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49.12% Marvel: I Can Create Symbiotes! / Chapter 26: Chapter 26: A Mystery

Chương 26: Chapter 26: A Mystery

Inside a large theatre venue.

Andy is sitting on the front row of seats near the stage platform, watching the performance of Captain America and Star Spangled Singers on the stage.

It only took a week for Steve Rogers as Captain America to be known throughout the America with the help of the government, his picture holding a taxi's door as a shield on newspapers headline quickly become widespread and popular.

After the transformation of the serums, his Maids, the Star Spangled Singers were also invited to perform on USO tour alongside with Captain America.

Given that they were idle and this is their profession before he even found them in 1940, he allowed them to participate on this tour and this will be the last time they will perform before their group disbanded.

Andy is not some guy that will restrict their freedom to perform on their dreams to become popular, and this is the reason why he recruited them in the first place, because they have this halo of participating as dancer & singers and appeared on the film.

If not, he will not bother to care about them and just treat them as any other NPC characters.

The group originally only had 19 members, but because of the USO tour, there numbers will grown to 45 members in the future.

It seems that after this USO tour, his maids will also grown in numbers.

Other than being idle, Andy is also here because he is curious about what will happen to Steve Rogers tonight.

Based on Bruce Banner with his conversation to his cousin She-Hulk, tonight August 28th of 1943 will be the day when Steve Rogers lost his virginity, it cannot be someone from the Star Spangled Singers because they are he's own exclusive maids.

Soon, the performance of Captain America come to an end.

The audiences burst into cheers and applauded, next will be Captain America going to take pictures and autographs.

Andy also got up and walked to the backstages and will meet with his maids, after arriving at the dressing room, he greeted his maids and accompanied them while using mental detection to observe Steve Rogers.

The Maids also undergone a major physical changes after getting injected by the serum, all the girls has average height of 170 to 180 cm after the transformation, they are now only using the shapeshifting ability to appeared as their old appearance.

After some time of watching, a beautiful woman with blonde hair walk to Steve Rogers for autograph.

Steve was momentarily stunned after seeing her, He and the Autograph Seeker stared each other for a while before he smile and sign an autograph.

Andy was speechless seeing this, he knows that girl, she is the grandmother of Star Lord Peter Quill.

"Don't tell me.... she is the woman whose Steve will lost his virginity." Andy muttered in disbilief.

Come to think of it, in the movie, the Autograph Seeker and Steve Rogers shown staring at each other ambigously.

Maybe that 'special look' is the indication that she is really the girl said by Bruce Banner.

Timeflies quickly, Andy accompanied his maids to a luxurious hotel to have a dinner and rest on big hotel room.

Steve on the other hand is also having a dinner with the autograph seeker on a restaurant, after finishing their dinner, Steve and the girl book a room on the hotel where Andy is.

Seeing that Steve and the girl walk inside the hotel room, Andy takes back his mind power and didn't observe anymore.

"Hmmm..." Andy rub his chin and fell into deep thinking while laying on hotel bed with some his maids snuggling on his each side.

He doesn't know if this is good or bad, but that Autograph Seeker is important for his plan because of Star Lord and Ego.

Now that Steve and Peggy cannot become a couple, there is a big chance that girl and Steve will spark some love.

If the two of them really become a couple, there was a possibility that girl will become loyal to Steve and because of that she will not meet with her future husband and gave birth to Meredith Quill.

And if there was no Meredith Quill, then there wiill be no Star Lord, and if Peter Quill didn't exist then his plan for Ego will come to naught.

Star Lord is important for his plan, he needed him in the future to meet with his father and come into contact with Ego's main body and let the symbiote posessed the core body.

As for the Ego's body that will come to earth, he didn't plan on doing anything to it because it's just some body made of energy and Ego can quickly know if there was problem and just dispose the energy body, so he will not let the symbiote attached to it.

Although Ego appeared to be some weak chicken in the movie, but there was no denying that he is so strong in the comics and he is true Celestial race.

Andy really drooled on his power and he is one of the top on his 'Prey List' for symbiote to possessed.

Without Meredith Quill, he will having a hard time searching for Ego when he come to earth.

Now he just hopes that some bullshit 'plot correction' will happen after Steve Rogers was turned into popsicle.

Andy closed his eyes to sleep, he will leave America tomorrow to clean up the mess of his two women.


Three days later, Andy arrived at the international airports controlled by British in India.

"Where are you two now?" Andy asked using mind link, he is talking with Bonnie and Connie.

"We are already waiting outside the airport." Bonnie replied.

After walking out of the airporr, he spotted the two women waiting at him.

"Hello Dear, we miss you."

Bonnie and Connie step forward with a smile to hug him on each side.

"Well, i also miss you two." Andy also open his arms to hug them.

"Let's go and quickly fixed that mess you have done." Andy said to the two women.

The two girls can only bow their head in guilt and choose to remain silent about this, they held each one his arms and lead him to a car.

After getting onto the car, Connie sat on the drive seat and Bonnie and Andy on the back seat.

"So... how is the Clandestines and why they were still not captured?" Andy broke the silence inside car.

The two girls look at each other then Bonnie open his mouth to answer.

"Well, you see dear... the leader of them is a bit weird and because of her bracelet, we cannot control them with mind control because there is some kind energy shielding them."

"That's right, even if we corner them... they will somehow get teleported by the bracelet." Connie interjected, they are lucky that the teleportation is only short distance, if it's not then they already fled from India.

"Hmmm.. is that right?" Andy nodded, he was not surprised about how mysterious and poweful the bangle is.

"So where are we going now to look for them?" Bonnie asked.

"Try going to the Bombay for now and look for Hasan." Andy ordered, they will try their luck to that place because that is the place of Hasan and his intuition.

"Ok." Connie replied, she also knows Hasan because Andy told to look for him on the way to India.

What he is most worried about is if this group of being suddenly open the portal to Noor Dimension, the Earth Plane would be destroyed when the veil of Noor Dimension was torn apart by them.

It's just so strange why they still didn't do this when they can do it anytime, Andy knows that Aisha has the ability to open the Noor Dimension with only one bangle just like Najma and Ms Marvel accidentaly open a portal.

In the [Ms. Marvel], The five of the Clandestines were obsessed with going back to Noor Dimensions.

Even Aisha, the great-grandmother of Ms. Marvel and leader of the Clandestines was so obsessed on finding a way to return their home dimension, influenced by her obsession and her own extradimensional nature, she has difficult socializing and has little regard to human life.

Aisha and Hasan didn't meet because of the pursuit, so her personality should still be cold and ruthless and the bangle is in there hand already for a year.

With her personality remaining the same and having the bangle in her hands, she should be now trying to do anything so she can go back to her home dimension.

So this is the most weirdest thing for Andy.


Meanwhile on a village under the rule of Britain.

A lame indian name Hasan was was giving his speech again to his fellow villager about how people want an end to British rule because they want freedom without riots. he insists that their peacefulness is not weakened, and that it is time to do something and band together against the British in a peaceful manner.

On the corner of the crowds, five people is standing together listening to the his speech.

"Where are we going now? we don't know when those guys will find us again." Najma said worriedly.

"Right, how is the bangle, can't you really open a small portal?" Fariha asked their leader.

The other two men on the group, Aadam and Saleem also nodded, they get their hopes up when they obtained the bangle.

"I also don't know... maybe we really need two bangle to open a portal." Aisha look at the bangle on her right wrist in doubt.

Aisha has the feelings that she can create a portal to there home dimension with only one bangle, but somehow it's not working.

After a while, a british armed forces arrived and disperse the crowd, the group also tried to walk away with the crowd but Aisha suddenly stop them on their tracks.

"Wait... the situation is a bit weird." Aisha said to the other four.

The situation is a bit familiar to them with the crowd quickly running away even the british army disappeared.

"It seemed they found us again." Najma also said.

Aisha nodded to other four and said. "Get ready!"

The five of them quickly lined up on formation, both Aisha and Najma summoned a dagger & knife on their both hands, Fariha summoned a glaive, Aadam summoned a mace and Saleem summoned a whip.

All Clandestine is endowed with longevitiy, superhuman physiology and weapon summoning, even they are stronger then Captain America in terms of physical strength alone.

After watching the surroundings, Aisha and the others saw one tall humanoid appeared in front of their sight then it quickly become two, three... to hundreds of them.

After looking carefully, they were shocked to find that these tall black humanoid has a height of 2.5 meters and look like a monsters.

These huge monster quickly surrounded them on the center of the road.

"Uhhm.. Aisha, what kind of monster are they?" Aadam said tremblingly.

"Ca-Can we escape?" Saleem also ask in crying tone.

"What are you waiting for Aisha? quickly activate the teleportation." Najma urged Aisha.

"I-I can't.... the bangle, the bangle is not working." Aisha replied, she is tapping the bangle anxiously but it's not working no matter what she does.

"Oh crap, it seems we are over this time...." Fahira said in despair tone.

On the other side, Andy and the two women were watching them.

After finding them earlier, he use the mind power to disperse all the people in the village and summoned hundreds of symbiotes to surround the five Clandestines.

When Andy saw Hasan, he thinks of backing out maybe Aisha and him will have a story, but he changed his minds thinking that Aisha is with her clan and she is impossible to interact with him.

And the major reason is he fell in love with her beauty, Aisha exotic beauty really invoke his possesiveness.

"Oh? why they are still not teleporting?" Bonnie said in confusion.

"isn't that a good thing." Connie said in cheerful tone.

Andy thought for a while and agreed with Connie, so he said to girls. "Let's go and meet them."

The five people surrounded by the symbiotes stands on their guard nervously and pretty much given up the hope of escaping.

After hearing the footsteps, they quickly look at the front seeing the symbiotes seperating and making a way.

It didn't take long for them to see three people arriving in front of them.

"It's really you two." Aisha shouted seeing Bonnie and Connie, then she narrowed her eyes staring at Andy and asked. "Who are you? are you their leader, why are you hunting us?"

"Hello Aisha... you can call me Andy, Andy Westeros." Andy introduce himself with a big smile showing his teeth.

"How do you know my name?" Aisha asked in confusion.

"Well, it's not important is it? the most important thing is your situation." Andy replied back still smiling.

Aisha and the other four remain silent after hearing this, they know they are really cornered this time.

"How can you let us go? we just want to go back to our home." Aisha try pleading to him.

"You? you going back to your home is a big NO, don't act like you don't know the consequence of opening the portal to your dimension." Andy said coldly.

Aisha open her mouth on surprised how he knows this.

"So there is no talking then." After determining that they have no way out, she screamed then dash forward to Andy holding a dagger.

She run in inhuman speed and arrive in front of Andy triying to stab and injured him to take him as a hostage.

"Haa!!!" The other four also move and try to take down Bonnie and Connie, although they were always beaten badly by the two of them because of the ability of Sebastian Shaw, they will still try their best as long as Aisha is succesful.

"Leave them to us, dear."

Bonnie and Connie is also excited fighting them with two on one, this will be the first time they will fighting this group after getting injected by the SSS. in the past, they can only overpowered them because of the bug ability of energy absorbtion, now they will try to bring them down with fair manner.

Andy dodged sideway and quickly grasped Aisha's right hand holding a dagger, she tried to punch him with the left hand but he also quickly clamped her fist.

Aisha shook her both hand, seeing that it didn't budge, she leapt up and tried to kick Andy in the abdomen with her both feet.

Andy let go of her and jump backward to avoid being kicked.

After succesfully seperating from him, Aisha take a fighting stance again.

"Yaah!" She charged again with a shout.

This time, Andy is not going to play anymore.

He grasped her right hand again and then step behind her to hold her other hand and hugged her tightly in the back, not letting her escape from his embrace.

Andy placed his chin on her right shoulder and said to her ear. "Now now? are not we looked like a lover?"

"You let go of me, bastard!" Aisha retorted blushingly, feeling ashamed.

"You know, after seeing your beauty, i suddenly don't want to give you to others?" Andy said still not letting her go.

"What do you mean?" Aisha ask curiously, did this bastard have some plans for her later.

"It's a secret... maybe instead of hoping of some bullshit (plot correction), why don't i just create my own Ms. Marvel with your help." Andy blew a hot breath on her ear.

"Yo-you mean.... a b-b-baby?" Aisha stuttered imagining of having a child, but she quickly recovered and shouted. "Nooooo... i don't want to."

She still remember her mission and obsession to go back to her home, although she is really ashamed for imagining things for a while when thinking of having a child with this handsome bastard.

"Well, your refusal is invalid...." Andy refused her quickly and said. "Then its decided.... you will become a mother of my child in the future."

Anyway, creating your own Ms. Marvel in the future is considered another type of plot correction.

"Dear, we are finished here."

After a while, Bonnie and Connie succesfully captured the other four Clandestine.

Andy turned his attention to them, seeing that four people on the ground pinned by four huge symbiotes

"Good job." He nodded in satisfaction while still hugging Aisha.

Connie and Bonnie stared at him with deadpan eye and said. "Pervert!"

"What? she will be your future sister in the future."

"Baah." Aisha spat in despised manner.

"Hmm?" When Andy is going to say something, he stop and look around to surroundings.

He quickly unleashed his mental detection to the limit and scanned the whole surroundings.

"What is it dear?" "Is there a problem?

Bonnie and Connie ask in doubt and also look at the surroundings.

"Nothing.... Maybe i'm imagining things." Andy replied nonchantly.

In truth, he feels someone is watching him but cannot detect it, maybe some bald woman in golden robe is observing him.


Unbeknownst to Andy, one thousand feet in the sky.

A slender silhouette is stepping on a purple energy disc, staring down and watching their fight.

"Phew.. i almost got caught." a teenage girl patted her chest in relief.

"Tsk tsk, i didn't expect Dad to be this shameless."

The teenage girl said in contempt, she almost revealed her presence and got caught because she was too shocked of how shameless Andy behaved earlier.

Fortunately, she is too strong for the current Andy to sense her location.

This teenage girl is wearing a black shoes, jeans, white shirt and purple jacket, the style of her clothing is to modern for this current era.

Not only that, she is wearing two bangle on each wrist.

This teenage girl is the culprit why Bonnie and Connie cannot capture the Five Clandestine.

Her name is Kamala Westeros, the child of Andy and Aisha from the future and the future Ms. Marvel.

One day while playing games on her computer, she was suddenly sucked by a wormhole and pulled back in time to the past.

The reason was Aisha, in the moment of despair, she wished to used the power of bangle to let the five of them escape from the pursuit of Bonnie and Connie, and save them from being captured.

Just like in the TV series, she inadvertently summoned her future daughter Kamala to assist her from escaping from the pursuit and without her knowing that someone is helping them.

Kamala knowing that she goes back to the past to fully assist her mother, She help her based on the story she was told on how her mother Aisha and father Andy met, she didn't do anything to mess up the timeline other than occasionaly take a shot to save there asses for a year.

Other then succesfully ensuring the meeting of her parents, she is also the one preventing her mother from opening a portal to Noor Dimension.

Thinking of her experience helping her mother for a whole year, she smiled cheerfully and will talk about this with her parents after going back.

"Too bad, i cannot appeared in front of my dad.... now dad is still too weak, i really wanted to bully him... tsk..." Kamala click her tongue in annoyance.

Suddenly, a small space rift appeared behind her, she look back and said. "Tsk, i guess it's time to go back."

After looking one last time below, she jumped up and entered the wormhole and disappeared.

Paksss Paksss

3250 words.

next chapter
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