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66.66% The Power of Ice / Chapter 17: Ope Ope no Mi

Chương 17: Ope Ope no Mi

(3rd Person POV)

- 6 months ago -

"Doflamingo!! Help me!! What do you want to do with me?!", a small boy with white spots on his face asked the man who had tied him up and was sailing in a small boat somewhere.

"I'll heal your illness. We'll try all hospitals.", the man says. 

"I said it won't heal!"


"Are you calling Doflamingo? Hey, help me!!", the boy screams. 


[Hello~], another voice says in an unfriendly and stressed voice.

"Arare, it's me!", the man says. 

[Ah, Rosinante ...]

"I'm leaving my post for a while!", Rosinante says. 

[Did something happen?]

"Personal business."

[Oh I see, how are the kids? Haven't they left yet?]

"Those three won't ..."

[The family has become quite famous. Be careful.]


[I'm leaving this to you. Act as you please. I'll be waiting for your report.], Sengoku, who was the one Rosinante called says. 

"Fine. I'll write you the details."


Rosinante hangs up the call. 

"Where did you just call!? What's that mission?! Don't tell me you're from the Marines?!", the boy screams.

"Do you hate them?"

"I hate anyone connected to the government!!"

"I'm not from the Marines.", Rosinante says. 


"Really?? Hey, I don't wanna go to the hospital!", the boy says as Rosinante carries him towards one. 

"Don't talk like a normal kid. Look at that huge hospital. They'll definitely heal you!", Rosinante says and enters the hospital. He quickly tells the doctors about the disease the boy, Trafalgar D. Water Law has. But the doctor's reaction is not what he hoped for. 

"T-the Amber Lead Syndrome ...!!"

"It's been around for some time. Do you have medicine for it, doctor?", Rosinante asks.

"W-where are you from?", the doctor asks in apparent fear. 

"Crevance.", Law tells them and that gets a very strong reaction from the doctor and the nurse. 

"KYAAAH!! We'll be infected!", the nurse screams. 

"Go get the gloves, disinfectant and a gas mask right away!! And call the police and the government too, fast!", the doctor says. This causes Law to run away and Rosinante to become angry and lash out at the doctor. 

"The worst hospital! Sorry, did I make you think about the past?", Rosinante says, carrying Law in his hand. 

"That's why I said I don't wanna go to the hospital!"

"We'll find a good doctor next!"

"I don't want to!"

- 6 months later -

But no matter where they go, the same thing happens. Everyone is afraid of the Amber Lead Syndrome. They go from one Hospital to the next and Law is getting more and more sick as time passes. 


[Corason is that you?], the voice of Doflamingo is heard from the Den Den Mushi.


[It's been half a year since you disappeared. Is Law there with you?]

*Tap Tap*

[Looks like you're both doing well, that's good! Did you find a good doctor?]

*Tap Tap*

[I thought so. Take Law with you and come back to the ship! Who knows we could heal him! We've got some news on the Ope Ope no Mi. The Navy put a hefty price on it, and some fool decided to buy it. I'm pretty sure the Government is behind this as well. Dangerous, but we're taking it.

And once we have it, we'll have someone with the highest compatibility eat it ... and that person is you, Corason! I trust you'd help Law after that.], Doflamingo says and then ends the call. 

"Law!! Rejoice!! You might live! Who gives a damn about the doctors! We'll have the Ope Ope no Mi! You'll finally be cured of your illness!"

"Ope Ope ni Mi?"

"The ability to modify the human body! Its miraculous properties could apparently heal any kind of illness out there."

"No way, it sounds so unbelievable!", Law refuses to hold any more hope after 6 months of getting rejected. 

"But it's true! Sure, it's not magic ... but it'll work if there's some extent of medical knowledge! That's why, you'll be the one eating it!"

"Huh? Doflamigo said you're gonna be eating it, Cora-san!"

"You can't have two fruits at once, it's lethal. Doffy only said that because he doesn't know of my powers. Both you and I aren't going back to the family anymore!!"


"I made my decision the moment this journey started to drag. Doffy would've considered me a traitor anyway by now. There's another meaning to what Doffy said about eating hte Ope Ope no Mi.

Do you understand Law!! We're going to go behind their backs! We'll take the Ope Ope no Mi from under their noses! You'll eat the fruit and when you're cured, we'll go incognito!"




"Cakes. It's me.", Rosinante says.

[Rosinante!! It's been so long, had me worried there! Oi Garp! Get your ass outta here!!]

[What!! I brought Senbeis so bring me some tea, wouldya!]

"Uh, Sengoku-san, this isn't the time..."

[Get the hell out, fool! I'm working now, WORK!!]

"May I?"

[Yeah sorry about that.]

"Is there really a trade for the Ope Ope no Mi going on?"

[Y-you ... how did you know?]

"My brother told me."

[It was supposed to be top secret!]

"I need to know the other pirate's movements."

[But if I tell you, it'll jeopardize the trade.]

"So it's okay if Doflamingo takes it from them?"

[Are you serious!?]

"When and where will it be?"

[In North Blue's Rubeck Island, 3 weeks from now.]

"Both Doffy's crew and I will meet on Swallow Island 3 days before the trade!"

[3 days beforehand. The entire family will have come together by then. Looks like they're preparing for battle too, this is good information. This will be the end of Doflamingo! We'll ambush him at Swallow Island and take this chance to wipe out the Donquixote family in one shot! Make sure you're nowhere near the Island then!]

"My plans exactly. I'll pass you the list containing names of people who have been secretly dealing with Doffy later on. I'm sure you'll find quite a lot of them from the North as well."

[I see, well done!]


- At the same time in Sengoku's office -

Sengoku takes the Den Den Mushi and calls someone else. 


[Kuzan here.]

"Aokiji, how many times have I told you to answer with your Admiral title? You have to keep appearances."

[Oh Sengoku, how are you?]

"Don't change the topic like that!"

[What do you mean? I am here doing nothing and you throw me these philosophical questions. How am I supposed to always answer the Den Den Mushi right?]


[... So what do you want?]

"I called you because there will be a transaction going on in 3 weeks' time and I want you to be present. I have a bad feeling about this. I want you to look out for someone and secure the Ope Ope no Mi, should there be problems."

[Sure I can do that. Who's the guy?]

"His name is ..."



(Kuzan POV)

I am using a bob sledge and creating slopes made of ice to have fun while travelling to North Blue. I decided to take the proper way this time and not climb up the Red Line. It is more fun this way. Sengoku sounded worried over the Den Den Mushi. It would seem that this 'clown' is someone he cares about. But strangely enough, a transaction of the Ope Ope no Mi is going to happen. 

This ought to catch the Donquixote Pirates' attention. Maybe they're the reason for Sengoku's worries. But then again, it doesn't really matter. I'll see what I can do. 


- 3 days before the deal should take place -


"Kuzan here."

[Aokiji, this is Tsuru.]

"Ah, Tsuru-san, how are you?"

[As usual. Listen we just got noticed by our observation ship on Minion Island, that there is fire coming from Barrel's lair. Barrels have the Ope Ope no Mi but if we go and check, they're going to cancel the deal. The observation ship is going to check out the coast and see if they can find anyone suspicious, but we don't have anyone on the island.]

"I see. So you want me to take a look then?"

[Yes, considering your devil fruit, you would fit in perfectly. Can you do it?]

"Certainly. I'll get right ahead."

[Thank you.]


Hm, better get a move on then. I was supposed to arrive there ages ago. But playing around like this always makes me forget the time. Oh well then. Let's put in some effort.



(3rd Person POV)

On Minion Island Law has been given the important task of finding a Marine and giving him a secret message, which Rosinante has given Law. 

'And when you've delivered the letter ... we'll leave the island immediately.', Law can hear the last words of Rosinante. He hides behind a small wall while the snow falls around him until he finds one Marine who is walking alone. 

"Huff ... Hey ... Take this!! ... huff.", Law says and approaches the man. 

"Huh? Oh? An intelligence letter. Somebody sent you here, huh? Thank you and don't worry, it's safe with me.", the man says and pats Law on the head. 

"You alright though kid? You sound really weak.", the man asks Law with concern.

"Can I trust you with it?!"

"Huh? Oh, if it's about the letter, don't worry .. it's my responsibility now."

"There's someone ... I'd like you to save ... huff ... he got shot and ... h-he'll die!!", Law was crying by this point, "Bleasee save himm!! I don't want him to diee...!"

Together they went to where Rosinante was. The Marine was carrying Law on his back and when he saw who he was supposed to save ...


"Corason!! What are you doing here?! That looks serious!! Wait! ... That voice ...!!"

Rosinante knows that he messed up badly. Vergo was tasked by Doffy with an important mission of joining the Marines and now that he has the secret message ... well ....


"Stop! Don't read it!", Rosinante says and tries to stop Vergo from reading the message he has prepared for Sengoku. 

"I understand now, Rosinante.", Vergo says calmly and then ...


Kicks Rosinante in the face ... hard. Law jumps at Vergo and tries to stop him from killing Rosinante. 

"Stop it! You're Vergo?"

"Vergo? So this means ... you're the brat they got from White Town. Law was it? I know about the two of you. How you went missing and all. Unbelievable! If you have heard of me, then you should know ... It's Vergo-san to you!!", he says and throws Law to the ground. 

"That's some real research you've got here ... if the Navy got a hold of this ... it'd be the end of the family! All our plans would be up in ashes!! 2nd Generation Corason! It's absurd how lax our security has gotten!", Vergo says and kicks Rosinante again.


"From the day you disappeared when you were 8 years old, to the day you reappeared in front of us 14 years later!! Doffy never suspected you just because you claimed you were his brother!!"


After that, Vergo stops for a moment and calls Doflamingo on the Den Den Mushi. He explains everything to him.

[Hey hey, I hope you didn't kill him ... so what are you saying again? Vergo.]

"Corason was the Marnie's spy and he was only in the family just so he could bring you down! Where are you now Doffy?", Vergo asks.

[I took a look at our meeting place, Swallow Island, from afar and there were 2 Navy ships there. I knew there was something wrong though. Could it be that my cute brother has decided to ... bare his fangs at me?

Alright, I'll say this again. The only 'family' I have are you guys! And as much as it hurts me, it seems that I was right. I've just reached the island where you're at, Minion. But I might have been a little too late.

Barrel's men were running about saying that the devi fruit had been stolen by the time I got here. I'm sure it was Corason! If he's there, don't let him get away! He has the Ope Ope no Mi!]

"Yea, I got i- huh?", Vergo looks back and sees that Rosinante is missing.

[What? Did he get away? It doesn't matter, he isn't going anywhere. I won't let him get away.]


Vergo turns around and is just about to follow Rosinante's and Law's tracks, when a new voice is heard behind him.

"Brrr … It's cold today~"

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