maybe if I repeat the thing I just did over and over, then the skill level will increase again and again?\

Well… It's the only thing I can do anyway…

I began repeating the same thing over and over again and I believe hours passed?

Honestly, while repeating this thing, I was starving. I wanted to eat. 

Hunger was slowly consuming my mind and it made training that skill much harder.

But I managed to level up the skill to level 5.

My vision, is still pretty bad, but it was at least bit better than before.

The formless shapes manage to change a bit.

Some of them got bit longer, while some got shorter. Some got wider while some got smaller.

Honestly, I want to improve this thing even longer, but I'm way too fuking hungry!

If I wait any longer, it could end up dangerous or I could even end up starving to death.

Anyway, is there anything I can eat or something?

Let's see… There!

I see something on the ground and its moving.

It doesn't' seem to be too big or anything and its near me.

I launched my head straight towards the unknown being and eat it!

Oh… I think it's a worm.


Fuck… I'm really eating a worm.

But… I don't taste anything? I don't have a sense of taste?

Well, I guess this is good thing.

Huh. I ate it.

But this is not enough. I have to eat more!


Load failed, please RETRY

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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