If I talk about myself ,am an average boy.
Not your typical average you know. But some who is a competition to a top student at the same times have to struggle against a middle-trye.
So if there is an exam of thirty l would rank from 3 to whole the way to twenty.l always like to know deeply than knowing every thing .
Now, I am walking to my class after lunch.
l sit in the last bench,not because am a lazy bad boy and l don't really care about what the teachers have to say,cause am so good at studying ,don't have to listen to the classes but cause l want to give the impression.
In realty I am not brave or a sigma ,am a man who respects my teachers and keep a good bond with them.
And I really need to hear classes because am bad at self-studying.
Now ,l don't really have something like photo graphic memory,l memorize something by understanding what it means...so it's good to hear classes.
Back to class....it's history...
"Slavery really orginated from the Greek word oikis which means household...in sparta as its something like military emperor slaves wereusedforthepurposeofwaritsrecordedthattheslaveryinthesparthaismoreopenthantheslaveryinanthensasinsparthaslavescouldgetcilizenship...zzzzz
My name is ....
( sorry,forget to mention am a kick boxer and I like cooking)
I sugest you reread this chapter now and then as I always get new idea when writes a new chapter